path: root/Aktywator/Bws.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Aktywator/Bws.cs')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Aktywator/Bws.cs b/Aktywator/Bws.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be06df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aktywator/Bws.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Data.OleDb;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
+using mydata = MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader;
+using data = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader;
+namespace Aktywator
+ class Bws
+ {
+ private string _filename;
+ public string filename
+ {
+ get { return _filename; }
+ }
+ public Sql sql;
+ public List<Setting> settings;
+ private MainForm main;
+ public bool settingsChanged = false;
+ public Bws(string filename, MainForm main)
+ {
+ this._filename = filename;
+ sql = new Sql(filename);
+ this.main = main;
+ main.lWczytywane.Text += this.lowBoard() + "-" + this.highBoard();
+ }
+ public void initSettings()
+ {
+ settings = new List<Setting>();
+ settings.Add(new Setting("ShowResults", main.xShowResults, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("RepeatResults", main.xRepeatResults, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("ShowPercentage", main.xShowPercentage, this));
+ //settings.Add(new Setting("GroupSections", main.xGroupSections, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("ShowPairNumbers", main.xShowPairNumbers, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("IntermediateResults", main.xIntermediateResults, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("ShowContract", main.xShowContract, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("LeadCard", main.xLeadCard, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("MemberNumbers", main.xMemberNumbers, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("MemberNumbersNoBlankEntry", main.xMemberNumbersNoBlankEntry, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BoardOrderVerification", main.xBoardOrderVerification, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("AutoShutDownBPC", main.xAutoShutDownBPC, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ConfirmNP", main.xConfirmNP, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2RemainingBoards", main.xRemainingBoards, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2NextSeatings", main.xNextSeatings, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ScoreRecap", main.xScoreRecap, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2AutoShowScoreRecap", main.xAutoShowScoreRecap, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ScoreCorrection", main.xScoreCorrection, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2AutoBoardNumber", main.xAutoBoardNumber, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ResetFunctionKey", main.xResetFunctionKey, this));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ViewHandrecord", main.xViewHandrecord, this));
+ }
+ public string sectionsForHandRecords()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ string s;
+ data d ="SELECT DISTINCT `Section` FROM HandRecord ORDER BY 1");
+ d.Read();
+ s = d[0].ToString();
+ while (d.Read())
+ {
+ s += "," + d[0].ToString();
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public void runBCS()
+ {
+ string app = Common.ProgramFilesx86() + "\\Bridgemate Pro\\BMPro.exe";
+ string param = "";
+ param += " /f[" + filename + " ]";
+ param += " /s";
+ param += " /r";
+ //param += " /m";
+ param += " /t2";
+ string sections = sectionsForHandRecords();
+ if (sections != null)
+ param += " /h:[" + sections + "]"; // upload rozkladow
+ System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(app, param);
+ }
+ public bool isBm2()
+ {
+ if (!sql.checkFieldExists("Settings", "BM2PINcode"))
+ return false;
+ if (!sql.checkFieldExists("PlayerNames", "Name"))
+ return false;
+ if (!sql.checkFieldExists("PlayerNumbers", "Name"))
+ return false;
+ if (!sql.checkFieldExists("Settings", "BM2ViewHandrecord"))
+ return false;
+ if (!sql.checkTableExists("HandRecord"))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void convert()
+ {
+ List<Setting> settings = new List<Setting>();
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2PINcode", "text(4)", "'5431'"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ConfirmNP", "bit", "true"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2RemainingBoards", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2NextSeatings", "bit", "true"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ScoreRecap", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2AutoShowScoreRecap", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ScoreCorrection", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2AutoBoardNumber", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ResultsOverview", "integer", "1"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ShowPlayerNames", "integer", "0"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2Ranking", "integer", "0"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2GameSummary", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2SummaryPoints", "integer", "0"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2PairNumberEntry", "integer", "0"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ResetFunctionKey", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ShowHands", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2NumberValidation", "integer", "0"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2NameSource", "integer", "2"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2ViewHandrecord", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("BM2EnterHandrecord", "bit", "false"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("Name", "text(18)", "''", "PlayerNumbers"));
+ settings.Add(new Setting("Updated", "bit", "false", "PlayerNumbers"));
+ foreach (Setting s in settings)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ sql.query(s.getAddColumnSql());
+ sql.query(s.getSetDefaultSql());
+ }
+ catch (OleDbException)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ sql.query("CREATE TABLE PlayerNames (ID integer, Name text(18));");
+ }
+ catch (OleDbException)
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ sql.query("CREATE TABLE HandRecord (`Section` integer, `Board` integer, "
+ + "NorthSpades text(13),NorthHearts text(13),NorthDiamonds text(13),NorthClubs text(13),"
+ + "EastSpades text(13),EastHearts text(13),EastDiamonds text(13),EastClubs text(13),"
+ + "SouthSpades text(13),SouthHearts text(13),SouthDiamonds text(13),SouthClubs text(13),"
+ + "WestSpades text(13),WestHearts text(13),WestDiamonds text(13),WestClubs text(13)"
+ + ");");
+ }
+ catch (OleDbException)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateSettings()
+ {
+ sql.query("UPDATE Tables SET UpdateFromRound=997;");
+ }
+ public void loadSettings()
+ {
+ StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (Setting s in settings)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ s.load();
+ }
+ catch (OleDbException)
+ {
+ if (errors.Length > 0) errors.Append(", ");
+ errors.Append(;
+ }
+ }
+ main.xShowContract.Checked = (Setting.load("ShowContract", this, errors) == "0");
+ main.xShowPlayerNames.Checked = (Setting.load("BM2ShowPlayerNames", this, errors) != "0");
+ main.xPINcode.Text = Setting.load("BM2PINcode", this, errors);
+ int resultsOverview = 0;
+ int.TryParse(Setting.load("BM2ResultsOverview", this, errors), out resultsOverview);
+ main.xResultsOverview.SelectedIndex = resultsOverview;
+ if (errors.Length > 0)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Nie można uzyskać dostępu do pól: \n" + errors.ToString() + ".\nPrawdopodobnie te pola nie istnieją.",
+ "Brakuje pól w tabeli Settings", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
+ }
+ }
+ public void saveSettings()
+ {
+ StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (Setting s in settings)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ }
+ catch (OleDbException)
+ {
+ if (errors.Length > 0) errors.Append(", ");
+ errors.Append(;
+ }
+ }
+"ShowContract", main.xShowContract.Checked ? "0" : "1", this, errors);
+"BM2ShowPlayerNames", main.xShowPlayerNames.Checked ? "1" : "0", this, errors);
+"BM2NameSource", "2", this, errors);
+"BM2PINcode", "'" + main.xPINcode.Text + "'", this, errors);
+"BM2ResultsOverview", main.xResultsOverview.SelectedIndex.ToString(), this, errors);
+ this.loadSettings();
+ }
+ private int updateName(string section, string table, string direction, string name)
+ {
+ name = Common.bezOgonkow(name);
+ if (name.Length > 18)
+ name = name.Substring(0, 18);
+ string actual = sql.selectOne("SELECT Name FROM PlayerNumbers WHERE `Section`=" + section + " AND `Table`=" + table
+ + " AND `Direction`='" + direction + "'");
+ if (actual != name)
+ {
+ sql.query("UPDATE PlayerNumbers SET Name='" + name + "', Updated=TRUE WHERE `Section`=" + section + " AND `Table`=" + table
+ + " AND `Direction`='" + direction + "'");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ public void syncNames(Tournament tournament, bool interactive, string startRounds)
+ {
+ int count = 0, countNew = 0, SKOK_STOLOW = 100;
+ data d;
+ startRounds = startRounds.Trim();
+ if (tournament.type == 1)
+ {
+ if (startRounds.Length > 0)
+ {
+ d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE NSPair>0 AND `Round` in (" + startRounds + ")");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string fromRound = sql.selectOne("SELECT min(`Round`) FROM RoundData WHERE NSPair>0");
+ d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE `Round`=" + fromRound);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE `Table`<=100");
+ }
+ while (d.Read())
+ {
+ string section = d.GetInt32(0).ToString();
+ string table = d.GetInt32(1).ToString();
+ string ns = d.GetInt32(2).ToString();
+ string ew = d.GetInt32(3).ToString();
+ StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
+ if (tournament.type == 1)
+ {
+ query.Append("SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTR(imie,1,1),'.',nazw) name FROM zawodnicy WHERE idp=");
+ query.Append(ns);
+ query.Append(" OR idp=");
+ query.Append(ew);
+ query.Append(" ORDER BY idp ");
+ if (int.Parse(ew) < int.Parse(ns))
+ query.Append("DESC");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ query.Append("SELECT fullname NAME FROM teams WHERE id=");
+ query.Append(ns);
+ query.Append(" UNION ALL SELECT ' ' UNION ALL");
+ query.Append(" SELECT fullname NAME FROM teams WHERE id=");
+ query.Append(ew);
+ query.Append(" UNION ALL SELECT ' '; ");
+ }
+ mydata n =;
+ try
+ {
+ n.Read();
+ countNew += updateName(section, table, "N", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ if (tournament.type == 2)
+ countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "E", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ n.Read();
+ countNew += updateName(section, table, "S", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ if (tournament.type == 2)
+ countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "W", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ n.Read();
+ countNew += updateName(section, table, "E", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ if (tournament.type == 2)
+ countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "N", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ n.Read();
+ countNew += updateName(section, table, "W", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ if (tournament.type == 2)
+ countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "S", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0));
+ if (tournament.type == 1) count += 4;
+ else count += 8;
+ }
+ catch (MySqlException ee)
+ {
+ if (interactive)
+ {
+ if (ee.ErrorCode == -2147467259)
+ {
+ DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("W bws-ie jest para/team (" + ns + " albo " + ew
+ + "), który nie istnieje w wybranym turnieju. Może to nie ten turniej?",
+ "Zły turniej", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
+ if (dr == DialogResult.Abort) return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show(ee.Message, "Błąd MySQL", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ n.Close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception) { }
+ }
+ if (interactive)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Synchronizacja zakończona!\nPrzejrzanych nazwisk: " + count + "\nZmienionych: " + countNew,
+ "Synchronizacja nazwisk", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
+ if (sql.selectOne("SELECT BM2ShowPlayerNames FROM Settings") != "1")
+ MessageBox.Show("Pamiętaj żeby włączyć opcję \"pokazuj nazwiska\"!", "Brakujące ustawienie",
+ MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
+ }
+ }
+ public int lowBoard()
+ {
+ string s = sql.selectOne("SELECT min(lowBoard) FROM RoundData WHERE lowBoard > 0");
+ int i;
+ if (int.TryParse(s, out i)) return i;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ public int highBoard()
+ {
+ string s = sql.selectOne("SELECT max(highBoard) FROM RoundData WHERE highBoard > 0");
+ int i;
+ if (int.TryParse(s, out i)) return i;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ public int highSection()
+ {
+ string s = sql.selectOne("SELECT max(`Section`) FROM `Tables`");
+ int i;
+ if (int.TryParse(s, out i)) return i;
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ public void loadHandRecords(PBN pbn)
+ {
+ sql.query("DELETE FROM HandRecord");
+ for (int i = 0; i < pbn.handRecords.Length; i++)
+ if (pbn.handRecords[i] != null)
+ for (int section = 1; section <= highSection(); section++)
+ {
+ HandRecord b = pbn.handRecords[i];
+ StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(50);
+ str.Append("INSERT INTO HandRecord VALUES (");
+ str.Append(section); str.Append(",");
+ str.Append(i); str.Append(",'");
+ str.Append(b.north[0]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.north[1]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.north[2]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.north[3]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.east[0]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.east[1]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.east[2]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.east[3]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.south[0]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.south[1]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.south[2]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.south[3]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.west[0]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.west[1]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.west[2]); str.Append("','");
+ str.Append(b.west[3]); str.Append("')");
+ sql.query(str.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }