path: root/Aktywator
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Diffstat (limited to 'Aktywator')
2 files changed, 150 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/Aktywator/Bws.cs b/Aktywator/Bws.cs
index e589418..815e643 100644
--- a/Aktywator/Bws.cs
+++ b/Aktywator/Bws.cs
@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ namespace Aktywator
public bool analysis = false;
+ class PairPosition
+ {
+ public int pairNo;
+ public int table;
+ public string position;
+ }
public Bws(string filename, MainForm main)
this._filename = filename;
@@ -590,101 +597,171 @@ namespace Aktywator
throw new InvalidCastException("Unable to read numeric value from BWS field");
- public void syncNames(Tournament tournament, bool interactive, string startRounds, string section, DataGridView grid)
+ public void syncNames(Tournament tournament, bool interactive, string section, DataGridView grid)
int count = 0, countNew = 0, SKOK_STOLOW = Convert.ToInt32(main.numTeamsTableOffset.Value);
- OleDbDataReader d;
- startRounds = startRounds.Trim();
- string fromRound = sql.selectOne("SELECT min(`Round`) FROM RoundData WHERE NSPair>0");
- string sectionCondition = "";
- if (!("*".Equals(section)))
+ OleDbDataReader roundsReader ="SELECT `Section`, MIN(`Round`) FROM RoundData WHERE LowBoard > 0 GROUP BY `Section`;");
+ Dictionary<int, int> firstRounds = new Dictionary<int, int>();
+ while (roundsReader.Read())
+ {
+ firstRounds.Add(this.getBWSNumber(roundsReader, 0), this.getBWSNumber(roundsReader, 1));
+ }
+ roundsReader.Close();
+ if (firstRounds.Count == 0)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("W BWSie nie ma danych rund!", "Brak danych", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ StringBuilder pairsQuery = new StringBuilder("SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE (");
+ List<string> roundQueries = new List<string>();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> firstRound in firstRounds)
+ {
+ StringBuilder roundQuery = new StringBuilder("(`Round` = ");
+ roundQuery.Append(firstRound.Value);
+ roundQuery.Append(" AND `Section` = ");
+ roundQuery.Append(firstRound.Key);
+ roundQuery.Append(")");
+ roundQueries.Add(roundQuery.ToString());
+ }
+ pairsQuery.Append(String.Join(" OR ", roundQueries.ToArray()));
+ pairsQuery.Append(")");
+ if (tournament.type == Tournament.TYPE_TEAMY)
- section = this.sectorLetterToNumber(section).ToString();
- sectionCondition = " AND `Section` = " + section;
+ pairsQuery.Append(" AND `Table` <= ");
+ pairsQuery.Append(SKOK_STOLOW);
- if (tournament.type != Tournament.TYPE_TEAMY)
+ pairsQuery.Append(";");
+ OleDbDataReader d;
+ d =;
+ Dictionary<int, List<int>> sectionPairs = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
+ Dictionary<int, List<PairPosition>> pairs = new Dictionary<int, List<PairPosition>>();
+ while (d.Read())
- if (tournament.type == Tournament.TYPE_PARY && startRounds.Length > 0)
+ int sectionNumber = this.getBWSNumber(d, 0);
+ int tableNumber = this.getBWSNumber(d, 1);
+ int nsPairNumber = this.getBWSNumber(d, 2);
+ int ewPairNumber = this.getBWSNumber(d, 3);
+ if (!sectionPairs.ContainsKey(sectionNumber))
- d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE NSPair>0 AND `Round` in (" + startRounds + ")" + sectionCondition);
+ sectionPairs.Add(sectionNumber, new List<int>());
- else
+ sectionPairs[sectionNumber].Add(nsPairNumber);
+ sectionPairs[sectionNumber].Add(ewPairNumber);
+ if (!pairs.ContainsKey(sectionNumber))
- d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE `Round`=" + fromRound + sectionCondition);
+ pairs.Add(sectionNumber, new List<PairPosition>());
+ pairs[sectionNumber].Add(new PairPosition { pairNo = nsPairNumber, position = "NS", table = tableNumber });
+ pairs[sectionNumber].Add(new PairPosition { pairNo = ewPairNumber, position = "EW", table = tableNumber });
- else
- {
- d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE `Round`=" + fromRound + " AND `Table`<=" + SKOK_STOLOW + sectionCondition);
- }
+ d.Close();
- try
- {
- Dictionary<int, List<String>> names = tournament.getBWSNames(grid);
+ Dictionary<int, List<String>> names = tournament.getBWSNames(grid);
- while (d.Read())
+ Dictionary<int, List<int>> usedSections = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
+ List<int> extraPairs = new List<int>();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<String>> pair in names)
+ {
+ bool foundInBWS = false;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<int>> pairsInSection in sectionPairs)
- string pairSection = "*".Equals(section) ? this.getBWSNumber(d, 0).ToString() : section;
- string table = this.getBWSNumber(d, 1).ToString();
- int ns = this.getBWSNumber(d, 2);
- int ew = this.getBWSNumber(d, 3);
- try
+ if (pairsInSection.Value.Contains(pair.Key))
- if (!names.ContainsKey(ns))
+ if (!usedSections.ContainsKey(pairsInSection.Key))
- throw new KeyNotFoundException(ns.ToString());
- }
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, table, "N", names[ns][0]);
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, table, "S", names[ns][1]);
- count += 2;
- if (tournament.type == Tournament.TYPE_TEAMY)
- {
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "E",
- names.ContainsKey(ns + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff) ? names[ns + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff][0] : names[ns][0]);
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "W",
- names.ContainsKey(ns + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff) ? names[ns + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff][1] : names[ns][1]);
- count += 2;
+ usedSections.Add(pairsInSection.Key, new List<int>());
+ usedSections[pairsInSection.Key].Add(pair.Key);
+ foundInBWS = true;
- catch (KeyNotFoundException keyE)
- {
- if (interactive)
- {
- DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("W bws-ie jest para/team (" + keyE.Message + ")"
- + ", który nie istnieje w wybranym turnieju."
- + "Może to nie ten turniej?" + "\n\n" + "Kontynuować wczytywanie?",
- "Zły turniej", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
- if (dr == DialogResult.No) break;
- }
- }
- try
+ }
+ if (!foundInBWS) {
+ extraPairs.Add(pair.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (interactive) {
+ List<string> warnings = new List<string>();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<int>> sectionData in sectionPairs)
+ {
+ if (this.sectorNumberToLetter(sectionData.Key).Equals(section) || "*".Equals(section))
- if (!names.ContainsKey(ew))
+ if (!usedSections.ContainsKey(sectionData.Key))
- throw new KeyNotFoundException(ew.ToString());
+ warnings.Add(" - w turnieju nie ma par dla sektora " + this.sectorNumberToLetter(sectionData.Key));
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, table, "E", names[ew][0]);
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, table, "W", names[ew][1]);
- count += 2;
- if (tournament.type == Tournament.TYPE_TEAMY)
+ else
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "N",
- names.ContainsKey(ns + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff) ? names[ew + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff][0] : names[ew][0]);
- countNew += updateName(pairSection, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "S",
- names.ContainsKey(ns + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff) ? names[ew + TeamNamesSettings.OpenClosedDiff][1] : names[ew][1]);
- count += 2;
+ List<int> missingPairs = new List<int>();
+ foreach (int pair in sectionData.Value)
+ {
+ if (!usedSections[sectionData.Key].Contains(pair))
+ {
+ missingPairs.Add(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ if (missingPairs.Count > 0)
+ {
+ StringBuilder warning = new StringBuilder(" - w sektorze ");
+ warning.Append(this.sectorNumberToLetter(sectionData.Key));
+ warning.Append(" brakuje ");
+ warning.Append(missingPairs.Count);
+ warning.Append(" par:");
+ foreach (int pair in missingPairs)
+ {
+ warning.Append(' ');
+ warning.Append(pair);
+ }
+ warnings.Add(warning.ToString());
+ }
- catch (KeyNotFoundException keyE)
+ }
+ if (extraPairs.Count > 0)
+ {
+ StringBuilder warning = new StringBuilder(" - w BWS nie ma w ogóle ");
+ warning.Append(extraPairs.Count);
+ warning.Append(" par:");
+ foreach (int pair in extraPairs)
- if (interactive)
- {
- DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("W bws-ie jest para/team (" + keyE.Message + ")"
- + ", który nie istnieje w wybranym turnieju."
- + "Może to nie ten turniej?" + "\n\n" + "Kontynuować wczytywanie?",
- "Zły turniej", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
- if (dr == DialogResult.No) break;
+ warning.Append(' ');
+ warning.Append(pair);
+ }
+ warnings.Add(warning.ToString());
+ }
+ if (warnings.Count > 0)
+ {
+ DialogResult warningDialog = MessageBox.Show("Wykryto potencjalne problemy z wczytaniem nazwisk: \n\n" + String.Join("\n", warnings.ToArray()) + "\n\nCzy chcesz wczytać nazwiska mimo wszystko?", "Problemy z nazwiskami", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
+ if (warningDialog == DialogResult.No)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ int sectionNumber = 0;
+ if (!"*".Equals(section)) {
+ sectionNumber = this.sectorLetterToNumber(section);
+ }
+ char[] seatMapping = { 'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' };
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<int>> sections in usedSections) {
+ if ("*".Equals(section) || sectionNumber == sections.Key) {
+ foreach (int pairNumber in sections.Value) {
+ PairPosition pair = pairs[sections.Key].Find(delegate(PairPosition p) { return p.pairNo == pairNumber; });
+ for (int i = 0; i < names[pair.pairNo].Count; i++) {
+ countNew += this.updateName(sections.Key.ToString(), pair.table.ToString(), pair.position[i].ToString(), names[pair.pairNo][i]);
+ if (tournament.type == Tournament.TYPE_TEAMY)
+ {
+ char otherTableSeat = seatMapping[(Array.IndexOf(seatMapping, pair.position[i]) + 2) % 4];
+ countNew += this.updateName(sections.Key.ToString(), (pair.table + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), otherTableSeat.ToString(), names[pair.pairNo][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ count += names[pair.pairNo].Count * ((tournament.type == Tournament.TYPE_TEAMY) ? 2 : 1);
diff --git a/Aktywator/MainForm.cs b/Aktywator/MainForm.cs
index bb6a45e..e0ecc29 100644
--- a/Aktywator/MainForm.cs
+++ b/Aktywator/MainForm.cs
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ namespace Aktywator
- bws.syncNames(tournament, true, eOomRounds.Text, cbNamesSection.SelectedItem.ToString(), namesGridView);
+ bws.syncNames(tournament, true, cbNamesSection.SelectedItem.ToString(), namesGridView);
catch (Exception ee)
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ namespace Aktywator
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
- bws.syncNames(tournament, false, eOomRounds.Text, cbNamesSection.SelectedItem.ToString(), namesGridView);
+ bws.syncNames(tournament, false, cbNamesSection.SelectedItem.ToString(), namesGridView);
private void bForceSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)