path: root/bower_components/bootstrap/js/tests/unit/button.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bower_components/bootstrap/js/tests/unit/button.js')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bower_components/bootstrap/js/tests/unit/button.js b/bower_components/bootstrap/js/tests/unit/button.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41ddb5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bower_components/bootstrap/js/tests/unit/button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+$(function () {
+ module("button")
+ test("should provide no conflict", function () {
+ var button = $.fn.button.noConflict()
+ ok(!$.fn.button, 'button was set back to undefined (org value)')
+ $.fn.button = button
+ })
+ test("should be defined on jquery object", function () {
+ ok($(document.body).button, 'button method is defined')
+ })
+ test("should return element", function () {
+ ok($(document.body).button()[0] == document.body, 'document.body returned')
+ })
+ test("should return set state to loading", function () {
+ var btn = $('<button class="btn" data-loading-text="fat">mdo</button>')
+ equals(btn.html(), 'mdo', 'btn text equals mdo')
+ btn.button('loading')
+ equals(btn.html(), 'fat', 'btn text equals fat')
+ stop()
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ ok(btn.attr('disabled'), 'btn is disabled')
+ ok(btn.hasClass('disabled'), 'btn has disabled class')
+ start()
+ }, 0)
+ })
+ test("should return reset state", function () {
+ var btn = $('<button class="btn" data-loading-text="fat">mdo</button>')
+ equals(btn.html(), 'mdo', 'btn text equals mdo')
+ btn.button('loading')
+ equals(btn.html(), 'fat', 'btn text equals fat')
+ stop()
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ ok(btn.attr('disabled'), 'btn is disabled')
+ ok(btn.hasClass('disabled'), 'btn has disabled class')
+ start()
+ stop()
+ btn.button('reset')
+ equals(btn.html(), 'mdo', 'btn text equals mdo')
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ ok(!btn.attr('disabled'), 'btn is not disabled')
+ ok(!btn.hasClass('disabled'), 'btn does not have disabled class')
+ start()
+ }, 0)
+ }, 0)
+ })
+ test("should toggle active", function () {
+ var btn = $('<button class="btn">mdo</button>')
+ ok(!btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn does not have active class')
+ btn.button('toggle')
+ ok(btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn has class active')
+ })
+ test("should toggle active when btn children are clicked", function () {
+ var btn = $('<button class="btn" data-toggle="button">mdo</button>')
+ , inner = $('<i></i>')
+ btn
+ .append(inner)
+ .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
+ ok(!btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn does not have active class')
+ ok(btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn has class active')
+ })
+ test("should toggle active when btn children are clicked within btn-group", function () {
+ var btngroup = $('<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons"></div>')
+ , btn = $('<button class="btn">fat</button>')
+ , inner = $('<i></i>')
+ btngroup
+ .append(btn.append(inner))
+ .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
+ ok(!btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn does not have active class')
+ ok(btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn has class active')
+ })
+ test("should check for closest matching toggle", function () {
+ var group = '<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">' +
+ '<label class="btn btn-primary active">' +
+ '<input type="radio" name="options" id="option1" checked="true"> Option 1' +
+ '</label>' +
+ '<label class="btn btn-primary">' +
+ '<input type="radio" name="options" id="option2"> Option 2' +
+ '</label>' +
+ '<label class="btn btn-primary">' +
+ '<input type="radio" name="options" id="option3"> Option 3' +
+ '</label>' +
+ '</div>'
+ group = $(group)
+ var btn1 = $(group.children()[0])
+ var btn2 = $(group.children()[1])
+ var btn3 = $(group.children()[2])
+ group.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
+ ok(btn1.hasClass('active'), 'btn1 has active class')
+ ok(btn1.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn1 is checked')
+ ok(!btn2.hasClass('active'), 'btn2 does not have active class')
+ ok(!btn2.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn2 is not checked')
+ btn2.find('input').click()
+ ok(!btn1.hasClass('active'), 'btn1 does not have active class')
+ ok(!btn1.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn1 is checked')
+ ok(btn2.hasClass('active'), 'btn2 has active class')
+ ok(btn2.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn2 is checked')
+ })