path: root/dealconvert
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-01-24If chardet for event name (in HTML/PDF formats) does not detect charset, ↵emkael
assume ascii (chances are event name is simply empty)
2022-12-10Fixing fourth hand fillingemkael
Fixes #8
2022-06-13Merge branch 'pbn-charset-detection'emkael
2022-06-13On PBN parsing, skip "deals" without Deal field (like, e.g. multiple empty ↵emkael
lines in a file)
2022-02-19PBN charset auto-detection using chardetpbn-charset-detectionemkael
2020-12-09Printable Unicode characters python2 compatibilityemkael
2020-11-05Avoid 'import *' in parent package to allow importing separate converters if ↵emkael
using dealconvert as a library
2020-10-20Python3 compatibilityemkael
Fixes #1
2020-10-20Strip non-JFR DD tags in --jfr-only modeemkael
2020-04-21LIN hand layout always starts from Southemkael
2020-02-18Raising error on sketchy LIN filesemkael
2020-02-18LIN format supportemkael
2020-02-06Iterating over *all* denominations when rendering DD table in HTML/PDFemkael
Fixes #6
2019-12-18Default value for jfr_only option if not set in DealConverter constructoremkael
2019-11-07PDF output formatemkael
2019-11-07Page-break fixes for HTML format, headers removed from HTML since very ↵emkael
unreliable anyway
2019-11-07Configurable print-out column countemkael
2019-11-07Unified way of dealing with format-specific argumentsemkael
2019-11-07HTML output formatemkael
2019-11-07Removing debug informationemkael
2019-10-01Taking advantage of pybcdd's option to write only JFR double-dummy fieldsemkael
2019-08-09Do not try to calculate board conditions if board number is not setemkael
Fixes #4
2019-08-01DD hand analysis optional in API versionemkael
Fixes #3
2019-07-18Double-dummy analysis for PBN filesemkael
2019-07-18Leaving DD-related fields in PBN filesemkael
2019-07-08Compatibility with interface renamed for API purposesemkael
Fixes #2
2019-07-08Merge branch 'master' of
2019-07-08Python3 compatibilityemkael
Fixes #1
2019-05-31Unrecognized file extensions now raise RuntimeError to be handled the same ↵emkael
way all other converter errors
2019-05-31Precautions against empty deal setsemkael
2019-05-31Changes that allow providing input from StringIO:emkael
- format detection exposed for manual parser creation - optional filename in constructor
2019-05-30Error reporting improvedemkael
2019-05-23Printing out boards to STDOUTemkael
2019-05-23Proper error/warning handlingemkael
2019-05-23CDS format based on RZDemkael
2019-05-23Factoring out RZD parse/dump methods for single dealemkael
2019-05-23Dealset is sorted by defaultemkael
2019-05-23RZD format supportemkael
2019-05-23Proper error handling in DLM formatemkael
2019-05-23DLM format supportemkael
2019-05-22Sorting PBN output by board numberemkael
2019-05-22Handling "reverse" DUP flag in the only way it's reasonableemkael
2019-05-22DUP formatemkael
2019-05-22Factoring out BRI and DGE formats, as they're part of DUP formatemkael
2019-05-21DGE format supportemkael
2019-05-21CSV format supportemkael
2019-05-21BRI formatemkael
2019-05-21Method for filling West hand from North+East+Southemkael
2019-05-21BHG format supportemkael