path: root/views/teammates.sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'views/teammates.sql')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/views/teammates.sql b/views/teammates.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772d59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/teammates.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-- all driver pairs listed in the results as driving for the same constructor
+-- in the same race, for every race
+CREATE VIEW teammates AS
+ SELECT r1.raceId, r1.constructorId,
+ r1.driverId driver1, r1.position d1position,
+ r1.positionText d1posText, r1.statusId d1status,
+ r2.driverId driver2, r2.position d2position,
+ r2.positionText d2posText, r2.statusId d2status
+ FROM results r1
+ JOIN results r2
+ ON r1.raceId = r2.raceId
+ AND r1.constructorId = r2.constructorId
+ AND r1.driverId <> r2.driverId;
+-- tally of results from the previous view
+CREATE VIEW teammate_tally AS
+ SELECT CONCAT(d1.forename, " ", d1.surname) driver,
+ COALESCE(SUM(teammates.d1position < teammates.d2position), 0) wins,
+ COALESCE(SUM(teammates.d1position = teammates.d2position), 0) draws,
+ COALESCE(SUM(teammates.d1position > teammates.d2position), 0) loses,
+ CONCAT(d2.forename, " ", d2.surname) against,
+ SUM(teammates.d1position IS NOT NULL
+ AND teammates.d2position IS NOT NULL) compare_count,
+ COUNT(teammates.raceId) overall_count
+ FROM teammates
+ JOIN drivers d1 ON d1.driverId = teammates.driver1
+ JOIN drivers d2 ON d2.driverId = teammates.driver2
+ GROUP BY teammates.driver1, teammates.driver2;