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25 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php index ce5c808d..b6b0f534 100644 --- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Kolona uspješno napravljena.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Već postoji kolona s istim imenom u ovom projektu.', 'Default filters' => 'Podrazumijevani filteri', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'Vaš panel nema ni jednu kolonu!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'Vaš panel nema ni jednu kolonu!', 'Change column position' => 'Promijeni poziciju kolone', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Promijeni u pregled projekta', 'User filters' => 'Korisnički filteri', diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php index 94c7d690..f24c79ab 100644 --- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php index c6984993..280ee997 100644 --- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php index 58268773..2a55c124 100644 --- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Spalte erfolgreich erstellt.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Es gibt bereits eine Spalte mit demselben Namen im Projekt', 'Default filters' => 'Standard-Filter', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'Es gibt keine Spalten in diesem Projekt!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'Es gibt keine Spalten in diesem Projekt!', 'Change column position' => 'Position der Spalte ändern', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Zur Projektübersicht wechseln', 'User filters' => 'Benutzer-Filter', diff --git a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php index 4fc481f1..59d75a96 100644 --- a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Η στήλη δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Μια άλλη στήλη με το ίδιο όνομα υπάρχει στο έργο', 'Default filters' => 'Εξ\' ορισμού φίλτρα', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'Το ταμπλό δεν έχει καμία στήλη!!=', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'Το ταμπλό δεν έχει καμία στήλη!!=', 'Change column position' => 'Αλλαγή θέσης στήλης', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Αλλαγή προβολής σε επισκόπηση έργου', 'User filters' => 'Φίλτρα οριζόμενα από τον χρήστη', diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php index 4da11633..15478315 100644 --- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Columna creada exitosamente', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Ya existe una columna con el mismo nombre en el proyecto', 'Default filters' => 'Filtros predeterminados', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '¡Tu tablero no tiene ninguna columna!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '¡Tu tablero no tiene ninguna columna!', 'Change column position' => 'Cambiar posición de la columna', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Cambiar a vista general del proyecto', 'User filters' => 'Usar filtros', diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php index 14b50fbd..8fbb0ba9 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php index 3662d9ce..19ac2b48 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'La colonne a été créée avec succès.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Une autre colonne existe avec le même nom dans le projet', 'Default filters' => 'Filtres par défaut', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'Votre tableau n\'a aucune colonne', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'Votre tableau n\'a aucune colonne', 'Change column position' => 'Changer la position de la colonne', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Aller à l\'aperçu du projet', 'User filters' => 'Filtres des utilisateurs', diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php index 660a95cd..3b5d6036 100644 --- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Az oszlop sikeresen létrejött', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'A projektben már létezik egy ugyanilyen nevű oszlop', 'Default filters' => 'Alap szűrők', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'A táblának nincsenek oszlopai!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'A táblának nincsenek oszlopai!', 'Change column position' => 'Oszlop helyzetének megváltoztatása', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Projektek áttekintése', 'User filters' => 'Felhasználók szűrése', diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php index acb05deb..45e32c87 100644 --- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php index 57dbecc1..0ccaa426 100644 --- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Colonna creata con successo.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Un\'altra colonna con lo stesso nome è già esistente in questo progetto', 'Default filters' => 'Filtri predefiniti', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'La tua bacheca non ha nessuna colonna!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'La tua bacheca non ha nessuna colonna!', 'Change column position' => 'Modifica la posizione della colonna', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Passa alla panoramica di progetto', 'User filters' => 'Filtri utente', diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php index 92be9ca7..061a2069 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php b/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php index e353b6bc..e84a795a 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => '칼럼이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '프로젝트에 동일한 이름의 칼럼이 있습니다', 'Default filters' => '기본 필터', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '보드에 칼럼이 존재하지 않습니다', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '보드에 칼럼이 존재하지 않습니다', 'Change column position' => '칼럼 위치 변경', 'Switch to the project overview' => '프로젝트 개요로 변경', 'User filters' => '사용자 필터', diff --git a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php index 5cbf425f..913b690a 100644 --- a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php index b82e7359..c2e5b62f 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php index c7407563..9d295129 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php index 7481a2d8..34429305 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Utworzono kolumnę.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Inna kolumna o tej samej nazwie już istnieje w projekcie', 'Default filters' => 'Domyślne filtry', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'Twoja tablica nie ma żadnej kolumny!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'Twoja tablica nie ma żadnej kolumny!', 'Change column position' => 'Zmień pozycję kolumny', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Przełącz do podsumowania projektu', 'User filters' => 'Filtry użytkownika', diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php index ae42089c..04b9feaf 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'A coluna criada com sucesso.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Uma outra coluna com o mesmo nome já existe no projeto', 'Default filters' => 'Filtros padrão', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'O seu painel não tem nenhuma coluna', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'O seu painel não tem nenhuma coluna', 'Change column position' => 'Alterar a posição da coluna', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Mudar para a vista geral do projeto', 'User filters' => 'Filtros dos usuários', diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php index 06563c2c..d2b1e62d 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Coluna criada com sucesso.', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Já existe outra coluna com o mesmo nome no projecto', 'Default filters' => 'Filtros padrão', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'O seu quadro não tem nenhuma coluna!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'O seu quadro não tem nenhuma coluna!', 'Change column position' => 'Mudar posição da coluna', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Mudar para vista geral do projecto', 'User filters' => 'Filtros de utilizador', diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php index fff74cff..f500db20 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => 'Столбец успешно создан', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => 'Столбец с таким именем уже существует в этом проекте', 'Default filters' => 'Стандартные фильтры', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => 'Ваша доска не имеет ни одного столбца!', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => 'Ваша доска не имеет ни одного столбца!', 'Change column position' => 'Смена позиции столбца', 'Switch to the project overview' => 'Переключение на обзор проекта', 'User filters' => 'Фильтры по пользователям', diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php index 69119d30..98f72c80 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php index 40484aae..dcc4dab0 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php index 4044db99..607f62ca 100644 --- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php index d95cc71a..229d766c 100644 --- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( // 'Column created successfully.' => '', // 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '', // 'Default filters' => '', - // 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '', + // 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '', // 'Change column position' => '', // 'Switch to the project overview' => '', // 'User filters' => '', diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php index f5636564..2f3a9f74 100644 --- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php @@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ return array( 'Column created successfully.' => '新增任务栏成功。', 'Another column with the same name exists in the project' => '当前项目中重名任务栏已存在', 'Default filters' => '默认过滤器', - 'Your board doesn\'t have any column!' => '你的看板没有任何栏目', + 'Your board doesn\'t have any columns!' => '你的看板没有任何栏目', 'Change column position' => '更改任务栏位置', 'Switch to the project overview' => '切换到项目视图', 'User filters' => '用户过滤器', |