path: root/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 3329 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/AutoloaderTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/AutoloaderTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eebc3408..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/AutoloaderTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Commen\Core;
-use OAuth\Common\AutoLoader;
-class AutoLoaderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- */
- public function testRegister()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('Test', '/');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::unregister
- */
- public function testUnregister()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('Test', '/');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->unregister());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::load
- */
- public function testLoadSuccess()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('FakeProject', dirname(__DIR__) . '/../Mocks/Common');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $someClass = new \FakeProject\NS\SomeClass();
- $this->assertTrue($someClass->isLoaded());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::load
- */
- public function testLoadSuccessExtraSlashedNamespace()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('\\\\FakeProject', dirname(__DIR__) . '/../Mocks/Common');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $someClass = new \FakeProject\NS\SomeClass();
- $this->assertTrue($someClass->isLoaded());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::load
- */
- public function testLoadSuccessExtraForwardSlashedPath()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('FakeProject', dirname(__DIR__) . '/../Mocks/Common//');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $someClass = new \FakeProject\NS\SomeClass();
- $this->assertTrue($someClass->isLoaded());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::load
- */
- public function testLoadSuccessExtraBackwardSlashedPath()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('FakeProject', dirname(__DIR__) . '/../Mocks/Common\\');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $someClass = new \FakeProject\NS\SomeClass();
- $this->assertTrue($someClass->isLoaded());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::load
- */
- public function testLoadSuccessExtraMixedSlashedPath()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('FakeProject', dirname(__DIR__) . '/../Mocks/Common\\\\/\\//');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $someClass = new \FakeProject\NS\SomeClass();
- $this->assertTrue($someClass->isLoaded());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::register
- * @covers OAuth\Common\AutoLoader::load
- */
- public function testLoadUnknownClass()
- {
- $autoloader = new AutoLoader('FakeProject', dirname(__DIR__) . '/../Mocks/Common\\\\/\\//');
- $this->assertTrue($autoloader->register());
- $this->assertFalse($autoloader->load('IDontExistClass'));
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Consumer/CredentialsTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Consumer/CredentialsTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a895fbc..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Consumer/CredentialsTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuth\Unit\Common\Consumer;
-use OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials;
-class CredentialsTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::__construct
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $credentials = new Credentials('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface', $credentials);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::getConsumerId
- */
- public function testGetConsumerId()
- {
- $credentials = new Credentials('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
- $this->assertSame('foo', $credentials->getConsumerId());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::getConsumerSecret
- */
- public function testGetConsumerSecret()
- {
- $credentials = new Credentials('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
- $this->assertSame('bar', $credentials->getConsumerSecret());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials::getCallbackUrl
- */
- public function testGetCallbackUrl()
- {
- $credentials = new Credentials('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
- $this->assertSame('baz', $credentials->getCallbackUrl());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/AbstractClientTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/AbstractClientTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b3531527..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/AbstractClientTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Http;
-class AbstractClientTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::__construct
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $client = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface', $client);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::setMaxRedirects
- */
- public function testSetMaxRedirects()
- {
- $client = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient', $client->setMaxRedirects(10));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface', $client->setMaxRedirects(10));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::setTimeout
- */
- public function testSetTimeout()
- {
- $client = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient', $client->setTimeout(25));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface', $client->setTimeout(25));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\AbstractClient::normalizeHeaders
- */
- public function testNormalizeHeaders()
- {
- $client = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient');
- $original = array(
- 'lowercasekey' => 'lowercasevalue',
- 'mIxEdCaSeKey' => 'MiXeDcAsEvAlUe',
- '31i71casekey' => '31i71casevalue',
- );
- $goal = array(
- 'lowercasekey' => 'Lowercasekey: lowercasevalue',
- 'mIxEdCaSeKey' => 'Mixedcasekey: MiXeDcAsEvAlUe',
- '31i71casekey' => '31i71casekey: 31i71casevalue',
- );
- $client->normalizeHeaders($original);
- $this->assertSame($goal, $original);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/CurlClientTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/CurlClientTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f635ce89..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/CurlClientTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Http\Client;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient;
-class CurlClientTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- *
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInstance()
- {
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient', $client);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::setForceSSL3
- */
- public function testSetForceSSL3()
- {
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\CurlClient', $client->setForceSSL3(true));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseThrowsExceptionOnGetRequestWithBody()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\InvalidArgumentException');
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $client->retrieveResponse(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface'),
- 'foo',
- array(),
- 'GET'
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseThrowsExceptionOnGetRequestWithBodyMethodConvertedToUpper()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\InvalidArgumentException');
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $client->retrieveResponse(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface'),
- 'foo',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseDefaultUserAgent()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('PHPoAuthLib', $response['headers']['User-Agent']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseCustomUserAgent()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient('My Super Awesome Http Client');
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('My Super Awesome Http Client', $response['headers']['User-Agent']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseWithCustomContentType()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array('Content-Type' => 'foo/bar'),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('foo/bar', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseWithFormUrlEncodedContentType()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'fab'),
- array(),
- 'POST'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('application/x-www-form-urlencoded', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'fab'), $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseHost()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'fab'),
- array(),
- 'POST'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('', $response['headers']['Host']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponsePostRequestWithRequestBodyAsString()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $formData = array('baz' => 'fab', 'foo' => 'bar');
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- $formData,
- array(),
- 'POST'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame($formData, $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponsePutRequestWithRequestBodyAsString()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $formData = array('baz' => 'fab', 'foo' => 'bar');
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- $formData,
- array(),
- 'PUT'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame($formData, $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponsePutRequestWithRequestBodyAsStringNoRedirects()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $formData = array('baz' => 'fab', 'foo' => 'bar');
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $client->setMaxRedirects(0);
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- $formData,
- array(),
- 'PUT'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame($formData, $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseWithForcedSsl3()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $client->setForceSSL3(true);
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array('Content-Type' => 'foo/bar'),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('foo/bar', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\CurlClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseThrowsExceptionOnInvalidUrl()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Exception\\TokenResponseException');
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue('jkehfkefcmekjhcnkerjh'));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue('jkehfkefcmekjhcnkerjh'));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $client->setForceSSL3(true);
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array('Content-Type' => 'foo/bar'),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('foo/bar', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- }
- public function testAdditionalParameters()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new CurlClient();
- $client->setCurlParameters(array(
- ));
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertNotNull($response);
- $this->assertSame('gzip', $response['headers']['Accept-Encoding']);
- $this->assertTrue($response['gzipped']);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/StreamClientTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/StreamClientTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f634f406..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Client/StreamClientTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Http\Client;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient;
-class StreamClientTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- *
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInstance()
- {
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\AbstractClient', $client);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseThrowsExceptionOnGetRequestWithBody()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\InvalidArgumentException');
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $client->retrieveResponse(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface'),
- 'foo',
- array(),
- 'GET'
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseThrowsExceptionOnGetRequestWithBodyMethodConvertedToUpper()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\InvalidArgumentException');
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $client->retrieveResponse(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface'),
- 'foo',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseDefaultUserAgent()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('PHPoAuthLib', $response['headers']['User-Agent']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseCustomUserAgent()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new StreamClient('My Super Awesome Http Client');
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array(),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('My Super Awesome Http Client', $response['headers']['User-Agent']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseWithCustomContentType()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array('Content-Type' => 'foo/bar'),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('foo/bar', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseWithFormUrlEncodedContentType()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'fab'),
- array(),
- 'POST'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('application/x-www-form-urlencoded', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'fab'), $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseHost()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'fab'),
- array(),
- 'POST'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('', $response['headers']['Host']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponsePostRequestWithRequestBodyAsString()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $formData = array('baz' => 'fab', 'foo' => 'bar');
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- $formData,
- array(),
- 'POST'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame($formData, $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponsePutRequestWithRequestBodyAsString()
- {
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue(''));
- $formData = array('baz' => 'fab', 'foo' => 'bar');
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- $formData,
- array(),
- 'PUT'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame($formData, $response['form']);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::retrieveResponse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Client\StreamClient::generateStreamContext
- */
- public function testRetrieveResponseThrowsExceptionOnInvalidRequest()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Exception\\TokenResponseException');
- $endPoint = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface');
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getHost')
- ->will($this->returnValue('dskjhfckjhekrsfhkehfkreljfrekljfkre'));
- $endPoint->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getAbsoluteUri')
- ->will($this->returnValue('dskjhfckjhekrsfhkehfkreljfrekljfkre'));
- $client = new StreamClient();
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse(
- $endPoint,
- '',
- array('Content-Type' => 'foo/bar'),
- 'get'
- );
- $response = json_decode($response, true);
- $this->assertSame('foo/bar', $response['headers']['Content-Type']);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/HttpClientsTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/HttpClientsTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa9eace..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/HttpClientsTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * @category OAuth
- * @package Tests
- * @author David Desberg <>
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 The authors
- * @license MIT License
- */
-namespace OAuth\Unit\Common\Http;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriInterface;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Client;
-class HttpClientsTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @var object|\OAuth\Common\Http\Client\ClientInterface[]
- */
- protected $clients;
- public function setUp()
- {
- $streamClient = new Client\StreamClient();
- $streamClient->setTimeout(3);
- $curlClient = new Client\CurlClient();
- $curlClient->setTimeout(3);
- $this->clients[] = $streamClient;
- $this->clients[] = $curlClient;
- }
- public function tearDown()
- {
- foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
- unset($client);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test that extra headers are passed properly
- */
- public function testHeaders()
- {
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- $me = $this;
- $headerCb = function ($response) use ($me) {
- $data = json_decode($response, true);
- $me->assertEquals('extraheadertest', $data['headers']['Testingheader']);
- };
- $this->__doTestRetrieveResponse($testUri, array(), array('Testingheader' => 'extraheadertest'), 'GET', $headerCb);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that we get an exception for a >= 400 status code
- */
- public function testException()
- {
- // sending a post here should get us a 405 which should trigger an exception
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
- $this->setExpectedException('OAuth\Common\Http\Exception\TokenResponseException');
- $client->retrieveResponse($testUri, array('blah' => 'blih'));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tests the DELETE method
- */
- public function testDelete()
- {
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- $me = $this;
- $deleteTestCb = function ($response) use ($me) {
- $data = json_decode($response, true);
- $me->assertEquals('', $data['data']);
- };
- $this->__doTestRetrieveResponse($testUri, array(), array(), 'DELETE', $deleteTestCb);
- }
- /**
- * Tests the PUT method
- */
- public function testPut()
- {
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- $me = $this;
- $putTestCb = function ($response) use ($me) {
- // verify the put response
- $data = json_decode($response, true);
- $me->assertEquals(json_encode(array('testKey' => 'testValue')), $data['data']);
- };
- $this->__doTestRetrieveResponse($testUri, json_encode(array('testKey' => 'testValue')), array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'), 'PUT', $putTestCb);
- }
- /**
- * Tests the POST method
- */
- public function testPost()
- {
- // http test server
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- $me = $this;
- $postTestCb = function ($response) use ($me) {
- // verify the post response
- $data = json_decode($response, true);
- // note that we check this because the retrieveResponse wrapper function automatically adds a content-type
- // if there isn't one and it
- $me->assertEquals('testValue', $data['form']['testKey']);
- };
- $this->__doTestRetrieveResponse($testUri, array('testKey' => 'testValue'), array(), 'POST', $postTestCb);
- }
- /**
- * Expect exception when we try to send a GET request with a body
- */
- public function testInvalidGet()
- {
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
- $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException');
- $client->retrieveResponse($testUri, array('blah' => 'blih'), array(), 'GET');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tests the GET method
- */
- public function testGet()
- {
- // test uri
- $testUri = new Uri('');
- $me = $this;
- $getTestCb = function ($response) use ($me) {
- $data = json_decode($response, true);
- $me->assertEquals('testValue', $data['args']['testKey']);
- };
- $this->__doTestRetrieveResponse($testUri, array(), array(), 'GET', $getTestCb);
- }
- /**
- * Test on all HTTP clients.
- *
- * @param UriInterface $uri
- * @param array $param
- * @param array $header
- * @param string $method
- * @param \Closure $responseCallback
- */
- protected function __doTestRetrieveResponse(UriInterface $uri, $param, array $header, $method, $responseCallback)
- {
- foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
- $response = $client->retrieveResponse($uri, $param, $header, $method);
- $responseCallback($response, $client);
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Uri/UriFactoryTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Uri/UriFactoryTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ea743509..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Uri/UriFactoryTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Http\Uri;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri;
-class UriFactoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- *
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriFactoryInterface', $factory);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayUsingProxyStyle()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array('REQUEST_URI' => ''));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayHttp()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTPS' => 'off',
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * This looks wonky David. Should the port really fallback to 80 even when supplying https as scheme?
- *
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayHttps()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTPS' => 'on',
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayPortSupplied()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'SERVER_PORT' => 21,
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayPortNotSet()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayRequestUriSet()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayRedirectUrlSet()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REDIRECT_URL' => '/foo',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayThrowsExceptionOnDetectingPathMissingIndices()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $this->setExpectedException('\\RuntimeException');
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayWithQueryString()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo?param1=value1',
- 'QUERY_STRING' => 'param1=value1',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayWithoutQueryString()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromSuperGlobalArray
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::attemptProxyStyleParse
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::detectQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromParts
- */
- public function testCreateFromSuperGlobalArrayHostWithColon()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromSuperGlobalArray(array(
- 'HTTP_HOST' => '',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/foo',
- ));
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\UriFactory::createFromAbsolute
- */
- public function testCreateFromAbsolute()
- {
- $factory = new UriFactory();
- $uri = $factory->createFromAbsolute('');
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $uri
- );
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Uri/UriTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Uri/UriTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bc158ffa..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Http/Uri/UriTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,898 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Http\Uri;
-use OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri;
-class UriTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterfaceWithoutUri()
- {
- $uri = new Uri();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface', $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- */
- public function testConstructThrowsExceptionOnInvalidUri()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\InvalidArgumentException');
- //
- $uri = new Uri('http://@:/');
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- */
- public function testConstructThrowsExceptionOnUriWithoutScheme()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\InvalidArgumentException');
- $uri = new Uri('');
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getScheme
- */
- public function testGetScheme()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('http', $uri->getScheme());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getUserInfo
- */
- public function testGetUserInfo()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('peehaa', $uri->getUserInfo());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getUserInfo
- */
- public function testGetUserInfoWithPass()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('peehaa:********', $uri->getUserInfo());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawUserInfo
- */
- public function testGetRawUserInfo()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('peehaa', $uri->getRawUserInfo());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawUserInfo
- */
- public function testGetRawUserInfoWithPass()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('peehaa:pass', $uri->getRawUserInfo());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getHost
- */
- public function testGetHost()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getHost());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getPort
- */
- public function testGetPortImplicitHttp()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame(80, $uri->getPort());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getPort
- */
- public function testGetPortImplicitHttps()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame(443, $uri->getPort());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getPort
- */
- public function testGetPortExplicit()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame(21, $uri->getPort());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getPath
- */
- public function testGetPathNotSupplied()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('/', $uri->getPath());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getPath
- */
- public function testGetPathSlash()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('/', $uri->getPath());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getPath
- */
- public function testGetPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('/foo', $uri->getPath());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getQuery
- */
- public function testGetQueryWithParams()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('param1=first&param2=second', $uri->getQuery());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getQuery
- */
- public function testGetQueryWithoutParams()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getQuery());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getFragment
- */
- public function testGetFragmentExists()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('foo', $uri->getFragment());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getFragment
- */
- public function testGetFragmentNotExists()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getFragment());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAuthority
- */
- public function testGetAuthorityWithoutUserInfo()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAuthority
- */
- public function testGetAuthorityWithoutUserInfoWithExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAuthority
- */
- public function testGetAuthorityWithUsernameWithExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAuthority
- */
- public function testGetAuthorityWithUsernameAndPassWithExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('peehaa:********', $uri->getAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAuthority
- */
- public function testGetAuthorityWithUsernameAndPassWithoutExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('peehaa:********', $uri->getAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- */
- public function testGetRawAuthorityWithoutUserInfo()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getRawAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- */
- public function testGetRawAuthorityWithoutUserInfoWithExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getRawAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- */
- public function testGetRawAuthorityWithUsernameWithExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getRawAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- */
- public function testGetRawAuthorityWithUsernameAndPassWithExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getRawAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- */
- public function testGetRawAuthorityWithUsernameAndPassWithoutExplicitPort()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getRawAuthority());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriBare()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriWithAuthority()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriWithPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriWithoutPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriWithoutPathExplicitTrailingSlash()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriWithQuery()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testGetAbsoluteUriWithFragment()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRelativeUri
- */
- public function testGetRelativeUriWithoutPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getRelativeUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRelativeUri
- */
- public function testGetRelativeUriWithPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('/foo', $uri->getRelativeUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRelativeUri
- */
- public function testGetRelativeUriWithExplicitTrailingSlash()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('/', $uri->getRelativeUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringBare()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getRawAuthority
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringWithAuthority()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('http://peehaa:********', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringWithPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringWithoutPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringWithoutPathExplicitTrailingSlash()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringWithQuery()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__toString
- */
- public function testToStringWithFragment()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertSame('', (string) $uri);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPathEmpty()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPath('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPathWithPath()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPath('/foo');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPath
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPathWithOnlySlash()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPath('/');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetQueryEmpty()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setQuery('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetQueryFilled()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setQuery('param1=value1&param2=value2');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::addToQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testAddToQueryAppend()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->addToQuery('param2', 'value2');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::addToQuery
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testAddToQueryCreate()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->addToQuery('param1', 'value1');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setFragment
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetFragmentEmpty()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setFragment('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setFragment
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetFragmentWithData()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setFragment('foo');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetSchemeWithEmpty()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setScheme('');
- $this->assertSame('://', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setScheme
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetSchemeWithData()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setScheme('foo');
- $this->assertSame('foo://', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetUserInfoEmpty()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setUserInfo('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::protectUserInfo
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetUserInfoWithData()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setUserInfo('foo:bar');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPortCustom()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPort('21');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPortHttpImplicit()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPort(80);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPortHttpsImplicit()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPort(443);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPortHttpExplicit()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPort(443);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setPort
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetPortHttpsExplicit()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setPort(80);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::setHost
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::getAbsoluteUri
- */
- public function testSetHost()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $uri->setHost('');
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::hasExplicitTrailingHostSlash
- */
- public function testHasExplicitTrailingHostSlashTrue()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertTrue($uri->hasExplicitTrailingHostSlash());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::hasExplicitTrailingHostSlash
- */
- public function testHasExplicitTrailingHostSlashFalse()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertFalse($uri->hasExplicitTrailingHostSlash());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::hasExplicitPortSpecified
- */
- public function testHasExplicitPortSpecifiedTrue()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertTrue($uri->hasExplicitPortSpecified());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::parseUri
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri::hasExplicitPortSpecified
- */
- public function testHasExplicitPortSpecifiedFalse()
- {
- $uri = new Uri('');
- $this->assertFalse($uri->hasExplicitPortSpecified());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Service/AbstractServiceTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Service/AbstractServiceTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8bff46..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Service/AbstractServiceTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Service;
-use OAuthTest\Mocks\Common\Service\Mock;
-class AbstractServiceTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $service = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Service\\AbstractService',
- array(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- )
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Service\\ServiceInterface', $service);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::getStorage
- */
- public function testGetStorage()
- {
- $service = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Service\\AbstractService',
- array(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- )
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface', $service->getStorage());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::service
- */
- public function testService()
- {
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $this->assertSame('Mock', $service->service());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::determineRequestUriFromPath
- */
- public function testDetermineRequestUriFromPathUsingUriObject()
- {
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface',
- $service->testDetermineRequestUriFromPath($this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface'))
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::determineRequestUriFromPath
- */
- public function testDetermineRequestUriFromPathUsingHttpPath()
- {
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $uri = $service->testDetermineRequestUriFromPath('');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface', $uri);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::determineRequestUriFromPath
- */
- public function testDetermineRequestUriFromPathUsingHttpsPath()
- {
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $uri = $service->testDetermineRequestUriFromPath('');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface', $uri);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::determineRequestUriFromPath
- */
- public function testDetermineRequestUriFromPathThrowsExceptionOnInvalidUri()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\OAuth\\Common\\Exception\\Exception');
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $uri = $service->testDetermineRequestUriFromPath('');
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::determineRequestUriFromPath
- */
- public function testDetermineRequestUriFromPathWithQueryString()
- {
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $uri = $service->testDetermineRequestUriFromPath(
- 'path?param1=value1',
- new \OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri('')
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface', $uri);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService::determineRequestUriFromPath
- */
- public function testDetermineRequestUriFromPathWithLeadingSlashInPath()
- {
- $service = new Mock(
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Consumer\\CredentialsInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\ClientInterface'),
- $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface')
- );
- $uri = $service->testDetermineRequestUriFromPath(
- '/path',
- new \OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri('')
- );
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Uri\\UriInterface', $uri);
- $this->assertSame('', $uri->getAbsoluteUri());
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/MemoryTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/MemoryTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 93a01a79..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/MemoryTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Storage;
-use OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory;
-class MemoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface', $storage);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::storeAccessToken
- */
- public function testStoreAccessToken()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Memory',
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'))
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::retrieveAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::hasAccessToken
- */
- public function testRetrieveAccessTokenValid()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface', $storage->retrieveAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::retrieveAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::hasAccessToken
- */
- public function testRetrieveAccessTokenThrowsExceptionWhenTokenIsNotFound()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Exception\\TokenNotFoundException');
- $storage = new Memory();
- $storage->retrieveAccessToken('foo');
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::hasAccessToken
- */
- public function testHasAccessTokenTrue()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::hasAccessToken
- */
- public function testHasAccessTokenFalse()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::clearToken
- */
- public function testClearTokenIsNotSet()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Memory', $storage->clearToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::clearToken
- */
- public function testClearTokenSet()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Memory', $storage->clearToken('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Memory::clearAllTokens
- */
- public function testClearAllTokens()
- {
- $storage = new Memory();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $storage->storeAccessToken('bar', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('bar'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Memory', $storage->clearAllTokens());
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('bar'));
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/RedisTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/RedisTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e7a284..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/RedisTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * @category OAuth
- * @package Tests
- * @author David Desberg <>
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 The authors
- * @license MIT License
- */
-namespace OAuth\Unit\Common\Storage;
-use OAuth\Common\Storage\Redis;
-use Predis\Client as Predis;
-use OAuth\OAuth2\Token\StdOAuth2Token;
-class RedisTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- protected $storage;
- public function setUp()
- {
- // connect to a redis daemon
- $predis = new Predis(array(
- 'host' => $_ENV['redis_host'],
- 'port' => $_ENV['redis_port'],
- ));
- // set it
- $this->storage = new Redis($predis, 'test_user_token', 'test_user_state');
- try {
- $predis->connect();
- } catch (\Predis\Connection\ConnectionException $e) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('No redis instance available: ' . $e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- public function tearDown()
- {
- // delete
- $this->storage->clearAllTokens();
- // close connection
- $this->storage->getRedis()->quit();
- }
- /**
- * Check that the token gets properly stored.
- */
- public function testStorage()
- {
- // arrange
- $service_1 = 'Facebook';
- $service_2 = 'Foursquare';
- $token_1 = new StdOAuth2Token('access_1', 'refresh_1', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- $token_2 = new StdOAuth2Token('access_2', 'refresh_2', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service_1, $token_1);
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service_2, $token_2);
- // assert
- $extraParams = $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_1)->getExtraParams();
- $this->assertEquals('param', $extraParams['extra']);
- $this->assertEquals($token_1, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_1));
- $this->assertEquals($token_2, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_2));
- }
- /**
- * Test hasAccessToken.
- */
- public function testHasAccessToken()
- {
- // arrange
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $this->storage->clearToken($service);
- // act
- // assert
- $this->assertFalse($this->storage->hasAccessToken($service));
- }
- /**
- * Check that the token gets properly deleted.
- */
- public function testStorageClears()
- {
- // arrange
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $token = new StdOAuth2Token('access', 'refresh', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service, $token);
- $this->storage->clearToken($service);
- // assert
- $this->setExpectedException('OAuth\Common\Storage\Exception\TokenNotFoundException');
- $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/SessionTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/SessionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f38b1a..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/SessionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Storage;
-use OAuth\Common\Storage\Session;
-class SessionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface', $storage);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testConstructWithoutStartingSession()
- {
- session_start();
- $storage = new Session(false);
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface', $storage);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testConstructTryingToStartWhileSessionAlreadyExists()
- {
- session_start();
- $storage = new Session();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface', $storage);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testConstructWithExistingSessionKey()
- {
- session_start();
- $_SESSION['lusitanian_oauth_token'] = array();
- $storage = new Session();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\TokenStorageInterface', $storage);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testStoreAccessTokenIsAlreadyArray()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Session',
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'))
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testStoreAccessTokenIsNotArray()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $_SESSION['lusitanian_oauth_token'] = 'foo';
- $this->assertInstanceOf(
- '\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Session',
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'))
- );
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::retrieveAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::hasAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testRetrieveAccessTokenValid()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface', $storage->retrieveAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::retrieveAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::hasAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testRetrieveAccessTokenThrowsExceptionWhenTokenIsNotFound()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Exception\\TokenNotFoundException');
- $storage = new Session();
- $storage->retrieveAccessToken('foo');
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::hasAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testHasAccessTokenTrue()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::hasAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testHasAccessTokenFalse()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::clearToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testClearTokenIsNotSet()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Session', $storage->clearToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::clearToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testClearTokenSet()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Session', $storage->clearToken('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::clearAllTokens
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testClearAllTokens()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $storage->storeAccessToken('bar', $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage->hasAccessToken('bar'));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\Session', $storage->clearAllTokens());
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('foo'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage->hasAccessToken('bar'));
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::__destruct
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testDestruct()
- {
- $storage = new Session();
- unset($storage);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::storeAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Storage\Session::retrieveAccessToken
- *
- * @runInSeparateProcess
- */
- public function testSerializeUnserialize()
- {
- $mock = $this->getMock('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('__sleep'));
- $mock->expects($this->once())
- ->method('__sleep')
- ->will($this->returnValue(array('accessToken')));
- $storage = new Session();
- $storage->storeAccessToken('foo', $mock);
- $retrievedToken = $storage->retrieveAccessToken('foo');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', $retrievedToken);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/StorageTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/StorageTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe19906..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/StorageTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * @category OAuth
- * @package Tests
- * @author David Desberg <>
- * @author Hannes Van De Vreken <>
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 The authors
- * @license MIT License
- */
-namespace OAuth\Unit\Common\Storage;
-use \OAuth\OAuth2\Token\StdOAuth2Token;
-abstract class StorageTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- protected $storage;
- /**
- * Check that the token gets properly stored.
- */
- public function testStorage()
- {
- // arrange
- $service_1 = 'Facebook';
- $service_2 = 'Foursquare';
- $token_1 = new StdOAuth2Token('access_1', 'refresh_1', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- $token_2 = new StdOAuth2Token('access_2', 'refresh_2', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service_1, $token_1);
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service_2, $token_2);
- // assert
- $extraParams = $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_1)->getExtraParams();
- $this->assertEquals('param', $extraParams['extra']);
- $this->assertEquals($token_1, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_1));
- $this->assertEquals($token_2, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_2));
- }
- /**
- * Test hasAccessToken.
- */
- public function testHasAccessToken()
- {
- // arrange
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $this->storage->clearToken($service);
- // act
- // assert
- $this->assertFalse($this->storage->hasAccessToken($service));
- }
- /**
- * Check that the token gets properly deleted.
- */
- public function testStorageClears()
- {
- // arrange
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $token = new StdOAuth2Token('access', 'refresh', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service, $token);
- $this->storage->clearToken($service);
- // assert
- $this->setExpectedException('OAuth\Common\Storage\Exception\TokenNotFoundException');
- $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/SymfonySessionTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/SymfonySessionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c6434612..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Storage/SymfonySessionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * @category OAuth
- * @package Tests
- * @author David Desberg <>
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 The authors
- * @license MIT License
- */
-namespace OAuth\Unit\Common\Storage;
-use OAuth\Common\Storage\SymfonySession;
-use OAuth\OAuth2\Token\StdOAuth2Token;
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\MockArraySessionStorage;
-class SymfonySessionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- protected $session;
- protected $storage;
- public function setUp()
- {
- // set it
- $this->session = new Session(new MockArraySessionStorage());
- $this->storage = new SymfonySession($this->session);
- }
- public function tearDown()
- {
- // delete
- $this->storage->getSession()->clear();
- unset($this->storage);
- }
- /**
- * Check that the token survives the constructor
- */
- public function testStorageSurvivesConstructor()
- {
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $token = new StdOAuth2Token('access', 'refresh', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service, $token);
- $this->storage = null;
- $this->storage = new SymfonySession($this->session);
- // assert
- $extraParams = $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service)->getExtraParams();
- $this->assertEquals('param', $extraParams['extra']);
- $this->assertEquals($token, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service));
- }
- /**
- * Check that the token gets properly stored.
- */
- public function testStorage()
- {
- // arrange
- $service_1 = 'Facebook';
- $service_2 = 'Foursquare';
- $token_1 = new StdOAuth2Token('access_1', 'refresh_1', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- $token_2 = new StdOAuth2Token('access_2', 'refresh_2', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service_1, $token_1);
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service_2, $token_2);
- // assert
- $extraParams = $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_1)->getExtraParams();
- $this->assertEquals('param', $extraParams['extra']);
- $this->assertEquals($token_1, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_1));
- $this->assertEquals($token_2, $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service_2));
- }
- /**
- * Test hasAccessToken.
- */
- public function testHasAccessToken()
- {
- // arrange
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $this->storage->clearToken($service);
- // act
- // assert
- $this->assertFalse($this->storage->hasAccessToken($service));
- }
- /**
- * Check that the token gets properly deleted.
- */
- public function testStorageClears()
- {
- // arrange
- $service = 'Facebook';
- $token = new StdOAuth2Token('access', 'refresh', StdOAuth2Token::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, array('extra' => 'param'));
- // act
- $this->storage->storeAccessToken($service, $token);
- $this->storage->clearToken($service);
- // assert
- $this->setExpectedException('OAuth\Common\Storage\Exception\TokenNotFoundException');
- $this->storage->retrieveAccessToken($service);
- }
diff --git a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Token/AbstractTokenTest.php b/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Token/AbstractTokenTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 54b3bb63..00000000
--- a/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests/Unit/Common/Token/AbstractTokenTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-namespace OAuthTest\Unit\Common\Token;
-use \OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken;
-class AbstractTokenTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- */
- public function testConstructCorrectInterface()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\TokenInterface', $token);
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getAccessToken
- */
- public function testGetAccessTokenNotSet()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $this->assertNull($token->getAccessToken());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getAccessToken
- */
- public function testGetAccessTokenSet()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('foo'));
- $this->assertSame('foo', $token->getAccessToken());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getAccessToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setAccessToken
- */
- public function testSetAccessToken()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $token->setAccessToken('foo');
- $this->assertSame('foo', $token->getAccessToken());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getRefreshToken
- */
- public function testGetRefreshToken()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $this->assertNull($token->getRefreshToken());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getRefreshToken
- */
- public function testGetRefreshTokenSet()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertSame('bar', $token->getRefreshToken());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getRefreshToken
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setRefreshToken
- */
- public function testSetRefreshToken()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $token->setRefreshToken('foo');
- $this->assertSame('foo', $token->getRefreshToken());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getExtraParams
- */
- public function testGetExtraParamsNotSet()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $this->assertSame(array(), $token->getExtraParams());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getExtraParams
- */
- public function testGetExtraParamsSet()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('foo', 'bar', null, array('foo', 'bar')));
- $this->assertEquals(array('foo', 'bar'), $token->getExtraParams());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setExtraParams
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getExtraParams
- */
- public function testSetExtraParams()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $token->setExtraParams(array('foo', 'bar'));
- $this->assertSame(array('foo', 'bar'), $token->getExtraParams());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setLifetime
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getEndOfLife
- */
- public function testGetEndOfLifeNotSet()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $this->assertSame(AbstractToken::EOL_UNKNOWN, $token->getEndOfLife());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setLifetime
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getEndOfLife
- */
- public function testGetEndOfLifeZero()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('foo', 'bar', 0));
- $this->assertSame(AbstractToken::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, $token->getEndOfLife());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setLifetime
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getEndOfLife
- */
- public function testGetEndOfLifeNeverExpires()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('foo', 'bar', AbstractToken::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES));
- $this->assertSame(AbstractToken::EOL_NEVER_EXPIRES, $token->getEndOfLife());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setLifetime
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getEndOfLife
- */
- public function testGetEndOfLifeNeverExpiresFiveMinutes()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken', array('foo', 'bar', 5 * 60));
- $this->assertSame(time() + (5*60), $token->getEndOfLife());
- }
- /**
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::__construct
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setLifetime
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::getEndOfLife
- * @covers OAuth\Common\Token\AbstractToken::setEndOfLife
- */
- public function testSetEndOfLife()
- {
- $token = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('\\OAuth\\Common\\Token\\AbstractToken');
- $token->setEndOfLife(10);
- $this->assertSame(10, $token->getEndOfLife());
- }