path: root/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-04-12Add screenshot support for tasks (copy/paste images directly)Frederic Guillot
2015-04-11Add burndown chartFrederic Guillot
2015-04-11Improve pull-request (move thumbnail generation function)Frederic Guillot
2015-04-07Update ja_JP translation (pull-request #777) and sync all localesYuichi Murata
2015-04-07Display the author in email notificationsFrederic Guillot
2015-04-06Fix translation typoFrederic Guillot
2015-04-06Update translations.phpmfoucrier
Proposition de traduction... J'ai trouvé cette erreur "Ccde" dans ce texte : 'This QR Ccde contains the key URI: '.
2015-04-03Rename action TaskAssignColor to TaskAssignColorColumnFrederic Guillot
2015-03-31Add two factor authenticationFrederic Guillot
2015-03-30Split task sidebar with another sectionFrederic Guillot
2015-03-29Add Hipchat integrationFrederic Guillot
2015-03-28Add Slack integrationFrederic Guillot
2015-03-28Add currency rates for budget calculationFrederic Guillot
2015-03-28Add task transitions csv exportFrederic Guillot
2015-03-26Add task transitions historyFrederic Guillot
2015-03-26Merge pull-request #742Frederic Guillot
2015-03-26Display subtask estimates in the user calendar according to the timetableFrederic Guillot
2015-03-26Update translations.phpmfoucrier
proposition de traduction
2015-03-22Improve and translate pull-requestFrederic Guillot
2015-03-22Add budget graphFrederic Guillot
2015-03-10Improve pull-requestFrederic Guillot
2015-03-09Add user timetablesFrederic Guillot
2015-03-01Translate chosen selectsFrederic Guillot
2015-02-28Improve toggle compact/horizontal scrolling viewFrederic Guillot
2015-02-21Update translations.phpmfoucrier
Bonjour, Désolé pour le français, mais j'ai un commentaire un peu long avec quelques questions... Ça va aller plus vite ainsi ! Avant de faire la traduction en portugais, je compare la version anglaise avec la française et je me trouve avec quelques différences que je ne comprends pas toujours : - Ci-dessous il y a une différence ici "...%d?" => "...%s". Est-ce normal ? 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce lien avec la tâche n°%s ?', - Ici le mot "ajouter" devient "create" ? 'Unable to create your link.' => 'Impossible d\'ajouter ce lien.' - Ici, le mot en français serait-il pas "bloc" ? 'blocks' => 'bloque' - Il ne manque un mot en français ? 'Filter recently updated' => 'Récemment modifié', - J'ai un peu de mal avec les "%quelque chose" comme par exemple ces deux là : '%b %e' => '%e %b', 'since %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => 'depuis le %d/%m/%Y à %H:%M', Merci pour votre beau logiciel et de maintenir une version Postgresql.
2015-02-16Add chosen multiple select for due date and recent filtersFrederic Guillot
2015-02-16Add missing translationsFrederic Guillot
2015-02-15Add missing localeFrederic Guillot
2015-02-14Add keyboard shortcut to open the board selectorFrederic Guillot
2015-02-14Add a section to display keyboard shorcutsFrederic Guillot
2015-02-14Add board filter: collapse/expand tasksFrederic Guillot
2015-02-14Move function to the right place (pull-request) and improve board task iconsFrederic Guillot
2015-02-14Refactoring/simplification of the pull-request about linksFrederic Guillot
2015-02-11Improve pull-requestFrederic Guillot
2015-02-10Add subtask time tracking in the task viewFrederic Guillot
2015-02-09Update translations.phpmfoucrier
here is my small contribution to your beautiful software
2015-02-08Add Bitbucket webhookFrederic Guillot
2015-02-08Add user calendar view on the dashboard and in the user management sectionFrederic Guillot
2015-02-08Improve js and add native language support for datepicker and calendarFrederic Guillot
2015-02-07Be able to disable the login form for specific usersFrederic Guillot
2015-02-07Add toggle/expend links on the dashboardFrederic Guillot
2015-02-07Uncheck tasks and swimlanes from project duplication and update translationsFrederic Guillot
2015-02-04Add subtasks restrictions and time trackingFrederic Guillot
2015-02-04Add user dashboard viewFrederic Guillot
2015-02-01Add dropdown menu to the tasksFrederic Guillot
2015-01-29Sync localesFrederic Guillot
2015-01-29Update translations.phpmfoucrier
2015-01-22Add new automatic action (Task comment logging), patch #539Frederic Guillot
2015-01-17Add project calendars (merge/refactoring of #490)Frederic Guillot
2015-01-10Supplementary updatesCynthia Pereira