path: root/web
diff options
authoremkael <>2013-09-15 14:10:59 +0200
committeremkael <>2013-09-15 14:10:59 +0200
commit5f4594124832c6eee2f295dee4710ff2b05e6357 (patch)
tree8c6446e093110267b71fd28591d6786ebbf0ff46 /web
parent33afd96244c221bc01576827f189a13d4b735062 (diff)
* nowa wersja interfejsu webowego, kompatybilna wstecznie
Diffstat (limited to 'web')
3 files changed, 96 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/web/index.html b/web/index.html
index c8a547c..5763dea 100644
--- a/web/index.html
+++ b/web/index.html
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <script src=""></script>
+ <!-- put your library dependencies here -->
+ <script src="lib/jquery.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="lib/mustache.js"></script>
+ <script src="lib/"></script>
+ <!-- good boy. -->
<script src="osika.js"></script>
<link href="osika.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@@ -12,13 +16,13 @@
Podaj rękę do oceny:<br />
<span class="spades">&spades;</span>
- <input type="text" id="suit0" value="xxxx" />
+ <input type="text" id="suit0" value="xxxx" class="suit" />
<span class="hearts">&hearts;</span>
- <input type="text" id="suit1" value="xxx" />
+ <input type="text" id="suit1" value="xxx" class="suit" />
<span class="diamonds">&diams;</span>
- <input type="text" id="suit2" value="xxx" />
+ <input type="text" id="suit2" value="xxx" class="suit" />
<span class="clubs">&clubs;</span>
- <input type="text" id="suit3" value="xxx" /><br />
+ <input type="text" id="suit3" value="xxx" class="suit" /><br />
<input type="submit" id="evaluate" value="Oceń" />
<div id="result"></div>
@@ -35,5 +39,21 @@
<li>blotki nie są weryfikowane (kolor może posiadać zduplikowane blotki, może też posiadać niemożliwą liczbę blotek, np. 10)</li>
+ <table id="resultTemplate" style="display:none">
+ <tr><th></th><th class="spades">&spades;</th><th class="hearts">&hearts;</th><th class="diamonds">&diams;</th><th class="clubs">&clubs;</th><th>&Sigma;</th></tr>
+ <tr><td>Honory (lewy)</td><td>{{lh.s}}</td><td>{{lh.h}}</td><td>{{lh.d}}</td><td>{{lh.c}}</td><td class="subtotal">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za zgrupowania honorów</td><td>{{lh_plus.s}}</td><td>{{lh_plus.h}}</td><td>{{lh_plus.d}}</td><td>{{lh_plus.c}}</td><td class="subtotal">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za podwiązania honorów</td><td>{{lh_10.s}}</td><td>{{lh_10.h}}</td><td>{{lh_10.d}}</td><td>{{lh_10.c}}</td><td class="subtotal">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za krótkie honory</td><td>{{lh_short.s}}</td><td>{{lh_short.h}}</td><td>{{lh_short.d}}</td><td>{{lh_short.c}}</td><td class="subtotal">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr class="subtotal"><td>Lewy honorowe</td><td>{{}}</td><td>{{}}</td><td>{{}}</td><td>{{}}</td><td>{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Lewy układowe</td><td>{{lu.s}}</td><td>{{lu.h}}</td><td>{{lu.d}}</td><td>{{lu.c}}</td><td class="subtotal">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr class="subtotal"><td>Razem</td><td>{{subtotal.s}}</td><td>{{subtotal.h}}</td><td>{{subtotal.d}}</td><td>{{subtotal.c}}</td><td>{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za lewy szybkie</td><td colspan="5">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za wysokie blotki</td><td colspan="5">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za kolory krótkie</td><td colspan="5">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za kolory starsze</td><td colspan="5">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Poprawka za lokalizację</td><td colspan="5">{{}}</td></tr>
+ <tr class="total"><td>Łącznie</td><td colspan="5">{{}}</td></tr>
+ </table>
diff --git a/web/osika.js b/web/osika.js
index 82fab72..5491938 100644
--- a/web/osika.js
+++ b/web/osika.js
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
-function getHand(hand) {
- jQuery('#evaluate').val('Czekaj...');
- jQuery('#evaluate').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- jQuery.getJSON(
- 'osika.php',
- {
- 'h': hand,
- 'f': 'json'
- },
- function (data) {
- jQuery('#evaluate').val('Oceń');
- jQuery('#evaluate').removeAttr('disabled');
- if (data.error) {
- jQuery('#result').html('<div class="error">'+data.error+'</div>');
- }
- else {
- var html = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><th></th><th class="spades">&spades;</th><th class="hearts">&hearts;</th><th class="diamonds">&diams;</th><th class="clubs">&clubs;</th><th>&Sigma;</th></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Honory (lewy)</td><td>'+data.lh[0]+'</td><td>'+data.lh[1]+'</td><td>'+data.lh[2]+'</td><td>'+data.lh[3]+'</td><td class="subtotal">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za zgrupowania honorów</td><td>'+data.lh_plus[0]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_plus[1]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_plus[2]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_plus[3]+'</td><td class="subtotal">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za podwiązania honorów</td><td>'+data.lh_10[0]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_10[1]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_10[2]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_10[3]+'</td><td class="subtotal">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za krótkie honory</td><td>'+data.lh_short[0]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_short[1]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_short[2]+'</td><td>'+data.lh_short[3]+'</td><td class="subtotal">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr class="subtotal"><td>Lewy honorowe</td><td>'+(data.subtotal[0][0])+'</td><td>'+(data.subtotal[1][1])+'</td><td>'+(data.subtotal[2][2])+'</td><td>'+(data.subtotal[3][3])+'</td><td>'+('</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Lewy układowe</td><td>'[0]+'</td><td>'[1]+'</td><td>'[2]+'</td><td>'[3]+'</td><td class="subtotal">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr class="subtotal"><td>Razem</td><td>'+data.subtotal[0]+'</td><td>'+data.subtotal[1]+'</td><td>'+data.subtotal[2]+'</td><td>'+data.subtotal[3]+'</td><td>''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za lewy szybkie</td><td colspan="5">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za wysokie blotki</td><td colspan="5">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za kolory krótkie</td><td colspan="5">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za kolory starsze</td><td colspan="5">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Poprawka za lokalizację</td><td colspan="5">''</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr class="total"><td>Łącznie</td><td colspan="5">''</td></tr>';
- html += '</table>';
- jQuery('#result').html(html);
- location.hash = hand;
+var Osika = function() {
+ var that = this;
+ that.resultTemplate = jQuery('#resultTemplate').remove().html();
+ that.handleData = function(data) {
+ jQuery('#evaluate').val('Oceń');
+ jQuery('#evaluate').removeAttr('disabled');
+ if (data.error) {
+ jQuery('#result').html('<div class="error">'+data.error+'</div>');
+ }
+ else {
+ var html = Mustache.to_html(that.resultTemplate, data);
+ jQuery('#result').html(html);
+ }
+ };
+ that.getHand = function(hand) {
+ jQuery('#evaluate').val('Czekaj...');
+ jQuery('#evaluate').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ jQuery.getJSON(
+ 'osika.php',
+ {
+ 'h': hand,
+ 'f': 'json'
+ },
+ that.handleData
+ );
+ location.hash = hand;
+ };
+ that.init = function() {
+ jQuery('#evaluate').unbind('click').click(function () {
+ var hand = jQuery('#suit0').val()+'|'+jQuery('#suit1').val()+'|'+jQuery('#suit2').val()+'|'+jQuery('#suit3').val();
+ that.getHand(hand);
+ return false;
+ });
+ if (location.hash) {
+ var hand = location.hash.substring(1).split('|');
+ for (h = 0; h < hand.length; h++) {
+ jQuery('#suit'+h).val(hand[h]);
- }
- );
+ that.getHand(location.hash.substring(1));
+ }
+ jQuery(window).hashchange(that.init);
+ };
+ that.init();
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
- jQuery('#evaluate').click(function () {
- var hand = jQuery('#suit0').val()+'|'+jQuery('#suit1').val()+'|'+jQuery('#suit2').val()+'|'+jQuery('#suit3').val();
- getHand(hand);
- return false;
- });
- if (location.hash) {
- var hand = location.hash.substring(1).split('|');
- for (h = 0; h < hand.length; h++) {
- jQuery('#suit'+h).val(hand[h]);
- }
- getHand(location.hash.substring(1));
- }
-}); \ No newline at end of file
+ var o = new Osika();
diff --git a/web/osika.php b/web/osika.php
index 092cc9c..a5abb4f 100644
--- a/web/osika.php
+++ b/web/osika.php
@@ -1,282 +1,33 @@
-function suitSort($cardA, $cardB) {
- if ($cardA == 'a') {
- return -1;
- }
- if ($cardA == 'k') {
- return ($cardB == 'a') ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if ($cardA == 'q') {
- return (in_array($cardB, array('a', 'k'))) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if ($cardA == 'j') {
- return (in_array($cardB, array('a', 'k', 'q'))) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if ($cardA == 't') {
- return (in_array($cardB, array('a', 'k', 'q', 'j'))) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- if ($cardA == '9') {
- return (in_array($cardB, array('a', 'k', 'q', 'j', 't'))) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- return 1;
-function sortHand(&$suit) {
- $temp = str_split($suit);
- usort($temp, 'suitSort');
- $suit = implode('', $temp);
-function honor($suit) {
- $jack = 0;
- if (strpos($suit, 'j') === 0) {
- $jack = 0.125;
- }
- return substr_count($suit, 'a')*1.125+substr_count($suit, 'k')*0.8125+substr_count($suit, 'q')*0.4375+$jack;
-function honorPlus($suit) {
- $dummy = array();
- $count = preg_match_all('/a|k|q|j/', $suit, $dummy);
- if ($count < 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- return $count*0.25;
-function honorShort($suit) {
- $len = strlen($suit);
- if (!$len || $len > 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- $count = preg_match_all('/a|k|q|j/', $suit, $dummy);
- if ($len == 1) {
- return ($count)*(-0.125);
- }
- return $count*(-0.0625);
-function blot($length) {
- if ($length < 4) {
- return 0;
- }
- switch ($length) {
- case 4:
- return 0.4375;
- case 5:
- return 1.5;
- case 6:
- return 2.75;
- case 7:
- return 3.9375;
- }
- if ($length >= 8) {
- return $length - 3;
- }
-function blotPlus($suit) {
- $dummy = array();
- return 0.125*((strlen($suit) > 3) && substr_count($suit, 't') && preg_match_all('/a|k|q/', $suit, $dummy))+(substr_count($suit, 't9'))*0.0625;
-function quickTricks($hand) {
- $hand = '|'.$hand;
- $high = substr_count($hand, 'a')+substr_count($hand, 'k');
- $low = substr_count($hand, 'q')+substr_count($hand, 'j')-substr_count($hand, '|j');
- $diff = $high - $low;
- if ($diff > 2) {
- return 0.125;
- }
- if ($diff > 1) {
- return 0.0625;
- }
- if ($diff < -2) {
- return -0.125;
- }
- if ($diff < -1) {
- return -0.0625;
- }
- return 0;
-function luBlots($hand) {
- $nonshort = '';
- foreach ($hand as $suit) {
- if (strlen($suit) >= 3) {
- $nonshort .= $suit;
- }
- }
- $dummy = array();
- $count = preg_match_all('/t|9/', $nonshort, $dummy)-1;
- if ($count > 0) {
- return 0.0625;
- }
- if ($count < 0) {
- return -0.0625;
- }
- return 0;
-function shortSuit($distribution) {
- $suits = array();
- foreach ($distribution as $suit) {
- if ($suit <= 3) {
- $suits[] = $suit;
- }
- }
- if (count($suits) < 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- sort($suits);
- $diff = $suits[1] - $suits[0];
- return ($diff > 1) ? 0.0625 : 0;
-function majorSuit($distribution) {
- if ((($distribution[0] + $distribution[1]) >= 8) && ($distribution[0] > 2) && ($distribution[1] > 2)) {
- return 0.0625;
- }
- return 0;
+// path to Evaluator goes here.
-function localization($distribution, $result) {
- $strength = array();
- $length = array();
- foreach ($result['lh'] as $index => $value) {
- if (is_numeric($index)) {
- if ($distribution[$index] >= 3) {
- if (isset($strength[$distribution[$index]])) {
- $strength[$distribution[$index]] += ($result['lh'][$index]+$result['lh_plus'][$index]+$result['lh_10'][$index]+$result['lh_short'][$index]);
- }
- else {
- $strength[$distribution[$index]] = ($result['lh'][$index]+$result['lh_plus'][$index]+$result['lh_10'][$index]+$result['lh_short'][$index]);
- }
- if (isset($length[$distribution[$index]])) {
- $length[$distribution[$index]] += $distribution[$index];
- }
- else {
- $length[$distribution[$index]] = $distribution[$index];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ksort($strength);
- ksort($length);
- $sumLength = array_sum($length);
- $sumStrength = array_sum($strength);
- $longestDiff = end($strength)-$sumStrength*end($length)/$sumLength;
- $shortestDiff = reset($strength)-$sumStrength*reset($length)/$sumLength;
- if (abs($longestDiff) > 0.5) {
- if (abs($longestDiff) > 1) {
- return 0.25*(abs($longestDiff)/$longestDiff);
- }
- else {
- return 0.125*(abs($longestDiff)/$longestDiff);
- }
- }
- if (abs($shortestDiff) > 0.5) {
- if (abs($shortestDiff) > 1) {
- return -0.125*(abs($shortestDiff)/$shortestDiff);
- }
- else {
- return -0.0625*(abs($shortestDiff)/$shortestDiff);
- }
- }
- return 0;
+$hand = $_REQUEST['h'];
+try {
+ $eval = new OsikaEvaluator($hand);
+ $res = $eval->evaluate();
-function osika($hand) {
- if (!$hand) {
- return array('error' => 'Brak podanej ręki!');
- }
- $hand = strtolower($hand);
- $hand = str_replace(array('10', 'w', 'd'), array('t', 'j', 'q'), $hand);
- $hand = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $hand);
- $suits = explode('|', $hand);
- if (count($suits) != 4) {
- return array('error' => 'Ręka nie zawiera 4 kolorów!');
- }
- $distribution = array();
- $result = array('lu' => array('total' => 0),
- 'lu_plus' => array('total' => 0),
- 'lh' => array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 'total' => 0),
- 'lh_plus' => array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 'total' => 0),
- 'lh_10' => array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 'total' => 0),
- 'lh_short' => array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 'total' => 0),
- 'lsz' => array('total' => 0),
- 'l10n' => array('total' => 0),
- 'short_suit' => array('total' => 0),
- 'major_suit' => array('total' => 0));
- foreach ($suits as $index => $suit) {
- $distribution[] = strlen($suit);
- if (preg_match('/[^akqjtx2-9]/', $suit)) {
- return array('error' => 'Kolor '.$suit.' zawiera nieprawidłowe znaki!');
- }
- foreach (array('a', 'k', 'q', 'j', 't', '9') as $honor) {
- if (substr_count($suit, $honor) > 1) {
- return array('error' => 'Kolor '.$suit.' zawiera zduplikowany honor!');
- }
- }
- sortHand($suit);
- $result['lh_short'][$index] = honorShort($suit);
- $result['lh_short']['total'] += $result['lh_short'][$index];
- $result['lh_10'][$index] = blotPlus($suit);
- $result['lh_10']['total'] += $result['lh_10'][$index];
- $suit = substr($suit, 0, 3);
- $result['lh'][$index] = honor($suit);
- $result['lh']['total'] += $result['lh'][$index];
- $result['lh_plus'][$index] = honorPlus($suit);
- $result['lh_plus']['total'] += $result['lh_plus'][$index];
- }
- if (array_sum($distribution) != 13) {
- return array('error' => 'Ręka nie zawiera 13 kart!');
- }
- foreach ($distribution as $index => $suit) {
- $result['lu'][$index] = blot($suit);
- $result['lu']['total'] += $result['lu'][$index];
- }
- $result['lsz']['total'] = quickTricks(implode('|',$suits));
- $result['lu_plus']['total'] = luBlots($suits);
- $result['short_suit']['total'] = shortSuit($distribution);
- $result['major_suit']['total'] = majorSuit($distribution);
- $result['l10n']['total'] = localization($distribution, $result);
- $subtotal = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 'total' => 0);
- $total = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 'total' => 0);
- foreach ($result as $i => $factor) {
- if (count($factor) == 5) {
- foreach ($factor as $index => $subt) {
- $subtotal[$index] += $subt;
- }
- }
- $total['total'] += $factor['total'];
- }
- $result['subtotal'] = $subtotal;
- $result['total'] = $total;
- return $result;
+catch (OsikaParserException $e) {
+ $res = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
-$hand = $_REQUEST['h'];
-$res = osika($hand);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['f'])) {
- $_REQUEST['f'] = '';
+ $_REQUEST['f'] = '';
switch ($_REQUEST['f']) {
- case 'json':
- echo json_encode($res);
- exit;
- default:
- if (isset($res['error'])) {
- echo 'Błąd: '.$res['error']."\n";
- exit;
- }
- else {
- print_r($res);
- }
+case 'json':
+ echo json_encode($res);
+ exit;
+ if (isset($res['error'])) {
+ echo 'Błąd: '.$res['error']."\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ else {
+ print_r($res);
+ }
?> \ No newline at end of file