AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-11-16 * moving Goniec config out of constructoremkael
2016-11-15 * version number bump1.1rc2emkael
2016-11-15 * updating documentationemkael
2016-11-15 * separate dist paths for both buildsemkael
2016-11-15 * "force Goniec" option supported in GUIemkael
2016-11-15 * lowering priority for hash check message to avoid flooding GUIemkael
2016-11-15 * typo fixemkael
2016-11-15 * code formattingemkael
2016-11-15 * new bundle filesemkael
2016-11-15 * not sending anything to Goniec if file list is emptyemkael
2016-11-15 * fixing pylint issuesemkael
2016-11-15 * logging information on file hash comparisonsemkael
2016-11-15 * only sending changed files via Goniec, with an option to overrideemkael
2016-11-15 * avoid generating different HTML content on second run of the same fileemkael
2016-11-14 * README updatedemkael
2016-11-14 * CSS added from separate fileemkael
2016-11-14 * docstring for added methodemkael
2016-11-14 * code formattingemkael
2016-11-12 * saving config when app is closed with app button, not window buttonemkael
2016-11-11 * enabling manual input in text fieldsemkael
2016-11-11 * new bundlesemkael
2016-11-11 * cache flush because working version of pyinstaller is fucking retarded in ...emkael
2016-11-10 * only send to Goniec what existsemkael
2016-11-10 * CSS hack for Firefox image link positioningemkael
2016-11-10 * new bundlesemkael
2016-11-10 * sanity chackes for non-complete BWS filesemkael
2016-11-05 * new bundles with updated documentationemkael
2016-11-05 * documentation for command line switches completedemkael
2016-10-31 * updated GUI bundleemkael
2016-10-31 * error/warning summary not raising modal anymoreemkael
2016-10-31 * moving icon to separate resources moduleemkael
2016-10-31 * typo in docstring fixedemkael
2016-10-24 * 1.1rc1 build bundles1.1rc1emkael
2016-10-24 * build info updatedemkael
2016-10-24 * version number bumpemkael
2016-10-24 * formatting and refactoring to meet PEP8 and PEP257 standardsemkael
2016-10-23 * better error handling on config restoreemkael
2016-10-23 * storing config formatted nicelyemkael
2016-10-23 * storing/restoring GUI fields values in config.jsonemkael
2016-10-23 * Goniec support in GUIemkael
2016-10-23 * proper socket content encodingemkael
2016-10-23 * Goniec supportemkael
2016-10-23 * CSS for bidding link fixed (now redouble fits)emkael
2016-02-22Update TODO.mdemkael
2015-11-14 * changelog updated1.0.3emkael
2015-11-14 * version number bumpemkael
2015-11-14 * class members initialization and cleanupemkael
2015-11-14 * ignoring bidding from before board eraseemkael
2015-11-14 * SkipBid supportemkael
2015-11-14 * build tool for both targetsemkael