path: root/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.phpdocpdf.php
diff options
mode: <>2012-02-11 09:09:30 +0000 <>2012-02-11 09:09:30 +0000
commit84e41104845e80a429d6ac983a45de69dd71ecb1 (patch)
tree6528cfaa4f7b20d7998d552bae307c26900aac7a /buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.phpdocpdf.php
parent78386438637ecf33e2feeb99c1a922ee713a58a2 (diff)
cleaning away unused converters from phpDocumentor
Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.phpdocpdf.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.phpdocpdf.php b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.phpdocpdf.php
deleted file mode 100755
index ea3b2fdf..00000000
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.phpdocpdf.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
- * Cezpdf callback class customized for phpDocumentor
- *
- * phpDocumentor :: automatic documentation generator
- *
- * PHP versions 4 and 5
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Joshua Eichorn, Gregory Beaver
- *
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
- * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
- * later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * @package Converters
- * @subpackage PDFdefault
- * @author Greg Beaver <>
- * @copyright 2000-2006 Joshua Eichorn, Gregory Beaver
- * @license LGPL
- * @version CVS: $Id: class.phpdocpdf.php 212211 2006-04-30 22:18:14Z cellog $
- * @filesource
- * @link
- * @link
- * @since 1.2
- */
-/** ezPdf libraries */
-include_once 'phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/class.ezpdf.php';
-include_once 'phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/';
-// define a class extension to allow the use of a callback to get the table of
-// contents, and to put the dots in the toc
- * @package Converters
- * @subpackage PDFdefault
- */
-class phpdocpdf extends Cezpdf
- var $reportContents = array();
- var $indexContents = array();
- var $indents = array();
- var $font_dir = false;
- var $set_pageNumbering = false;
- var $converter;
- var $_save = '';
- var $listType = 'ordered';
- var $_colorStack = array();
- function phpdocpdf(&$pdfconverter,$fontdir,$paper='a4',$orientation='portrait')
- {
- Cezpdf::Cezpdf($paper,$orientation);
- $this->converter = $pdfconverter;
- $this->font_dir = $fontdir;
- }
- /**
- * This really should be in the parent class
- */
- function getColor()
- {
- return $this->currentColour;
- }
- function setColorArray($color)
- {
- $this->setColor($color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']);
- }
- /**
- * Extract Pdfphp-format color from html-format color
- * @return array
- * @access private
- */
- function _extractColor($htmlcolor)
- {
- preg_match('/#([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/', $htmlcolor, $color);
- if (count($color) != 4)
- {
- return false;
- }
- $red = hexdec($color[1]) / hexdec('FF');
- $green = hexdec($color[2]) / hexdec('FF');
- $blue = hexdec($color[3]) / hexdec('FF');
- return array('r' => $red, 'g' => $green, 'b' => $blue);
- }
- function validHTMLColor($color)
- {
- return $this->_extractColor($htmlcolor);
- }
- function setHTMLColor($color)
- {
- fancy_debug('toplevel setting to', $color);
- $this->setColor($color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']);
- }
- function textcolor($info)
- {
- if ($info['status'] == 'start')
- {
- array_push($this->_colorStack, $this->getColor());
- $color = $this->_extractColor($info['p']);
- if ($color)
- {
-// fancy_debug('set color to ',$info['p'],$color, $this->_colorStack);
- $this->setColorArray($color);
- } else
- {
- array_pop($this->_colorStack);
- }
- } elseif ($info['status'] == 'end')
- {
-// debug('unsetting');
- $this->setColorArray(array_pop($this->_colorStack));
- }
- }
- function rf($info)
- {
- $tmp = $info['p'];
- $lvl = $tmp[0];
- $lbl = rawurldecode(substr($tmp,1));
- $num=$this->ezWhatPageNumber($this->ezGetCurrentPageNumber());
- $this->reportContents[] = array($lbl,$num,$lvl );
- $this->addDestination('toc'.(count($this->reportContents)-1),'FitH',$info['y']+$info['height']);
- }
- function index($info)
- {
- $res = explode('|||',rawurldecode($info['p']));
- $name = $res[0];
- $descrip = $res[1];
- $letter = $name[0];
- if ($letter == '$') $letter = $name[1];
- $this->indexContents[strtoupper($letter)][] = array($name,$descrip,$this->ezWhatPageNumber($this->ezGetCurrentPageNumber()),count($this->reportContents) - 1);
- }
- function IndexLetter($info)
- {
- $letter = $info['p'];
- $this->transaction('start');
- $ok=0;
- while (!$ok){
- $thisPageNum = $this->ezPageCount;
- $this->saveState();
- $this->setColor(0.9,0.9,0.9);
- $this->filledRectangle($this->ez['leftMargin'],$this->y-$this->getFontHeight(18)+$this->getFontDecender(18),$this->ez['pageWidth']-$this->ez['leftMargin']-$this->ez['rightMargin'],$this->getFontHeight(18));
- $this->restoreState();
- $this->_ezText($letter,18,array('justification'=>'left'));
- if ($this->ezPageCount==$thisPageNum){
- $this->transaction('commit');
- $ok=1;
- } else {
- // then we have moved onto a new page, bad bad, as the background colour will be on the old one
- $this->transaction('rewind');
- $this->ezNewPage();
- }
- }
- }
- function dots($info)
- {
- // draw a dotted line over to the right and put on a page number
- $tmp = $info['p'];
- $lvl = $tmp[0];
- $lbl = substr($tmp,1);
- $xpos = 520;
- switch($lvl)
- {
- case '1':
- $size=16;
- $thick=1;
- break;
- case '2':
- $size=14;
- $thick=1;
- break;
- case '3':
- $size=12;
- $thick=1;
- break;
- case '4':
- $size=11;
- $thick=1;
- break;
- }
- $adjust = 0;
- if ($size != 16) $adjust = 1;
- $this->saveState();
- $this->setLineStyle($thick,'round','',array(0,10));
- $this->line($xpos - (5*$adjust),$info['y'],$info['x']+5,$info['y']);
- $this->restoreState();
- $this->addText($xpos - (5*$adjust)+5,$info['y'],$size,$lbl);
- }
- /**
- * @uses PDFParser extracts all meta-tags and processes text for output
- */
- function ezText($text,$size=0,$options=array(),$test=0)
- {
- $text = str_replace("\t"," ",$text);
- // paragraph breaks
- $text = str_replace("<##P##>","\n ",$text);
- $text = str_replace("<<c:i",'< <c:i',$text);
- $text = str_replace("ilink>>","ilink> >",$text);
- $this->_save .= $text;
- }
- function setupTOC()
- {
- $parser = new PDFParser;
- $parser->parse($this->_save,$this->font_dir,$this);
- $this->_save = '';
- }
- function ezOutput($debug = false, $template)
- {
- if ($debug) return $this->_save;
- $this->setupTOC();
- if ($template)
- {
- uksort($this->indexContents,'strnatcasecmp');
- $xpos = 520;
- $z = 0;
- foreach($this->indexContents as $letter => $contents)
- {
- if ($z++/50 == 0) {phpDocumentor_out('.');flush();}
- uksort($this->indexContents[$letter],array($this->converter,'mystrnatcasecmp'));
- }
- $template->assign('indexcontents',$this->indexContents);
- $this->ezText($template->fetch('index.tpl'));
- $this->setupTOC();
- }
- return parent::ezOutput();
- }
- function _ezText($text,$size=0,$options=array(),$test=0)
- {
- return parent::ezText($text,$size,$options,$test);
- }
- function getYPlusOffset($offset)
- {
- return $this->y + $offset;
- }
- function addMessage($message)
- {
- return parent::addMessage($message);
- phpDocumentor_out($message."\n");
- flush();
- }
- function ezProcessText($text){
- // this function will intially be used to implement underlining support, but could be used for a range of other
- // purposes
- $text = parent::ezProcessText($text);
- $text = str_replace(array('<UL>','</UL>','<LI>','</LI>','<OL>','</OL>','</ol>','<blockquote>','</blockquote>'),
- array('<ul>','</ul>','<li>','</li>','<ol>','</ul>','</ul>',"<C:indent:20>\n","<C:indent:-20>"),$text);
-// $text = str_replace("<ul>\n","<ul>",$text);
- $text = preg_replace("/\n+\s*(<ul>|<ol>)/", "\n\\1", $text);
- // some problemos fixed here - hack
- $text = preg_replace('/<text [^]]+>/', '', $text);
- $text = str_replace("<li>\n","<li>",$text);
- $text = preg_replace("/\n+\s*<li>/", "<li>", $text);
- $text = str_replace("<mybr>","\n",$text);
- $text = str_replace('</li></ul>','</ul>',$text);
- $text = preg_replace("/^\n(\d+\s+.*)/", '\\1', $text);
- $search = array('<ul>','</ul>','<ol>','<li>','</li>');
- $replace = array("<C:indent:20>\n","\n<C:indent:-20>","\n<C:indent:20:ordered>\n",'<C:bullet>',"\n");
- $text = str_replace($search,$replace,$text);
- $text = preg_replace("/([^\n])<C:bullet/", "\\1\n<C:bullet", $text);
- if (false) {
- $fp = @fopen("C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/pdfsourceorig.txt",'a');
- if ($fp)
- {
- fwrite($fp, $text);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- return $text;
- }
- function indent($info)
- {
- $stuff = explode(':', $info['p']);
- $margin = $stuff[0];
- if (count($stuff) - 1)
- {
- $this->listType = 'ordered';
- $this->listIndex = 1;
- } else
- {
- if ($margin > 0)
- {
- $this->listIndex = 1;
- }
- $this->listType = 'unordered';
- }
- $this->ez['leftMargin'] += $margin;
- }
- /**
- * @author Murray Shields
- */
- function bullet($Data)
- {
- if ($this->listType == 'ordered')
- {
- return $this->orderedBullet($Data);
- }
- $D = abs($Data["decender"]);
- $X = $Data["x"] - ($D * 2) - 10;
- $Y = $Data["y"] + ($D * 1.5);
- $this->setLineStyle($D, "butt", "miter", array());
- $this->setColor(0,0,0);
- $this->ellipse($X, $Y, 1);
- }
- function orderedBullet($info)
- {
- $this->addText($info['x']-20, $info['y']-1, 10, $this->listIndex++ . '.');
- }
- function ezNewPage($debug=false)
- {
- parent::ezNewPage();
- if (!$this->set_pageNumbering)
- {
- $template = $this->converter->newSmarty();
- $parser = new PDFParser;
- $parser->parse($template->fetch('pagenumbering.tpl'),$this->font_dir,$this);
- }
- $this->set_pageNumbering = true;
- }