path: root/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced
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authorxue <>2006-04-26 21:18:01 +0000
committerxue <>2006-04-26 21:18:01 +0000
commit8ab196ce6c2d5de323bdd8ebcc11a73814c0cdca (patch)
treee77b1306648d03920439290bb8f3e27821410804 /demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced
parent5ba6cd4be568f686d890835a77586077cde1a943 (diff)
Merge from 3.0 branch till 971.
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1 files changed, 123 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/
index f37e5cf6..4a220c4c 100644
--- a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Advanced/
@@ -170,23 +170,145 @@ The time is {time}.
&lt;com:TDateFormat Value="12/01/2005" /&gt;
-<p>There are of 4 localized date patterns and 4 localized time patterns. They can be used in any combination. If using a combined pattern, the first must be the date, followed by a space, and lastly the time pattern. For example, full date pattern with short time pattern.</p>
+<p>The <tt>Pattern</tt> property accepts 4 predefined localized date patterns and 4 predefined localized time patterns.
+ <li><tt>fulldate</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>longdate</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>mediumdate</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>shortdate</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>fulltime</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>longtime</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>mediumtime</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>shorttime</tt></li>
+The predefined can be used in any combination. If using a combined predefined pattern,
+the first pattern must be the date, followed by a space, and lastly the time pattern.
+For example, full date pattern with short time pattern. The actual ordering of the
+date-time and the actual pattern will be determine automatically from locale data specified
+by the <tt>Culture</tt> property.</p>
<com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source">
&lt;com:TDateFormat Pattern="fulldate shorttime" /&gt;
+<p>You can also specify a custom pattern using the following sub-patterns.
+The date/time format is specified by means of a string time pattern. In this pattern, all ASCII letters are reserved as pattern letters, which are defined as the following:
+<com:TTextHighlighter Language="text" CssClass="source">
+ Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
+ ------ ------- ------------ -------
+ G era designator (Text) AD
+ y year (Number) 1996
+ M month in year (Text &amp; Number) July &amp; 07
+ d day in month (Number) 10
+ h hour in am/pm (1~12) (Number) 12
+ H hour in day (0~23) (Number) 0
+ m minute in hour (Number) 30
+ s second in minute (Number) 55
+ E day of week (Text) Tuesday
+ D day in year (Number) 189
+ F day of week in month (Number) 2 (2nd Wed in July)
+ w week in year (Number) 27
+ W week in month (Number) 2
+ a am/pm marker (Text) PM
+ k hour in day (1~24) (Number) 24
+ K hour in am/pm (0~11) (Number) 0
+ z time zone (Time) Pacific Standard Time
+ ' escape for text (Delimiter) 'Date='
+ '' single quote (Literal) 'o''clock'
+<p>The count of pattern letters determine the format.</p>
+<p>(Text): 4 letters uses full form, less than 4, use short or abbreviated form
+if it exists. (e.g., "EEEE" produces "Monday", "EEE" produces "Mon")</p>
+<p>(Number): the minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are zero-padded
+ to this amount (e.g. if "m" produces "6", "mm" produces "06"). Year is
+ handled specially; that is, if the count of 'y' is 2, the Year will be
+ truncated to 2 digits. (e.g., if "yyyy" produces "1997", "yy" produces "97".)
+ Unlike other fields, fractional seconds are padded on the right with zero.</p>
+<p>(Text and Number): 3 or over, use text, otherwise use number. (e.g.,
+"M" produces "1", "MM" produces "01", "MMM" produces "Jan", and "MMMM"
+produces "January".)</p>
+<p>Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of ['a'..'z']
+and ['A'..'Z'] will be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters
+like ':', '.', ' ', and '@' will appear in the resulting time text
+even they are not embraced within single quotes.</p>
+<p>Examples using the US locale:
+<com:TTextHighlighter Language="text" CssClass="source">
+Format Pattern Result
+-------------- -------
+"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss" -&gt;&gt; 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56
+"EEE, MMM d, ''yy" -&gt;&gt; Wed, Jul 10, '96
+"h:mm a" -&gt;&gt; 12:08 PM
+"hh 'o''clock' a, z" -&gt;&gt; 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time
+"K:mm a" -&gt;&gt; 0:00 PM
+"yyyy.MMMM.dd G hh:mm a" -&gt;&gt; 1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM
<p>If the <tt>Value</tt> property is not specified, the current date and time is used.</p>
<p>PRADO's Internationalization framework provide localized currency formatting and number formatting. Please note that the <tt>TNumberFormat</tt> component provides formatting only, it does not perform current conversion or exchange.</p>
+<p>Numbers can be formatted as currency, percentage, decimal or scientific
+numbers by specifying the <tt>Type</tt> attribute. The valid types are:
+ <li><tt>currency</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>percentage</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>decimal</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>scientific</tt></li>
<com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source">
&lt;com:TNumberFormat Type="currency" Value="100" /&gt;
<p><tt>Culture</tt> and <tt>Currency</tt> properties may be specified to format locale specific numbers. </p>
+<p>If someone from US want to see sales figures from a store in
+Germany (say using the EURO currency), formatted using the german
+ currency, you would need to use the attribute <tt>Culture="de_DE"</tt> to get
+the currency right, e.g. 100,00$. The decimal and grouping separator is
+then also from the <tt>de_DE</tt> locale. This may lead to some confusion because
+people from US uses the "," (comma) as thousand separator. Therefore a <tt>Currency</tt>
+attribute is available, so that the output from the following example results in $100.00
+<com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source">
+&lt;com:TNumberFormat Type="currency"
+ Culture="en_US" Currency="EUR" Value="100" /&gt;
+<p>The <tt>Pattern</tt> property determines the number of digits, thousand grouping
+positions, the number of decimal points and the decimal position. The actual characters that
+are used to represent the decimal points and thousand points are culture specific
+and will change automatically according to the <tt>Culture</tt> property. The valid
+<tt>Pattern</tt> characters are:
+ <li><tt># (hash)</tt> - represents the optional digits</li>
+ <li><tt>0 (zero)</tt> - represents the mandatory digits, zero left filled</li>
+ <li><tt>. (full stop)</tt> - the position of the decimal point (only 1 decimal point is allowed)</li>
+ <li><tt>, (comma)</tt> - thousand point separation (up to 2 commas are allowed)</li>
+For example, consider the <tt>Value="1234567.12345"</tt> and
+with <tt>Culture="en_US"</tt> (which uses "," for thousand point separator and "." for decimal separators).
+<com:TTextHighlighter Language="text" CssClass="source">
+Pattern Output
+------- ------
+##,###.00 -&gt;&gt; 1,234,567.12
+##,###.## -&gt;&gt; 1,234,567.12345
+##,##.0000 -&gt;&gt; 1,23,45,67.1235
+##,###,##.0 -&gt;&gt; 12,345,67.1
+000,000,000.0 -&gt;&gt; 001,234,567.1
<p>Compound messages, i.e., string substitution, can be accomplished with <tt>TTranslateParameter</tt>.