path: root/framework/Base/TModel.php
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mode: <>2011-06-20 14:26:39 +0000 <>2011-06-20 14:26:39 +0000
commitd4b19712c271c3bf9d16909768c4bd84d617afd5 (patch)
tree103fb4f57818c7eaf2a9591d237299ea146196fd /framework/Base/TModel.php
parenta57ead00a69cd5240dd7549fa3a7da8d4e717749 (diff)
killed the experimental activecontrols implementation backported from yii
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Base/TModel.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 567 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Base/TModel.php b/framework/Base/TModel.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e05f26b6..00000000
--- a/framework/Base/TModel.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * CModel class file.
- *
- * @author Qiang Xue <>
- * @link
- * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC
- * @license
- */
- * TModel is the base class providing the common features needed by data model objects.
- *
- * TModel defines the basic framework for data models that need to be validated.
- *
- * @author Qiang Xue <>
- * @version $Id: TModel.php 1093 2009-06-05 13:09:17Z qiang.xue $
- * @package system.base
- * @since 1.0
- */
-abstract class TModel extends TComponent implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess
- private $_errors=array(); // attribute name => array of errors
- private $_validators; // validators
- private $_scenario=''; // scenario
- /**
- * raiseEvent adapter method for TComponent
- * Was necessary because CActiveRecord doesnt use the third parameter
- * @param string EventName
- * @param TEvent Event
- */
- public function raiseEvent($name, $event, $param=null)
- {
- parent::raiseEvent($name, $event, new TEventParameter());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of attribute names of the model.
- * @return array list of attribute names.
- * @since 1.0.1
- */
- abstract public function attributeNames();
- /**
- * Returns the validation rules for attributes.
- *
- * This method should be overridden to declare validation rules.
- * Each rule is an array with the following structure:
- * <pre>
- * array('attribute list', 'validator name', 'on'=>'scenario name', ...validation parameters...)
- * </pre>
- * where
- * <ul>
- * <li>attribute list: specifies the attributes (separated by commas) to be validated;</li>
- * <li>validator name: specifies the validator to be used. It can be the name of a model class
- * method, the name of a built-in validator, or a validator class (or its path alias).
- * A validation method must have the following signature:
- * <pre>
- * // $params refers to validation parameters given in the rule
- * function validatorName($attribute,$params)
- * </pre>
- * A built-in validator refers to one of the validators declared in {@link CValidator::builtInValidators}.
- * And a validator class is a class extending {@link CValidator}.</li>
- * <li>on: this specifies the scenarios when the validation rule should be performed.
- * Separate different scenarios with commas. If this option is not set, the rule
- * will be applied in any scenario. Please see {@link scenario} for more details about this option.</li>
- * <li>additional parameters are used to initialize the corresponding validator properties.
- * Please refer to individal validator class API for possible properties.</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * The following are some examples:
- * <pre>
- * array(
- * array('username', 'required'),
- * array('username', 'length', 'min'=>3, 'max'=>12),
- * array('password', 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=>'password2', 'on'=>'register'),
- * array('password', 'authenticate', 'on'=>'login'),
- * );
- * </pre>
- *
- * Note, in order to inherit rules defined in the parent class, a child class needs to
- * merge the parent rules with child rules using functions like array_merge().
- *
- * @return array validation rules to be applied when {@link validate()} is called.
- * @see scenario
- */
- public function rules()
- {
- return array();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of behaviors that this model should behave as.
- * The return value should be an array of behavior configurations indexed by
- * behavior names. Each behavior configuration can be either a string specifying
- * the behavior class or an array of the following structure:
- * <pre>
- * 'behaviorName'=>array(
- * 'class'=>'',
- * 'property1'=>'value1',
- * 'property2'=>'value2',
- * )
- * </pre>
- *
- * Note, the behavior classes must implement {@link IBehavior} or extend from
- * {@link CBehavior}. Behaviors declared in this method will be attached
- * to the model when it is instantiated.
- *
- * For more details about behaviors, see {@link CComponent}.
- * @return array the behavior configurations (behavior name=>behavior configuration)
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function behaviors()
- {
- return array();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the attribute labels.
- * Attribute labels are mainly used in error messages of validation.
- * By default an attribute label is generated using {@link generateAttributeLabel}.
- * This method allows you to explicitly specify attribute labels.
- *
- * Note, in order to inherit labels defined in the parent class, a child class needs to
- * merge the parent labels with child labels using functions like array_merge().
- *
- * @return array attribute labels (name=>label)
- * @see generateAttributeLabel
- */
- public function attributeLabels()
- {
- return array();
- }
- /**
- * Performs the validation.
- *
- * This method executes the validation rules as declared in {@link rules}.
- * Only the rules applicable to the current {@link scenario} will be executed.
- * A rule is considered applicable to a scenario if its 'on' option is not set
- * or contains the scenario.
- *
- * Errors found during the validation can be retrieved via {@link getErrors}.
- *
- * @param array list of attributes that should be validated. Defaults to null,
- * meaning any attribute listed in the applicable validation rules should be
- * validated. If this parameter is given as a list of attributes, only
- * the listed attributes will be validated.
- * @return boolean whether the validation is successful without any error.
- * @see beforeValidate
- * @see afterValidate
- */
- public function validate($attributes=null)
- {
- $this->clearErrors();
- if($this->beforeValidate())
- {
- foreach($this->getValidators() as $validator)
- $validator->validate($this,$attributes);
- $this->afterValidate();
- return !$this->hasErrors();
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * This method is invoked before validation starts.
- * The default implementation calls {@link onBeforeValidate} to raise an event.
- * You may override this method to do preliminary checks before validation.
- * Make sure the parent implementation is invoked so that the event can be raised.
- * @return boolean whether validation should be executed. Defaults to true.
- */
- protected function beforeValidate()
- {
- $event=new TModelEvent($this);
- $this->onBeforeValidate($event);
- return $event->isValid;
- }
- /**
- * This method is invoked after validation ends.
- * The default implementation calls {@link onAfterValidate} to raise an event.
- * You may override this method to do postprocessing after validation.
- * Make sure the parent implementation is invoked so that the event can be raised.
- */
- protected function afterValidate()
- {
- $this->onAfterValidate(new TEvent($this));
- }
- /**
- * This event is raised before the validation is performed.
- * @param CModelEvent the event parameter
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function onBeforeValidate($event)
- {
- $this->raiseEvent('onBeforeValidate',$event);
- }
- /**
- * This event is raised after the validation is performed.
- * @param CEvent the event parameter
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function onAfterValidate($event)
- {
- $this->raiseEvent('onAfterValidate',$event);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the validators applicable to the current {@link scenario}.
- * @param string the name of the attribute whose validators should be returned.
- * If this is null, the validators for ALL attributes in the model will be returned.
- * @return array the validators applicable to the current {@link scenario}.
- * @since 1.0.1
- *
- * @TODO Port validators from Yii to Prado? Not used in ActiveRecords -> ignoring this for now...
- *
- */
- public function getValidators($attribute=null)
- {
- /*if($this->_validators===null)
- $this->_validators=$this->createValidators();
- $validators=array();
- $scenario=$this->getScenario();
- foreach($this->_validators as $validator)
- {
- if($validator->applyTo($scenario))
- {
- if($attribute===null || in_array($attribute,$validator->attributes,true))
- $validators[]=$validator;
- }
- }
- return $validators;*/
- return array();
- }
- /**
- * Creates validator objects based on the specification in {@link rules}.
- * This method is mainly used internally.
- * @return array validators built based on {@link rules()}.
- *
- * @TODO Port validators from Yii to Prado? Not used in ActiveRecords -> ignoring this for now...
- *
- */
- public function createValidators()
- {
- /*$validators=array();
- foreach($this->rules() as $rule)
- {
- if(isset($rule[0],$rule[1])) // attributes, validator name
- $validators[]=CValidator::createValidator($rule[1],$this,$rule[0],array_slice($rule,2));
- else
- throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{class} has an invalid validation rule. The rule must specify attributes to be validated and the validator name.',
- array('{class}'=>get_class($this))));
- }
- return $validators;*/
- return array();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required.
- * This is determined by checking if the attribute is associated with a
- * {@link CRequiredValidator} validation rule in the current {@link scenario}.
- * @param string attribute name
- * @return boolean whether the attribute is required
- * @since 1.0.2
- *
- * @TODO Port validators from Yii to Prado? Not used in ActiveRecords -> ignoring this for now...
- *
- */
- public function isAttributeRequired($attribute)
- {
- /*
- foreach($this->getValidators($attribute) as $validator)
- {
- if($validator instanceof CRequiredValidator)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- */
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the text label for the specified attribute.
- * @param string the attribute name
- * @return string the attribute label
- * @see generateAttributeLabel
- * @see attributeLabels
- */
- public function getAttributeLabel($attribute)
- {
- $labels=$this->attributeLabels();
- if(isset($labels[$attribute]))
- return $labels[$attribute];
- else
- return $this->generateAttributeLabel($attribute);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error.
- * @param string attribute name. Use null to check all attributes.
- * @return boolean whether there is any error.
- */
- public function hasErrors($attribute=null)
- {
- if($attribute===null)
- return $this->_errors!==array();
- else
- return isset($this->_errors[$attribute]);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the errors for all attribute or a single attribute.
- * @param string attribute name. Use null to retrieve errors for all attributes.
- * @return array errors for all attributes or the specified attribute. Empty array is returned if no error.
- */
- public function getErrors($attribute=null)
- {
- if($attribute===null)
- return $this->_errors;
- else
- return isset($this->_errors[$attribute]) ? $this->_errors[$attribute] : array();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the first error of the specified attribute.
- * @param string attribute name.
- * @return string the error message. Null is returned if no error.
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function getError($attribute)
- {
- return isset($this->_errors[$attribute]) ? reset($this->_errors[$attribute]) : null;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a new error to the specified attribute.
- * @param string attribute name
- * @param string new error message
- */
- public function addError($attribute,$error)
- {
- $this->_errors[$attribute][]=$error;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a list of errors.
- * @param array a list of errors. The array keys must be attribute names.
- * The array values should be error messages. If an attribute has multiple errors,
- * these errors must be given in terms of an array.
- * You may use the result of {@link getErrors} as the value for this parameter.
- * @since 1.0.5
- */
- public function addErrors($errors)
- {
- foreach($errors as $attribute=>$error)
- {
- if(is_array($error))
- {
- foreach($error as $e)
- $this->_errors[$attribute][]=$e;
- }
- else
- $this->_errors[$attribute][]=$error;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute.
- * @param string attribute name. Use null to remove errors for all attribute.
- */
- public function clearErrors($attribute=null)
- {
- if($attribute===null)
- $this->_errors=array();
- else
- unset($this->_errors[$attribute]);
- }
- /**
- * Generates a user friendly attribute label.
- * This is done by replacing underscores or dashes with blanks and
- * changing the first letter of each word to upper case.
- * For example, 'department_name' or 'DepartmentName' becomes 'Department Name'.
- * @param string the column name
- * @return string the attribute label
- */
- public function generateAttributeLabel($name)
- {
- return ucwords(trim(strtolower(str_replace(array('-','_'),' ',preg_replace('/(?<![A-Z])[A-Z]/', ' \0', $name)))));
- }
- /**
- * Returns all attribute values.
- * @param array list of attributes whose value needs to be returned.
- * Defaults to null, meaning all attributes as listed in {@link attributeNames} will be returned.
- * If it is an array, only the attributes in the array will be returned.
- * @return array attribute values (name=>value).
- */
- public function getAttributes($names=null)
- {
- $values=array();
- foreach($this->attributeNames() as $name)
- $values[$name]=$this->$name;
- if(is_array($names))
- {
- $values2=array();
- foreach($names as $name)
- $values2[$name]=isset($values[$name]) ? $values[$name] : null;
- return $values2;
- }
- else
- return $values;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the attribute values in a massive way.
- * @param array attribute values (name=>value) to be set.
- * @param boolean whether the assignments should only be done to the safe attributes.
- * A safe attribute is one that is associated with a validation rule in the current {@link scenario}.
- * @see getSafeAttributeNames
- * @see attributeNames
- */
- public function setAttributes($values,$safeOnly=true)
- {
- if(!is_array($values))
- return;
- $attributes=array_flip($safeOnly ? $this->getSafeAttributeNames() : $this->attributeNames());
- foreach($values as $name=>$value)
- {
- if(isset($attributes[$name]))
- $this->$name=$value;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the scenario that this model is used in.
- *
- * Scenario affects how validation is performed and which attributes can
- * be massively assigned.
- *
- * A validation rule will be performed when calling {@link validate()}
- * if its 'on' option is not set or contains the current scenario value.
- *
- * And an attribute can be massively assigned if it is associated with
- * a validation rule for the current scenario. Note that an exception is
- * the {@link CUnsafeValidator unsafe} validator which marks the associated
- * attributes as unsafe and not allowed to be massively assigned.
- *
- * @return string the scenario that this model is in.
- * @since 1.0.4
- */
- public function getScenario()
- {
- return $this->_scenario;
- }
- /**
- * @param string the scenario that this model is in.
- * @see getScenario
- * @since 1.0.4
- */
- public function setScenario($value)
- {
- $this->_scenario=$value;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned.
- * A safe attribute is one that is associated with a validation rule in the current {@link scenario}.
- * @return array safe attribute names
- * @since 1.0.2
- *
- * @TODO Port validators from Yii to Prado? Not used in ActiveRecords -> ignoring this for now...
- *
- */
- public function getSafeAttributeNames()
- {
- $attributes=array();
- $unsafe=array();
- foreach($this->getValidators() as $validator)
- {
-# if($validator instanceof CUnsafeValidator)
-# {
-# foreach($validator->attributes as $name)
-# $unsafe[]=$name;
-# }
-# else
-# {
- foreach($validator->attributes as $name)
- $attributes[$name]=true;
-# }
- }
-# foreach($unsafe as $name)
-# unset($attributes[$name]);
- return array_keys($attributes);
- }
- /**
- * Returns an iterator for traversing the attributes in the model.
- * This method is required by the interface IteratorAggregate.
- * @return CMapIterator an iterator for traversing the items in the list.
- */
- public function getIterator()
- {
- $attributes=$this->getAttributes();
- return new TMapIterator($attributes);
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset.
- * This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
- * @param mixed the offset to check on
- * @return boolean
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function offsetExists($offset)
- {
- return property_exists($this,$offset);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the element at the specified offset.
- * This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
- * @param integer the offset to retrieve element.
- * @return mixed the element at the offset, null if no element is found at the offset
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function offsetGet($offset)
- {
- return $this->$offset;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the element at the specified offset.
- * This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
- * @param integer the offset to set element
- * @param mixed the element value
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function offsetSet($offset,$item)
- {
- $this->$offset=$item;
- }
- /**
- * Unsets the element at the specified offset.
- * This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
- * @param mixed the offset to unset element
- * @since 1.0.2
- */
- public function offsetUnset($offset)
- {
- unset($this->$offset);
- }