path: root/framework/Web/UI/THtmlTextWriter.php
diff options
authorxue <>2005-11-10 12:47:19 +0000
committerxue <>2005-11-10 12:47:19 +0000
commit55c4ac1bfe565f1ca7f537fdd8b7a201be28e581 (patch)
treea0599d5e36fdbb3f1e169ae56bab7d529597e3eb /framework/Web/UI/THtmlTextWriter.php
Initial import of prado framework
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Web/UI/THtmlTextWriter.php')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/THtmlTextWriter.php b/framework/Web/UI/THtmlTextWriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ea78383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/THtmlTextWriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// todo: test if an attribute is a url
+// keep nonclosing tag only
+// add more utility methods (e.g. render....)
+// implment encoding (for text and url)
+class THtmlTextWriter extends TComponent implements ITextWriter
+ const TAG_INLINE=0;
+ const TAG_OTHER=2;
+ const CHAR_NEWLINE="\n";
+ const CHAR_TAB="\t";
+ private static $_tagTypes=array(
+ '*'=>2,
+ 'a'=>0,
+ 'acronym'=>0,
+ 'address'=>2,
+ 'area'=>1,
+ 'b'=>0,
+ 'base'=>1,
+ 'basefont'=>1,
+ 'bdo'=>0,
+ 'bgsound'=>1,
+ 'big'=>0,
+ 'blockquote'=>2,
+ 'body'=>2,
+ 'br'=>2,
+ 'button'=>0,
+ 'caption'=>2,
+ 'center'=>2,
+ 'cite'=>0,
+ 'code'=>0,
+ 'col'=>1,
+ 'colgroup'=>2,
+ 'del'=>0,
+ 'dd'=>0,
+ 'dfn'=>0,
+ 'dir'=>2,
+ 'div'=>2,
+ 'dl'=>2,
+ 'dt'=>0,
+ 'em'=>0,
+ 'embed'=>1,
+ 'fieldset'=>2,
+ 'font'=>0,
+ 'form'=>2,
+ 'frame'=>1,
+ 'frameset'=>2,
+ 'h1'=>2,
+ 'h2'=>2,
+ 'h3'=>2,
+ 'h4'=>2,
+ 'h5'=>2,
+ 'h6'=>2,
+ 'head'=>2,
+ 'hr'=>1,
+ 'html'=>2,
+ 'i'=>0,
+ 'iframe'=>2,
+ 'img'=>1,
+ 'input'=>1,
+ 'ins'=>0,
+ 'isindex'=>1,
+ 'kbd'=>0,
+ 'label'=>0,
+ 'legend'=>2,
+ 'li'=>0,
+ 'link'=>1,
+ 'map'=>2,
+ 'marquee'=>2,
+ 'menu'=>2,
+ 'meta'=>1,
+ 'nobr'=>0,
+ 'noframes'=>2,
+ 'noscript'=>2,
+ 'object'=>2,
+ 'ol'=>2,
+ 'option'=>2,
+ 'p'=>0,
+ 'param'=>2,
+ 'pre'=>2,
+ 'ruby'=>2,
+ 'rt'=>2,
+ 'q'=>0,
+ 's'=>0,
+ 'samp'=>0,
+ 'script'=>2,
+ 'select'=>2,
+ 'small'=>2,
+ 'span'=>0,
+ 'strike'=>0,
+ 'strong'=>0,
+ 'style'=>2,
+ 'sub'=>0,
+ 'sup'=>0,
+ 'table'=>2,
+ 'tbody'=>2,
+ 'td'=>0,
+ 'textarea'=>0,
+ 'tfoot'=>2,
+ 'th'=>0,
+ 'thead'=>2,
+ 'title'=>2,
+ 'tr'=>2,
+ 'tt'=>0,
+ 'u'=>0,
+ 'ul'=>2,
+ 'var'=>0,
+ 'wbr'=>1,
+ 'xml'=>2
+ );
+ private static $_attrEncode=array(
+ 'abbr'=>true,
+ 'accesskey'=>true,
+ 'align'=>false,
+ 'alt'=>true,
+ 'autocomplete'=>false,
+ 'axis'=>true,
+ 'background'=>true,
+ 'bgcolor'=>false,
+ 'border'=>false,
+ 'bordercolor'=>false,
+ 'cellpadding'=>false,
+ 'cellspacing'=>false,
+ 'checked'=>false,
+ 'class'=>true,
+ 'cols'=>false,
+ 'colspan'=>false,
+ 'content'=>true,
+ 'coords'=>false,
+ 'dir'=>false,
+ 'disabled'=>false,
+ 'for'=>false,
+ 'headers'=>true,
+ 'height'=>false,
+ 'href'=>true,
+ 'id'=>false,
+ 'longdesc'=>true,
+ 'maxlength'=>false,
+ 'multiple'=>false,
+ 'name'=>false,
+ 'nowrap'=>false,
+ 'onclick'=>true,
+ 'onchange'=>true,
+ 'readonly'=>false,
+ 'rel'=>false,
+ 'rows'=>false,
+ 'rowspan'=>false,
+ 'rules'=>false,
+ 'scope'=>false,
+ 'selected'=>false,
+ 'shape'=>false,
+ 'size'=>false,
+ 'src'=>true,
+ 'style'=>false,
+ 'tabindex'=>false,
+ 'target'=>false,
+ 'title'=>true,
+ 'type'=>false,
+ 'usemap'=>false,
+ 'valign'=>false,
+ 'value'=>true,
+ 'vcard_name'=>false,
+ 'width'=>false,
+ 'wrap'=>false
+ );
+ private $_attributes=array();
+ private $_openTags=array();
+ private $_writer=null;
+ public function __construct($writer)
+ {
+ $this->_writer=$writer;
+ }
+ public function isValidFormAttribute($name)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function addAttribute($name,$value)
+ {
+ $this->_attributes[$name]=isset(self::$_attrEncode[$name])?THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value):$value;
+ }
+ public function flush()
+ {
+ $this->_writer->flush();
+ }
+ public function write($str)
+ {
+ $this->_writer->write($str);
+ }
+ public function writeLine($str='')
+ {
+ $this->_writer->write($str.self::CHAR_NEWLINE);
+ }
+ public function writeAttribute($name,$value,$encode=false)
+ {
+ $this->_writer->write(' '.$name.='"'.($encode?THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value):$value).'"');
+ }
+ public function renderBeginTag($tagName)
+ {
+ $tagType=isset(self::$_tagTypes[$tagName])?self::$_tagTypes[$tagName]:self::TAG_OTHER;
+ $str='<'.$tagName;
+ foreach($this->_attributes as $name=>$value)
+ $str.=' '.$name.'="'.$value.'"';
+ if($tagType===self::TAG_NONCLOSING)
+ {
+ $str.=' />';
+ array_push($this->_openTags,'');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $str.='>';
+ array_push($this->_openTags,$tagName);
+ }
+ $this->_writer->write($str);
+ $this->_attributes=array();
+ }
+ public function renderEndTag()
+ {
+ if(!empty($this->_openTags) && ($tagName=array_pop($this->_openTags))!=='')
+ $this->_writer->write('</'.$tagName.'>');
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file