path: root/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
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authorxue <>2006-01-17 23:58:54 +0000
committerxue <>2006-01-17 23:58:54 +0000
commit54900d0145dfda07bde40dc6e1f0b31935b55444 (patch)
treec34892281f5ffa9f3c907e5ef48c05720707ef5d /framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
parent3ea0de54c63f5f9ed02e259a789b01952041cfbd (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
index 205b97a0..f25f8036 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TDataGrid.php
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* TDataGrid class
@@ -74,7 +78,7 @@
* datasource. The number of pages <b>PageCount</b> is calculated based the item number and the
* <b>PageSize</b> property. The datagrid will manage which section of the data source to be displayed
* based on the <b>CurrentPageIndex</b> property.
- * The second approach calculates the page number based on the <b>VirtualItemCount</b> property and
+ * The second approach calculates the page number based on the <b>VirtualCount</b> property and
* the <b>PageSize</b> property. The datagrid will always display from the beginning of the datasource
* upto the number of <b>PageSize> data items. This approach is especially useful when the datasource may
* contain too many data items to be managed by the datagrid efficiently.
@@ -119,6 +123,12 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
return 'table';
+ public function addParsedObject($object)
+ {
+ if($object instanceof TDataGridColumn)
+ $this->getColumns()->add($object);
+ }
public function getColumns()
@@ -126,6 +136,13 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
return $this->_columns;
+ public function getAutoColumns()
+ {
+ if(!$this->_autoColumns)
+ $this->_autoColumns=new TDataGridColumnCollection;
+ return $this->_autoColumns;
+ }
public function getItems()
@@ -140,7 +157,10 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
protected function createStyle()
- return new TTableStyle;
+ $style=new TTableStyle;
+ $style->setGridLines('Both');
+ $style->setCellSpacing(0);
+ return $style;
@@ -483,19 +503,19 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
* @return integer virtual number of items in the grid. Defaults to 0, meaning not set.
- public function getVirtualItemCount()
+ public function getVirtualCount()
- return $this->getViewState('VirtualItemCount',0);
+ return $this->getViewState('VirtualCount',0);
* @param integer virtual number of items in the grid
- public function setVirtualItemCount($value)
+ public function setVirtualCount($value)
- throw new TInvalidDataValueException('datagrid_virtualitemcount_invalid');
- $this->setViewState('VirtualItemCount',$value,0);
+ throw new TInvalidDataValueException('datagrid_virtualcount_invalid');
+ $this->setViewState('VirtualCount',$value,0);
@@ -515,11 +535,11 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
- * @return boolean whether the footer should be displayed Defaults to true.
+ * @return boolean whether the footer should be displayed. Defaults to false.
public function getShowFooter()
- return $this->getViewState('ShowFooter',true);
+ return $this->getViewState('ShowFooter',false);
@@ -527,7 +547,7 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
public function setShowFooter($value)
- $this->setViewState('ShowFooter',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true);
+ $this->setViewState('ShowFooter',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),false);
@@ -693,13 +713,386 @@ class TDataGrid extends TBaseDataList
+ /**
+ * Saves item count in viewstate.
+ * This method is invoked right before control state is to be saved.
+ * @param mixed event parameter
+ */
+ protected function onSaveState($param)
+ {
+ if($this->_items)
+ $this->setViewState('ItemCount',$this->_items->getCount(),0);
+ else
+ $this->clearViewState('ItemCount');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads item count information from viewstate.
+ * This method is invoked right after control state is loaded.
+ * @param mixed event parameter
+ */
+ protected function onLoadState($param)
+ {
+ if(!$this->getIsDataBound())
+ $this->restoreItemsFromViewState();
+ $this->clearViewState('ItemCount');
+ }
+ private function createPagedDataSource()
+ {
+ $ds=new TPagedDataSource;
+ $ds->setCurrentPageIndex($this->getCurrentPageIndex());
+ $ds->setPageSize($this->getPageSize());
+ $ds->setAllowPaging($this->getAllowPaging());
+ $ds->setAllowCustomPaging($this->getAllowCustomPaging());
+ $ds->setVirtualCount($this->getVirtualCount());
+ return $ds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clears up all items in the data list.
+ */
+ public function reset()
+ {
+ $this->getControls()->clear();
+ $this->getItems()->clear();
+ $this->_header=null;
+ $this->_footer=null;
+ }
+ protected function restoreGridFromViewState()
+ {
+ $this->reset();
+ $this->_pagedDataSource=$ds=$this->createPagedDataSource();
+ // set dummy data source
+ // create columns from viewstate
+ if($columns->getCount()>0)
+ {
+ foreach($columns as $column)
+ $column->initialize();
+ $allowPaging=$ds->getAllowPaging();
+ if($allowPaging)
+ // create pager
+ // create header
+ // may need to use the first row of data to build items here
+ $selectedIndex=$this->getSelectedItemIndex();
+ $editIndex=$this->getEditItemIndex();
+ $index=0;
+ foreach($ds as $data)
+ {
+ if($index===$editIndex)
+ $itemType='EditItem';
+ else if($index===$selectedIndex)
+ $itemType='SelectedItem';
+ else if($index % 2)
+ $itemType='AlternatingItem';
+ else
+ $itemType='Item';
+ // create item
+ $index++;
+ }
+ // create footer
+ // create pager
+ }
+ $this->_pagedDataSource=null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs databinding to populate data list items from data source.
+ * This method is invoked by dataBind().
+ * You may override this function to provide your own way of data population.
+ * @param Traversable the data
+ */
+ protected function performDataBinding($data)
+ {
+ $this->reset();
+ $keys=$this->getDataKeys();
+ $keys->clear();
+ $keyField=$this->getDataKeyField();
+ $this->_pagedDataSource=$ds=$this->createPagedDataSource();
+ $ds->setDataSource($data);
+ $allowPaging=$ds->getAllowPaging();
+ if($allowPaging && $ds->getCurrentPageIndex()>=$ds->getPageCount())
+ throw new TInvalidDataValueException('datagrid_currentpageindex_invalid');
+ $columns=$this->getAllColumns($ds);
+ $items=$this->getItems();
+ if(($columnCount=$columns->getCount())>0)
+ {
+ foreach($columns as $column)
+ $column->initialize();
+ $allowPaging=$ds->getAllowPaging();
+ if($allowPaging)
+ $this->createPager(-1,-1,$columnCount,$ds);
+ $this->createItemInternal(-1,-1,'Header',true,null,$columns);
+ $selectedIndex=$this->getSelectedItemIndex();
+ $editIndex=$this->getEditItemIndex();
+ $index=0;
+ $dsIndex=$ds->getAllowPaging()?$ds->getFirstIndexInPage():0;
+ foreach($ds as $data)
+ {
+ if($keyField!=='')
+ $keys->add($this->getDataFieldValue($data,$keyField));
+ if($index===$editIndex)
+ $itemType='EditItem';
+ else if($index===$selectedIndex)
+ $itemType='SelectedItem';
+ else if($index % 2)
+ $itemType='AlternatingItem';
+ else
+ $itemType='Item';
+ $items->add($this->createItemInternal($index,$dsIndex,$itemType,true,$data,$columns));
+ $index++;
+ $dsIndex++;
+ }
+ $this->createItemInternal(-1,-1,'Footer',true,null,$columns);
+ if($allowPaging)
+ $this->createPager(-1,-1,$columnCount,$ds);
+ $this->setViewState('ItemCount',$index,0);
+ $this->setViewState('PageCount',$ds->getPageCount(),0);
+ $this->setViewState('DataSourceCount',$ds->getDataSourceCount(),0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('ItemCount',$index,0);
+ $this->setViewState('PageCount',0,0);
+ $this->setViewState('DataSourceCount',0,0);
+ }
+ $this->_pagedDataSource=null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a datagrid item instance based on the item type and index.
+ * @param integer zero-based item index
+ * @param string item type, may be 'Header', 'Footer', 'Item', 'Separator', 'AlternatingItem', 'SelectedItem', 'EditItem'.
+ * @return TDataGridItem created data list item
+ */
+ protected function createItem($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,$itemType)
+ {
+ return new TDataGridItem($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,$itemType);
+ }
+ private function createItemInternal($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,$itemType,$dataBind,$dataItem,$columns)
+ {
+ $item=$this->createItem($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,$itemType);
+ $this->initializeItem($item,$columns);
+ $param=new TDataGridItemEventParameter($item);
+ if($dataBind)
+ {
+ $item->setDataItem($dataItem);
+ $this->onItemCreated($param);
+ $this->getControls()->add($item);
+ $item->dataBind();
+ $this->onItemDataBound($param);
+ $item->setDataItem(null);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->onItemCreated($param);
+ $this->getControls()->add($item);
+ }
+ return $item;
+ }
+ protected function initializeItem($item,$columns)
+ {
+ $cells=$item->getCells();
+ $itemType=$item->getItemType();
+ $index=0;
+ foreach($columns as $column)
+ {
+ if($itemType==='Header')
+ $cell=new TTableHeaderCell;
+ else
+ $cell=new TTableCell;
+ $column->initializeCell($cell,$index,$itemType);
+ $cells->add($cell);
+ $index++;
+ }
+ }
+ private function createPager($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,$columnSpan,$pagedDataSource)
+ {
+ $item=$this->createItem($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,'Pager');
+ $this->initializePager($item,$columnSpan,$pagedDataSource);
+ $this->onItemCreated(new TDataGridItemEventParameter($item));
+ $this->getControls()->add($item);
+ return $item;
+ }
+ protected function initializePager($pager,$columnSpan,$pagedDataSource)
+ {
+ $cell=new TTableCell;
+ if($columnSpan>1)
+ $cell->setColumnSpan($columnSpan);
+ $this->buildPager($cell,$pagedDataSource);
+ $pager->getCells()->add($cell);
+ }
+ protected function buildPager($cell,$dataSource)
+ {
+ switch($this->getPagerStyle()->getMode())
+ {
+ case 'NextPrev':
+ $this->buildNextPrevPager($cell,$dataSource);
+ break;
+ case 'Numeric':
+ $this->buildNumericPager($cell,$dataSource);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function buildNextPrevPager($cell,$dataSource)
+ {
+ $style=$this->getPagerStyle();
+ $controls=$cell->getControls();
+ if($dataSource->getIsFirstPage())
+ {
+ $label=new TLabel;
+ $label->setText($style->getPrevPageText());
+ $controls->add($label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $button=new TLinkButton;
+ $button->setText($style->getPrevPageText());
+ $button->setCommandName('page');
+ $button->setCommandParameter('prev');
+ $button->setCausesValidation(false);
+ $controls->add($button);
+ }
+ $controls->add('&nbsp;');
+ if($dataSource->getIsLastPage())
+ {
+ $label=new TLabel;
+ $label->setText($style->getNextPageText());
+ $controls->add($label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $button=new TLinkButton;
+ $button->setText($style->getNextPageText());
+ $button->setCommandName('page');
+ $button->setCommandParameter('next');
+ $button->setCausesValidation(false);
+ $controls->add($button);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function buildNumericPager($cell,$dataSource)
+ {
+ $style=$this->getPagerStyle();
+ $controls=$cell->getControls();
+ $pageCount=$dataSource->getPageCount();
+ $pageIndex=$dataSource->getCurrentPageIndex()+1;
+ $maxButtonCount=$style->getPageButtonCount();
+ $buttonCount=$maxButtonCount>$pageCount?$pageCount:$maxButtonCount;
+ $startPageIndex=1;
+ $endPageIndex=$buttonCount;
+ if($pageIndex>$endPageIndex)
+ {
+ $startPageIndex=((int)($pageIndex/$maxButtonCount))*$maxButtonCount+1;
+ if(($endPageIndex=$startPageIndex+$maxButtonCount-1)>$pageCount)
+ $endPageIndex=$pageCount;
+ if($endPageIndex-$startPageIndex+1<$maxButtonCount)
+ {
+ if(($startPageIndex=$endPageIndex-$maxButtonCount+1)<1)
+ $startPageIndex=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if($startPageIndex>1)
+ {
+ $button=new TLinkButton;
+ $button->setText('...');
+ $button->setCommandName('page');
+ $button->setCommandParameter($startPageIndex-1);
+ $button->setCausesValidation(false);
+ $controls->add($button);
+ $controls->add('&nbsp;');
+ }
+ for($i=$startPageIndex;$i<=$endPageIndex;++$i)
+ {
+ if($i===$pageIndex)
+ {
+ $label=new TLabel;
+ $label->setText("$i");
+ $controls->add($label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $button=new TLinkButton;
+ $button->setText("$i");
+ $button->setCommandName('page');
+ $button->setCommandParameter($i);
+ $button->setCausesValidation(false);
+ $controls->add($button);
+ }
+ if($i<$endPageIndex)
+ $controls->add('&nbsp;');
+ }
+ if($pageCount>$endPageIndex)
+ {
+ $controls->add('&nbsp;');
+ $button=new TLinkButton;
+ $button->setText('...');
+ $button->setCommandName('page');
+ $button->setCommandParameter($endPageIndex+1);
+ $button->setCausesValidation(false);
+ $controls->add($button);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function getAllColumns($dataSource)
+ {
+ $list=new TList($this->getColumns());
+ $list->mergeWith($this->createAutoColumns($dataSource));
+ return $list;
+ }
+ protected function createAutoColumns($dataSource)
+ {
+ if(!$dataSource || $dataSource->getCount()<=0)
+ return null;
+ $autoColumns=$this->getAutoColumns();
+ $autoColumns->clear();
+ foreach($dataSource as $row)
+ {
+ foreach($row as $key=>$value)
+ {
+ $column=new TBoundColumn;
+ if(is_string($key))
+ {
+ $column->setHeaderText($key);
+ $column->setDataField($key);
+ $column->setSortExpression($key);
+ $column->setOwner($this);
+ $autoColumns->add($column);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $column->setHeaderText('Item');
+ $column->setDataField($key);
+ $column->setSortExpression('Item');
+ $column->setOwner($this);
+ $autoColumns->add($column);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return $autoColumns;
+ }
* TDataGridItemEventParameter class
* TDataGridItemEventParameter encapsulates the parameter data for
* {@link TDataGrid::onItemCreated ItemCreated} event of {@link TDataGrid} controls.
- * The {@link getItem Item} property indicates the DataList item related with the event.
+ * The {@link getItem Item} property indicates the datagrid item related with the event.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
@@ -716,7 +1109,7 @@ class TDataGridItemEventParameter extends TEventParameter
* Constructor.
- * @param TDataGridItem DataList item related with the corresponding event
+ * @param TDataGridItem datagrid item related with the corresponding event
public function __construct(TDataGridItem $item)
@@ -724,7 +1117,7 @@ class TDataGridItemEventParameter extends TEventParameter
- * @return TDataGridItem DataList item related with the corresponding event
+ * @return TDataGridItem datagrid item related with the corresponding event
public function getItem()
@@ -738,7 +1131,7 @@ class TDataGridItemEventParameter extends TEventParameter
* TDataGridCommandEventParameter encapsulates the parameter data for
* {@link TDataGrid::onItemCommand ItemCommand} event of {@link TDataGrid} controls.
- * The {@link getItem Item} property indicates the DataList item related with the event.
+ * The {@link getItem Item} property indicates the datagrid item related with the event.
* The {@link getCommandSource CommandSource} refers to the control that originally
* raises the Command event.
@@ -760,7 +1153,7 @@ class TDataGridCommandEventParameter extends TCommandEventParameter
* Constructor.
- * @param TDataGridItem DataList item responsible for the event
+ * @param TDataGridItem datagrid item responsible for the event
* @param TControl original event sender
* @param TCommandEventParameter original event parameter
@@ -903,7 +1296,7 @@ class TDataGridPageChangedEventParameter extends TEventParameter
* such as heading section, footer section, or a data item.
* The index and data value of the item can be accessed via {@link getItemIndex ItemIndex}>
* and {@link getDataItem DataItem} properties, respectively. The type of the item
- * is given by {@link getItemType ItemType} property. Property {@link getDataSetIndex DataSetIndex}
+ * is given by {@link getItemType ItemType} property. Property {@link getDataSourceIndex DataSourceIndex}
* gives the index of the item from the bound data source.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
@@ -914,13 +1307,13 @@ class TDataGridPageChangedEventParameter extends TEventParameter
class TDataGridItem extends TTableRow implements INamingContainer
- * @var integer index of the data item in the Items collection of DataList
+ * @var integer index of the data item in the Items collection of datagrid
private $_itemIndex='';
* @var integer index of the item from the bound data source
- private $_dataSetIndex=0;
+ private $_dataSourceIndex=0;
* type of the TDataGridItem
* @var string
@@ -934,13 +1327,13 @@ class TDataGridItem extends TTableRow implements INamingContainer
* Constructor.
- * @param integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of DataList
+ * @param integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of datagrid
* @param string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'.
- public function __construct($itemIndex,$dataSetIndex,$itemType)
+ public function __construct($itemIndex,$dataSourceIndex,$itemType)
- $this->_dataSetIndex=$dataSetIndex;
+ $this->_dataSourceIndex=$dataSourceIndex;
@@ -961,7 +1354,7 @@ class TDataGridItem extends TTableRow implements INamingContainer
- * @return integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of DataList
+ * @return integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of datagrid
public function getItemIndex()
@@ -971,9 +1364,9 @@ class TDataGridItem extends TTableRow implements INamingContainer
* @return integer the index of the datagrid item from the bound data source
- public function getDataSetIndex()
+ public function getDataSourceIndex()
- return $this->_dataSetIndex;
+ return $this->_dataSourceIndex;
@@ -1080,7 +1473,7 @@ class TDataGridPagerStyle extends TTableItemStyle
public function setMode($value)
- $this->_mode=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'NextPrev','NumericPages');
+ $this->_mode=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'NextPrev','Numeric');
public function getNextPageText()