path: root/framework/Web/UI
diff options
authorwei <>2005-12-13 01:42:19 +0000
committerwei <>2005-12-13 01:42:19 +0000
commit66e71b1d5ff97e04311f8b761cc040b1188437d3 (patch)
treea810745466c1ea5b8cb932bb6ff0415f1958c9b0 /framework/Web/UI
parent9a2764c1ad41d4c187a55849029416abda697183 (diff)
Adding client side javascript validators.
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Web/UI')
2 files changed, 989 insertions, 757 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/TClientScriptManager.php b/framework/Web/UI/TClientScriptManager.php
index cc5289c5..ca28751f 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/TClientScriptManager.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/TClientScriptManager.php
@@ -1,457 +1,637 @@
-class TPostBackOptions extends TComponent
- public $_actionUrl='';
- public $_autoPostBack=false;
- public $_clientSubmit=true;
- public $_performValidation=false;
- public $_validationGroup='';
- public $_trackFocus=false;
- public function getActionUrl()
- {
- return $this->_actionUrl;
- }
- public function setActionUrl($value)
- {
- $this->_actionUrl=THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($value);
- }
- public function getAutoPostBack()
- {
- return $this->_autoPostBack;
- }
- public function setAutoPostBack($value)
- {
- $this->_autoPostBack=$value;
- }
- public function getClientSubmit()
- {
- return $this->_clientSubmit;
- }
- public function setClientSubmit($value)
- {
- $this->_clientSubmit=$value;
- }
- public function getPerformValidation()
- {
- return $this->_performValidation;
- }
- public function setPerformValidation($value)
- {
- $this->_performValidation=$value;
- }
- public function getValidationGroup()
- {
- return $this->_validationGroup;
- }
- public function setValidationGroup($value)
- {
- $this->_validationGroup=$value;
- }
- public function getTrackFocus()
- {
- return $this->_trackFocus;
- }
- public function setTrackFocus($value)
- {
- $this->_trackFocus=$value;
- }
-class TClientScriptManager extends TComponent
- const SCRIPT_DIR='Web/Javascripts/js';
- const POSTBACK_FUNC='Prado.doPostBack';
- private $_page;
- private $_hiddenFields=array();
- private $_beginScripts=array();
- private $_endScripts=array();
- private $_scriptFiles=array();
- private $_headScriptFiles=array();
- private $_headScripts=array();
- private $_styleSheetFiles=array();
- private $_styleSheets=array();
- private $_onSubmitStatements=array();
- private $_arrayDeclares=array();
- private $_expandoAttributes=array();
- private $_postBackScriptRegistered=false;
- private $_focusScriptRegistered=false;
- private $_scrollScriptRegistered=false;
- private $_publishedScriptFiles=array();
- public function __construct(TPage $owner)
- {
- $this->_page=$owner;
- }
- public function getPostBackEventReference($control,$parameter='',$options=null,$javascriptPrefix=true)
- {
- if(!$options || (!$options->getPerformValidation() && !$options->getTrackFocus() && $options->getClientSubmit() && $options->getActionUrl()==''))
- {
- $this->registerPostBackScript();
- if(($form=$this->_page->getForm())!==null)
- $formID=$form->getClientID();
- else
- throw new TInvalidConfigurationException('clientscriptmanager_form_required');
- $postback=self::POSTBACK_FUNC.'(\''.$formID.'\',\''.$control->getUniqueID().'\',\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($parameter).'\')';
- if($options && $options->getAutoPostBack())
- $postback='setTimeout(\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($postback).'\',0)';
- return $javascriptPrefix?'javascript:'.$postback:$postback;
- }
- $opt='';
- $flag=false;
- if($options->getPerformValidation())
- {
- $flag=true;
- $this->registerValidationScript();
- $opt.=',true,';
- }
- else
- $opt.=',false,';
- if($options->getValidationGroup()!=='')
- {
- $flag=true;
- $opt.='"'.$options->getValidationGroup().'",';
- }
- else
- $opt.='\'\',';
- if($options->getActionUrl()!=='')
- {
- $flag=true;
- $this->_page->setCrossPagePostBack(true);
- $opt.='"'.$options->getActionUrl().'",';
- }
- else
- $opt.='null,';
- if($options->getTrackFocus())
- {
- $flag=true;
- $this->registerFocusScript();
- $opt.='true,';
- }
- else
- $opt.='false,';
- if($options->getClientSubmit())
- {
- $flag=true;
- $opt.='true';
- }
- else
- $opt.='false';
- if(!$flag)
- return '';
- $this->registerPostBackScript();
- if(($form=$this->_page->getForm())!==null)
- $formID=$form->getClientID();
- else
- throw new TInvalidConfigurationException('clientscriptmanager_form_required');
- $postback=self::POSTBACK_FUNC.'(\''.$formID.'\',\''.$control->getUniqueID().'\',\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($parameter).'\''.$opt.')';
- if($options && $options->getAutoPostBack())
- $postback='setTimeout(\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($postback).'\',0)';
- return $javascriptPrefix?'javascript:'.$postback:$postback;
- }
- public function registerPradoScript($scriptFile)
- {
- if(isset($this->_publishedScriptFiles[$scriptFile]))
- $url=$this->_publishedScriptFiles[$scriptFile];
- else
- {
- $url=$this->_page->getService()->getAssetManager()->publishFilePath(Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/'.self::SCRIPT_DIR.'/'.$scriptFile);
- $this->_publishedScriptFiles[$scriptFile]=$url;
- $this->registerScriptFile('prado:'.$scriptFile,$url);
- }
- return $url;
- }
- protected function registerPostBackScript()
- {
- if(!$this->_postBackScriptRegistered)
- {
- $this->_postBackScriptRegistered=true;
- $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_POSTBACK_TARGET,'');
- $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_POSTBACK_PARAMETER,'');
- $this->registerPradoScript('base.js');
- }
- }
- public function registerFocusScript($target)
- {
- if(!$this->_focusScriptRegistered)
- {
- $this->_focusScriptRegistered=true;
- $this->registerPradoScript('base.js');
- $this->registerEndScript('prado:focus','Prado.Focus.setFocus("'.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($target).'");');
- }
- }
- public function registerScrollScript($x,$y)
- {
- if(!$this->_scrollScriptRegistered)
- {
- $this->_scrollScriptRegistered=true;
- $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_SCROLL_X,$x);
- $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_SCROLL_Y,$y);
- // TBD, need scroll.js
- }
- }
- public function registerDefaultButtonScript($button)
- {
- $this->registerPradoScript('base.js');
- return 'return Prado.Button.fireButton(event,\''.$button->getClientID().'\')';
- }
- public function registerValidationScript()
- {
- }
- public function isHiddenFieldRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_hiddenFields[$key]);
- }
- public function isScriptRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_scripts[$key]);
- }
- public function isScriptFileRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_scriptFiles[$key]);
- }
- public function isBeginScriptRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_beginScripts[$key]);
- }
- public function isEndScriptRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_endScripts[$key]);
- }
- public function isHeadScriptFileRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_headScriptFiles[$key]);
- }
- public function isHeadScriptRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_headScripts[$key]);
- }
- public function isStyleSheetFileRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]);
- }
- public function isStyleSheetRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_styleSheets[$key]);
- }
- public function isOnSubmitStatementRegistered($key)
- {
- return isset($this->_onSubmitStatements[$key]);
- }
- public function registerArrayDeclaration($name,$value)
- {
- $this->_arrayDeclares[$name][]=$value;
- }
- public function registerScriptFile($key,$url)
- {
- $this->_scriptFiles[$key]=$url;
- }
- public function registerHiddenField($name,$value)
- {
- // if the named hidden field exists and has a value null, it means the hidden field is rendered already
- if(!isset($this->_hiddenFields[$name]) || $this->_hiddenFields[$name]!==null)
- $this->_hiddenFields[$name]=$value;
- }
- public function registerOnSubmitStatement($key,$script)
- {
- $this->_onSubmitStatements[$key]=$script;
- }
- public function registerBeginScript($key,$script)
- {
- $this->_beginScripts[$key]=$script;
- }
- public function registerEndScript($key,$script)
- {
- $this->_endScripts[$key]=$script;
- }
- public function registerHeadScriptFile($key,$url)
- {
- $this->_headScriptFiles[$key]=$url;
- }
- public function registerHeadScript($key,$script)
- {
- $this->_headScripts[$key]=$script;
- }
- public function registerStyleSheetFile($key,$url)
- {
- $this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]=$url;
- }
- public function registerStyleSheet($key,$css)
- {
- $this->_styleSheets[$key]=$css;
- }
- public function registerExpandoAttribute($controlID,$name,$value)
- {
- $this->_expandoAttributes[$controlID][$name]=$value;
- }
- public function renderArrayDeclarations($writer)
- {
- if(count($this->_arrayDeclares))
- {
- $str="<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n";
- foreach($this->_arrayDeclares as $name=>$array)
- $str.="var $name=new Array(".implode(',',$array).");\n";
- $str.="\n//]]>\n</script>\n";
- $writer->write($str);
- }
- }
- public function renderScriptFiles($writer)
- {
- $str='';
- foreach($this->_scriptFiles as $include)
- $str.="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($include)."\"></script>\n";
- $writer->write($str);
- }
- public function renderOnSubmitStatements($writer)
- {
- // ???
- }
- public function renderBeginScripts($writer)
- {
- if(count($this->_beginScripts))
- $writer->write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n".implode("\n",$this->_beginScripts)."\n//]]>\n</script>\n");
- }
- public function renderEndScripts($writer)
- {
- if(count($this->_endScripts))
- $writer->write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n".implode("\n",$this->_endScripts)."\n//]]>\n</script>\n");
- }
- public function renderHiddenFields($writer)
- {
- $str='';
- foreach($this->_hiddenFields as $name=>$value)
- {
- if($value!==null)
- {
- $value=THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value);
- $str.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" />\n";
- // set hidden field value to null to indicate this field is rendered
- // Note, hidden field rendering is invoked twice (at the beginning and ending of TForm)
- $this->_hiddenFields[$name]=null;
- }
- }
- if($str!=='')
- $writer->write("<div>\n".$str."</div>\n");
- }
- public function renderExpandoAttributes($writer)
- {
- if(count($this->_expandoAttributes))
- {
- $str="<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n";
- foreach($this->_expandoAttributes as $controlID=>$attrs)
- {
- $str.="var $controlID = document.all ? document.all[\"$controlID\"] : document.getElementById(\"$controlID\");\n";
- foreach($attrs as $name=>$value)
- {
- if($value===null)
- $str.="{$key}[\"$name\"]=null;\n";
- else
- $str.="{$key}[\"$name\"]=\"$value\";\n";
- }
- }
- $str.="\n//]]>\n</script>\n";
- $writer->write($str);
- }
- }
- public function renderHeadScriptFiles($writer)
- {
- $str='';
- foreach($this->_headScriptFiles as $url)
- $str.="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($url)."\"></script>\n";
- $writer->write($str);
- }
- public function renderHeadScripts($writer)
- {
- if(count($this->_headScripts))
- $writer->write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n".implode("\n",$this->_headScripts)."\n//]]>\n</script>\n");
- }
- public function renderStyleSheetFiles($writer)
- {
- $str='';
- foreach($this->_styleSheetFiles as $url)
- {
- $str.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($url)."\" />\n";
- }
- $writer->write($str);
- }
- public function renderStyleSheets($writer)
- {
- if(count($this->_styleSheets))
- $writer->write("<style type=\"text/css\">\n".implode("\n",$this->_styleSheets)."\n</style>\n");
- }
- public function getHasHiddenFields()
- {
- return count($this->_hiddenFields)>0;
- }
- public function getHasSubmitStatements()
- {
- return count($this->_onSubmitStatements)>0;
- }
- /*
- private void EnsureEventValidationFieldLoaded();
- internal string GetEventValidationFieldValue();
- public string GetWebResourceUrl(Type type, string resourceName);
- public void RegisterClientScriptResource(Type type, string resourceName);
- internal void RegisterDefaultButtonScript(Control button, $writer, bool useAddAttribute);
- public function SaveEventValidationField();
- public void ValidateEvent(string uniqueId, string argument);
- public function getCallbackEventReference()
- */
+class TPostBackOptions extends TComponent
+ public $_actionUrl='';
+ public $_autoPostBack=false;
+ public $_clientSubmit=true;
+ public $_performValidation=false;
+ public $_validationGroup='';
+ public $_trackFocus=false;
+ public function getActionUrl()
+ {
+ return $this->_actionUrl;
+ }
+ public function setActionUrl($value)
+ {
+ $this->_actionUrl=THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($value);
+ }
+ public function getAutoPostBack()
+ {
+ return $this->_autoPostBack;
+ }
+ public function setAutoPostBack($value)
+ {
+ $this->_autoPostBack=$value;
+ }
+ public function getClientSubmit()
+ {
+ return $this->_clientSubmit;
+ }
+ public function setClientSubmit($value)
+ {
+ $this->_clientSubmit=$value;
+ }
+ public function getPerformValidation()
+ {
+ return $this->_performValidation;
+ }
+ public function setPerformValidation($value)
+ {
+ $this->_performValidation=$value;
+ }
+ public function getValidationGroup()
+ {
+ return $this->_validationGroup;
+ }
+ public function setValidationGroup($value)
+ {
+ $this->_validationGroup=$value;
+ }
+ public function getTrackFocus()
+ {
+ return $this->_trackFocus;
+ }
+ public function setTrackFocus($value)
+ {
+ $this->_trackFocus=$value;
+ }
+class TClientScriptManager extends TComponent
+ const SCRIPT_DIR='Web/Javascripts/js';
+ const POSTBACK_FUNC='Prado.doPostBack';
+ private $_page;
+ private $_hiddenFields=array();
+ private $_beginScripts=array();
+ private $_endScripts=array();
+ private $_scriptFiles=array();
+ private $_headScriptFiles=array();
+ private $_headScripts=array();
+ private $_styleSheetFiles=array();
+ private $_styleSheets=array();
+ private $_onSubmitStatements=array();
+ private $_arrayDeclares=array();
+ private $_expandoAttributes=array();
+ private $_postBackScriptRegistered=false;
+ private $_focusScriptRegistered=false;
+ private $_scrollScriptRegistered=false;
+ private $_publishedScriptFiles=array();
+ public function __construct(TPage $owner)
+ {
+ $this->_page=$owner;
+ }
+ public function getPostBackEventReference($control,$parameter='',$options=null,$javascriptPrefix=true)
+ {
+ if(!$options || (!$options->getPerformValidation() && !$options->getTrackFocus() && $options->getClientSubmit() && $options->getActionUrl()==''))
+ {
+ $this->registerPostBackScript();
+ if(($form=$this->_page->getForm())!==null)
+ $formID=$form->getClientID();
+ else
+ throw new TInvalidConfigurationException('clientscriptmanager_form_required');
+ $postback=self::POSTBACK_FUNC.'(\''.$formID.'\',\''.$control->getUniqueID().'\',\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($parameter).'\')';
+ if($options && $options->getAutoPostBack())
+ $postback='setTimeout(\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($postback).'\',0)';
+ return $javascriptPrefix?'javascript:'.$postback:$postback;
+ }
+ $opt='';
+ $flag=false;
+ if($options->getPerformValidation())
+ {
+ $flag=true;
+ $this->registerValidationScript();
+ $opt.=',true,';
+ }
+ else
+ $opt.=',false,';
+ if($options->getValidationGroup()!=='')
+ {
+ $flag=true;
+ $opt.='"'.$options->getValidationGroup().'",';
+ }
+ else
+ $opt.='\'\',';
+ if($options->getActionUrl()!=='')
+ {
+ $flag=true;
+ $this->_page->setCrossPagePostBack(true);
+ $opt.='"'.$options->getActionUrl().'",';
+ }
+ else
+ $opt.='null,';
+ if($options->getTrackFocus())
+ {
+ $flag=true;
+ $this->registerFocusScript();
+ $opt.='true,';
+ }
+ else
+ $opt.='false,';
+ if($options->getClientSubmit())
+ {
+ $flag=true;
+ $opt.='true';
+ }
+ else
+ $opt.='false';
+ if(!$flag)
+ return '';
+ $this->registerPostBackScript();
+ if(($form=$this->_page->getForm())!==null)
+ $formID=$form->getClientID();
+ else
+ throw new TInvalidConfigurationException('clientscriptmanager_form_required');
+ $postback=self::POSTBACK_FUNC.'(\''.$formID.'\',\''.$control->getUniqueID().'\',\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($parameter).'\''.$opt.')';
+ if($options && $options->getAutoPostBack())
+ $postback='setTimeout(\''.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($postback).'\',0)';
+ return $javascriptPrefix?'javascript:'.$postback:$postback;
+ }
+ public function registerPradoScript($script)
+ {
+ foreach(TPradoClientScript::getScript($script) as $scriptFile)
+ {
+ if(isset($this->_publishedScriptFiles[$scriptFile]))
+ $url=$this->_publishedScriptFiles[$scriptFile];
+ else
+ {
+ $url=$this->_page->getService()->getAssetManager()->publishFilePath(Prado::getFrameworkPath().'/'.self::SCRIPT_DIR.'/'.$scriptFile);
+ $this->_publishedScriptFiles[$scriptFile]=$url;
+ $this->registerScriptFile('prado:'.$scriptFile,$url);
+ }
+ }
+ //return $url;
+ }
+ protected function registerPostBackScript()
+ {
+ if(!$this->_postBackScriptRegistered)
+ {
+ $this->_postBackScriptRegistered=true;
+ $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_POSTBACK_TARGET,'');
+ $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_POSTBACK_PARAMETER,'');
+ $this->registerPradoScript('base');
+ }
+ }
+ public function registerFocusScript($target)
+ {
+ if(!$this->_focusScriptRegistered)
+ {
+ $this->_focusScriptRegistered=true;
+ $this->registerPradoScript('base');
+ $this->registerEndScript('prado:focus','Prado.Focus.setFocus("'.THttpUtility::quoteJavaScriptString($target).'");');
+ }
+ }
+ public function registerScrollScript($x,$y)
+ {
+ if(!$this->_scrollScriptRegistered)
+ {
+ $this->_scrollScriptRegistered=true;
+ $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_SCROLL_X,$x);
+ $this->registerHiddenField(TPage::FIELD_SCROLL_Y,$y);
+ // TBD, need scroll.js
+ }
+ }
+ public function registerDefaultButtonScript($button)
+ {
+ $this->registerPradoScript('base');
+ return 'return Prado.Button.fireButton(event,\''.$button->getClientID().'\')';
+ }
+ public function registerValidationScript()
+ {
+ }
+ public function isHiddenFieldRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_hiddenFields[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isScriptRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_scripts[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isScriptFileRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_scriptFiles[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isBeginScriptRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_beginScripts[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isEndScriptRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_endScripts[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isHeadScriptFileRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_headScriptFiles[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isHeadScriptRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_headScripts[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isStyleSheetFileRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isStyleSheetRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_styleSheets[$key]);
+ }
+ public function isOnSubmitStatementRegistered($key)
+ {
+ return isset($this->_onSubmitStatements[$key]);
+ }
+ public function registerArrayDeclaration($name,$value)
+ {
+ $this->_arrayDeclares[$name][]=$value;
+ }
+ public function registerScriptFile($key,$url)
+ {
+ $this->_scriptFiles[$key]=$url;
+ }
+ public function registerHiddenField($name,$value)
+ {
+ // if the named hidden field exists and has a value null, it means the hidden field is rendered already
+ if(!isset($this->_hiddenFields[$name]) || $this->_hiddenFields[$name]!==null)
+ $this->_hiddenFields[$name]=$value;
+ }
+ public function registerOnSubmitStatement($key,$script)
+ {
+ $this->_onSubmitStatements[$key]=$script;
+ }
+ public function registerBeginScript($key,$script)
+ {
+ $this->_beginScripts[$key]=$script;
+ }
+ public function registerEndScript($key,$script)
+ {
+ $this->_endScripts[$key]=$script;
+ }
+ public function registerHeadScriptFile($key,$url)
+ {
+ $this->_headScriptFiles[$key]=$url;
+ }
+ public function registerHeadScript($key,$script)
+ {
+ $this->_headScripts[$key]=$script;
+ }
+ public function registerStyleSheetFile($key,$url)
+ {
+ $this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]=$url;
+ }
+ public function registerStyleSheet($key,$css)
+ {
+ $this->_styleSheets[$key]=$css;
+ }
+ public function registerExpandoAttribute($controlID,$name,$value)
+ {
+ $this->_expandoAttributes[$controlID][$name]=$value;
+ }
+ public function renderArrayDeclarations($writer)
+ {
+ if(count($this->_arrayDeclares))
+ {
+ $str="<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n";
+ foreach($this->_arrayDeclares as $name=>$array)
+ $str.="var $name=new Array(".implode(',',$array).");\n";
+ $str.="\n//]]>\n</script>\n";
+ $writer->write($str);
+ }
+ }
+ public function renderScriptFiles($writer)
+ {
+ $str='';
+ foreach($this->_scriptFiles as $include)
+ $str.="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($include)."\"></script>\n";
+ $writer->write($str);
+ }
+ public function renderOnSubmitStatements($writer)
+ {
+ // ???
+ }
+ public function renderBeginScripts($writer)
+ {
+ if(count($this->_beginScripts))
+ $writer->write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n".implode("\n",$this->_beginScripts)."\n//]]>\n</script>\n");
+ }
+ public function renderEndScripts($writer)
+ {
+ if(count($this->_endScripts))
+ $writer->write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n".implode("\n",$this->_endScripts)."\n//]]>\n</script>\n");
+ }
+ public function renderHiddenFields($writer)
+ {
+ $str='';
+ foreach($this->_hiddenFields as $name=>$value)
+ {
+ if($value!==null)
+ {
+ $value=THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value);
+ $str.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" />\n";
+ // set hidden field value to null to indicate this field is rendered
+ // Note, hidden field rendering is invoked twice (at the beginning and ending of TForm)
+ $this->_hiddenFields[$name]=null;
+ }
+ }
+ if($str!=='')
+ $writer->write("<div>\n".$str."</div>\n");
+ }
+ public function renderExpandoAttributes($writer)
+ {
+ if(count($this->_expandoAttributes))
+ {
+ $str="<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n";
+ foreach($this->_expandoAttributes as $controlID=>$attrs)
+ {
+ $str.="var $controlID = document.all ? document.all[\"$controlID\"] : document.getElementById(\"$controlID\");\n";
+ foreach($attrs as $name=>$value)
+ {
+ if($value===null)
+ $str.="{$key}[\"$name\"]=null;\n";
+ else
+ $str.="{$key}[\"$name\"]=\"$value\";\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $str.="\n//]]>\n</script>\n";
+ $writer->write($str);
+ }
+ }
+ public function renderHeadScriptFiles($writer)
+ {
+ $str='';
+ foreach($this->_headScriptFiles as $url)
+ $str.="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($url)."\"></script>\n";
+ $writer->write($str);
+ }
+ public function renderHeadScripts($writer)
+ {
+ if(count($this->_headScripts))
+ $writer->write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\n".implode("\n",$this->_headScripts)."\n//]]>\n</script>\n");
+ }
+ public function renderStyleSheetFiles($writer)
+ {
+ $str='';
+ foreach($this->_styleSheetFiles as $url)
+ {
+ $str.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($url)."\" />\n";
+ }
+ $writer->write($str);
+ }
+ public function renderStyleSheets($writer)
+ {
+ if(count($this->_styleSheets))
+ $writer->write("<style type=\"text/css\">\n".implode("\n",$this->_styleSheets)."\n</style>\n");
+ }
+ public function getHasHiddenFields()
+ {
+ return count($this->_hiddenFields)>0;
+ }
+ public function getHasSubmitStatements()
+ {
+ return count($this->_onSubmitStatements)>0;
+ }
+ /*
+ private void EnsureEventValidationFieldLoaded();
+ internal string GetEventValidationFieldValue();
+ public string GetWebResourceUrl(Type type, string resourceName);
+ public void RegisterClientScriptResource(Type type, string resourceName);
+ internal void RegisterDefaultButtonScript(Control button, $writer, bool useAddAttribute);
+ public function SaveEventValidationField();
+ public void ValidateEvent(string uniqueId, string argument);
+ public function getCallbackEventReference()
+ */
+ * TJavascript class file. Javascript utilties, converts basic PHP types into
+ * appropriate javascript types.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * <code>
+ * $options['onLoading'] = "doit";
+ * $options['onComplete'] = "more";
+ * $js = TJavascript::toList($options);
+ * //expects the following javascript code
+ * // {'onLoading':'doit','onComplete':'more'}
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * Namespace: System.Web.UI
+ *
+ * @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
+ * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2005/11/10 23:43:26 $
+ * @package System.Web.UI
+ */
+class TJavascript
+ /**
+ * Coverts PHP arrays (only the array values) into javascript array.
+ * @param array the array data to convert
+ * @param string append additional javascript array data
+ * @param boolean if true empty string and empty array will be converted
+ * @return string javascript array as string.
+ */
+ public static function toArray($array,$append=null,$strict=false)
+ {
+ $results = array();
+ $converter = new TJavascript();
+ foreach($array as $v)
+ {
+ if($strict || (!$strict && $v !== '' && $v !== array()))
+ {
+ $type = 'to_'.gettype($v);
+ if($type == 'to_array')
+ $results[] = $converter->toArray($v, $append, $strict);
+ else
+ $results[] = $converter->{$type}($v);
+ }
+ }
+ $extra = '';
+ if(strlen($append) > 0)
+ $extra .= count($results) > 0 ? ','.$append : $append;
+ return '['.implode(',', $results).$extra.']';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Coverts PHP arrays (both key and value) into javascript objects.
+ * @param array the array data to convert
+ * @param string append additional javascript object data
+ * @param boolean if true empty string and empty array will be converted
+ * @return string javascript object as string.
+ */
+ public static function toList($array,$append=null, $strict=false)
+ {
+ $results = array();
+ $converter = new TJavascript();
+ foreach($array as $k => $v)
+ {
+ if($strict || (!$strict && $v !== '' && $v !== array()))
+ {
+ $type = 'to_'.gettype($v);
+ if($type == 'to_array')
+ $results[] = "'{$k}':".$converter->toList($v, $append, $strict);
+ else
+ $results[] = "'{$k}':".$converter->{$type}($v);
+ }
+ }
+ $extra = '';
+ if(strlen($append) > 0)
+ $extra .= count($results) > 0 ? ','.$append : $append;
+ return '{'.implode(',', $results).$extra.'}';
+ }
+ public function to_boolean($v)
+ {
+ return $v ? 'true' : 'false';
+ }
+ public function to_integer($v)
+ {
+ return "{$v}";
+ }
+ public function to_double($v)
+ {
+ return "{$v}";
+ }
+ /**
+ * If string begins with [ and ends ], or begins with { and ends }
+ * it is assumed to be javascript arrays or objects and no further
+ * conversion is applied.
+ */
+ public function to_string($v)
+ {
+ if(strlen($v)>1)
+ {
+ $first = $v{0}; $last = $v{strlen($v)-1};
+ if($first == '[' && $last == ']' ||
+ ($first == '{' && $last == '}'))
+ return $v;
+ }
+ return "'".addslashes($v)."'";
+ }
+ public function to_array($v)
+ {
+ return TJavascript::toArray($v);
+ }
+ public function to_null($v)
+ {
+ return 'null';
+ }
+ * PradoClientScript class.
+ *
+ * Resolves Prado client script dependencies. e.g. TPradoClientScript::getScripts("dom");
+ *
+ * - <b>base</b> basic javascript utilities, e.g. $()
+ * - <b>dom</b> DOM and Form functions, e.g. $F(inputID) to retrive form input values.
+ * - <b>effects</b> Effects such as fade, shake, move
+ * - <b>controls</b> Prado client-side components, e.g. Slider, AJAX components
+ * - <b>validator</b> Prado client-side validators.
+ * - <b>ajax</b> Prado AJAX library including Prototype's AJAX and JSON.
+ *
+ * Dependencies for each library are automatically resolved.
+ *
+ * Namespace: System.Web.UI
+ *
+ * @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
+ * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/11/06 23:02:33 $
+ * @package System.Web.UI
+ */
+class TPradoClientScript
+ /**
+ * Client-side javascript library dependencies
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $dependencies = array(
+ 'base' => array('base'),
+ 'dom' => array('base', 'dom'),
+ 'effects' => array('base', 'dom', 'effects'),
+ 'controls' => array('base', 'dom', 'effects', 'controls'),
+ 'validator' => array('base', 'dom', 'validator'),
+ 'logger' => array('base', 'dom', 'logger'),
+ 'ajax' => array('base', 'dom', 'ajax')
+ );
+ /**
+ * Resolve dependencies for the given library.
+ * @param array list of libraries to load.
+ * @return array list of libraries including its dependencies.
+ */
+ protected static function getScripts($scripts)
+ {
+ $files = array();
+ if(!is_array($scripts)) $scripts = array($scripts);
+ foreach($scripts as $script)
+ {
+ if(isset(self::$dependencies[$script]))
+ $files = array_merge($files, self::$dependencies[$script]);
+ $files[] = $script;
+ }
+ $files = array_unique($files);
+ return $files;
+ }
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseValidator.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseValidator.php
index f4627986..ab314087 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseValidator.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TBaseValidator.php
@@ -1,302 +1,354 @@
- * TBaseValidator class file
- *
- * @author Qiang Xue <>
- * @link
- * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
- * @license
- * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
- * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
- */
- * TBaseValidator class
- *
- * TBaseValidator serves as the base class for validator controls.
- *
- * Validation is performed when a button control, such a TButton, a TLinkButton
- * or a TImageButton is clicked and the <b>CausesValidation</b> of these controls is true.
- * You can also manually perform validation by using the validate() method of the TPage class.
- *
- * Validator controls always validate the associated input control on the server.
- * TValidation controls also have complete client-side implementation that allow
- * DHTML supported browsers to perform validation on the client via Javascript.
- * Client-side validation will validate user input before it is sent to the server.
- * The form data will not be submitted if any error is detected. This avoids
- * the round-trip of information necessary for server-side validation.
- *
- * You can use multiple validator controls to validate an individual input control,
- * each responsible for validating different criteria. For example, on a user registration
- * form, you may want to make sure the user enters a value in the username text box,
- * and the input must consist of only word characters. You can use a TRequiredFieldValidator
- * to ensure the input of username and a TRegularExpressionValidator to ensure the proper
- * input.
- *
- * If an input control fails validation, the text specified by the <b>ErrorMessage</b>
- * property is displayed in the validation control. If the <b>Text</b> property is set
- * it will be displayed instead, however. If both <b>ErrorMessage</b> and <b>Text</b>
- * are empty, the body content of the validator will be displayed.
- *
- * You can also place a <b>TValidationSummary</b> control on the page to display error messages
- * from the validators together. In this case, only the <b>ErrorMessage</b> property of the
- * validators will be displayed in the TValidationSummary control.
- *
- * Note, the <b>IsValid</b> property of the current TPage instance will be automatically
- * updated by the validation process which occurs after <b>OnLoad</b> of TPage and
- * before the postback events. Therefore, if you use the <b>IsValid</b>
- * property in the <b>OnLoad</b> event of TPage, you must first explicitly call
- * the validate() method of TPage. As an alternative, you can place your code
- * in the postback event handler, such as <b>OnClick</b> or <b>OnCommand</b>,
- * instead of <b>OnLoad</b> event.
- *
- * Note, to use validators derived from this control, you have to
- * copy the file "<framework>/js/prado_validator.js" to the "js" directory
- * which should be under the directory containing the entry script file.
- *
- * <b>Notes to Inheritors</b> When you inherit from the TBaseValidator class,
- * you must override the method {@link evaluateIsValid}.
- *
- * Namespace: System.Web.UI.WebControls
- *
- * Properties
- * - <b>EnableClientScript</b>, boolean, default=true, kept in viewstate
- * <br>Gets or sets a value indicating whether client-side validation is enabled.
- * - <b>Display</b>, string, default=Static, kept in viewstate
- * <br>Gets or sets the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic) of the error message in a validation control.
- * - <b>ControlToValidate</b>, string, kept in viewstate
- * <br>Gets or sets the input control to validate. This property must be set to
- * the ID path of an input control. The ID path is the dot-connected IDs of
- * the controls reaching from the validator's parent control to the target control.
- * For example, if HomePage is the parent of Validator and SideBar controls, and
- * SideBar is the parent of UserName control, then the ID path for UserName
- * would be "SideBar.UserName" if UserName is to be validated by Validator.
- * - <b>Text</b>, string, kept in viewstate
- * <br>Gets or sets the text of TBaseValidator control.
- * - <b>ErrorMessage</b>, string, kept in viewstate
- * <br>Gets or sets the text for the error message.
- * - <b>EncodeText</b>, boolean, default=true, kept in viewstate
- * <br>Gets or sets the value indicating whether Text and ErrorMessage should be HTML-encoded when rendering.
- * - <b>IsValid</b>, boolean, default=true
- * <br>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the associated input control passes validation.
- *
- * @author Qiang Xue <>
- * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
- * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
- * @since 3.0
- */
-abstract class TBaseValidator extends TLabel implements IValidator
- /**
- * whether the validation succeeds
- * @var boolean
- */
- private $_isValid=true;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->setForeColor('red');
- }
- /**
- * Adds attributes to renderer.
- * @param THtmlWriter the renderer
- */
- protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)
- {
- }
- /**
- * This method overrides the parent implementation to forbid setting AssociatedControlID.
- * @param string the associated control ID
- * @throws TNotSupportedException whenever this method is called
- */
- public function setAssociatedControlID($value)
- {
- throw new TNotSupportedException('basevalidator_associatedcontrolid_unsupported',get_class($this));
- }
- /**
- * This method overrides parent's implementation by setting {@link setIsValid IsValid} to true if disabled.
- * @param boolean whether the validator is enabled.
- */
- public function setEnabled($value)
- {
- $value=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);
- parent::setEnabled($value);
- if(!$value)
- $this->_isValid=true;
- }
- /**
- * @return string the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic) of the error message in a validation control. Defaults to Static.
- */
- public function getDisplay()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('Display','Static');
- }
- /**
- * Sets the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic) of the error message in a validation control.
- * @param string the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic)
- */
- public function setDisplay($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('Display',TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,array('None','Static','Dynamic')),'Static');
- }
- /**
- * @return boolean whether client-side validation is enabled.
- */
- public function getEnableClientScript()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('EnableClientScript',true);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the value indicating whether client-side validation is enabled.
- * @param boolean whether client-side validation is enabled.
- */
- public function setEnableClientScript($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('EnableClientScript',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true);
- }
- /**
- * @return string the text for the error message.
- */
- public function getErrorMessage()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('ErrorMessage','');
- }
- /**
- * Sets the text for the error message.
- * @param string the error message
- */
- public function setErrorMessage($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('ErrorMessage',$value,'');
- }
- /**
- * @return string the ID path of the input control to validate
- */
- public function getControlToValidate()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('ControlToValidate','');
- }
- /**
- * Sets the ID path of the input control to validate
- * @param string the ID path
- */
- public function setControlToValidate($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('ControlToValidate',$value,'');
- }
- /**
- * @return boolean whether to set focus at the validating place if the validation fails. Defaults to true.
- */
- public function getFocusOnError()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('FocusOnError',true);
- }
- /**
- * @param boolean whether to set focus at the validating place if the validation fails
- */
- public function setFocusOnError($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('FocusOnError',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the ID of the HTML element that will receive focus if validation fails and {@link getFocusOnError FocusOnError} is true.
- * Defaults to the client ID of the {@link getControlToValidate ControlToValidate}.
- * @return string the ID of the HTML element to receive focus
- */
- public function getFocusElementID()
- {
- // TODO: identify the ControlToValidate
- return $this->getViewState('FocusElementID', '');
- }
- /**
- * Sets the ID of the HTML element that will receive focus if validation fails and {@link getFocusOnError FocusOnError} is true.
- * @param string the ID of the HTML element to receive focus
- */
- public function setFocusElementID($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('FocusElementID', $value, '');
- }
- /**
- * @return string the group which this validator belongs to
- */
- public function getValidationGroup()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('ValidationGroup','');
- }
- /**
- * @param string the group which this validator belongs to
- */
- public function setValidationGroup($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('ValidationGroup',$value,'');
- }
- /**
- * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
- */
- public function getIsValid()
- {
- return $this->_isValid;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the value indicating whether the validation succeeds
- * @param boolean whether the validation succeeds
- */
- public function setIsValid($value)
- {
- $this->_isValid=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);
- }
- /**
- * Validates the specified control.
- * Do not override this method. Override {@link evaluateIsValid} instead.
- * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
- */
- public function validate()
- {
- $this->setIsValid(true);
- if($this->getVisible(true) && $this->getEnabled())
- {
- $valid=$this->evaluateIsValid();
- $this->setValid($valid);
- }
- if($this->isVisible() && $this->isEnabled() && strlen($this->getControlToValidate()))
- {
- $valid=$this->evaluateIsValid();
- $this->setValid($valid);
- return $valid;
- }
- else
- {
- $this->setValid(true);
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * This is the major method for validation.
- * Derived classes should implement this method to provide customized validation.
- * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
- */
- abstract protected function evaluateIsValid();
+ * TBaseValidator class file
+ *
+ * @author Qiang Xue <>
+ * @link
+ * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
+ * @license
+ * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
+ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
+ */
+ * TBaseValidator class
+ *
+ * TBaseValidator serves as the base class for validator controls.
+ *
+ * Validation is performed when a button control, such a TButton, a TLinkButton
+ * or a TImageButton is clicked and the <b>CausesValidation</b> of these controls is true.
+ * You can also manually perform validation by using the validate() method of the TPage class.
+ *
+ * Validator controls always validate the associated input control on the server.
+ * TValidation controls also have complete client-side implementation that allow
+ * DHTML supported browsers to perform validation on the client via Javascript.
+ * Client-side validation will validate user input before it is sent to the server.
+ * The form data will not be submitted if any error is detected. This avoids
+ * the round-trip of information necessary for server-side validation.
+ *
+ * You can use multiple validator controls to validate an individual input control,
+ * each responsible for validating different criteria. For example, on a user registration
+ * form, you may want to make sure the user enters a value in the username text box,
+ * and the input must consist of only word characters. You can use a TRequiredFieldValidator
+ * to ensure the input of username and a TRegularExpressionValidator to ensure the proper
+ * input.
+ *
+ * If an input control fails validation, the text specified by the <b>ErrorMessage</b>
+ * property is displayed in the validation control. If the <b>Text</b> property is set
+ * it will be displayed instead, however. If both <b>ErrorMessage</b> and <b>Text</b>
+ * are empty, the body content of the validator will be displayed.
+ *
+ * You can also place a <b>TValidationSummary</b> control on the page to display error messages
+ * from the validators together. In this case, only the <b>ErrorMessage</b> property of the
+ * validators will be displayed in the TValidationSummary control.
+ *
+ * Note, the <b>IsValid</b> property of the current TPage instance will be automatically
+ * updated by the validation process which occurs after <b>OnLoad</b> of TPage and
+ * before the postback events. Therefore, if you use the <b>IsValid</b>
+ * property in the <b>OnLoad</b> event of TPage, you must first explicitly call
+ * the validate() method of TPage. As an alternative, you can place your code
+ * in the postback event handler, such as <b>OnClick</b> or <b>OnCommand</b>,
+ * instead of <b>OnLoad</b> event.
+ *
+ * Note, to use validators derived from this control, you have to
+ * copy the file "<framework>/js/prado_validator.js" to the "js" directory
+ * which should be under the directory containing the entry script file.
+ *
+ * <b>Notes to Inheritors</b> When you inherit from the TBaseValidator class,
+ * you must override the method {@link evaluateIsValid}.
+ *
+ * Namespace: System.Web.UI.WebControls
+ *
+ * Properties
+ * - <b>EnableClientScript</b>, boolean, default=true, kept in viewstate
+ * <br>Gets or sets a value indicating whether client-side validation is enabled.
+ * - <b>Display</b>, string, default=Static, kept in viewstate
+ * <br>Gets or sets the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic) of the error message in a validation control.
+ * - <b>ControlToValidate</b>, string, kept in viewstate
+ * <br>Gets or sets the input control to validate. This property must be set to
+ * the ID path of an input control. The ID path is the dot-connected IDs of
+ * the controls reaching from the validator's parent control to the target control.
+ * For example, if HomePage is the parent of Validator and SideBar controls, and
+ * SideBar is the parent of UserName control, then the ID path for UserName
+ * would be "SideBar.UserName" if UserName is to be validated by Validator.
+ * - <b>Text</b>, string, kept in viewstate
+ * <br>Gets or sets the text of TBaseValidator control.
+ * - <b>ErrorMessage</b>, string, kept in viewstate
+ * <br>Gets or sets the text for the error message.
+ * - <b>EncodeText</b>, boolean, default=true, kept in viewstate
+ * <br>Gets or sets the value indicating whether Text and ErrorMessage should be HTML-encoded when rendering.
+ * - <b>IsValid</b>, boolean, default=true
+ * <br>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the associated input control passes validation.
+ *
+ * @author Qiang Xue <>
+ * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
+ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+abstract class TBaseValidator extends TLabel implements IValidator
+ /**
+ * whether the validation succeeds
+ * @var boolean
+ */
+ private $_isValid=true;
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->setForeColor('red');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds attributes to renderer.
+ * @param THtmlWriter the renderer
+ */
+ protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of javascript validator options.
+ * @return array javascript validator options.
+ */
+ protected function getClientScriptAttributes()
+ {
+ $options['ID'] = $this->getClientID();
+ $options['Display'] = $this->getDisplay();
+ $options['ErrorMessage'] = $this->getErrorMessage();
+ $options['FocusOnError'] = $this->getFocusOnError();
+ $options['FocusElementID'] = $this->getFocusElementID();
+ $options['ValidationGroup'] = $this->getValidationGroup();
+ $options['ControlToValidate'] = $this->getControlToValidate();
+ return $options;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders the javascript code to the end script.
+ * If you override this method, be sure to call the parent implementation
+ * so that the event handlers can be invoked.
+ * @param TEventParameter event parameter to be passed to the event handlers
+ */
+ protected function onPreRender($param)
+ {
+ $scripts = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
+ $scriptKey = "prado:".get_class($this);
+ if($this->getEnableClientScript()
+ && !$script->isEndScriptRegistered($scriptKey))
+ {
+ $scripts->registerPradoScript('validator');
+ $js = "Prado.Validation.AddForm('{$this->Page->Form->ClientID}');";
+ $scripts->registerEndScript($scriptKey, $js);
+ }
+ parent::onPreRender($param);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders the individual validator client-side javascript code.
+ */
+ protected function renderClientScriptValidator()
+ {
+ if($this->getEnabled(true) && $this->getEnableClientScript())
+ {
+ $class = get_class($this);
+ $scriptKey = "prado:".$this->getClientID();
+ $scripts = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
+ $option = TJavascript::toList($this->getClientScriptAttributes());
+ $js = "new Prado.Validation(Prado.Validation.{$class}, {$option});";
+ $scripts->registerEndScript($scriptKey, $js);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method overrides the parent implementation to forbid setting AssociatedControlID.
+ * @param string the associated control ID
+ * @throws TNotSupportedException whenever this method is called
+ */
+ public function setAssociatedControlID($value)
+ {
+ throw new TNotSupportedException('basevalidator_associatedcontrolid_unsupported',get_class($this));
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method overrides parent's implementation by setting {@link setIsValid IsValid} to true if disabled.
+ * @param boolean whether the validator is enabled.
+ */
+ public function setEnabled($value)
+ {
+ $value=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);
+ parent::setEnabled($value);
+ if(!$value)
+ $this->_isValid=true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic) of the error message in a validation control. Defaults to Static.
+ */
+ public function getDisplay()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('Display','Static');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic) of the error message in a validation control.
+ * @param string the display behavior (None, Static, Dynamic)
+ */
+ public function setDisplay($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('Display',TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,array('None','Static','Dynamic')),'Static');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return boolean whether client-side validation is enabled.
+ */
+ public function getEnableClientScript()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('EnableClientScript',true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value indicating whether client-side validation is enabled.
+ * @param boolean whether client-side validation is enabled.
+ */
+ public function setEnableClientScript($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('EnableClientScript',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string the text for the error message.
+ */
+ public function getErrorMessage()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('ErrorMessage','');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the text for the error message.
+ * @param string the error message
+ */
+ public function setErrorMessage($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('ErrorMessage',$value,'');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string the ID path of the input control to validate
+ */
+ public function getControlToValidate()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('ControlToValidate','');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the ID path of the input control to validate
+ * @param string the ID path
+ */
+ public function setControlToValidate($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('ControlToValidate',$value,'');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return boolean whether to set focus at the validating place if the validation fails. Defaults to true.
+ */
+ public function getFocusOnError()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('FocusOnError',true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param boolean whether to set focus at the validating place if the validation fails
+ */
+ public function setFocusOnError($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('FocusOnError',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the ID of the HTML element that will receive focus if validation fails and {@link getFocusOnError FocusOnError} is true.
+ * Defaults to the client ID of the {@link getControlToValidate ControlToValidate}.
+ * @return string the ID of the HTML element to receive focus
+ */
+ public function getFocusElementID()
+ {
+ // TODO: identify the ControlToValidate
+ return $this->getViewState('FocusElementID', '');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the ID of the HTML element that will receive focus if validation fails and {@link getFocusOnError FocusOnError} is true.
+ * @param string the ID of the HTML element to receive focus
+ */
+ public function setFocusElementID($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('FocusElementID', $value, '');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string the group which this validator belongs to
+ */
+ public function getValidationGroup()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('ValidationGroup','');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string the group which this validator belongs to
+ */
+ public function setValidationGroup($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('ValidationGroup',$value,'');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
+ */
+ public function getIsValid()
+ {
+ return $this->_isValid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value indicating whether the validation succeeds
+ * @param boolean whether the validation succeeds
+ */
+ public function setIsValid($value)
+ {
+ $this->_isValid=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the specified control.
+ * Do not override this method. Override {@link evaluateIsValid} instead.
+ * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
+ */
+ public function validate()
+ {
+ $this->setIsValid(true);
+ if($this->getVisible(true) && $this->getEnabled())
+ {
+ $valid=$this->evaluateIsValid();
+ $this->setValid($valid);
+ }
+ if($this->isVisible() && $this->isEnabled() && strlen($this->getControlToValidate()))
+ {
+ $valid=$this->evaluateIsValid();
+ $this->setValid($valid);
+ return $valid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->setValid(true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is the major method for validation.
+ * Derived classes should implement this method to provide customized validation.
+ * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
+ */
+ abstract protected function evaluateIsValid();
?> \ No newline at end of file