path: root/framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php
diff options
authorFabio Bas <>2013-11-23 14:52:53 +0100
committerFabio Bas <>2013-11-23 14:52:53 +0100
commitc90614303d9993023a8fa218bd210e7e32802fa7 (patch)
treef2d4b80a400e456d5a1e4b6db89238108bd1e823 /framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php
parent5909ef5a99fd98dbc1b25fcb4640c03fdef4cb53 (diff)
parentefde949d00b808f55710abbd3d82ceb490545116 (diff)
Merge branch 'jquery' of into jquery
Conflicts: framework/Wsat/pages/TWsatLogin.php framework/Wsat/themes/PradoSoft/main.css
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php b/framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php
index 7b39fce1..433e1640 100644
--- a/framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php
+++ b/framework/Wsat/TWsatARGenerator.php
@@ -1,136 +1,232 @@
- * Description of TWsatARGenerator
- *
- * @author Daniel
- */
-class TWsatARGenerator {
- /**
- * @return TActiveRecordManager static instance of record manager.
- */
- private $_ar_manager;
- /**
- * Output folder (by namespace) where AR classes will be generated.
- */
- private $_opnamespace;
- function __construct($_opnamespace = "Application.App_Data.AR_Classes") {
- $this->_ar_manager = TActiveRecordManager::getInstance();
- $this->_opnamespace = $_opnamespace;
- }
- // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Main APIs">
- public function generate($tableName, $clasName = '') {
- $conn = $this->_ar_manager->getDbConnection();
- $gateway = $this->_ar_manager->getRecordGateway();
- $tableInfo = $gateway->getTableInfo($conn, $tableName);
- if (count($tableInfo->getColumns()) === 0) {
- throw new TIOException("Unable to find table or view $tableName in " . $conn->getConnectionString() . ".");
- } else {
- $properties = array();
- foreach ($tableInfo->getColumns() as $field => $column)
- $properties[] = $this->generateProperty($field, $column);
- }
- $clasName = empty($clasName) ? $this->_getClassName($tableName) : $clasName;
- $class = $this->generateClass($properties, $tableName, $clasName);
- $op_file = Prado::getPathOfNamespace($this->_opnamespace);
- if (!is_dir($op_file)) {
- mkdir($op_file, 0777, true);
- }
- $output = $op_file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $clasName . ".php";
- file_put_contents($output, $class);
- }
- public function generateAll() {
- foreach ($this->_getAllTableNames() as $tableName) {
- $this->generate($tableName);
- }
- }
-// </editor-fold>
- // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Common Methods">
- private function getDbConnection() {
- $con = $this->_ar_manager->getDbConnection();
- $con->Active = true;
- return $con;
- }
- private function _getAllTableNames() {
- $con = $this->getDbConnection();
- $command = $con->createCommand("Show Tables");
- $dataReader = $command->query();
- $dataReader->bindColumn(1, $table);
- $tables = array();
- while ($dataReader->read()) {
- $tables[] = $table;
- }
- $con->setActive(false);
- return $tables;
- }
- private function _getClassName($tableName) {
- return ucfirst($tableName);
- }
- public function renderAllTablesInformation() {
- $conn = $this->_ar_manager->getDbConnection();
- $gateway = $this->_ar_manager->getRecordGateway();
- foreach ($this->_getAllTableNames() as $table_name) {
- echo $table_name . "<br>";
- $tableInfo = $gateway->getTableInfo($conn, $table_name);
- echo "Table info:" . "<br>";
- echo "<pre>";
- var_dump($tableInfo);
- echo "</pre>";
- }
- }
- protected function generateProperty($field, $column) {
- $prop = '';
- $name = '$' . $field;
- /* TODO use in version 2.0 */
- // $type = $column->getPHPType();
- $prop .= "\tpublic $name;";
- return $prop;
- }
- protected function generateClass($properties, $tablename, $class) {
- $props = implode("\n", $properties);
- $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
- return <<<EOD
- * Auto generated by prado-cli.php on $date.
- */
-class $class extends TActiveRecord
- const TABLE='$tablename';
- public static function finder(\$className=__CLASS__)
- {
- return parent::finder(\$className);
- }
- }
-// </editor-fold>
+ * Description of TWsatARGenerator
+ *
+ * @author Daniel
+ */
+class TWsatARGenerator {
+ /**
+ * Gets the current Db connection, the connection object is obtained from
+ * the TActiveRecordManager if connection is currently null.
+ * @return TDbConnection current db connection for this object.
+ */
+ private $_conn;
+ /**
+ * @return TActiveRecordGateway record table gateway.
+ */
+ private $_gateway;
+ /**
+ * Output folder where AR classes will be generated.
+ */
+ private $_op_file;
+ /**
+ * Class name prefix
+ */
+ private $_clas_prefix;
+ /**
+ * all table relations array
+ */
+ private $_relations;
+ function __construct() {
+ $ar_manager = TActiveRecordManager::getInstance();
+ $this->_conn = $ar_manager->getDbConnection();
+ $this->_conn->Active = true;
+ $this->_gateway = $ar_manager->getRecordGateway();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ * Disconnect the db connection.
+ */
+ public function __destruct() {
+ if ($this->_conn !== null)
+ $this->_conn->Active = false;
+ }
+ public function setOpFile($op_file_namespace) {
+ $op_file = Prado::getPathOfNamespace($op_file_namespace);
+ if (empty($op_file)) {
+ throw new Exception("You need to fix your output folder namespace.");
+ }
+ if (!is_dir($op_file)) {
+ mkdir($op_file, 0777, true);
+ }
+ $this->_op_file = $op_file;
+ }
+ public function setClasPrefix($_clas_prefix) {
+ $this->_clas_prefix = $_clas_prefix;
+ }
+ // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Main APIs">
+ public function generate($tableName) {
+ $tableInfo = $this->_gateway->getTableInfo($this->_conn, $tableName);
+ if (count($tableInfo->getColumns()) === 0) {
+ throw new Exception("Unable to find table or view $tableName in " . $this->_conn->getConnectionString() . ".");
+ } else {
+ $properties = array();
+ foreach ($tableInfo->getColumns() as $field => $column)
+ $properties[] = $this->generateProperty($field, $column);
+ $toString = $this->_buildSmartToString($tableInfo);
+ }
+ $clasName = $this->_getProperClassName($tableName);
+ $class = $this->generateClass($properties, $tableName, $clasName, $toString);
+ $output = $this->_op_file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $clasName . ".php";
+ file_put_contents($output, $class);
+ }
+ public function generateAll() {
+ foreach ($this->_getAllTableNames() as $tableName) {
+ if ($tableName == "pradocache") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $this->generate($tableName);
+ }
+ }
+ public function buildRelations() {
+ $this->_relations = array();
+ foreach ($this->_getAllTableNames() as $table_name) {
+ $tableInfo = $this->_gateway->getTableInfo($this->_conn, $table_name);
+ foreach ($tableInfo->getForeignKeys() as $fk_data) {
+ $owner_table = $fk_data["table"];
+ $slave_table = $table_name;
+ $fk_prop = key($fk_data["keys"]);
+ $this->_relations[$owner_table][] = array(
+ "prop_name" => strtolower($slave_table),
+ "rel_type" => "self::HAS_MANY",
+ "ref_class_name" => $this->_getProperClassName($slave_table),
+ "prop_ref" => $fk_prop
+ );
+ $this->_relations[$slave_table][] = array(
+ "prop_name" => strtolower($owner_table),
+ "rel_type" => "self::BELONGS_TO",
+ "ref_class_name" => $this->_getProperClassName($owner_table),
+ "prop_ref" => $fk_prop
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// </editor-fold>
+ // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Common Methods">
+ private function _getAllTableNames() {
+ $command = $this->_conn->createCommand("Show Tables");
+ $dataReader = $command->query();
+ $dataReader->bindColumn(1, $table);
+ $tables = array();
+ while ($dataReader->read()) {
+ $tables[] = $table;
+ }
+ return $tables;
+ }
+ private function _getProperClassName($tableName) {
+ $table_name_words = str_replace("_", " ", strtolower($tableName));
+ $final_conversion = str_replace(" ", "", ucwords($table_name_words));
+ return $this->_clas_prefix . $final_conversion;
+ }
+ public function renderAllTablesInformation() {
+ foreach ($this->_getAllTableNames() as $table_name) {
+ echo $table_name . "<br>";
+ $tableInfo = $this->_gateway->getTableInfo($this->_conn, $table_name);
+ echo "Table info:" . "<br>";
+ echo "<pre>";
+ var_dump($tableInfo);
+ echo "</pre>";
+ }
+ }
+ protected function generateProperty($field, $column) {
+ $prop = '';
+ $name = '$' . $field;
+ /* TODO use in version 2.0 */
+ // $type = $column->getPHPType();
+ $prop .= "\tpublic $name;";
+ return $prop;
+ }
+ private function _renderRelations($tablename) {
+ if (!isset($this->_relations[$tablename])) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $code = "\tpublic static \$RELATIONS = array (";
+ foreach ($this->_relations[$tablename] as $rel_data) {
+ $code .= "\n\t\t'" . $rel_data["prop_name"] . "' => array(" . $rel_data["rel_type"] . ", '" . $rel_data["ref_class_name"] . "', '" . $rel_data["prop_ref"] . "'),";
+ }
+ $code = substr($code, 0, -1);
+ $code .= "\n\t);";
+ return $code;
+ }
+ private function _buildSmartToString($tableInfo) {
+ $code = "\tpublic function __toString() {";
+ $property = "throw new THttpException(500, 'Not implemented yet.');";
+ try {
+ foreach ($tableInfo->getColumns() as $column) {
+ if (isset($column->IsPrimaryKey) && $column->IsPrimaryKey) {
+ $property = str_replace(array("`", "'", '"'), "", $column->ColumnName);
+ } elseif ($column->DbType == "varchar") {
+ $property = str_replace(array("`", "'", '"'), "", $column->ColumnName);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ }
+ $code .= "\n\t\treturn \$this->$property;";
+ $code .= "\n\t}";
+ return $code;
+ }
+ protected function generateClass($properties, $tablename, $classname, $toString) {
+ $props = implode("\n", $properties);
+ $relations = $this->_renderRelations($tablename);
+ $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
+ return <<<EOD
+ * Auto generated by PRADO - WSAT on $date.
+ * @author prado_user_name
+ */
+class $classname extends TActiveRecord {
+ const TABLE='$tablename';
+ public static function finder(\$className=__CLASS__) {
+ return parent::finder(\$className);
+ }
+ }
+// </editor-fold>