path: root/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src
diff options
authorFabio Bas <>2013-09-22 22:39:41 +0200
committerFabio Bas <>2013-09-22 22:39:41 +0200
commit7c65b2f40ea9242260eac5a746863f5925423861 (patch)
tree6c516057baa4356fde43f8d79517571bc8f0bfa2 /tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src
parent60c6bfa6f7caeb122cb8fa820506bdd1c54a842e (diff)
Phing: added target for phpunit+selenium
Functional tests were using an old selenium RC version. Ported them to use phpunit + selenium; next: opensauce
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 701 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-level2.js b/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-level2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2987b15b..00000000
--- a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-level2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- cssQuery, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19)
- Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (
- License:
-cssQuery.addModule("css-level2", function() {
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// selectors
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// child selector
-selectors[">"] = function($results, $from, $tagName, $namespace) {
- var $element, i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < $from.length; i++) {
- var $subset = childElements($from[i]);
- for (j = 0; ($element = $subset[j]); j++)
- if (compareTagName($element, $tagName, $namespace))
- $results.push($element);
- }
-// sibling selector
-selectors["+"] = function($results, $from, $tagName, $namespace) {
- for (var i = 0; i < $from.length; i++) {
- var $element = nextElementSibling($from[i]);
- if ($element && compareTagName($element, $tagName, $namespace))
- $results.push($element);
- }
-// attribute selector
-selectors["@"] = function($results, $from, $attributeSelectorID) {
- var $test = attributeSelectors[$attributeSelectorID].test;
- var $element, i;
- for (i = 0; ($element = $from[i]); i++)
- if ($test($element)) $results.push($element);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// pseudo-classes
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-pseudoClasses["first-child"] = function($element) {
- return !previousElementSibling($element);
-pseudoClasses["lang"] = function($element, $code) {
- $code = new RegExp("^" + $code, "i");
- while ($element && !$element.getAttribute("lang")) $element = $element.parentNode;
- return $element && $code.test($element.getAttribute("lang"));
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// attribute selectors
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// constants
-AttributeSelector.NS_IE = /\\:/g;
-AttributeSelector.PREFIX = "@";
-// properties
-AttributeSelector.tests = {};
-// methods
-AttributeSelector.replace = function($match, $attribute, $namespace, $compare, $value) {
- var $key = this.PREFIX + $match;
- if (!attributeSelectors[$key]) {
- $attribute = this.create($attribute, $compare || "", $value || "");
- // store the selector
- attributeSelectors[$key] = $attribute;
- attributeSelectors.push($attribute);
- }
- return attributeSelectors[$key].id;
-AttributeSelector.parse = function($selector) {
- $selector = $selector.replace(this.NS_IE, "|");
- var $match;
- while ($match = $selector.match(this.match)) {
- var $replace = this.replace($match[0], $match[1], $match[2], $match[3], $match[4]);
- $selector = $selector.replace(this.match, $replace);
- }
- return $selector;
-AttributeSelector.create = function($propertyName, $test, $value) {
- var $attributeSelector = {};
- $ = this.PREFIX + attributeSelectors.length;
- $ = $propertyName;
- $test = this.tests[$test];
- $test = $test ? $test(this.getAttribute($propertyName), getText($value)) : false;
- $attributeSelector.test = new Function("e", "return " + $test);
- return $attributeSelector;
-AttributeSelector.getAttribute = function($name) {
- switch ($name.toLowerCase()) {
- case "id":
- return "";
- case "class":
- return "e.className";
- case "for":
- return "e.htmlFor";
- case "href":
- if (isMSIE) {
- // IE always returns the full path not the fragment in the href attribute
- // so we RegExp it out of outerHTML. Opera does the same thing but there
- // is no way to get the original attribute.
- return "String((e.outerHTML.match(/href=\\x22?([^\\s\\x22]*)\\x22?/)||[])[1]||'')";
- }
- }
- return "e.getAttribute('" + $name.replace($NAMESPACE, ":") + "')";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// attribute selector tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-AttributeSelector.tests[""] = function($attribute) {
- return $attribute;
-AttributeSelector.tests["="] = function($attribute, $value) {
- return $attribute + "==" + Quote.add($value);
-AttributeSelector.tests["~="] = function($attribute, $value) {
- return "/(^| )" + regEscape($value) + "( |$)/.test(" + $attribute + ")";
-AttributeSelector.tests["|="] = function($attribute, $value) {
- return "/^" + regEscape($value) + "(-|$)/.test(" + $attribute + ")";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// parsing
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// override parseSelector to parse out attribute selectors
-var _parseSelector = parseSelector;
-parseSelector = function($selector) {
- return _parseSelector(AttributeSelector.parse($selector));
-}); // addModule
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-level3.js b/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-level3.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dce4651..00000000
--- a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-level3.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- cssQuery, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19)
- Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (
- License:
-/* Thanks to Bill Edney */
-cssQuery.addModule("css-level3", function() {
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// selectors
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// indirect sibling selector
-selectors["~"] = function($results, $from, $tagName, $namespace) {
- var $element, i;
- for (i = 0; ($element = $from[i]); i++) {
- while ($element = nextElementSibling($element)) {
- if (compareTagName($element, $tagName, $namespace))
- $results.push($element);
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// pseudo-classes
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// I'm hoping these pseudo-classes are pretty readable. Let me know if
-// any need explanation.
-pseudoClasses["contains"] = function($element, $text) {
- $text = new RegExp(regEscape(getText($text)));
- return $text.test(getTextContent($element));
-pseudoClasses["root"] = function($element) {
- return $element == getDocument($element).documentElement;
-pseudoClasses["empty"] = function($element) {
- var $node, i;
- for (i = 0; ($node = $element.childNodes[i]); i++) {
- if (thisElement($node) || $node.nodeType == 3) return false;
- }
- return true;
-pseudoClasses["last-child"] = function($element) {
- return !nextElementSibling($element);
-pseudoClasses["only-child"] = function($element) {
- $element = $element.parentNode;
- return firstElementChild($element) == lastElementChild($element);
-pseudoClasses["not"] = function($element, $selector) {
- var $negated = cssQuery($selector, getDocument($element));
- for (var i = 0; i < $negated.length; i++) {
- if ($negated[i] == $element) return false;
- }
- return true;
-pseudoClasses["nth-child"] = function($element, $arguments) {
- return nthChild($element, $arguments, previousElementSibling);
-pseudoClasses["nth-last-child"] = function($element, $arguments) {
- return nthChild($element, $arguments, nextElementSibling);
-pseudoClasses["target"] = function($element) {
- return $ == location.hash.slice(1);
-// UI element states
-pseudoClasses["checked"] = function($element) {
- return $element.checked;
-pseudoClasses["enabled"] = function($element) {
- return $element.disabled === false;
-pseudoClasses["disabled"] = function($element) {
- return $element.disabled;
-pseudoClasses["indeterminate"] = function($element) {
- return $element.indeterminate;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// attribute selector tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-AttributeSelector.tests["^="] = function($attribute, $value) {
- return "/^" + regEscape($value) + "/.test(" + $attribute + ")";
-AttributeSelector.tests["$="] = function($attribute, $value) {
- return "/" + regEscape($value) + "$/.test(" + $attribute + ")";
-AttributeSelector.tests["*="] = function($attribute, $value) {
- return "/" + regEscape($value) + "/.test(" + $attribute + ")";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// nth child support (Bill Edney)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-function nthChild($element, $arguments, $traverse) {
- switch ($arguments) {
- case "n": return true;
- case "even": $arguments = "2n"; break;
- case "odd": $arguments = "2n+1";
- }
- var $$children = childElements($element.parentNode);
- function _checkIndex($index) {
- var $index = ($traverse == nextElementSibling) ? $$children.length - $index : $index - 1;
- return $$children[$index] == $element;
- };
- // it was just a number (no "n")
- if (!isNaN($arguments)) return _checkIndex($arguments);
- $arguments = $arguments.split("n");
- var $multiplier = parseInt($arguments[0]);
- var $step = parseInt($arguments[1]);
- if ((isNaN($multiplier) || $multiplier == 1) && $step == 0) return true;
- if ($multiplier == 0 && !isNaN($step)) return _checkIndex($step);
- if (isNaN($step)) $step = 0;
- var $count = 1;
- while ($element = $traverse($element)) $count++;
- if (isNaN($multiplier) || $multiplier == 1)
- return ($traverse == nextElementSibling) ? ($count <= $step) : ($step >= $count);
- return ($count % $multiplier) == $step;
-}); // addModule
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-standard.js b/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-standard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 309184d5..00000000
--- a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery-standard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- cssQuery, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19)
- Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (
- License:
-cssQuery.addModule("css-standard", function() { // override IE optimisation
-// cssQuery was originally written as the CSS engine for IE7. It is
-// optimised (in terms of size not speed) for IE so this module is
-// provided separately to provide cross-browser support.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// browser compatibility
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// sniff for Win32 Explorer
-isMSIE = eval("false;/*@cc_on@if(@\x5fwin32)isMSIE=true@end@*/");
-if (!isMSIE) {
- getElementsByTagName = function($element, $tagName, $namespace) {
- return $namespace ? $element.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", $tagName) :
- $element.getElementsByTagName($tagName);
- };
- compareNamespace = function($element, $namespace) {
- return !$namespace || ($namespace == "*") || ($element.prefix == $namespace);
- };
- isXML = document.contentType ? function($element) {
- return /xml/i.test(getDocument($element).contentType);
- } : function($element) {
- return getDocument($element).documentElement.tagName != "HTML";
- };
- getTextContent = function($element) {
- // mozilla || opera || other
- return $element.textContent || $element.innerText || _getTextContent($element);
- };
- function _getTextContent($element) {
- var $textContent = "", $node, i;
- for (i = 0; ($node = $element.childNodes[i]); i++) {
- switch ($node.nodeType) {
- case 11: // document fragment
- case 1: $textContent += _getTextContent($node); break;
- case 3: $textContent += $node.nodeValue; break;
- }
- }
- return $textContent;
- };
-}); // addModule
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery.js b/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6efee8..00000000
--- a/tests/test_tools/selenium/core/lib/cssQuery/src/cssQuery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- cssQuery, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19)
- Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (
- License:
-// the following functions allow querying of the DOM using CSS selectors
-var cssQuery = function() {
-var version = "2.0.2";
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// main query function
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-var $COMMA = /\s*,\s*/;
-var cssQuery = function($selector, $$from) {
-try {
- var $match = [];
- var $useCache = arguments.callee.caching && !$$from;
- var $base = ($$from) ? ($$from.constructor == Array) ? $$from : [$$from] : [document];
- // process comma separated selectors
- var $$selectors = parseSelector($selector).split($COMMA), i;
- for (i = 0; i < $$selectors.length; i++) {
- // convert the selector to a stream
- $selector = _toStream($$selectors[i]);
- // faster chop if it starts with id (MSIE only)
- if (isMSIE && $selector.slice(0, 3).join("") == " *#") {
- $selector = $selector.slice(2);
- $$from = _msie_selectById([], $base, $selector[1]);
- } else $$from = $base;
- // process the stream
- var j = 0, $token, $filter, $arguments, $cacheSelector = "";
- while (j < $selector.length) {
- $token = $selector[j++];
- $filter = $selector[j++];
- $cacheSelector += $token + $filter;
- // some pseudo-classes allow arguments to be passed
- // e.g. nth-child(even)
- $arguments = "";
- if ($selector[j] == "(") {
- while ($selector[j++] != ")" && j < $selector.length) {
- $arguments += $selector[j];
- }
- $arguments = $arguments.slice(0, -1);
- $cacheSelector += "(" + $arguments + ")";
- }
- // process a token/filter pair use cached results if possible
- $$from = ($useCache && cache[$cacheSelector]) ?
- cache[$cacheSelector] : select($$from, $token, $filter, $arguments);
- if ($useCache) cache[$cacheSelector] = $$from;
- }
- $match = $match.concat($$from);
- }
- delete cssQuery.error;
- return $match;
-} catch ($error) {
- cssQuery.error = $error;
- return [];
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// public interface
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-cssQuery.toString = function() {
- return "function cssQuery() {\n [version " + version + "]\n}";
-// caching
-var cache = {};
-cssQuery.caching = false;
-cssQuery.clearCache = function($selector) {
- if ($selector) {
- $selector = _toStream($selector).join("");
- delete cache[$selector];
- } else cache = {};
-// allow extensions
-var modules = {};
-var loaded = false;
-cssQuery.addModule = function($name, $script) {
- if (loaded) eval("$script=" + String($script));
- modules[$name] = new $script();;
-// hackery
-cssQuery.valueOf = function($code) {
- return $code ? eval($code) : this;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// declarations
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-var selectors = {};
-var pseudoClasses = {};
-// a safari bug means that these have to be declared here
-var AttributeSelector = {match: /\[([\w-]+(\|[\w-]+)?)\s*(\W?=)?\s*([^\]]*)\]/};
-var attributeSelectors = [];
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// selectors
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// descendant selector
-selectors[" "] = function($results, $from, $tagName, $namespace) {
- // loop through current selection
- var $element, i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < $from.length; i++) {
- // get descendants
- var $subset = getElementsByTagName($from[i], $tagName, $namespace);
- // loop through descendants and add to results selection
- for (j = 0; ($element = $subset[j]); j++) {
- if (thisElement($element) && compareNamespace($element, $namespace))
- $results.push($element);
- }
- }
-// ID selector
-selectors["#"] = function($results, $from, $id) {
- // loop through current selection and check ID
- var $element, j;
- for (j = 0; ($element = $from[j]); j++) if ($ == $id) $results.push($element);
-// class selector
-selectors["."] = function($results, $from, $className) {
- // create a RegExp version of the class
- $className = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + $className + "(\\s|$)");
- // loop through current selection and check class
- var $element, i;
- for (i = 0; ($element = $from[i]); i++)
- if ($className.test($element.className)) $results.push($element);
-// pseudo-class selector
-selectors[":"] = function($results, $from, $pseudoClass, $arguments) {
- // retrieve the cssQuery pseudo-class function
- var $test = pseudoClasses[$pseudoClass], $element, i;
- // loop through current selection and apply pseudo-class filter
- if ($test) for (i = 0; ($element = $from[i]); i++)
- // if the cssQuery pseudo-class function returns "true" add the element
- if ($test($element, $arguments)) $results.push($element);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// pseudo-classes
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-pseudoClasses["link"] = function($element) {
- var $document = getDocument($element);
- if ($document.links) for (var i = 0; i < $document.links.length; i++) {
- if ($document.links[i] == $element) return true;
- }
-pseudoClasses["visited"] = function($element) {
- // can't do this without jiggery-pokery
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// DOM traversal
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// IE5/6 includes comments (LOL) in it's elements collections.
-// so we have to check for this. the test is tagName != "!". LOL (again).
-var thisElement = function($element) {
- return ($element && $element.nodeType == 1 && $element.tagName != "!") ? $element : null;
-// return the previous element to the supplied element
-// previousSibling is not good enough as it might return a text or comment node
-var previousElementSibling = function($element) {
- while ($element && ($element = $element.previousSibling) && !thisElement($element)) continue;
- return $element;
-// return the next element to the supplied element
-var nextElementSibling = function($element) {
- while ($element && ($element = $element.nextSibling) && !thisElement($element)) continue;
- return $element;
-// return the first child ELEMENT of an element
-// NOT the first child node (though they may be the same thing)
-var firstElementChild = function($element) {
- return thisElement($element.firstChild) || nextElementSibling($element.firstChild);
-var lastElementChild = function($element) {
- return thisElement($element.lastChild) || previousElementSibling($element.lastChild);
-// return child elements of an element (not child nodes)
-var childElements = function($element) {
- var $childElements = [];
- $element = firstElementChild($element);
- while ($element) {
- $childElements.push($element);
- $element = nextElementSibling($element);
- }
- return $childElements;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// browser compatibility
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// all of the functions in this section can be overwritten. the default
-// configuration is for IE. The functions below reflect this. standard
-// methods are included in a separate module. It would probably be better
-// the other way round of course but this makes it easier to keep IE7 trim.
-var isMSIE = true;
-var isXML = function($element) {
- var $document = getDocument($element);
- return (typeof $document.mimeType == "unknown") ?
- /\.xml$/i.test($document.URL) :
- Boolean($document.mimeType == "XML Document");
-// return the element's containing document
-var getDocument = function($element) {
- return $element.ownerDocument || $element.document;
-var getElementsByTagName = function($element, $tagName) {
- return ($tagName == "*" && $element.all) ? $element.all : $element.getElementsByTagName($tagName);
-var compareTagName = function($element, $tagName, $namespace) {
- if ($tagName == "*") return thisElement($element);
- if (!compareNamespace($element, $namespace)) return false;
- if (!isXML($element)) $tagName = $tagName.toUpperCase();
- return $element.tagName == $tagName;
-var compareNamespace = function($element, $namespace) {
- return !$namespace || ($namespace == "*") || ($element.scopeName == $namespace);
-var getTextContent = function($element) {
- return $element.innerText;
-function _msie_selectById($results, $from, id) {
- var $match, i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < $from.length; i++) {
- if ($match = $from[i].all.item(id)) {
- if ($ == id) $results.push($match);
- else if ($match.length != null) {
- for (j = 0; j < $match.length; j++) {
- if ($match[j].id == id) $results.push($match[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $results;
-// for IE5.0
-if (![].push) Array.prototype.push = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- this[this.length] = arguments[i];
- }
- return this.length;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// query support
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// select a set of matching elements.
-// "from" is an array of elements.
-// "token" is a character representing the type of filter
-// e.g. ">" means child selector
-// "filter" represents the tag name, id or class name that is being selected
-// the function returns an array of matching elements
-var $NAMESPACE = /\|/;
-function select($$from, $token, $filter, $arguments) {
- if ($NAMESPACE.test($filter)) {
- $filter = $filter.split($NAMESPACE);
- $arguments = $filter[0];
- $filter = $filter[1];
- }
- var $results = [];
- if (selectors[$token]) {
- selectors[$token]($results, $$from, $filter, $arguments);
- }
- return $results;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// parsing
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// convert css selectors to a stream of tokens and filters
-// it's not a real stream. it's just an array of strings.
-var $STANDARD_SELECT = /^[^\s>+~]/;
-var $$STREAM = /[\s#.:>+~()@]|[^\s#.:>+~()@]+/g;
-function _toStream($selector) {
- if ($STANDARD_SELECT.test($selector)) $selector = " " + $selector;
- return $selector.match($$STREAM) || [];
-var $WHITESPACE = /\s*([\s>+~(),]|^|$)\s*/g;
-var $IMPLIED_ALL = /([\s>+~,]|[^(]\+|^)([#.:@])/g;
-var parseSelector = function($selector) {
- return $selector
- // trim whitespace
- .replace($WHITESPACE, "$1")
- // e.g. ".class1" --> "*.class1"
- .replace($IMPLIED_ALL, "$1*$2");
-var Quote = {
- toString: function() {return "'"},
- match: /^('[^']*')|("[^"]*")$/,
- test: function($string) {
- return this.match.test($string);
- },
- add: function($string) {
- return this.test($string) ? $string : this + $string + this;
- },
- remove: function($string) {
- return this.test($string) ? $string.slice(1, -1) : $string;
- }
-var getText = function($text) {
- return Quote.remove($text);
-var $ESCAPE = /([\/()[\]?{}|*+-])/g;
-function regEscape($string) {
- return $string.replace($ESCAPE, "\\$1");
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// modules
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -------- >> insert modules here for packaging << -------- \\
-loaded = true;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// return the query function
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-return cssQuery;
-}(); // cssQuery