path: root/tests/test_tools/selenium/prado-functional-test.js
diff options
authorFabio Bas <>2013-09-22 22:39:41 +0200
committerFabio Bas <>2013-09-22 22:39:41 +0200
commit7c65b2f40ea9242260eac5a746863f5925423861 (patch)
tree6c516057baa4356fde43f8d79517571bc8f0bfa2 /tests/test_tools/selenium/prado-functional-test.js
parent60c6bfa6f7caeb122cb8fa820506bdd1c54a842e (diff)
Phing: added target for phpunit+selenium
Functional tests were using an old selenium RC version. Ported them to use phpunit + selenium; next: opensauce
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_tools/selenium/prado-functional-test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_tools/selenium/prado-functional-test.js b/tests/test_tools/selenium/prado-functional-test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d4446f0..00000000
--- a/tests/test_tools/selenium/prado-functional-test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-objectExtend(HtmlTestRunnerControlPanel.prototype, {
- getTestSuiteName: function() {
- return document.location+'?testSuites'; //this._getQueryParameter("test");
- }
-SeleniumFrame.prototype._setLocation = function(location) {
- /* var isChrome = browserVersion.isChrome || false;
- var isHTA = browserVersion.isHTA || false;
- // DGF TODO multiWindow
- location += "?thisIsChrome=" + isChrome + "&thisIsHTA=" + isHTA;*/
- if (browserVersion.isSafari) {
- // safari doesn't reload the page when the location equals to current location.
- // hence, set the location to blank so that the page will reload automatically.
- this.frame.src = "about:blank";
- this.frame.src = location;
- } else {
- this.frame.contentWindow.location.replace(location);
- }
- };
-SeleniumFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet = function()
- var base_url = script_base_url;
- var d = this.getDocument();
- var head = d.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
- var styleLink = d.createElement("link");
- styleLink.rel = "stylesheet";
- styleLink.type = "text/css";
- styleLink.href = base_url + "core/selenium-test.css";
- head.appendChild(styleLink);
-HtmlTestFrame.prototype._setLocation = SeleniumFrame.prototype._setLocation;
-HtmlTestSuiteFrame.prototype._setLocation = SeleniumFrame.prototype._setLocation;
-HtmlTestFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet = SeleniumFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet;
-HtmlTestSuiteFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet = SeleniumFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet;
-objectExtend(HtmlTestRunnerControlPanel.prototype, {
- _parseQueryParameter: function() {
- var tempRunInterval = this._getQueryParameter("runInterval");
- if (tempRunInterval) {
- this.setRunInterval(tempRunInterval);
- }
- }
- * Override selenium implementation.
- */
-Selenium.prototype.getAttribute = function(target) {
- return;
- * Override selenium implementation.
- */
-Selenium.prototype.isVisible = function(locator) {
- var element;
- element =;
- if(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent))
- var visibility =["visibility"];
- else
- var visibility = this.findEffectiveStyleProperty(element, "visibility");
- var _isDisplayed = this._isDisplayed(element);
- return (visibility != "hidden" && _isDisplayed);
- * Override selenium implementation.
- */
-Selenium.prototype._isDisplayed = function(element) {
- if(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent))
- var display =["display"];
- else
- var display = this.findEffectiveStyleProperty(element, "display");
- if (display == "none") return false;
- if ( {
- return this._isDisplayed(element.parentNode);
- }
- return true;
-Selenium.prototype.assertEmptySelection = function(selectLocator, optionLocator)
- /**
- * Verifies that the selected option of a drop-down satisfies the optionSpecifier.
- *
- * <p>See the select command for more information about option locators.</p>
- *
- * @param selectLocator an <a href="#locators">element locator</a> identifying a drop-down menu
- * @param optionLocator an option locator, typically just an option label (e.g. "John Smith")
- */
- var element =;
- var locator = this.optionLocatorFactory.fromLocatorString(optionLocator);
- return element.selectedIndex == -1;
-objectExtend(HtmlTestSuite.prototype, {
- _onTestSuiteComplete: function() {
- this.markDone();
- var result = new TestResult(this.failed, this.getTestTable());
- postTestResults(this.failed, this.getTestTable(), result);
- }
-// Post the results to a servlet, CGI-script, etc. The URL of the
-// results-handler defaults to "/postResults", but an alternative location
-// can be specified by providing a "resultsUrl" query parameter.
-// Parameters passed to the results-handler are:
-// result: passed/failed depending on whether the suite passed or failed
-// totalTime: the total running time in seconds for the suite.
-// numTestPasses: the total number of tests which passed.
-// numTestFailures: the total number of tests which failed.
-// numCommandPasses: the total number of commands which passed.
-// numCommandFailures: the total number of commands which failed.
-// numCommandErrors: the total number of commands which errored.
-// suite: the suite table, including the hidden column of test results
-// testTable.1 to testTable.N: the individual test tables
-function postTestResults(suiteFailed, suiteTable, result) {
- form = document.createElement("form");
- document.body.appendChild(form);
- = "resultsForm";
- form.method="post";
- var resultsUrl = post_results_to;
- if (!resultsUrl) {
- resultsUrl = "./results.php";
- }
- var actionAndParameters = resultsUrl.split('?',2);
- form.action = actionAndParameters[0];
- LOG.warn(form.action)
- var resultsUrlQueryString = actionAndParameters[1];
- form.createHiddenField = function(name, value) {
- input = document.createElement("input");
- input.type = "hidden";
- = name;
- input.value = value;
- this.appendChild(input);
- };
- if (resultsUrlQueryString) {
- var clauses = resultsUrlQueryString.split('&');
- for (var i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
- var keyValuePair = clauses[i].split('=',2);
- var key = unescape(keyValuePair[0]);
- var value = unescape(keyValuePair[1]);
- form.createHiddenField(key, value);
- }
- }
- form.createHiddenField("result", suiteFailed == true ? "failed" : "passed");
- form.createHiddenField("totalTime", Math.floor((result.metrics.currentTime - result.metrics.startTime) / 1000));
- form.createHiddenField("numTestPasses", result.metrics.numTestPasses);
- form.createHiddenField("numTestFailures", result.metrics.numTestFailures);
- form.createHiddenField("numCommandPasses", result.metrics.numCommandPasses);
- form.createHiddenField("numCommandFailures", result.metrics.numCommandFailures);
- form.createHiddenField("numCommandErrors", result.metrics.numCommandErrors);
- // Create an input for each test table. The inputs are named
- // testTable.1, testTable.2, etc.
- for (rowNum = 1; rowNum < suiteTable.rows.length;rowNum++) {
- // If there is a second column, then add a new input
- if (suiteTable.rows[rowNum].cells.length > 1) {
- var resultCell = suiteTable.rows[rowNum].cells[1];
- parse_resultCell(resultCell,rowNum,form);
- //form.createHiddenField("tests[]", resultCell.innerHTML);
- // remove the resultCell, so it's not included in the suite HTML
- //resultCell.parentNode.removeChild(resultCell);
- }
- }
- // Add HTML for the suite itself
- //form.createHiddenField("suite", suiteTable.parentNode.innerHTML);
- form.submit();
- document.body.removeChild(form);
-function parse_resultCell(resultCell,rowNum,form)
- var div = resultCell.childNodes[0];
- var table;
- for(var i = 0; i<div.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- if(div.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'table')
- table = div.childNodes[i];
- }
- //;
- var testname = table.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.innerHTML;
- var resultColor = get_color_status(table.rows[0]);
- form.createHiddenField("tests["+rowNum+"][testcase]",testname);
- //var trace = window.testSuiteFrame.prado_trace[testname];
- for(var i = 1; i<table.rows.length; i++)
- {
- var msg = table.rows[i].getAttribute("title");
- var result = get_color_status(table.rows[i]);
- var action = table.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML;
- var target = table.rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML;
- var param = table.rows[i].cells[2].innerHTML;
- var id = "tests["+rowNum+"][commands]["+(i-1)+"]";
- form.createHiddenField(id+"[command]", "|"+action+"|"+target+"|"+param+"|");
- form.createHiddenField(id+"[result]", result);
- form.createHiddenField(id+"[msg]", msg);
- //form.createHiddenField(id+"[trace]", trace[i-1]);
- }
-function get_color_status(element)
- var color = element.className
- if(color == 'status_passed') return "passed";
- if(color == 'status_failed') return "failed";
- if(color == 'status_done') return "done";
- return "";
-Selenium.prototype.assertHTMLPresent = function(expectedValue) {
- var actualValue =;
- if(actualValue.indexOf(expectedValue) >= 0)
- return;
-"Unable to find '"+(expectedValue.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "\""))+"' in document.body");
-Selenium.prototype.assertHTMLNotPresent = function(expectedValue) {
- var actualValue =;
- if(actualValue.indexOf(expectedValue) < 0)
- return;
-"'"+(expectedValue.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "\""))+"' was found in document.body");
-}; \ No newline at end of file