diff options
12 files changed, 619 insertions, 605 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index e159f68b..7f412865 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- PRADO 3.1 build file - Copyright (C) 2006 PradoSoft
- Requirements
- ============
- xdebug >= 2.0.0beta4
-<project name="prado" basedir="." default="help">
- <taskdef name="prado-version-check" classname="PradoVersionTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <taskdef name="prado-doc" classname="PradoDocTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
-<!-- <taskdef name="prado-pear" classname="PradoPearTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>-->
- <taskdef name="prado-quickstart-index" classname="QuickstartIndexTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <taskdef name="prado-api-index" classname="ManualIndexTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ PRADO 3.1 build file - Copyright (C) 2006 PradoSoft
+ Requirements
+ ============
+ xdebug >= 2.0.0beta4
+<project name="prado" basedir="." default="help">
+ <taskdef name="prado-version-check" classname="PradoVersionTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <taskdef name="prado-doc" classname="PradoDocTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+<!-- <taskdef name="prado-pear" classname="PradoPearTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>-->
+ <taskdef name="prado-quickstart-index" classname="QuickstartIndexTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <taskdef name="prado-api-index" classname="ManualIndexTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
<!-- <taskdef name="prado-test" classname="PradoTestTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>-->
- <taskdef name="compact-package" classname="PradoPackageTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <taskdef name="prado-quickstart-docs" classname="PradoQuickStartDocs" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks" />
- <!-- generates ${prado.version} and ${prado.revision} -->
- <prado-version-check />
- <!-- these are required external commands -->
- <property name="php" value="php" /> <!-- PHP parser -->
- <property name="hhc" value="hhc" /> <!-- compile phpdoc into CHM -->
- <property name="pdflatex" value="pdflatex" /> <!-- generates PDF from LaTex -->
- <property name="zip" value="zip" /> <!-- zip compression -->
- <property name="pkgname" value="${}-${prado.version}.r${prado.revision}"/>
+ <taskdef name="compact-package" classname="PradoPackageTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <taskdef name="prado-quickstart-docs" classname="PradoQuickStartDocs" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks" />
+ <!-- generates ${prado.version} and ${prado.revision} -->
+ <prado-version-check />
+ <!-- these are required external commands -->
+ <property name="php" value="php" /> <!-- PHP parser -->
+ <property name="hhc" value="hhc" /> <!-- compile phpdoc into CHM -->
+ <property name="pdflatex" value="pdflatex" /> <!-- generates PDF from LaTex -->
+ <property name="zip" value="zip" /> <!-- zip compression -->
+ <property name="pkgname" value="${}-${prado.version}.r${prado.revision}"/>
<property name="compact-strip-comments" value="false" />
- <property name="build.base.dir" value="build"/>
- <property name="build.dist.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/dist"/>
- <property name="build.src.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}"/>
- <property name="build.doc.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/docs"/>
- <property name="build.pear.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/pear"/>
- <property name="build.web.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/web"/>
- <property name="build.test.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/test-reports"/>
- <property name="build.coverage.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/code-coverage"/>
+ <property name="build.base.dir" value="build"/>
+ <property name="build.dist.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/dist"/>
+ <property name="build.src.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}"/>
+ <property name="build.doc.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/docs"/>
+ <property name="build.pear.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/pear"/>
+ <property name="build.web.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/web"/>
+ <property name="build.test.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/test-reports"/>
+ <property name="build.coverage.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/code-coverage"/>
<property name="build.snapshot.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/snapshot"/>
<property name="build.compact.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}/compact" />
- <!--
- All Source Files in framework
- -->
- <fileset dir="." id="framework">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
- <exclude name="**/*~"/>
- <exclude name="**/pradolite.php" /><!-- will be generated -->
- <exclude name="**/prado-cli.php" /><!-- will be copied later -->
- <include name="framework/**/*"/>
- </fileset>
- <!--
- Surrounding files
- -->
- <fileset dir="." id="misc">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
- <exclude name="**/*~"/>
- <include name="COPYRIGHT"/>
- <include name="HISTORY"/>
- <include name="UPGRADE"/>
- <include name="index.html"/>
- <include name="requirements/*"/>
- </fileset>
- <!--
- Documentation ????
- -->
- <fileset dir="." id="docs">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
- <exclude name="**/*~"/>
- <exclude name="**/latex" />
- <exclude name="**/sqlmap_tut.pdf" />
- <include name="docs/specs/*"/>
- <include name="docs/sqlmap/sqlmap.pdf" />
- </fileset>
- <!--
- Demos
- -->
- <fileset dir="." id="demos">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
- <exclude name="**/*~"/>
- <exclude name="**/runtime/*"/>
- <exclude name="**/assets/*"/>
- <exclude name="**/runtime/*/**"/>
- <exclude name="**/assets/*/**"/>
- <exclude name="demos/blog/protected/Data/Blog.db" />
- <include name="demos/address-book/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/blog/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/blog-tutorial/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/chat/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/composer/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/currency-converter/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/helloworld/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/northwind-db/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/personal/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/quickstart/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/soap/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/sqlmap/**/*"/>
- <include name="demos/time-tracker/**/*"/>
- </fileset>
+ <!--
+ All Source Files in framework
+ -->
+ <fileset dir="." id="framework">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*~"/>
+ <exclude name="**/pradolite.php" /><!-- will be generated -->
+ <exclude name="**/prado-cli.php" /><!-- will be copied later -->
+ <include name="framework/**/*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <!--
+ Surrounding files
+ -->
+ <fileset dir="." id="misc">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*~"/>
+ <include name="COPYRIGHT"/>
+ <include name="HISTORY"/>
+ <include name="UPGRADE"/>
+ <include name="index.html"/>
+ <include name="requirements/*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <!--
+ Documentation ????
+ -->
+ <fileset dir="." id="docs">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*~"/>
+ <exclude name="**/latex" />
+ <exclude name="**/sqlmap_tut.pdf" />
+ <include name="docs/specs/*"/>
+ <include name="docs/sqlmap/sqlmap.pdf" />
+ </fileset>
+ <!--
+ Demos
+ -->
+ <fileset dir="." id="demos">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*~"/>
+ <exclude name="**/runtime/*"/>
+ <exclude name="**/assets/*"/>
+ <exclude name="**/runtime/*/**"/>
+ <exclude name="**/assets/*/**"/>
+ <exclude name="demos/blog/protected/Data/Blog.db" />
+ <include name="demos/address-book/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/blog/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/blog-tutorial/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/chat/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/composer/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/currency-converter/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/helloworld/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/northwind-db/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/personal/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/quickstart/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/soap/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/sqlmap/**/*"/>
+ <include name="demos/time-tracker/**/*"/>
+ </fileset>
Test tools
@@ -112,47 +112,47 @@
<fileset dir="." id="test-tools">
<include name="tests/test_tools/**/*"/>
- <!--
- Writable files and directories
- -->
- <fileset dir="." id="writables">
- <include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/**/runtime" />
- <include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/**/assets" />
- <include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/blog/protected/Data" />
- </fileset>
- <target name="help">
- <echo>
- Welcome to use PRADO build script!
- ----------------------------------
- You may use the following command format to build a target:
- phing &lt;target name&gt;
- where &lt;target name&gt; can be one of the following:
- For all PRADO developers:
- - test : run unit tests (results are under /build/test-reports);
- For PRADO release manager:
- - dist : create release files;
- - build : prepare a directory for distribution;
- - clean : clean up the build directory;
- - rebuild : clean first and then build;
- - docs : generate documentation;
- - pear : generate PEAR packages;
- - snapshot: generate nightly snapshot;
- </echo>
+ <!--
+ Writable files and directories
+ -->
+ <fileset dir="." id="writables">
+ <include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/**/runtime" />
+ <include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/**/assets" />
+ <include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/blog/protected/Data" />
+ </fileset>
+ <target name="help">
+ <echo>
+ Welcome to use PRADO build script!
+ ----------------------------------
+ You may use the following command format to build a target:
+ phing &lt;target name&gt;
+ where &lt;target name&gt; can be one of the following:
+ For all PRADO developers:
+ - test : run unit tests (results are under /build/test-reports);
+ For PRADO release manager:
+ - dist : create release files;
+ - build : prepare a directory for distribution;
+ - clean : clean up the build directory;
+ - rebuild : clean first and then build;
+ - docs : generate documentation;
+ - pear : generate PEAR packages;
+ - snapshot: generate nightly snapshot;
+ </echo>
<!-- bulid compact prado package definitions -->
<target name="compact-collections" description="Collections">
<mkdir dir="${build.compact.dir}" />
- <mkdir dir="${build.compact.dir}/docs" />
- <mkdir dir="${build.compact.dir}/prado-dao" />
+ <mkdir dir="${build.compact.dir}/docs" />
+ <mkdir dir="${build.compact.dir}/prado-dao" />
<compact-package output="${build.compact.dir}/prado-dao/collections.php" strip="${compact-strip-comments}">
<filelist dir="framework" files="PradoBase.php,TComponent.php,Exceptions/TException.php,interfaces.php" />
<filelist dir="framework/Collections" files="TList.php,TMap.php,TAttributeCollection.php,TPagedList.php,TPagedDataSource.php" />
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@
<copy file="HISTORY" tofile="${build.compact.dir}/HISTORY" />
<delete file="${build.compact.dir}/readme.txt" />
<append destFile="${build.compact.dir}/readme.txt">PRADO Framework for PHP 5, version ${prado.version}. See docs/ directory for documentation.</append>
- <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs"
- pages="Advanced/,Fundamentals/"/>
+ <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs"
+ pages="Advanced/,Fundamentals/"/>
<target name="compact-db" description="Database" depends="compact-collections">
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
<filelist dir="framework/Data/Common"
files="TDbTableInfo.php, TDbTableColumn.php, TDbCommandBuilder.php, TDbMetaData.php" />
- <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs" pages="Database/" />
+ <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs" pages="Database/" />
<target name="compact-db-sqlite" description="Sqlite Database" depends="compact-db">
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@
<append file="framework/Data/ActiveRecord/Exceptions/messages.txt"
destfile="${build.compact.dir}/prado-dao/messages.txt" />
- <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs" pages="Database/" />
- </target>
+ <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs" pages="Database/" />
+ </target>
<target name="compact-sqlmap" description="Package SqlMap" depends="compact-db-all">
<compact-package output="${build.compact.dir}/prado-dao/sqlmap.php" strip="${compact-strip-comments}">
@@ -240,388 +240,388 @@
<append file="framework/Data/SqlMap/DataMapper/messages.txt"
destfile="${build.compact.dir}/prado-dao/messages.txt" />
- <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs" pages="Database/" />
+ <prado-quickstart-docs output="${build.compact.dir}/docs" pages="Database/" />
- <target name="compact-northwind" description="Northwind example">
- <copy todir="${build.compact.dir}/examples">
- <fileset dir="demos/northwind-db/protected/" >
- <include name="database/**/*"/>
- <include name="data/**/*"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <delete file="${build.compact.dir}/examples/example.php" />
- <append destfile="${build.compact.dir}/examples/example.php"><![CDATA[<?php
-$sqlite_dir = './data';
-$sqlite_db = $sqlite_dir.'/Northwind.db';
- die("Unable to find database file $sqlite_db");
- die("Please make sure that the directory $sqlite_dir is writable by PHP process.");
- die("Please make sure that the sqlite database file $sqlite_db is writable by PHP process.");
-//add directory "database" for autoload
-$class_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/database');
-spl_autoload_register(array('PradoBase', 'autoload'));
-//other forms of auto load may be used.
-$conn = new TDbConnection("sqlite:$sqlite_db");
-//set default database connection
-//start playing
-foreach(Employee::finder()->findAll() as $employee)
- var_dump($employee->LastName);
-//fetch all regions and its territories.
-foreach(Region::finder()->withTerritories()->findAll() as $region)
- var_dump($region->RegionDescription);
- foreach($region->Territories as $territory)
- var_dump($territory->TerritoryDescription);
-//sqlmap example
-$manager = new TSqlMapManager($conn);
-$sqlmap = $manager->getSqlMapGateway();
-var_dump($sqlmap->queryForList('products-with-price', 50));
-//similar query, but not identical
-//Product::finder()->withCategory()->findAll('UnitPrice < ?', 50)
+ <target name="compact-northwind" description="Northwind example">
+ <copy todir="${build.compact.dir}/examples">
+ <fileset dir="demos/northwind-db/protected/" >
+ <include name="database/**/*"/>
+ <include name="data/**/*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <delete file="${build.compact.dir}/examples/example.php" />
+ <append destfile="${build.compact.dir}/examples/example.php"><![CDATA[<?php
+$sqlite_dir = './data';
+$sqlite_db = $sqlite_dir.'/Northwind.db';
+ die("Unable to find database file $sqlite_db");
+ die("Please make sure that the directory $sqlite_dir is writable by PHP process.");
+ die("Please make sure that the sqlite database file $sqlite_db is writable by PHP process.");
+//add directory "database" for autoload
+$class_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/database');
+spl_autoload_register(array('PradoBase', 'autoload'));
+//other forms of auto load may be used.
+$conn = new TDbConnection("sqlite:$sqlite_db");
+//set default database connection
+//start playing
+foreach(Employee::finder()->findAll() as $employee)
+ var_dump($employee->LastName);
+//fetch all regions and its territories.
+foreach(Region::finder()->withTerritories()->findAll() as $region)
+ var_dump($region->RegionDescription);
+ foreach($region->Territories as $territory)
+ var_dump($territory->TerritoryDescription);
+//sqlmap example
+$manager = new TSqlMapManager($conn);
+$sqlmap = $manager->getSqlMapGateway();
+var_dump($sqlmap->queryForList('products-with-price', 50));
+//similar query, but not identical
+//Product::finder()->withCategory()->findAll('UnitPrice < ?', 50)
<target name="compact-dao" description="All packages" depends="compact-active-record,compact-sqlmap,compact-northwind" />
<!-- end compact packaging -->
- <target name="build" description="Building standard PRADO package v${prado.version}.${prado.revision}">
- <echo>Building pradolite.php...</echo>
- <delete file="framework/pradolite.php"/>
- <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/phpbuilder" passthru="true"/>
- <echo>Copying files to build directory...</echo>
- <copy todir="${build.src.dir}">
- <fileset refid="demos"/>
- <fileset refid="docs"/>
- <fileset refid="framework"/>
+ <target name="build" description="Building standard PRADO package v${prado.version}.${prado.revision}">
+ <echo>Building pradolite.php...</echo>
+ <delete file="framework/pradolite.php"/>
+ <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/phpbuilder" passthru="true"/>
+ <echo>Copying files to build directory...</echo>
+ <copy todir="${build.src.dir}">
+ <fileset refid="demos"/>
+ <fileset refid="docs"/>
+ <fileset refid="framework"/>
<fileset refid="misc"/>
- <fileset refid="test-tools" />
- </copy>
- <copy file="buildscripts/classtree/DWExtensionReadme.txt" tofile="${build.src.dir}/editors/Dreamweaver/readme.txt" />
- <copy file="framework/pradolite.php" tofile="${build.src.dir}/framework/pradolite.php" />
- <copy file="framework/prado-cli.php" tofile="${build.src.dir}/framework/prado-cli.php" />
- <echo>Changing file permissions...</echo>
- <chmod mode="0777">
- <fileset refid="writables" />
- </chmod>
- <echo>Building quickstart demo search indices...</echo>
- <prado-quickstart-index todir="${build.src.dir}/demos/quickstart/protected/index/quickstart" />
- </target>
- <target name="clean">
- <echo>Cleaning up the mess</echo>
- <delete dir="${build.base.dir}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="rebuild" depends="clean,build" />
- <target name="docs" depends="build">
- <echo>Build PDF + CHM + HTML Docs, it may take about 30 mins</echo>
- <echo>Building quickstart.pdf...</echo>
- <delete>
- <fileset dir=".">
- <include name="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart/*.aux" />
- </fileset>
- </delete>
- <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
- <exec command="${pdflatex} quickstart.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
- <exec command="${pdflatex} quickstart.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
- <exec command="${pdflatex} quickstart.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
- <move file="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart/quickstart.pdf" todir="${build.doc.dir}"/>
- <echo>Building API manuals...</echo>
- <delete dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual" />
- <prado-doc phpdoc="${php} buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpdoc"
- title="PRADO v${prado.version} API Manual"
- destdir="${build.doc.dir}/manual"
- sourcepath="${build.src.dir}/framework"
- ignorelist="*pradolite.php,*prado-cli.php,*3rdParty/*,*Javascripts/*,*I18N/core/*"
- output="HTML:frames:default,CHM:default:default,HTML:Smarty:PradoSoft" />
- <echo>Indexing API manuals...</echo>
- <prado-api-index docdir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter" todir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter" />
- <copy file="buildscripts/index/search.php" todir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter" />
- <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/classtree" passthru="true"/>
- <echo>Generating CHM Content (Quickstart + ClassDocs)</echo>
- <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/chmbuilder" passthru="true"/>
- <!-- done on project website
- <echo>Generating CHM Content (WIKI)</echo>
- <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/wikibuilder" passthru="true"/>
- -->
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="true"/>
- <then>
- <exec command="${hhc} ${build.doc.dir}/prado3_manual.hhp" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <target name="dist" depends="rebuild,docs">
- <echo>Moving doc files to build...</echo>
- <mkdir dir="${build.dist.dir}" />
- <move file="${build.doc.dir}/quickstart.pdf" todir="${build.src.dir}/docs" />
- <move todir="${build.src.dir}/docs/manual">
- <fileset dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLframesConverter">
- <include name="**/**" />
- </fileset>
- </move>
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="true"/>
- <then>
- <move file="${build.doc.dir}/prado3_manual.chm" tofile="${build.src.dir}/docs/prado3_manual.chm" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <echo>Generating compressed distribution files...</echo>
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="false"/>
- <then>
- <exec command="tar czvf ${pkgname}.tar.gz ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}"/>
- <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.tar.gz" todir="${build.dist.dir}" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <!--
- <exec command="zip ${pkgname}.zip -r ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}" />
- <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.zip" todir="${build.dist.dir}" />
- -->
- <echo>Generating files for</echo>
- <echo>Compiling class docs...</echo>
- <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/classtree" passthru="true"/>
- <move file="buildscripts/classtree/" todir="${build.web.dir}/protected/Data" />
- <echo>Moving HTML docs to Web folder...</echo>
- <mkdir dir="${build.web.dir}" />
- <move todir="${build.web.dir}/docs/manual">
- <fileset dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter">
- <include name="**/**" />
- </fileset>
- </move>
- <echo>
- Distribution Not Completed Yet!!!
-The following steps need to be manually performed in order to complete
-the PRADO distribution:
-1. Package DreamWeaver extension by running DW extension manager with
- buildscripts/classtree/PRADO.mxi and saving the generated file as
- "${build.src.dir}/editors/Dreamweaver/PRADO.mxp"
-2. Use winzip (on Windows) and gzip (on Linux) to generate the compressed
- release files of the direcotry
- "${build.src.dir}".
- </echo>
- </target>
- <target name="test" description="Running unit tests">
- <delete dir="${build.test.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build.test.dir}"/>
- <prado-test codecoverage="false" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="false" printsummary="true">
- <batchtest>
- <fileset dir="tests/unit">
- <include name="**/*Test.php"/>
- </fileset>
- </batchtest>
- <formatter type="xml" todir="${build.test.dir}" outfile="unit-tests.xml"/>
- </prado-test>
- <phpunit2report infile="${build.test.dir}/unit-tests.xml" format="frames" styledir="buildscripts/phing/style" todir="${build.test.dir}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="snapshot" depends="rebuild">
- <echo>Generating compressed distribution files...</echo>
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="false"/>
- <then>
- <exec command="tar czvf ${pkgname}.tar.gz ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}"/>
- <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.tar.gz" todir="${build.dist.dir}" />
- </then>
- </if>
- <exec command="zip ${pkgname}.zip -r ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}" />
- <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.zip" tofile="${build.snapshot.dir}/" />
- <copy file="${build.src.dir}/HISTORY" tofile="${build.snapshot.dir}/changelog-latest.txt" />
- </target>
- <taskdef name="phplint" classname="PhpLintTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <taskdef name="xmllint" classname="XmlLintTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <taskdef name="analyze" classname="ZendCodeAnalyzerTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <taskdef name="pear-package" classname="BuildPradoPEARPackageTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
- <target name="pear" depends="" description="Creating PEAR package">
- <mkdir dir="${build.pear.dir}" />
- <prado-pear pkgdir="${build.pear.dir}"
- channel=""
- version="${prado.version}"
- state="stable"
- category="framework"
- package="prado"
- summary="PRADO is a ...."
- pkgdescription="detailed description..."
- notes=""
- license="BSD"
- />
- </target>
- <target name="test" description="Run unit tests">
- <echo>Preparing directory structure</echo>
- <delete dir="${reports.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${reports.dir}"/>
- <delete dir="${reports.unit.dir}"/>
- <delete dir="${reports.codecoverage.dir}"/>
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${codecoverage}" arg2="true"/>
- <then>
- <mkdir dir="${reports.codecoverage.dir}"/>
- <echo>Preparing Code Coverage Database</echo>
- <coverage-setup database="${reports.codecoverage.dir}/coverage.db">
- <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
- <include name="**/*.php"/>
- <exclude name="Web/Javascripts/js/clientscripts.php"/>
- <exclude name="Data/TCache.php"/>
- <exclude name="DataAccess/**/*.php"/>
- <exclude name="I18N/core/Gettext/MO.php"/>
- <exclude name="I18N/core/Gettext/PO.php"/>
- <exclude name="I18N/core/util.php"/>
- <exclude name="I18N/TGlobalization.php"/>
- <exclude name="I18N/TGlobalizationAutoDetect.php"/>
- <exclude name="Security/TUserManager.php"/>
- <exclude name="Security/TMembershipManager.php"/>
- <exclude name="core.php"/>
- <exclude name="3rdParty/**/*.php"/>
- <exclude name="pradolite.php"/>
- <exclude name="prado.php"/>
- </fileset>
- </coverage-setup>
- </then>
- </if>
- <echo>Running Unit Tests</echo>
- <phpunit2 codecoverage="${codecoverage}" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="false" printsummary="true">
- <batchtest>
- <fileset dir="${tests.dir}">
- <include name="**/*Test.php"/>
- </fileset>
- </batchtest>
- <formatter type="xml" todir="${reports.dir}" outfile="logfile.xml"/>
- </phpunit2>
- <echo>Creating Unit Test Report</echo>
- <mkdir dir="${reports.unit.dir}"/>
- <phpunit2report infile="${reports.dir}/logfile.xml" format="frames" styledir="${}" todir="${reports.unit.dir}"/>
- <if>
- <equals arg1="${codecoverage}" arg2="true"/>
- <then>
- <echo>Creating Code Coverage Report</echo>
- <coverage-report outfile="${reports.dir}/coverage.xml" geshipath="${reports.geshi.dir}" geshilanguagespath="${reports.geshi.dir}/geshi">
- <report todir="${reports.codecoverage.dir}" styledir="${}"/>
- </coverage-report>
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <target name="lint" description="Check syntax of PHP source files">
- <phplint>
- <fileset refid="src"/>
- </phplint>
- </target>
- <target name="lint-demos" description="Check syntax of demo files and configuration files">
- <echo>Validate application configuration</echo>
- <xmllint schema="${application.xsd}">
- <fileset dir="demos">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <include name="**/application.xml"/>
- </fileset>
- </xmllint>
- <echo>Validate page configuration</echo>
- <xmllint schema="${config.xsd}">
- <fileset dir="demos">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <include name="**/config.xml"/>
- </fileset>
- </xmllint>
- <phplint>
- <fileset dir="demos">
- <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
- <include name="**/*.php"/>
- </fileset>
- </phplint>
- </target>
- <target name="build-pear-package">
- <echo>Preparing files for PEAR package...</echo>
- <delete dir="${build.pear.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build.pear.dir}"/>
- <copy todir="${build.pear.dir}">
- <fileset refid="framework"/>
- <fileset dir="${build.base.dir}">
- <include name="${prado.lite}"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <echo>Creating package.xml...</echo>
- <pear-package dir="${build.pear.dir}" destFile="${build.base.dir}/pear/package.xml" version="${version}" state="${pear.state}" notes="${notes}">
- <fileset refid="framework"/>
- <fileset dir="${build.base.dir}">
- <include name="${prado.lite}"/>
- </fileset>
- </pear-package>
- </target>
- <target name="dist-pear" depends="build-pear-package" description="Create PRADO PEAR package">
- <delete file="${dist.pearfile}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${dist.base.dir}"/>
- <exec command="pear package" dir="${build.pear.dir}" passthru="true"/>
- <move file="${build.pear.dir}/prado3-${version}.tgz" tofile="${dist.pearfile}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="analyze" description="Analyze PHP source files with Zend Code Analyzer">
- <analyze analyzerPath="${zca}" disable="var-ref-notmodified,var-use-before-def,var-arg-unused,if-if-else">
- <fileset refid="src"/>
- </analyze>
- </target>
- <target name="install" description="Install PEAR package locally">
- <exec command="sudo pear install ${dist.pearfile}" dir="." passthru="true"/>
- </target>
- <target name="uninstall" description="Uninstall PEAR package locally">
- <exec command="sudo pear uninstall" dir="." passthru="true"/>
- </target>
+ <fileset refid="test-tools" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="buildscripts/classtree/DWExtensionReadme.txt" tofile="${build.src.dir}/editors/Dreamweaver/readme.txt" />
+ <copy file="framework/pradolite.php" tofile="${build.src.dir}/framework/pradolite.php" />
+ <copy file="framework/prado-cli.php" tofile="${build.src.dir}/framework/prado-cli.php" />
+ <echo>Changing file permissions...</echo>
+ <chmod mode="0777">
+ <fileset refid="writables" />
+ </chmod>
+ <echo>Building quickstart demo search indices...</echo>
+ <prado-quickstart-index todir="${build.src.dir}/demos/quickstart/protected/index/quickstart" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean">
+ <echo>Cleaning up the mess</echo>
+ <delete dir="${build.base.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="rebuild" depends="clean,build" />
+ <target name="docs" depends="build">
+ <echo>Build PDF + CHM + HTML Docs, it may take about 30 mins</echo>
+ <echo>Building quickstart.pdf...</echo>
+ <delete>
+ <fileset dir=".">
+ <include name="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart/*.aux" />
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
+ <exec command="${pdflatex} -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120 quickstart.tex" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
+ <exec command="${pdflatex} -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120 quickstart.tex" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
+ <exec command="${pdflatex} -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120 quickstart.tex" dir="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart" passthru="true"/>
+ <move file="buildscripts/texbuilder/quickstart/quickstart.pdf" todir="${build.doc.dir}"/>
+ <echo>Building API manuals...</echo>
+ <delete dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual" />
+ <prado-doc phpdoc="${php} buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpdoc"
+ title="PRADO v${prado.version} API Manual"
+ destdir="${build.doc.dir}/manual"
+ sourcepath="${build.src.dir}/framework"
+ ignorelist="*pradolite.php,*prado-cli.php,*3rdParty/*,*Javascripts/*,*I18N/core/*"
+ output="HTML:frames:default,CHM:default:default,HTML:Smarty:PradoSoft" />
+ <echo>Indexing API manuals...</echo>
+ <prado-api-index docdir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter" todir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter" />
+ <copy file="buildscripts/index/search.php" todir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter" />
+ <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/classtree" passthru="true"/>
+ <echo>Generating CHM Content (Quickstart + ClassDocs)</echo>
+ <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/chmbuilder" passthru="true"/>
+ <!-- done on project website
+ <echo>Generating CHM Content (WIKI)</echo>
+ <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/wikibuilder" passthru="true"/>
+ -->
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="true"/>
+ <then>
+ <exec command="${hhc} ${build.doc.dir}/prado3_manual.hhp" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist" depends="rebuild,docs">
+ <echo>Moving doc files to build...</echo>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dist.dir}" />
+ <move file="${build.doc.dir}/quickstart.pdf" todir="${build.src.dir}/docs" />
+ <move todir="${build.src.dir}/docs/manual">
+ <fileset dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLframesConverter">
+ <include name="**/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </move>
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="true"/>
+ <then>
+ <move file="${build.doc.dir}/prado3_manual.chm" tofile="${build.src.dir}/docs/prado3_manual.chm" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <echo>Generating compressed distribution files...</echo>
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="false"/>
+ <then>
+ <exec command="tar czvf ${pkgname}.tar.gz ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}"/>
+ <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.tar.gz" todir="${build.dist.dir}" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <!--
+ <exec command="zip ${pkgname}.zip -r ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}" />
+ <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.zip" todir="${build.dist.dir}" />
+ -->
+ <echo>Generating files for</echo>
+ <echo>Compiling class docs...</echo>
+ <exec command="${php} build.php" dir="buildscripts/classtree" passthru="true"/>
+ <move file="buildscripts/classtree/" todir="${build.web.dir}/protected/Data" />
+ <echo>Moving HTML docs to Web folder...</echo>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.web.dir}" />
+ <move todir="${build.web.dir}/docs/manual">
+ <fileset dir="${build.doc.dir}/manual/HTMLSmartyConverter">
+ <include name="**/**" />
+ </fileset>
+ </move>
+ <echo>
+ Distribution Not Completed Yet!!!
+The following steps need to be manually performed in order to complete
+the PRADO distribution:
+1. Package DreamWeaver extension by running DW extension manager with
+ buildscripts/classtree/PRADO.mxi and saving the generated file as
+ "${build.src.dir}/editors/Dreamweaver/PRADO.mxp"
+2. Use winzip (on Windows) and gzip (on Linux) to generate the compressed
+ release files of the direcotry
+ "${build.src.dir}".
+ </echo>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test" description="Running unit tests">
+ <delete dir="${build.test.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.test.dir}"/>
+ <prado-test codecoverage="false" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="false" printsummary="true">
+ <batchtest>
+ <fileset dir="tests/unit">
+ <include name="**/*Test.php"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </batchtest>
+ <formatter type="xml" todir="${build.test.dir}" outfile="unit-tests.xml"/>
+ </prado-test>
+ <phpunit2report infile="${build.test.dir}/unit-tests.xml" format="frames" styledir="buildscripts/phing/style" todir="${build.test.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="snapshot" depends="rebuild">
+ <echo>Generating compressed distribution files...</echo>
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${prado.winbuild}" arg2="false"/>
+ <then>
+ <exec command="tar czvf ${pkgname}.tar.gz ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}"/>
+ <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.tar.gz" todir="${build.dist.dir}" />
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <exec command="zip ${pkgname}.zip -r ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}" />
+ <move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.zip" tofile="${build.snapshot.dir}/" />
+ <copy file="${build.src.dir}/HISTORY" tofile="${build.snapshot.dir}/changelog-latest.txt" />
+ </target>
+ <taskdef name="phplint" classname="PhpLintTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <taskdef name="xmllint" classname="XmlLintTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <taskdef name="analyze" classname="ZendCodeAnalyzerTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <taskdef name="pear-package" classname="BuildPradoPEARPackageTask" classpath="buildscripts/phing/tasks"/>
+ <target name="pear" depends="" description="Creating PEAR package">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.pear.dir}" />
+ <prado-pear pkgdir="${build.pear.dir}"
+ channel=""
+ version="${prado.version}"
+ state="stable"
+ category="framework"
+ package="prado"
+ summary="PRADO is a ...."
+ pkgdescription="detailed description..."
+ notes=""
+ license="BSD"
+ />
+ </target>
+ <target name="test" description="Run unit tests">
+ <echo>Preparing directory structure</echo>
+ <delete dir="${reports.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${reports.dir}"/>
+ <delete dir="${reports.unit.dir}"/>
+ <delete dir="${reports.codecoverage.dir}"/>
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${codecoverage}" arg2="true"/>
+ <then>
+ <mkdir dir="${reports.codecoverage.dir}"/>
+ <echo>Preparing Code Coverage Database</echo>
+ <coverage-setup database="${reports.codecoverage.dir}/coverage.db">
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
+ <include name="**/*.php"/>
+ <exclude name="Web/Javascripts/js/clientscripts.php"/>
+ <exclude name="Data/TCache.php"/>
+ <exclude name="DataAccess/**/*.php"/>
+ <exclude name="I18N/core/Gettext/MO.php"/>
+ <exclude name="I18N/core/Gettext/PO.php"/>
+ <exclude name="I18N/core/util.php"/>
+ <exclude name="I18N/TGlobalization.php"/>
+ <exclude name="I18N/TGlobalizationAutoDetect.php"/>
+ <exclude name="Security/TUserManager.php"/>
+ <exclude name="Security/TMembershipManager.php"/>
+ <exclude name="core.php"/>
+ <exclude name="3rdParty/**/*.php"/>
+ <exclude name="pradolite.php"/>
+ <exclude name="prado.php"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </coverage-setup>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ <echo>Running Unit Tests</echo>
+ <phpunit2 codecoverage="${codecoverage}" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="false" printsummary="true">
+ <batchtest>
+ <fileset dir="${tests.dir}">
+ <include name="**/*Test.php"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </batchtest>
+ <formatter type="xml" todir="${reports.dir}" outfile="logfile.xml"/>
+ </phpunit2>
+ <echo>Creating Unit Test Report</echo>
+ <mkdir dir="${reports.unit.dir}"/>
+ <phpunit2report infile="${reports.dir}/logfile.xml" format="frames" styledir="${}" todir="${reports.unit.dir}"/>
+ <if>
+ <equals arg1="${codecoverage}" arg2="true"/>
+ <then>
+ <echo>Creating Code Coverage Report</echo>
+ <coverage-report outfile="${reports.dir}/coverage.xml" geshipath="${reports.geshi.dir}" geshilanguagespath="${reports.geshi.dir}/geshi">
+ <report todir="${reports.codecoverage.dir}" styledir="${}"/>
+ </coverage-report>
+ </then>
+ </if>
+ </target>
+ <target name="lint" description="Check syntax of PHP source files">
+ <phplint>
+ <fileset refid="src"/>
+ </phplint>
+ </target>
+ <target name="lint-demos" description="Check syntax of demo files and configuration files">
+ <echo>Validate application configuration</echo>
+ <xmllint schema="${application.xsd}">
+ <fileset dir="demos">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <include name="**/application.xml"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </xmllint>
+ <echo>Validate page configuration</echo>
+ <xmllint schema="${config.xsd}">
+ <fileset dir="demos">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <include name="**/config.xml"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </xmllint>
+ <phplint>
+ <fileset dir="demos">
+ <exclude name="**/.svn"/>
+ <include name="**/*.php"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </phplint>
+ </target>
+ <target name="build-pear-package">
+ <echo>Preparing files for PEAR package...</echo>
+ <delete dir="${build.pear.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.pear.dir}"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.pear.dir}">
+ <fileset refid="framework"/>
+ <fileset dir="${build.base.dir}">
+ <include name="${prado.lite}"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <echo>Creating package.xml...</echo>
+ <pear-package dir="${build.pear.dir}" destFile="${build.base.dir}/pear/package.xml" version="${version}" state="${pear.state}" notes="${notes}">
+ <fileset refid="framework"/>
+ <fileset dir="${build.base.dir}">
+ <include name="${prado.lite}"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </pear-package>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist-pear" depends="build-pear-package" description="Create PRADO PEAR package">
+ <delete file="${dist.pearfile}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${dist.base.dir}"/>
+ <exec command="pear package" dir="${build.pear.dir}" passthru="true"/>
+ <move file="${build.pear.dir}/prado3-${version}.tgz" tofile="${dist.pearfile}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="analyze" description="Analyze PHP source files with Zend Code Analyzer">
+ <analyze analyzerPath="${zca}" disable="var-ref-notmodified,var-use-before-def,var-arg-unused,if-if-else">
+ <fileset refid="src"/>
+ </analyze>
+ </target>
+ <target name="install" description="Install PEAR package locally">
+ <exec command="sudo pear install ${dist.pearfile}" dir="." passthru="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="uninstall" description="Uninstall PEAR package locally">
+ <exec command="sudo pear uninstall" dir="." passthru="true"/>
+ </target>
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/new_phpdoc.php b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/new_phpdoc.php
index e4adea90..bac5e514 100644
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/new_phpdoc.php
+++ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/new_phpdoc.php
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if (!empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) $configdir = $_REQUEST['altuserdir'];
set_time_limit(0); // six minute timeout
- ini_set("memory_limit","256M");
+ ini_set("memory_limit","1024M");
* Directory Node
* @package HTML_TreeMenu
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
index 1bea7734..27ae3165 100644
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
+++ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
@@ -260,21 +260,21 @@ class parserTutorialInlineTag extends parserLinkInlineTag
if (strpos(trim($this->value),' '))
- $v = split(' ',trim($this->value));
+ $v = explode(' ', trim($this->value));
$value = $c->getTutorialLink($v[0]);
$descrip = join($v,' ');
} else $value = $c->getTutorialLink($this->value);
} else
- $vals = split(',',$this->value);
+ $vals = explode(',',$this->value);
$descrip = array();
foreach($vals as $val)
$val = trim($val);
if (strpos($val,' '))
- $v = split(' ',$val);
+ $v = explode(' ',$val);
$value[] = $c->getTutorialLink($v[0]);
$descrip[] = join($v,' ');
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
index 0425096d..dac36bec 100644
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
+++ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
@@ -361,8 +361,9 @@ class Io
if (dirname($path) != $masterPath)
- $mp = split(PATH_DELIMITER,$masterPath);
- $np = split(PATH_DELIMITER,str_replace('\\','/',dirname($path)));
+ $mp = explode(PATH_DELIMITER, $masterPath);
+ $np = explode(PATH_DELIMITER, str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($path)));
if (count($np) < count($mp))
$masterPath = join($np, PATH_DELIMITER);
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
index c1e7095f..b53634de 100644
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
+++ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class phpDocumentor_setup
phpDocumentor_out("time_limit cannot be set since your in safe_mode, please edit time_limit in your php.ini to allow enough time for phpDocumentor to run");
- ini_set("memory_limit","256M");
+ ini_set("memory_limit","1024M");
$phpver = phpversion();
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
index 787afd67..f86ed5da 100644
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
+++ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@ function fancy_debug($s,$v)
function phpDocumentor_get_class($object)
- return strtolower(get_class($object));
+ if(is_object($object))
+ return strtolower(get_class($object));
+ return false;
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
index b5c5c733..24a816e9 100644
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
+++ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ class phpDocumentorTParser extends Parser
} else
$save = $value[$i];
- $value[$i] = split("[\t ]",str_replace("\t",' ',$value[$i]));
+ $value[$i] = preg_split("/[\t ]/", str_replace("\t", ' ', $value[$i]));
$word = trim(array_shift($value[$i]));
$val = join(' ',$value[$i]);
if (trim($word) == 'internal')
@@ -2612,4 +2612,4 @@ class phpDocumentorTParser extends Parser
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildscripts/texbuilder/Page2Tex.php b/buildscripts/texbuilder/Page2Tex.php
index 04a60f93..008b30fa 100644
--- a/buildscripts/texbuilder/Page2Tex.php
+++ b/buildscripts/texbuilder/Page2Tex.php
@@ -210,9 +210,12 @@ class Page2Tex
$html = preg_replace_callback('/<!--\s*tabular:([^-]*)-->\s*<table[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<\/table>/',
array($this, 'tabular'), $html);
- $html = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/', '', $html);
+ $html = preg_replace('/<!--((.|\n)*?)-->/', '', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/<div class="last-modified">((.|\n)*?)<\/div>/', '', $html);
+ //useless divs
+ $html = preg_replace('/<div [^>]*">((.|\n)*?)<\/div>/', '$1', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/<com:SinceVersion[^>]+>/', '', $html);
diff --git a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Controls/ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Controls/
index 69309931..f4c9962d 100644
--- a/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Controls/
+++ b/demos/quickstart/protected/pages/Controls/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ If both <tt>ActiveViewIndex</tt> and <tt>ActiveViewID</tt> are set, the latter t
To use TTabPanel, write a template like following:
-<com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source block-content" id="code-530117">
+<com:TTextHighlighter Language="prado" CssClass="source block-content" id="code_530117">
&lt;com:TTabView Caption="View 1">
content for view 1
diff --git a/framework/Data/SqlMap/Configuration/TResultProperty.php b/framework/Data/SqlMap/Configuration/TResultProperty.php
index abeeceb9..b327e0bd 100644
--- a/framework/Data/SqlMap/Configuration/TResultProperty.php
+++ b/framework/Data/SqlMap/Configuration/TResultProperty.php
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class TResultProperty extends TComponent
- * @parma string ID of another <resultMap> used to fill the property.
+ * @param string ID of another <resultMap> used to fill the property.
public function setResultMapping($value)
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/ActiveControls/TValueTriggeredCallback.php b/framework/Web/UI/ActiveControls/TValueTriggeredCallback.php
index 305afd70..4f7c8332 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/ActiveControls/TValueTriggeredCallback.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/ActiveControls/TValueTriggeredCallback.php
@@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
* @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gamil[dot]com>
* @link
- * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2008 PradoSoft
+ * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2008 PradoSoft
* @license
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
* TValueTriggeredCallback Class
diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextHighlighter.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextHighlighter.php
index 890deb05..8218587c 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextHighlighter.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextHighlighter.php
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
* @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
* @link
- * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2008 PradoSoft
+ * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2008 PradoSoft
* @license
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* TTextHighlighter class.
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TTextProcessor');
class TTextHighlighter extends TTextProcessor
- private static $_lineNumberStyle=array(TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle::Li => HL_NUMBERS_LI, TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle::Table => HL_NUMBERS_TABLE);
+ private static $_lineNumberStyle=array(TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle::Li => HL_NUMBERS_LI, TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle::Table => HL_NUMBERS_TABLE);
* @return string tag name of the panel
@@ -99,39 +99,39 @@ class TTextHighlighter extends TTextProcessor
$this->setViewState('CopyCode', TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value), false);
- /**
- * @return TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle style of row number, Table by default
- */
- public function getLineNumberStyle()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('LineNumberStyle', TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle::Table);
+ /**
+ * @return TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle style of row number, Table by default
+ */
+ public function getLineNumberStyle()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('LineNumberStyle', TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle::Table);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle style of row number
+ */
+ public function setLineNumberStyle($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('LineNumberStyle', TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return integer tab size. Defaults to 4.
+ */
+ public function getTabSize()
+ {
+ return $this->getViewState('TabSize', 4);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param integer tab size
+ */
+ public function setTabSize($value)
+ {
+ $this->setViewState('TabSize', TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value));
- /**
- * @param TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle style of row number
- */
- public function setLineNumberStyle($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('LineNumberStyle', TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle'));
- }
- /**
- * @return integer tab size. Defaults to 4.
- */
- public function getTabSize()
- {
- return $this->getViewState('TabSize', 4);
- }
- /**
- * @param integer tab size
- */
- public function setTabSize($value)
- {
- $this->setViewState('TabSize', TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value));
- }
* Registers css style for the highlighted result.
* This method overrides parent implementation.
@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ class TTextHighlighter extends TTextProcessor
- /**
- * Registers the stylesheet for presentation.
- */
- protected function registerStyleSheet()
- {
- $cs=$this->getPage()->getClientScript();
- $cssFile=Prado::getPathOfNamespace('System.3rdParty.TextHighlighter.highlight','.css');
- $cssKey='prado:TTextHighlighter:'.$cssFile;
- if(!$cs->isStyleSheetFileRegistered($cssKey))
- $cs->registerStyleSheetFile($cssKey, $this->publishFilePath($cssFile));
- }
+ /**
+ * Registers the stylesheet for presentation.
+ */
+ protected function registerStyleSheet()
+ {
+ $cs=$this->getPage()->getClientScript();
+ $cssFile=Prado::getPathOfNamespace('System.3rdParty.TextHighlighter.highlight','.css');
+ $cssKey='prado:TTextHighlighter:'.$cssFile;
+ if(!$cs->isStyleSheetFileRegistered($cssKey))
+ $cs->registerStyleSheetFile($cssKey, $this->publishFilePath($cssFile));
+ }
* Processes a text string.
@@ -163,18 +163,18 @@ class TTextHighlighter extends TTextProcessor
* @return string the processed text result
public function processText($text)
- {
- try
- {
- $highlighter=Text_Highlighter::factory($this->getLanguage());
- }
- catch(Exception $e)
- {
- $highlighter=false;
- }
- if($highlighter===false)
- return ('<pre>'.htmlentities(trim($text)).'</pre>');
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $highlighter=Text_Highlighter::factory($this->getLanguage());
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e)
+ {
+ $highlighter=false;
+ }
+ if($highlighter===false)
+ return ('<pre>'.htmlentities(trim($text)).'</pre>');
$options["tabsize"] = $this->getTabSize();
if ($this->getShowLineNumbers())
@@ -191,10 +191,16 @@ class TTextHighlighter extends TTextProcessor
$id = $this->getClientID();
return TJavaScript::renderScriptBlock("new Prado.WebUI.TTextHighlighter('{$id}');");
-class TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle extends TEnumerable
- const Li='Li';
- const Table='Table';
+ * @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+class TTextHighlighterLineNumberStyle extends TEnumerable
+ const Li='Li';
+ const Table='Table';