path: root/HISTORY
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1 files changed, 53 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index 136366a7..d789d7e3 100644
@@ -1,21 +1,71 @@
-Version 3.1.4 To be released
+Version 3.2 to be released
+Version 3.1.5 May 24, 2009
+BUG: Issue#55 - TPropertyAccess.get and has don't recognize magic getter __get (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#68 - TSqlMapConfig::createSqlMapGateway(): assign current connection to cached TSqlMapManager to avoid loosing active transaction (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#87 - TinyMCE : empty string disapears after encoding JS, that's a problem! (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#88 - SQLMap $Param$ re-evaluation bug (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#95 - TMysqlMetaData::getShowCreateTable() throws TPhpErrorException "[Notice] Undefined index: Create Table" if table is a view (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#96 - THttpResponse::redirect don't send status code (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#99 - TActiveRecord::save(): confusion with order of keys in table/index (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#108 - clientscripts.php: prepending set_time_limit(0) call with an "@" to suppress PHP warning in safe mode (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#107 - typo in TDbConnection::getCharset() (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#120 - TActiveDropDownList PromptText and PromptValue got lost during callback and data rebind (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#122 - SqlMap: support for properties in resource filenames, fix sqlmap doc - property "name" instead of "key" (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#126 - THtmlArea: boolean options output as strings (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#127 - TDataSourceConfig::findConnectionByID try to access private var (Cristophe)
+BUG: Issue#129 - TDbLogRoute::init don't close the sql command (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#130 - TDbLogRoute::processLogs wrong values binding (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#136 - TActiveDatePicker don't callback when ShowCalendar is false (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#139 - add schema support to TActiveRecordRelation::findForeignKeys() (Yves)
+BUG: Issue#148 - Bad Oracle Support (E.Letard)
+BUG: Issue#150 - Multiple TDropContainers in same namingcontainer give error (Christophe)
+Bug: Issue#154 - Bug in TOracleMetaData.php causing SqlMap not work with Oracle database (Christophe)
+BUG: Issue#161 - SqlMap add cache dependencies if TApplicationMode Debug/Normal (Yves)
+BUG: URL wildcard patterns didn't work with subfolders
+BUG: TDbLogRoute::createDbTable: add AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to log_id column if driver is mysql (Yves)
+BUG: Ensure rendering of clientID in TActivePanel (Christophe)
+BUG: TPgsqlTableInfo::getTableFullName() return void if no schema given
+BUG/ENH: TSqlMapCacheModel now consider <flushInterval> tag as described in doc (sqlmap.pdf) - valid attributes are duration in sec or seconds, minutes, hours, days (Yves)
+BUG/ENH: Issue#112 - TXmlDocument add support for namespaces: for backward compatibility only if SimpleXml installed (Yves)
+ENH: Issue#115 - Registry for Prado generated clientside counterparts of serverside controls (Yves Berkholz)
+ENH: Issue#117 - TValidationSummary: new display mode "HeaderOnly" that only render value of HeaderText property (Yves)
+ENH: Issue#135 - Add AutoPostBack property to TActiveFileUpload (Bradley)
+ENH: Issue#146 - replace deprecated(php5.3>) split with explode in TPgsqlMetaData:getPrimaryKeys(), PradoBase::getUserLanguages() (Yves)
+ENH: Issue#141 - TDbCache performance: modify structure of indices, new property 'FlushInterval' to control how often expired items will be removed (Yves)
+ENH: Issue#74 - Introduce a new property 'InvalidFinderResult' (related enum TActiveRecordInvalidFinderResult) to TActiveRecordConfig, TActiveRecordManager, TActiveRecord that allows to control how TActiveRecord react if an invalid magic-finder invoked (Yves)
+CHG: Issue#7 - Clients Scripts are not combined anymore in Debug application mode (Christophe)
+ENH: Added caching of message files to TException (Michael)
+ENH: Updated to scriptaculous 1.8.2 & Prototype
+ENH: clientscripts.php Updated to JSMin 1.1.1 - According to author 15% faster with 94% less memory usage (Yves)
+ENH: replace is_null() function calls with native language constuct (Yves)
+ENH: replace array_push() function calls with native language constuct if make sense (Yves)
+ENH: TBrowserLogRoute: add table-layout:auto and explicit set column with to avoid bad render behavior in table-layout:fixed environment, explicit set text color to increase readability (Yves)
+ENH: new log route subclass for FirePHP: TFirePhpLogRoute - FirePHP is ideally suited for AJAX development where clean JSON and XML responses are required (Yves)
+ENH: TBaseValidator, TCustomValidator: change visibilty (protected => public) of getValidationTarget() (Yves)
+Version 3.1.4 January 11, 2009
+BUG: Issue#9 - Global page properties are ignored when using external configuration (Christophe)
BUG: Issue#59 - TPropertyAccess::has() returns false even if the property of an object was found (Carl)
BUG: Issue#61 - TLogRouter throws exception when using external config file (Michael)
BUG: Issue#62 - Some mistyping: TJavascript or TJavaScript? (Carl)
BUG: Issue#79 - Missing new operator for Exception in TSqlMapObjectCollectionTree::onChildNodesVisited() (Christophe)
BUG: TActiveLinkButton and TActiveRadioButtonList crashes if it's the only active control imported. Added TActiveControlAdapter (Carl)
BUG: TUrlMapping encoded extra parameters twice (Michael)
+BUG: Issue#89 - TActiveFileUpload doesn't work (Carl)
+CHG: Removal of generator meta tag in THead
+ENH: TActiveCheckBox, TActiveRadioButton, TActiveDropDownList, TActiveListBox won't raise callback if AutoPostBack is false (Christophe)
ENH: Issue#36 - Refactored TRatingList/TActiveRatingList, and added some docs (Bradley)
ENH: Issue#52 - Upgraded to TinyMCE 3.2.1
ENH: Issue#72 - Add wildcard support to TUrlMapping (friendly-urls) (Michael)
ENH: Issue#77 - TJsonService missing exception messages (Carl)
ENH: Issue#29 - Ability to specify position of popup TDatePicker/TActiveDatePicker (Carl)
ENH: Issue#75 - TApplication::setRuntimePath() to update uniqueID and cacheFile (Carl)
+ENH: Issue#64 - Don't throw exception on wrong value for TListcontrols (Carl)
+ENH: Issue#65 - Improvement of TActiveRecord::populateObjects() (Christophe)
NEW: Issue#51 - Additional template tag (Carl)
Version 3.1.3 November 1, 2008
BUG: Ticket#595 - ControlCssClass not applied correctly if using multiple validators on same control (Michael)
BUG: Ticket#834 - TDbCommandBuilder::applyOrdering(): Add support for function calls in ORDER BY clause (Knut)
BUG: Ticket#836 - TRatingList downgrade (Christophe)
@@ -76,7 +126,6 @@ NEW: Ticket#853 - Added Drag and drop components (Christophe)
NEW: Ticket#891 - Added method that returns table name to TActiveRecord (Michael)
Version 3.1.2 April 21, 2008
BUG: Ticket#595 - ControlCssClass not applied correctly if using multiple validators on same control (Christophe)
BUG: Ticket#622 - Changing Display-attribute of a TActiveCheckBox dynamically isn't possible (Michael)
BUG: Ticket#636 - I18N catalogue problem (Christophe)
@@ -135,7 +184,6 @@ NEW: Ticket#729 - Added TActivePager (Christophe)
NEW: Ticket#791 - Added TFirebugLogRoute (Christophe)
Version 3.1.1 October 1, 2007
BUG: Ticket#340 - Callbacks and Firebug compatibility problem (Christophe)
BUG: Ticket#533 - HttpRequest::getBrowser() throws an error if browsercap.ini is invalid (Carl)
BUG: Ticket#592 - TRadioButton with UniqueGroupName always return false to getChecked (Christophe)
@@ -179,7 +227,6 @@ NEW: Added Indonesian translation to QuickStart, requirements and error messages
NEW: Added French translation to the blog tutorial (Eric Marchetti)
Version 3.1.0 July 2, 2007
BUG: Ticket#621 - TWizardNavigationButtonStyle could not be found (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#627 - Logout did not set correct status to the user object (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#650 - Fixed TMysqlMetaData bug about SHOW FULL TABLES (Qiang)
@@ -208,7 +255,6 @@ ENH: Added TPageService.DefaultPageUrl property (Qiang)
NEW: TActiveHiddenField (Carl)
Version 3.1.0 RC May 14, 2007
BUG: Ticket#525 - SQLMap->queryForList error with offset/limit parameters (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#547 - SQLMap problem with PDO::DBLIB (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#578 - ActiveControls broken by presence of THtmlArea in the .page (Wei)
@@ -238,7 +284,6 @@ NEW: New demos including "address-book", "blog-tutorial", "northwind-db", "chat"
Version 3.1.0 beta April 9, 2007
BUG: Ticket#278 - client-side validator enable/disable (conditional) (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#492 - TDataGridPagerStyle not found error (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#500 - URL encode in callback (Wei)
@@ -292,7 +337,6 @@ NEW: TActiveRecord Scaffold support (Wei)
NEW: TClientScriptLoader combines and loads javascript libraries (Wei)
Version 3.1.0 alpha January 15, 2007
BUG: Ticket#188 - Postback js caused controls not inheritable (Qiang)
ENH: Ticket#99 - TXmlTransform control (Knut)
ENH: Ticket#117 - added support to configure subproperties in a group. (Qiang)
@@ -314,7 +358,6 @@ NEW: TCacheDependency, TFileCacheDependency, TDirectoryCacheDependency (Qiang)
NEW: TGlobalStateCacheDependency, TChainedCacheDependency, TApplicationStateCacheDependency (Qiang)
Version 3.0.7 April 2, 2007
BUG: Ticket#481 - Unable to cancel navigation when handling OnSideBarButtonClickEvent (Qiang)
BUG: typo in THttpResponse.writeFile() about sending headers (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#505 - cultureInfo::getEnglishName does not return an arrary (Wei)
@@ -328,7 +371,6 @@ ENH: Upgraded javascript library Scriptaculous to version 1.7.0 (Wei)
ENH: Upgraded TinyMCE editor to version 2.1 (Wei)
Version 3.0.6 December 4, 2006
BUG: Ticket#400 - TJavascriptLogger incompatible with Firefox 2.0 RC1 (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#442 - TPageService getBasePath in namespace form (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#443 - Template comment tag messed up with HTML comment tag (Qiang)
@@ -355,7 +397,6 @@ NEW: TUrlManager (Qiang)
Version 3.0.5 October 23, 2006
BUG: Ticket#409 - Multiple page services will mess up page caching (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#417 - SelectedIndex in template incorrect caused by bug in TList (Qiang)
CHG: Ticket#358 - TFileUpload::saveAs() now returns false instead of exception when error (Qiang)
@@ -371,7 +412,6 @@ NEW: TLiteralColumn (Qiang)
NEW: TUrlMapping (Wei)
Version 3.0.4 September 4, 2006
BUG: Fixed a bug that would prevent from using <prop:> tag in skins (Qiang)
BUG: Fixed a typo in TControl::setCustomData() (Qiang)
ENH: Ticket#336 - Speed up TSqliteCache with LIMIT SQL clause (Qiang)
@@ -397,7 +437,6 @@ NEW: Added TEnumerable and all needed enumerable types (Qiang)
Version 3.0.3 August 6, 2006
BUG: Ticket#264 - Typos in some exception throw statements (Knut)
BUG: Ticket#268 - THttpResponse.redirect() may fail for some browsers (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#271 - Page method setFocus doesn't work (Wei)
@@ -431,7 +470,6 @@ NEW: Added TStyleSheet (Wei)
Version 3.0.2 July 2, 2006
BUG: Ticket#182 - List and validator controls cause problem in child classes (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#191 - Duplicated postbacks occur when using TButton with validators (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#207 - Validators ClientSide.OnError triggered twice (Wei)
@@ -463,7 +501,6 @@ NEW: Added Dreamweaver taglib extension (Stanislav, Qiang)
NEW: Prado Command line script to create a new project, see framework/prado-cli.php (Wei)
Version 3.0.1 June 4, 2006
BUG: Ticket#28 - OnClick does not work with Safari/KHTML (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#37 - Changes of config files do not trigger cache update (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#44 - THtmlArea (tiny_mce) not working on some systems (Qiang)
@@ -497,7 +534,6 @@ NEW: TMarkdown (Wei)
NEW: Blog demo (Qiang)
Version 3.0.0 May 1, 2006
BUG: Ticket#68 - 2 TButtons with THtmlArea causes second button to fail to function (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#70 - Javascript for TDataTypeValidator added (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#131 - TImageMap and TLinkButton continue to postback even client validator fails (Wei)
@@ -531,7 +567,6 @@ NEW: TClientScript (Wei)
Version 3.0RC2 April 16, 2006
BUG: Ticket#54 - recursive reverse() definition (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#93 - ValidationGroup not working in TImageMap for js validator (Wei)
BUG: Ticket#97 - Invalid return type value for TSimpleDateFormatter::parse (Wei)
@@ -548,7 +583,6 @@ ENH: Added Raw layout to TDataList (Qiang)
ENH: Added TRepeater.DataKeys and TRepeater.DataKeyField (Qiang)
Version 3.0RC1 April 5, 2006
BUG: Ticket#85 - Undefined TDataGrid::setSelectedIndex (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#87 - Typo in IDbConnection (Qiang)
BUG: Ticket#88 - Unclosed HTML tag in TDatePicker and TColorPicker (Qiang)
@@ -579,7 +613,6 @@ NEW: TParameterModule (Qiang)
NEW: TPropelLogRoute (Jason)
Version 3.0b March 6, 2006
BUG: fixed many
CHG: event names must be prefixed with 'On' (Qiang)
CHG: values of properties whose name ends with 'Template' are parsed directly by template parser (Qiang)
@@ -591,5 +624,4 @@ NEW: TColorPicker, TDatePicker, TRatingList, TAdodbProvider, TCreoleProvider (We
NEW: TMultiView, TView, TControlAdapter, TWebControlAdapter, TPagedList, TAttributeCollection (Qiang)
Version 3.0a January 18, 2006
Starting, main feaures ready (Qiang)