path: root/framework/3rdParty/adodb/drivers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/3rdParty/adodb/drivers/')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/framework/3rdParty/adodb/drivers/ b/framework/3rdParty/adodb/drivers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd023cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/3rdParty/adodb/drivers/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+version V4.81 3 May 2006 (c) 2000-2006 John Lim ( All rights
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+ Latest version is available at
+ 21.02.2002 - Wade Johnson
+ Extended ODBC class for Sybase SQLAnywhere.
+ 1) Added support to retrieve the last row insert ID on tables with
+ primary key column using autoincrement function.
+ 2) Added blob support. Usage:
+ a) create blob variable on db server:
+ $dbconn->create_blobvar($blobVarName);
+ b) load blob var from file. $filename must be complete path
+ $dbcon->load_blobvar_from_file($blobVarName, $filename);
+ c) Use the $blobVarName in SQL insert or update statement in the values
+ clause:
+ $recordSet = $dbconn->Execute('INSERT INTO tabname (idcol, blobcol) '
+ .
+ 'VALUES (\'test\', ' . $blobVarName . ')');
+ instead of loading blob from a file, you can also load from
+ an unformatted (raw) blob variable:
+ $dbcon->load_blobvar_from_var($blobVarName, $varName);
+ d) drop blob variable on db server to free up resources:
+ $dbconn->drop_blobvar($blobVarName);
+ Sybase_SQLAnywhere data driver. Requires ODBC.
+// security - hide paths
+if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
+if (!defined('_ADODB_ODBC_LAYER')) {
+ include(ADODB_DIR."/drivers/");
+ class ADODB_sqlanywhere extends ADODB_odbc {
+ var $databaseType = "sqlanywhere";
+ var $hasInsertID = true;
+ function ADODB_sqlanywhere()
+ {
+ $this->ADODB_odbc();
+ }
+ function _insertid() {
+ return $this->GetOne('select @@identity');
+ }
+ function create_blobvar($blobVarName) {
+ $this->Execute("create variable $blobVarName long binary");
+ return;
+ }
+ function drop_blobvar($blobVarName) {
+ $this->Execute("drop variable $blobVarName");
+ return;
+ }
+ function load_blobvar_from_file($blobVarName, $filename) {
+ $chunk_size = 1000;
+ $fd = fopen ($filename, "rb");
+ $integer_chunks = (integer)filesize($filename) / $chunk_size;
+ $modulus = filesize($filename) % $chunk_size;
+ if ($modulus != 0){
+ $integer_chunks += 1;
+ }
+ for($loop=1;$loop<=$integer_chunks;$loop++){
+ $contents = fread ($fd, $chunk_size);
+ $contents = bin2hex($contents);
+ $hexstring = '';
+ for($loop2=0;$loop2<strlen($contents);$loop2+=2){
+ $hexstring .= '\x' . substr($contents,$loop2,2);
+ }
+ $hexstring = $this->qstr($hexstring);
+ $this->Execute("set $blobVarName = $blobVarName || " . $hexstring);
+ }
+ fclose ($fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ function load_blobvar_from_var($blobVarName, &$varName) {
+ $chunk_size = 1000;
+ $integer_chunks = (integer)strlen($varName) / $chunk_size;
+ $modulus = strlen($varName) % $chunk_size;
+ if ($modulus != 0){
+ $integer_chunks += 1;
+ }
+ for($loop=1;$loop<=$integer_chunks;$loop++){
+ $contents = substr ($varName, (($loop - 1) * $chunk_size), $chunk_size);
+ $contents = bin2hex($contents);
+ $hexstring = '';
+ for($loop2=0;$loop2<strlen($contents);$loop2+=2){
+ $hexstring .= '\x' . substr($contents,$loop2,2);
+ }
+ $hexstring = $this->qstr($hexstring);
+ $this->Execute("set $blobVarName = $blobVarName || " . $hexstring);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ Insert a null into the blob field of the table first.
+ Then use UpdateBlob to store the blob.
+ Usage:
+ $conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
+ $conn->UpdateBlob('blobtable','blobcol',$blob,'id=1');
+ */
+ function UpdateBlob($table,$column,&$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')
+ {
+ $blobVarName = 'hold_blob';
+ $this->create_blobvar($blobVarName);
+ $this->load_blobvar_from_var($blobVarName, $val);
+ $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=$blobVarName WHERE $where");
+ $this->drop_blobvar($blobVarName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }; //class
+ class ADORecordSet_sqlanywhere extends ADORecordSet_odbc {
+ var $databaseType = "sqlanywhere";
+ function ADORecordSet_sqlanywhere($id,$mode=false)
+ {
+ $this->ADORecordSet_odbc($id,$mode);
+ }
+ }; //class
+} //define