path: root/framework/Web/UI/WebControls
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diff --git a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextBox.php b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextBox.php
index 2f3ea3e7..39f89df5 100644
--- a/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextBox.php
+++ b/framework/Web/UI/WebControls/TTextBox.php
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
* is a multiline text box, the number of rows it displays is determined
* by the {@link setRows Rows} property, and the {@link setWrap Wrap} property
* can be used to determine whether to wrap the text in the component.
+ * Additional {@link setTextMode TextMode} types enable the use of new input types
+ * added with html5, eg. <b>Color</b>, <b>Date</b>, <b>Email</b>.
* To specify the display width of the text box, in characters, set
* the {@link setColumns Columns} property. To prevent the text displayed
@@ -115,19 +117,59 @@ class TTextBox extends TWebControl implements IPostBackDataHandler, IValidatable
- if($textMode===TTextBoxMode::SingleLine)
+ switch($textMode)
- $writer->addAttribute('type','text');
- if(($text=$this->getText())!=='')
- $writer->addAttribute('value',$text);
- }
- else
- {
- if($this->getPersistPassword() && ($text=$this->getText())!=='')
- $writer->addAttribute('value',$text);
- $writer->addAttribute('type','password');
+ case TTextBoxMode::Password:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','password');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Color:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','color');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Date:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','date');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Datetime:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','datetime');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::DatetimeLocal:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','datetime-local');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Email:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','email');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Month:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','month');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Number:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','number');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Range:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','range');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Search:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','search');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Tel:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','tel');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Time:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','time');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Url:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','url');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::Week:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','week');
+ break;
+ case TTextBoxMode::SingleLine:
+ default:
+ $writer->addAttribute('type','text');
+ break;
+ if(($text=$this->getText())!=='' && ($textMode !== TTextBoxMode::Password || $this->getPersistPassword()))
+ $writer->addAttribute('value',$text);
@@ -589,7 +631,24 @@ class TTextBox extends TWebControl implements IPostBackDataHandler, IValidatable
* - SingleLine: the textbox will be a regular single line input
* - MultiLine: the textbox will be a textarea allowing multiple line input
* - Password: the textbox will hide user input like a password input box
+ *
+ * Html5 declares new types that will degrade as plain textboxes on unsupported browsers:
+ * - Color: a color picker can show up in the input field.
+ * - Date: a date picker can show up in the input field.
+ * - Datetime: a date / time / timezone picker can show up in the input field.
+ * - DatetimeLocal: a date / time picker can show up in the input field.
+ * - Email: the e-mail address can be automatically validated when submitted.
+ * - Month: a month / year picker can show up in the input field.
+ * - Number: a spinner can show up in the input field.
+ * - Range: a slider can show up in the input field.
+ * - Search: the textbox will be optimized for searches
+ * - Tel: the text will be formatted as a telephone number.
+ * - Time: a time picker can show up in the input field.
+ * - Url: the url can be automatically validated when submitted.
+ * - Week: a week / year picker can show up in the input field.
+ * In order to use the new types introduced with html5, you need to declare a proper
+ * html doctype and use a browser supporting the specific inut type.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* @since 3.0.4
@@ -599,6 +658,19 @@ class TTextBoxMode extends TEnumerable
const SingleLine='SingleLine';
const MultiLine='MultiLine';
const Password='Password';
+ const Color='Color';
+ const Date='Date';
+ const Datetime='Datetime';
+ const DatetimeLocal='DatetimeLocal';
+ const Email='Email';
+ const Month='Month';
+ const Number='Number';
+ const Range='Range';
+ const Search='Search';
+ const Tel='Tel';
+ const Time='Time';
+ const Url='Url';
+ const Week='Week';