BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
bump-jfrteamy-ausbutlerUpstream bump: info texts do not expand table width (so no forced line breaks...emkael5 years
masterConfigs for 2023/24emkael17 months
separate-single-bulk-scriptsadd two separate scripts for single and bulk processingMichal Zimniewicz5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-10-07Configs for 2023/24HEADmasteremkael
2022-10-01Enabling remaining tournaments for generatoremkael
2022-09-30Config for 2022/23 seasonemkael
2022-01-16Moving 1+2 butler to the end of processing queueemkael
2021-11-21Configs for 2021/22emkael
2021-09-05Only 1N left to generateemkael
2021-06-12Adding 1N to tournamentsemkael
2021-05-29Enabling all tournaments for aut-generationemkael
2020-10-15Commenting out ausbutler-all tournamentsemkael
2020-10-09FTP_ENABLED env variableemkael