AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-10-22Bumping submodulesemkael
2021-10-22Revert "Autocommit"emkael
2021-09-28Bumping externalsemkael
2021-09-28Increasing playoff bracket generation frequency since for a single groupemkael
2021-09-05External repos bumpedemkael
2021-09-05Only 1N left to dumpemkael
2021-09-05Makefile target for brackets changed, reflecting in cronemkael
2021-09-03Bumping external reposemkael
2021-09-03Disambiguity in make prefixes to aid autocompletionemkael
2021-07-11Bumping dependenciesemkael
2021-07-11Disabling auto-tasksemkael
2021-07-11Do not auto-refetch dumps before butler compilation + 2SE fixesemkael
2021-07-11Lineup check scriptsemkael
2021-06-12Submodules updatedemkael
2021-06-12Encoding fixes for SQL dumpsemkael
2021-06-121N tournament added to butler bundlesemkael
2021-06-12Re-enabling cronjobsemkael
2021-06-12Player-team checks with magic Cezar CSVemkael
2021-05-30Updated documentationemkael
2021-05-30Bumping liga-playoffemkael
2021-05-30Post-event cleanupemkael
2021-05-30Playoff generators setupemkael
2021-05-29Output formatting for entry fee check scriptemkael
2021-05-29Players data import from Cezar to Players dbemkael
2021-05-29Script to check players' entry feeemkael
2021-05-29Bugfixes for accumulated butleremkael
2021-05-29Updating dependenciesemkael
2021-05-29Moving non-played rounds in 2SE for butler compilationemkael
2021-05-29Adding 1N clone with zeroed butler from first 5 rounds to copy into cummulati...emkael
2020-10-17Quiet git push in autocommitemkael
2020-10-17rsync/git push configuration for non-interactive useremkael
2020-10-16Commenting out inactive dumps to loademkael
2020-10-15Bumping ausbutleremkael
2020-10-15Dump mapping for 1Nemkael
2020-10-09Bump jfrteamy-ausbutleremkael
2020-10-09pzbs-liga-ausbutler module with a make targetemkael
2020-10-08On butler re-creation, force target and do not purge already calculated butle...emkael
2020-10-08Detecting tournament language on dump loademkael
2020-10-08Butler merge scriptemkael
2020-10-08Database dump pull script (S3 -> MySQL)emkael
2020-10-08Dummy dir for SSL configemkael
2020-10-08Pulling results pages into backupemkael
2020-10-08Backup of results pages as a submoduleemkael
2020-10-08Configuration options (with secrets)emkael
2020-10-08Add 1 git-crypt collaboratoremkael