path: root/bin
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-06-07Proper build mechanismemkael
2017-06-07Crontab configuration for fetching Cezar DBemkael
2017-06-07Minifying ranking pagesemkael
2017-06-07Separate test dataset no longer neededemkael
2017-06-07Helper script for converting Cezar ranking CSV to usable formatemkael
2017-06-07Helper script for fetching Cezar players DBemkael
2017-06-07SQL import scripts for CSV dataemkael
2017-04-14Extended page subtitles, with ranking edition detailed titlesemkael
2017-04-14Dates config expanded, standard path included in uniform build scriptsemkael
2017-04-12Editions date compiled separatelyemkael
2017-04-11Build scriptsemkael