AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-25RSS namespace parsing fixesemkael
2024-11-25Typo fixemkael
2024-11-25Emoji list updateemkael
2024-11-25Fuck off, Zuckemkael
2023-02-03Porting emoji-list to Py3emkael
2022-01-31Substack improvements (subtitle, author name, feed title)emkael
2022-01-31JSON feeds and Substack supportemkael
2022-01-31RSS proxy configemkael
2022-01-31Another round of FB crapemkael
2022-01-31Emoji config updatedemkael
2021-04-02Adding placeholder text and image content to FB provideremkael
2021-04-02Filtering out Unicode retard-speakemkael
2021-04-02Using an external (Python...) library to fetch FB postsemkael
2021-04-02Changes to FB cache refresh scheduleemkael
2021-04-02Facebook logged-in cookie jaremkael
2021-04-02Emoji list updatedemkael
2021-04-02Adjustments to FB date parsingemkael
2020-11-07Jeb się, cukiergóraemkael
2020-11-07Emoji list updatedemkael
2020-10-09No need to UTF-decode anymoreemkael
2020-10-09Fuck You, sugar hill gangemkael
2020-10-09QueryPath path set relative to projectemkael
2020-10-09New RSS feeds proxiedemkael
2020-10-09Removing obsolete diremkael
2020-03-31Tumblr provider classemkael
2020-03-31New emoji listemkael
2020-03-31New RSS proxy feed listemkael
2019-08-11Sanitizing FB feedsemkael
2019-07-09External proxy RSS sourcesemkael
2019-07-09Verbatim RSS/Atom parsingemkael
2019-07-09Github commit history as a source provideremkael
2019-06-13Decoding UTF-8 in FB metadataemkael
2019-06-13Fuck off, Facebookemkael
2019-05-30New feed added to RSS configemkael
2019-05-30Updated emoji listemkael
2019-05-16Cancerposts, vol. 34514emkael
2019-05-15Supporting the facebook cancerpostsemkael
2019-04-22Implementing RSS content extensionemkael
2019-03-26PZBS feeds proxiedemkael
2019-02-14Fix for very long ("forever") cache validityemkael
2019-02-02Introducing random delays in FB cache refreshemkael
2019-02-02Ignoring cancerous colorful FB texts, which won't parseemkael
2019-02-02Bugfix for FB cache refreshemkael
2019-02-01Weaponizing cache filesemkael
2019-02-01Debug option added to Facebook provideremkael
2019-01-31Only paranoids surviveemkael