aktywatorFork of michzimny's Aktywator 5 years
an9kAnalizator9000 8 months
arbor-flowchartsFlowchart generating utility based on arbor.js 9 years
bbo-finderUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 4 years
bcddDouble-dummy analysis for PBN files using BCalc library 11 months
bigdealFork of Hans van Staveren's BigDeal software 7 years
bigdeal-testTest tools for BigDeal diffusion 7 years
bootswatchFork of 8 years
bs-ecats-converterBackup of BridgeSpider-to-eCats converter repo 7 years
bs-eloElo rankings for BridgeSpider 5 years
cyganieModelowanie zachowania kart cygana dla Crazy Tournament 10 years
czarekSkrócone metryczki z Cezara 10 years
deal-convertDeal Converter 9 months
elo-f1Ranking Grand Prix drivers using Elo rating system. 3 years
emkael.github.ioSource for static generated content for github pages 4 years
ergast-goodiesHelper utilities for F1 Ergast Database 3 years
etckeeperFork of git:// 8 years
howellkiWizualizacja rotacji turniejów brydża porównawczego 8 years
kanbanCustom fork of 4 years
osikaNarzędzie oceny siły rąk brydżowych w oparciu o algorytmy licytacji naturaln...8 years
pary-biddingWyświetlanie danych licytacji zebranych w BWS na wynikach z JFR Pary 6 years
pary-virtual-tableWyświetlanie danych wirtualnego stołu (np. gier obserwowanych) na wynikach tur...8 years
pattonSkrypty SQL do liczenia Pattona w JFR Teamach 6 years
playoffUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 3 years
pradoFork of Prado PHP framework 8 years
pybcddPython3 port of BCDD 2 years
pyczarekSkrócone metryczki Cezara, wersja mod_python 5 years
pysquaredealPython port of SquareDeal 8 months
pzbs-kalkulator-pklKalkulator PKL z 4 years
pzbs-ligaSkrypty do obsługi lig centralnych 4 months
pzbs-liga-ausbutlerNormalized butler automation scripts for top-level divisions in Polish Bridge Un...12 months
pzbs-liga-playoffDrabinki playoff dla DMP 4 months
pzbs-rankingVisualisation for PBU's ranking 7 weeks
pzbs-squaredealInformacje publikowane w ramach procedury generowania rozkładów rozdań 13 days
pzbs-tabele-vpTabele VP z 4 years
pzbs.github.ioPZBS IT Committee website 8 weeks
racing-calCalendar for racing series 6 years
rrb2txtText files export (KOPS-style) from RRBridge results 9 years
social2rssRSS channel script to serve various social media feeds as RSS feeds 21 months
spedytorMySQL dump/S3 upload utility 5 years
tc-backupBackup Tournament Calculator result pages 5 years
teamy-ausbutler"Australian" (normalized) Butler scores for JFR Teamy 5 years
teamy-diff-dealsLet JFR Teamy use different deals per table
teamy-mojzeszMojżesz for JFR Teamy: import scores and bidding from LoveBridge PBN files 12 months
teamy-playoffPlayoff HTML generator for JFR Teamy 4 months
teamy-playoff-guiPlayoff visualizer for JFR Teamy 8 years
teamy-quick-lineupCommand-line interface for line-up management in JFR Teamy. 7 years
teamy-restorererScripts to restore JFR Teamy tournament from HTML files 5 years vCards for JFR Teamy team rosters 7 years
ut-statsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 4 years