BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.1-betaWarning about inability to update section grouping during active sessionemkael8 years
imp-resultsChangelog updatedemkael6 years
masterParticipant number mapping made unambigous when names in teams are displayed ...emkael6 years
names-listBugfix: shortening after initial, not beforeemkael8 years
random-pinBumping version numberemkael6 years
redesignPlayer names tab redesignedemkael8 years
sector-settingsKnown issues list updatedemkael8 years
settings-redesignMajor settings tab redesignemkael8 years
td-callChangelogemkael6 years
winter-bugfixesFixes #39emkael7 years
v1.1.5-rccommit 90d87caf45...emkael6 years
v1.1.5commit 8c1d77e431...emkael6 years
v1.1.4commit cbf1e8ff15...emkael6 years
v1.1.4.1commit 914aacc61a...emkael7 years
v1.1.3commit fa8e46acc2...MichaƂ Zimniewicz7 years
v1.1.2.9commit 511333516d...emkael7 years
v1.1.2-betacommit 45550ac5ed...emkael7 years
v1.1.1-betacommit 3fec214d46...emkael8 years
v1.0.8commit 83e064ccb6...emkael8 years
v1.1.0-betacommit 78864ed771...emkael8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-07-30Adding names to BWS if no player numbers are provided in Bridgematesrrb-namesemkael
2017-07-30Sql.selectOne now can distinguish no value in result row from no result at allemkael
2017-07-30Checking for zero-length names in RRB provideremkael
2017-07-30Universal way to strip names of diacritic charactersemkael
2017-07-30Version information and changelog bumped (including assembly info)emkael
2017-07-30Loading RRB tournament files in names panelemkael
2017-07-30Data retrieval from RRB tournament filesemkael
2017-07-30Making sure correct Tournament type is set in MySQLTournament subclassesemkael
2017-07-30Universal pairs data reading from BWS (independent on tournament type and int...emkael
2017-07-30Loading names from MySQL tournaments generalized as a datasetemkael