I'm Michał. I'm from Łódź, Poland, where I graduated from the Technical University od Łódź way too long time ago.

I do some web-dev stuff (and been doing it professionally for even longer time), but this place is mostly for my out-of-work stuff.

That stuff is mostly related to two main topics: bridge (the card game thing, not the driving over a river thing) and racing.

Bridge stuff is mostly related to my hobby-slash-job as a tournament director.
Racing stuff is mostly related to digging out various stats and trivia.

As you may have already noticed from my projects, I mainly code in PHP and Python, with an occasional shell script or web interface somewhere in between.

Other places where I keep my coding stuff include:

I've got a personal website.

Chances are, you'll find everything needed to contact me there, including my e-mail, PGP public key and links to other various places to interact with me.