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authoremkael <>2014-07-03 23:38:48 +0200
committeremkael <>2014-07-03 23:38:48 +0200
commit54b41138870862431f29f0efb361a4313869b8c5 (patch)
parent1575242f902307e2cfee498ab5d718ac260b1dea (diff)
code formatting, documentation
2 files changed, 303 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/how.js b/how.js
index 9c2c2d7..a45b743 100644
--- a/how.js
+++ b/how.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+// rozstawienie sto³ów po wirtualnej sali
var Tables = function(viewport, quantity) {
var that = this;
@@ -7,203 +8,206 @@ var Tables = function(viewport, quantity) {
that.tables = [];
- that.singleDiv = jQuery('<div>').css({position: 'absolute'}).addClass('table');
+ that.singleDiv = jQuery('<div>').css({position: 'absolute'}).addClass('table'); // reprezentacja pojedynczego sto³u
that.direction = undefined;
- that.setDirection = function(direction) {
- var alignment = direction.split('-');
- var rows = 2;
- var cols = parseInt(Math.ceil(that.quantity / 2));
- if (alignment[0] == 'top' || alignment[0] == 'bottom') {
- rows = cols;
- cols = 2;
- }
- var width = that.viewport.width / cols;
- var height = that.viewport.height / rows;
- that.dim = Math.min(width, height) * 0.5;
- that.singleDiv.css({height: that.dim, width: that.dim});
- var positions = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < that.quantity; i++) {
- var position = { top: 0, left: 0 };
- switch (alignment[1]) {
- case 'straight':
- = parseInt(Math.floor(2 * i / that.quantity));
- position.left = i % parseInt((that.quantity+1) / 2);
- break;
- case 'uturn':
- = parseInt(Math.floor(2 * i / that.quantity));
- position.left = Math.min(i, (that.quantity-1-i));
- break;
- case 'snake':
- = i % 4;
- = Math.min(, 3 -;
- position.left = parseInt(Math.floor(i / 2));
- break;
- }
- positions[i] = position;
- }
- if (that.quantity % 2) {
- var skewed = (alignment[1] == 'snake') ? (that.quantity - 1) : ((that.quantity - 1) / 2);
- positions[skewed].top = 0.5;
- }
- that.tables = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < that.quantity; i++) {
- that.tables[i] = that.singleDiv.clone();
- that.tables[i].text(i+1);
- switch (alignment[0]) {
- case 'left':
- positions[i].left += (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
- positions[i].top += (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
- that.tables[i].css({left: positions[i].left * width,
- top: positions[i].top * height});
- break;
- case 'right':
- positions[i].left -= (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
- positions[i].top += (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
- that.tables[i].css({left: (Math.ceil(that.quantity / 2) - positions[i].left - 1) * width,
- top: positions[i].top * height});
- break;
- case 'top':
- positions[i].left += (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
- positions[i].top += (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
- that.tables[i].css({top: positions[i].left * height,
- left: positions[i].top * width});
- break;
- case 'bottom':
- positions[i].left -= (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
- positions[i].top += (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
- that.tables[i].css({top: (Math.ceil(that.quantity / 2) - positions[i].left - 1) * height,
- left: positions[i].top * width});
- break;
- }
- }
+ that.setDirection = function(direction) { // ustawia orientacjê sali/ustawienie sto³ów
+ var alignment = direction.split('-'); // dzielimy kierunek na sk³adow¹ horyzontaln¹ i wertykaln¹
+ var rows = 2; // sto³y stoj¹ w dwóch rzêdach
+ var cols = parseInt(Math.ceil(that.quantity / 2)); // i w tylu kolumnach, ilu trzeba
+ if (alignment[0] == 'top' || alignment[0] == 'bottom') { // chyba, ¿e stoj¹ w drug¹ stronê
+ rows = cols; // to wtedy w tylu rzêdach, ilu kolumnach i w w tylu kolumnach, ile 2.
+ cols = 2;
+ }
+ var width = that.viewport.width / cols; // wyznaczamy rozmiar obszaru zajmowanego przez pojedynczy stó³
+ var height = that.viewport.height / rows;
+ that.dim = Math.min(width, height) * 0.5; // stó³ zajmuje d³u¿szym bokiem (mimo, ¿e jest kwadratowy, jeden bok jest wzglêdnie d³u¿szy wobec w/w obszaru) po³owê przeznaczonego obszaru
+ that.singleDiv.css({height: that.dim, width: that.dim});
+ var positions = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < that.quantity; i++) { // pozycjonujemy kolejne stoliki (w przestrzeni (0,0) - (1,1))
+ var position = { top: 0, left: 0 };
+ switch (alignment[1]) {
+ case 'straight': // w dwóch rzêdach/kolumnach
+ = parseInt(Math.floor(2 * i / that.quantity));
+ position.left = i % parseInt((that.quantity+1) / 2);
+ break;
+ case 'uturn': // w dwóch rzêdach/kolumnach, ale zakrêcaj¹
+ = parseInt(Math.floor(2 * i / that.quantity));
+ position.left = Math.min(i, (that.quantity-1-i));
+ break;
+ case 'snake': // wê¿ykiem
+ = i % 4;
+ = Math.min(, 3 -;
+ position.left = parseInt(Math.floor(i / 2));
+ break;
+ }
+ positions[i] = position;
+ }
+ if (that.quantity % 2) { // nieparzysty stolik wysuwamy na œrodek, dla wê¿yka - ostatni, dla pozosta³ych - œrodkowy
+ var skewed = (alignment[1] == 'snake') ? (that.quantity - 1) : ((that.quantity - 1) / 2);
+ positions[skewed].top = 0.5;
+ }
+ that.tables = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < that.quantity; i++) {
+ that.tables[i] = that.singleDiv.clone();
+ that.tables[i].text(i+1);
+ switch (alignment[0]) {
+ case 'left':
+ positions[i].left += (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
+ positions[i].top += (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
+ that.tables[i].css({left: positions[i].left * width,
+ top: positions[i].top * height});
+ break;
+ case 'right':
+ positions[i].left -= (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
+ positions[i].top += (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
+ that.tables[i].css({left: (Math.ceil(that.quantity / 2) - positions[i].left - 1) * width,
+ top: positions[i].top * height});
+ break;
+ case 'top':
+ positions[i].left += (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
+ positions[i].top += (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
+ that.tables[i].css({top: positions[i].left * height,
+ left: positions[i].top * width});
+ break;
+ case 'bottom':
+ positions[i].left -= (height-that.dim)/(height*2);
+ positions[i].top += (width-that.dim)/(width*2);
+ that.tables[i].css({top: (Math.ceil(that.quantity / 2) - positions[i].left - 1) * height,
+ left: positions[i].top * width});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- that.getPosition = function(position, size) {
- var pos = position.toString().match(/^(\d+)([NEWS]?)$/);
- if (!pos) {
- throw 'Illegal position';
- }
- var tableNo = parseInt(pos[1]);
- if (tableNo > that.tables.length || tableNo < 1) {
- throw 'Table number out of range';
- }
- var offset = { left: parseInt(that.tables[tableNo-1].css('left')),
- top: parseInt(that.tables[tableNo-1].css('top')) };
- switch (pos[2]) {
- case 'N':
- offset.left += that.dim / 2;
- break;
- case 'E':
- offset.left += that.dim;
- += that.dim / 2;
- break;
- case 'S':
- offset.left += that.dim / 2;
- += that.dim;
- break;
- case 'W':
- += that.dim / 2;
- break;
- default:
- += that.dim / 2;
- offset.left += that.dim / 2;
- }
- if (size) {
- -= size/2;
- offset.left -= size/2;
+ that.getPosition = function(position, size) { // podaje wspó³rzêdne pikselowe dla danej pozycji zawodnika (/[0-9]+[WNES]/) lub sto³u
+ var pos = position.toString().match(/^(\d+)([NEWS]?)$/);
+ if (!pos) {
+ throw 'Illegal position';
+ }
+ var tableNo = parseInt(pos[1]);
+ if (tableNo > that.tables.length || tableNo < 1) {
+ throw 'Table number out of range';
+ }
+ var offset = { left: parseInt(that.tables[tableNo-1].css('left')),
+ top: parseInt(that.tables[tableNo-1].css('top')) };
+ switch (pos[2]) {
+ case 'N': // N u góry
+ offset.left += that.dim / 2;
+ break;
+ case 'E': // E po prawej
+ offset.left += that.dim;
+ += that.dim / 2;
+ break;
+ case 'S': // S u do³u
+ offset.left += that.dim / 2;
+ += that.dim;
+ break;
+ case 'W': // W po lewej
+ += that.dim / 2;
+ break;
+ default: // stó³ od lewej góry
+ += that.dim / 2;
+ offset.left += that.dim / 2;
+ }
+ if (size) { // jeœli podajemy rozmiar pikselowy stolika, dostajemy korektê na œrodek sto³u
+ -= size/2;
+ offset.left -= size/2;
+ }
+ return offset;
- return offset;
- }
- that.display = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < that.tables.length; i++) {
- that.viewport.container.append(that.tables[i]);
- }
+ that.display = function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < that.tables.length; i++) {
+ that.viewport.container.append(that.tables[i]);
+ }
+// para.
var Pair = function(startingPosition, number, movement) {
var that = this;
- that.players = [ startingPosition, startingPosition.replace("N", "S").replace("E", "W") ];
+ that.players = [ startingPosition, startingPosition.replace("N", "S").replace("E", "W") ]; // para sk³ada siê z 2 graczy, N gra z S, E gra z W
that.number = number;
that.movement = movement;
that.containers = [];
- that.size = that.movement.tables.dim * 0.3;
- that.colour = '#'+('00000'+(Math.random()*(1<<24)|0).toString(16)).slice(-6);
+ that.size = that.movement.tables.dim * 0.3; // para ma rozmiar 30% obszaru stolika. sprawdziæ, czy nie gra Klichowicz.
+ that.colour = '#'+('00000'+(Math.random()*(1<<24)|0).toString(16)).slice(-6); // para ma jeden kolor, ale losowy
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- that.containers[i] = jQuery('<div>').addClass('player').css({backgroundColor: that.colour, position: 'absolute', lineHeight: that.size+'px', width: that.size, height: that.size, borderRadius: that.size}).text(that.number);
+ that.containers[i] = jQuery('<div>').addClass('player').css({backgroundColor: that.colour, position: 'absolute', lineHeight: that.size+'px', width: that.size, height: that.size, borderRadius: that.size}).text(that.number);
that.moveTo = function(position) {
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (position) {
- that.players[i] = position;
- var pos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(position, that.size);
- that.containers[i].animate(pos, 1000);
- position = position.replace('N', 'S').replace('E', 'W');
- }
- else {
- that.containers[i].animate({left: 0, top: 0}, 1000);
- }
- }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (position) { // przesuwamy parê na okreœlon¹ pozycjê
+ that.players[i] = position;
+ var pos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(position, that.size);
+ that.containers[i].animate(pos, 1000);
+ position = position.replace('N', 'S').replace('E', 'W');
+ }
+ else { // albo koñczymy turniej i œci¹gamy j¹ do rogu
+ that.containers[i].animate({left: 0, top: 0}, 1000);
+ }
+ }
that.display = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- movement.viewport.container.append(that.containers[i]);
- that.containers[i].animate(that.movement.tables.getPosition(that.players[i], that.size), 1000);
- }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ movement.viewport.container.append(that.containers[i]);
+ that.containers[i].animate(that.movement.tables.getPosition(that.players[i], that.size), 1000); // wypuszczamy zawodników na salê
+ }
+// pude³ko rozdaniowe
var Set = function(startingPosition, movement, number) {
var that = this;
that.movement = movement;
that.number = number;
that.position = startingPosition;
- that.colour = '#'+('00000'+(Math.random()*(1<<24)|0).toString(16)).slice(-6);
+ that.colour = '#'+('00000'+(Math.random()*(1<<24)|0).toString(16)).slice(-6); // losowy kolor
that.size = that.movement.tables.dim * 0.2;
that.container = jQuery('<div>').addClass('cards').css({position: 'absolute', width: that.size, height: that.size*1.5, backgroundColor: that.colour, top: that.movement.viewport.height-that.size}).text(that.number);
- that.getPosition = function(position) {
- var pos;
- if (parseInt(position) == pos && position > 0) {
- pos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(position, that.size);
- }
- else {
- var after = parseInt(position);
- pos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(after, that.size);
- var afterPos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(after%that.movement.tables.quantity+1, that.size);
- if (after == that.movement.tables.quantity) {
- = Math.min(Math.max(0, + ( - * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.height - that.size);
- pos.left = Math.min(Math.max(0, pos.left + (pos.left - afterPos.left) * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.width - that.size);
- }
- else {
- = Math.min(Math.max(0, + ( - * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.height - that.size);
- pos.left = Math.min(Math.max(0, pos.left + (afterPos.left - pos.left) * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.width - that.size);
- }
- }
- -= that.size * 0.25;
- return pos;
+ that.getPosition = function(position) { // translacja pozycji na pozycjê w pikselach
+ var pos;
+ if (parseInt(position) == pos && position > 0) { // jeœli rozdanie le¿y na stole, to le¿y na stole
+ pos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(position, that.size);
+ }
+ else { // jesli nie lezy na stole, le¿y na zbiornicy
+ var after = parseInt(position);
+ pos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(after, that.size);
+ var afterPos = that.movement.tables.getPosition(after%that.movement.tables.quantity+1, that.size);
+ if (after == that.movement.tables.quantity) { // zbiornica na koñcu sali
+ = Math.min(Math.max(0, + ( - * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.height - that.size);
+ pos.left = Math.min(Math.max(0, pos.left + (pos.left - afterPos.left) * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.width - that.size);
+ }
+ else { // zbiornica miêdzy sto³ami
+ = Math.min(Math.max(0, + ( - * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.height - that.size);
+ pos.left = Math.min(Math.max(0, pos.left + (afterPos.left - pos.left) * (position - after)), that.movement.viewport.width - that.size);
+ }
+ }
+ -= that.size * 0.25;
+ return pos;
that.moveTo = function(position) {
- that.position = position;
- if (position) {
- that.container.animate(that.getPosition(position), 1000);
- }
- else {
- that.container.animate({left: 0, top: that.movement.viewport.height - that.size}, 1000);
- }
+ that.position = position;
+ if (position) {
+ that.container.animate(that.getPosition(position), 1000);
+ }
+ else {
+ that.container.animate({left: 0, top: that.movement.viewport.height - that.size}, 1000); // na koniec turnieju œci¹gamy rozdania
+ }
that.display = function() {
- that.movement.viewport.container.append(that.container);
- that.moveTo(that.position);
+ that.movement.viewport.container.append(that.container);
+ that.moveTo(that.position); // rozdania puszczane na salê
+// reprezentacja schematu
var Movement = function(viewport, movement, tables, summary) {
var that = this;
that.viewport = viewport;
@@ -213,120 +217,124 @@ var Movement = function(viewport, movement, tables, summary) {
that.summary = summary;
that.pairs = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < tables.quantity * 2; i++) {
- that.pairs[[i]] = new Pair(parseInt(Math.ceil((i+1)/2)) + ['N','E'][i%2],[i], that);
- that.pairs[[i]].display();
+ for (var i = 0; i < tables.quantity * 2; i++) { // rozstawiamy pary z kolejnych pozycji z movements.json
+ that.pairs[[i]] = new Pair(parseInt(Math.ceil((i+1)/2)) + ['N','E'][i%2],[i], that);
+ that.pairs[[i]].display();
that.sets = [];
var lastTable = 0;
var emptySets = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
- if ([i]) {
- lastTable =[i];
- emptySets = 0;
- }
- else {
- emptySets++;
- for (var j = i - emptySets + 1; j <= i; j++) {
-[j] = lastTable + 0.25 + 0.5*(j - i + emptySets)/(emptySets+1);
- }
- }
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { // kolejne komplety z movements.json
+ if ([i]) { // komplet zaczyna na stoliku
+ lastTable =[i];
+ emptySets = 0;
+ }
+ else { // komplet zaczyna na zbiornicy
+ emptySets++;
+ for (var j = i - emptySets + 1; j <= i; j++) {
+[j] = lastTable + 0.25 + 0.5*(j - i + emptySets)/(emptySets+1); // wiêc jest na wirtualnym stoliku u³amkowym
+ }
+ }
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
- that.sets[i] = new Set([i], that, i+1);
- that.sets[i].display();
+ that.sets[i] = new Set([i], that, i+1);
+ that.sets[i].display();
+ // krok g³ównej pêtli rotacji
that.step = function() {
- if (summary) {
- summary.update(that);
- }
- if (that.round < {
- for (var p in that.pairs) {
- var position = that.pairs[p].players[0];
- var ind =;
- if (ind > -1) {
- that.pairs[p].moveTo([(ind+1)]);
+ if (summary) {
+ summary.update(that); // aktualizacja tabelki krzy¿owej
- else {
- that.pairs[p].moveTo(position);
+ if (that.round < { // przechodzimy do kolejnej rundy...
+ for (var p in that.pairs) {
+ var position = that.pairs[p].players[0];
+ var ind =;
+ if (ind > -1) { // pary chodz¹ce (obecne w rotacji z movements.json) chodz¹
+ that.pairs[p].moveTo([(ind+1)]);
+ }
+ else { // pozosta³e siedz¹, ale musimy je najpierw usadziæ
+ that.pairs[p].moveTo(position);
+ }
+ }
+; // rotujemy komplety
+ for (var s in that.sets) {
+ that.sets[s].moveTo([s]);
+ }
+ that.round++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else { // ...albo zwijamy siê z sali
+ for (var p in that.pairs) {
+ that.pairs[p].moveTo();
+ }
+ for (var s in that.sets) {
+ that.sets[s].moveTo();
+ }
+ return false;
- }
- for (var s in that.sets) {
- that.sets[s].moveTo([s]);
- }
- that.round++;
- return true;
- }
- else {
- for (var p in that.pairs) {
- that.pairs[p].moveTo();
- }
- for (var s in that.sets) {
- that.sets[s].moveTo();
- }
- return false;
- }
+// tabelka krzy¿ówki
var Summary = function(pairs) {
var that = this;
that.pairs = pairs;
that.table = jQuery('<table>').addClass('summary');
+ // generujemy tabelk¹ z pustymi komórkami, ew. nag³ówkami
for (var i = 0; i <= that.pairs; i++) {
- var row = jQuery('<tr>');
- for (var j = 0; j <= that.pairs; j++) {
- var cell;
- if (i == 0 && j) {
- cell = jQuery('<th>');
- cell.text(j);
- }
- else if (j == 0 && i) {
- cell = jQuery('<th>');
- cell.text(that.pairs - i + 1);
- }
- else {
- cell = jQuery('<td>');
- }
- row.append(cell);
- }
- that.table.append(row);
+ var row = jQuery('<tr>');
+ for (var j = 0; j <= that.pairs; j++) {
+ var cell;
+ if (i == 0 && j) {
+ cell = jQuery('<th>');
+ cell.text(j);
+ }
+ else if (j == 0 && i) {
+ cell = jQuery('<th>');
+ cell.text(that.pairs - i + 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ cell = jQuery('<td>');
+ }
+ row.append(cell);
+ }
+ that.table.append(row);
that.update = function(movement) {
- for (var pair in movement.pairs) {
- that.table.find('th:contains('+movement.pairs[pair].number+')').css({backgroundColor: movement.pairs[pair].colour});
- }
- var played = [];
- for (var t = 1; t <= movement.tables.quantity; t++) {
- played[t] = { set:,
- pairs: [] };
- }
- for (var p in movement.pairs) {
- played[parseInt(movement.pairs[p].players[0])].pairs.push(parseInt(p));
- }
- for (var pl in played) {
- played[pl].pairs.sort(function(a,b){return b-a;});
- var cell = that.table.find('tr').eq(movement.tables.quantity*2 + 1 - played[pl].pairs[0]).find('td').eq(played[pl].pairs[1]-1);
- cell.css({backgroundColor: movement.sets[played[pl].set].colour});
- cell.text(pl);
- }
+ for (var pair in movement.pairs) { // kolorujemy pary
+ that.table.find('th:contains('+movement.pairs[pair].number+')').css({backgroundColor: movement.pairs[pair].colour});
+ }
+ var played = [];
+ for (var t = 1; t <= movement.tables.quantity; t++) {
+ played[t] = { set:,
+ pairs: [] };
+ }
+ // oznaczanie rozdañ (kompletów) rozegranych przez pary
+ for (var p in movement.pairs) {
+ played[parseInt(movement.pairs[p].players[0])].pairs.push(parseInt(p));
+ }
+ for (var pl in played) {
+ played[pl].pairs.sort(function(a,b){return b-a;});
+ var cell = that.table.find('tr').eq(movement.tables.quantity*2 + 1 - played[pl].pairs[0]).find('td').eq(played[pl].pairs[1]-1);
+ cell.css({backgroundColor: movement.sets[played[pl].set].colour});
+ cell.text(pl);
+ }
that.clear = function() {
- that.table.remove();
+ that.table.remove();
that.render = function(where) {
- if (!where) {
- where = jQuery('body');
- }
- jQuery(where).append(that.table);
+ if (!where) {
+ where = jQuery('body');
+ }
+ jQuery(where).append(that.table);
@@ -337,14 +345,14 @@ var Viewport = function(width, height) {
that.container = jQuery('<div>').css({height: that.height, width: that.width, position: 'relative'}).addClass('viewport');
that.clear = function() {
- that.container.html('');
+ that.container.html('');
that.render = function(where) {
- if (!where) {
- where = jQuery('body');
- }
- jQuery(where).append(that.container);
+ if (!where) {
+ where = jQuery('body');
+ }
+ jQuery(where).append(that.container);
@@ -354,35 +362,35 @@ var Control = function(movement) {
that.movement = movement;
that.setMovement = function(movement) {
- that.movement = movement;
+ that.movement = movement;
that.step = function() {
- if (!that.movement.step()) {
- that.stop();
- that.container.hide();
- };
- if (that.autoplay) {
- that.autoTimeout = setTimeout(that.step, 1500);
- }
+ if (!that.movement.step()) {
+ that.stop();
+ that.container.hide();
+ };
+ if (that.autoplay) {
+ that.autoTimeout = setTimeout(that.step, 1500);
+ }
that.autoplay = false;
that.autoTimeout = undefined; = function() {
- that.autoplay = true;
- that.step();
- that.playButton.hide();
- that.stepButton.hide();
+ that.autoplay = true;
+ that.step();
+ that.playButton.hide();
+ that.stepButton.hide();
that.stop = function() {
- that.autoplay = false;
- clearTimeout(that.autoTimeout);
- that.stopButton.hide();
+ that.autoplay = false;
+ clearTimeout(that.autoTimeout);
+ that.stopButton.hide();
@@ -407,37 +415,37 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var movements;
var moveList = jQuery('.selector .list');
jQuery.getJSON('movements.json', function(data) {
- movements = data;
- for (var m in movements) {
- var move = m.split('-');
- var listCell = jQuery('<div>').addClass('list-movement').attr('data-movement', m).text(move[0]);
- var listRow = moveList.find('div[data-rounds="'+move[1]+'"]');
- if (listRow.size()) {
- listRow.append(listCell);
- }
- else {
- moveList.append(jQuery('<div>').addClass('list-row').attr('data-rounds', move[1]).append(jQuery('<div>').addClass('list-movement').text(move[1])).append(listCell));
- }
- }
- var sum;
- var control = new Control();
- control.container.hide();
- jQuery('.selector .list .list-movement[data-movement]').click(function() {
- vp.clear();
- if (sum) {
- sum.clear();
- }
- control.stop();
- var move = movements[jQuery(this).attr('data-movement')];
- var t = new Tables(vp, move.tables);
- var direction = jQuery('.layout .direction').val() + '-' + jQuery('.layout .way').val();
- t.setDirection(direction);
- t.display();
- sum = new Summary(move.tables * 2);
- sum.render();
- move = new Movement(vp, move, t, sum);
- control.setMovement(move);
- });
+ movements = data;
+ for (var m in movements) {
+ var move = m.split('-');
+ var listCell = jQuery('<div>').addClass('list-movement').attr('data-movement', m).text(move[0]);
+ var listRow = moveList.find('div[data-rounds="'+move[1]+'"]');
+ if (listRow.size()) {
+ listRow.append(listCell);
+ }
+ else {
+ moveList.append(jQuery('<div>').addClass('list-row').attr('data-rounds', move[1]).append(jQuery('<div>').addClass('list-movement').text(move[1])).append(listCell));
+ }
+ }
+ var sum;
+ var control = new Control();
+ control.container.hide();
+ jQuery('.selector .list .list-movement[data-movement]').click(function() {
+ vp.clear();
+ if (sum) {
+ sum.clear();
+ }
+ control.stop();
+ var move = movements[jQuery(this).attr('data-movement')];
+ var t = new Tables(vp, move.tables);
+ var direction = jQuery('.layout .direction').val() + '-' + jQuery('.layout .way').val();
+ t.setDirection(direction);
+ t.display();
+ sum = new Summary(move.tables * 2);
+ sum.render();
+ move = new Movement(vp, move, t, sum);
+ control.setMovement(move);
+ });
diff --git a/how.php b/how.php
index 7f2dd96..cd4a5a0 100644
--- a/how.php
+++ b/how.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* - tables: INT, liczba sto³ów
* - rounds: INT, liczba rund
* - sets: ARRAY[INT], pocz¹tkowe numery sto³ów dla kolejnych kompletów
- * - movement: ARRAY[STRING], ruch pary nr 1 (pierwszej z par ruchomych), okreœlony kolejnymi pozycjami formatu /[0-9][NE]/
+ * - movement: ARRAY[STRING], ruch pary nr 1 (pierwszej z par ruchomych), okreœlony kolejnymi pozycjami formatu /[0-9]+[NE]/
* - positions: ARRAY[INT], pocz¹tkowe numery par na kolejnych pozycjach