diff options
author | gavlepeter <p.jaderkvist@gmail.com> | 2015-04-12 13:25:37 +0200 |
committer | gavlepeter <p.jaderkvist@gmail.com> | 2015-04-12 13:25:37 +0200 |
commit | 2a150dd3be96692a98c034233a9ae29ff6f219ac (patch) | |
tree | 9ce8cbd266986f26201dc2ca9653e6ac0b441eb1 | |
parent | fd7a8a0780bb3f88512a89aa5fac54a2318af960 (diff) |
Update translations.php
Also add translation for Swedish currency:
'SEK - Swedish Krona' => 'SEK - Svensk Krona',
-rw-r--r-- | app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php | 239 |
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php index 7b933178..93e0cb55 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ <?php return array( - // 'number.decimals_separator' => '', - // 'number.thousands_separator' => '', + 'number.decimals_separator' => ',', + 'number.thousands_separator' => '.', 'None' => 'Ingen', 'edit' => 'redigera', 'Edit' => 'Redigera', @@ -736,121 +736,122 @@ return array( 'Filter recently updated' => 'Filter som uppdaterats nyligen', 'since %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => 'sedan %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', 'More filters' => 'Fler filter', - // 'Compact view' => '', - // 'Horizontal scrolling' => '', - // 'Compact/wide view' => '', - // 'No results match:' => '', - // 'Remove hourly rate' => '', - // 'Do you really want to remove this hourly rate?' => '', - // 'Hourly rates' => '', - // 'Hourly rate' => '', - // 'Currency' => '', - // 'Effective date' => '', - // 'Add new rate' => '', - // 'Rate removed successfully.' => '', - // 'Unable to remove this rate.' => '', - // 'Unable to save the hourly rate.' => '', - // 'Hourly rate created successfully.' => '', - // 'Start time' => '', - // 'End time' => '', - // 'Comment' => '', - // 'All day' => '', - // 'Day' => '', - // 'Manage timetable' => '', - // 'Overtime timetable' => '', - // 'Time off timetable' => '', - // 'Timetable' => '', - // 'Work timetable' => '', - // 'Week timetable' => '', - // 'Day timetable' => '', - // 'From' => '', - // 'To' => '', - // 'Time slot created successfully.' => '', - // 'Unable to save this time slot.' => '', - // 'Time slot removed successfully.' => '', - // 'Unable to remove this time slot.' => '', - // 'Do you really want to remove this time slot?' => '', - // 'Remove time slot' => '', - // 'Add new time slot' => '', - // 'This timetable is used when the checkbox "all day" is checked for scheduled time off and overtime.' => '', - // 'Files' => '', - // 'Images' => '', - // 'Private project' => '', - // 'Amount' => '', - // 'AUD - Australian Dollar' => '', - // 'Budget' => '', - // 'Budget line' => '', - // 'Budget line removed successfully.' => '', - // 'Budget lines' => '', - // 'CAD - Canadian Dollar' => '', - // 'CHF - Swiss Francs' => '', - // 'Cost' => '', - // 'Cost breakdown' => '', - // 'Custom Stylesheet' => '', - // 'download' => '', - // 'Do you really want to remove this budget line?' => '', - // 'EUR - Euro' => '', - // 'Expenses' => '', - // 'GBP - British Pound' => '', - // 'INR - Indian Rupee' => '', - // 'JPY - Japanese Yen' => '', - // 'New budget line' => '', - // 'NZD - New Zealand Dollar' => '', - // 'Remove a budget line' => '', - // 'Remove budget line' => '', - // 'RSD - Serbian dinar' => '', - // 'The budget line have been created successfully.' => '', - // 'Unable to create the budget line.' => '', - // 'Unable to remove this budget line.' => '', - // 'USD - US Dollar' => '', - // 'Remaining' => '', - // 'Destination column' => '', - // 'Move the task to another column when assigned to a user' => '', - // 'Move the task to another column when assignee is cleared' => '', - // 'Source column' => '', - // 'Show subtask estimates in the user calendar' => '', - // 'Transitions' => '', - // 'Executer' => '', - // 'Time spent in the column' => '', - // 'Task transitions' => '', - // 'Task transitions export' => '', - // 'This report contains all column moves for each task with the date, the user and the time spent for each transition.' => '', - // 'Currency rates' => '', - // 'Rate' => '', - // 'Change reference currency' => '', - // 'Add a new currency rate' => '', - // 'Currency rates are used to calculate project budget.' => '', - // 'Reference currency' => '', - // 'The currency rate have been added successfully.' => '', - // 'Unable to add this currency rate.' => '', - // 'Send notifications to a Slack channel' => '', - // 'Webhook URL' => '', - // 'Help on Slack integration' => '', - // '%s remove the assignee of the task %s' => '', - // 'Send notifications to Hipchat' => '', - // 'API URL' => '', - // 'Room API ID or name' => '', - // 'Room notification token' => '', - // 'Help on Hipchat integration' => '', - // 'Enable Gravatar images' => '', - // 'Information' => '', - // 'Check two factor authentication code' => '', - // 'The two factor authentication code is not valid.' => '', - // 'The two factor authentication code is valid.' => '', - // 'Code' => '', - // 'Two factor authentication' => '', - // 'Enable/disable two factor authentication' => '', - // 'This QR code contains the key URI: ' => '', - // 'Save the secret key in your TOTP software (by example Google Authenticator or FreeOTP).' => '', - // 'Check my code' => '', - // 'Secret key: ' => '', - // 'Test your device' => '', - // 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '', - // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'uploaded by: %s' => '', - // 'uploaded on: %s' => '', - // 'size: %s' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', - // 'Burndown chart' => '', - // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', + 'Compact view' => 'Kompakt vy', + 'Horizontal scrolling' => 'Horisontell scroll', + 'Compact/wide view' => 'Kompakt/bred vy', + 'No results match:' => 'Inga matchande resultat', + 'Remove hourly rate' => 'Ta bort timtaxa', + 'Do you really want to remove this hourly rate?' => 'Vill du verkligen ta bort denna timtaxa?', + 'Hourly rates' => 'Timtaxor', + 'Hourly rate' => 'Timtaxa', + 'Currency' => 'Valuta', + 'Effective date' => 'Giltighetsdatum', + 'Add new rate' => 'Lägg till ny taxa', + 'Rate removed successfully.' => 'Taxan togs bort.', + 'Unable to remove this rate.' => 'Kunde inte ta bort taxan.', + 'Unable to save the hourly rate.' => 'Kunde inte spara timtaxan.', + 'Hourly rate created successfully.' => 'Timtaxan skapades.', + 'Start time' => 'Starttid', + 'End time' => 'Sluttid', + 'Comment' => 'Kommentar', + 'All day' => 'Hela dagen', + 'Day' => 'Dag', + 'Manage timetable' => 'Hantera timplan', + 'Overtime timetable' => 'Övertidstimplan', + 'Time off timetable' => 'Ledighetstimplan', + 'Timetable' => 'Timplan', + 'Work timetable' => 'Arbetstimplan', + 'Week timetable' => 'Veckotidplan', + 'Day timetable' => 'Dagstimplan', + 'From' => 'Från', + 'To' => 'Till', + 'Time slot created successfully.' => 'Tidslucka skapad.', + 'Unable to save this time slot.' => 'Kunde inte spara tidsluckan.', + 'Time slot removed successfully.' => 'Tidsluckan tog bort.', + 'Unable to remove this time slot.' => 'Kunde inte ta bort tidsluckan.', + 'Do you really want to remove this time slot?' => 'Vill du verkligen ta bort tidsluckan?', + 'Remove time slot' => 'Ta bort tidslucka', + 'Add new time slot' => 'Lägg till ny tidslucka', + 'This timetable is used when the checkbox "all day" is checked for scheduled time off and overtime.' => 'Denna tidslucka används när kryssrutan "hela dagen" är kryssad vid schemalagd ledighet eller övertid.', + 'Files' => 'Filer', + 'Images' => 'Bilder', + 'Private project' => 'Privat projekt', + 'Amount' => 'Belopp', + 'AUD - Australian Dollar' => 'AUD - Australiska dollar', + 'Budget' => 'Budget', + 'Budget line' => 'Budgetlinje', + 'Budget line removed successfully.' => 'Budgetlinjen togs bort.', + 'Budget lines' => 'Budgetlinjer', + 'CAD - Canadian Dollar' => 'CAD - Kanadensiska dollar', + 'CHF - Swiss Francs' => 'CHF - Schweiziska Franc', + 'Cost' => 'Kostnad', + 'Cost breakdown' => 'Kostnadssammanställning', + 'Custom Stylesheet' => 'Anpassad stilmall', + 'download' => 'ladda ned', + 'Do you really want to remove this budget line?' => 'Vill du verkligen ta bort budgetlinjen?', + 'EUR - Euro' => 'EUR - Euro', + 'Expenses' => 'Utgifter', + 'GBP - British Pound' => 'GBP - Brittiska Pund', + 'INR - Indian Rupee' => 'INR - Indiska Rupier', + 'JPY - Japanese Yen' => 'JPY - Japanska Yen', + 'New budget line' => 'Ny budgetlinje', + 'NZD - New Zealand Dollar' => 'NZD - Nya Zeeländska Dollar', + 'Remove a budget line' => 'Ta bort en budgetlinje', + 'Remove budget line' => 'Ta bort budgetlinje', + 'RSD - Serbian dinar' => 'RSD - Serbiska Dinarer', + 'The budget line have been created successfully.' => 'Budgetlinjen har skapats.', + 'Unable to create the budget line.' => 'Kunde inte skapa budgetlinjen.', + 'Unable to remove this budget line.' => 'Kunde inte ta bort budgetlinjen.', + 'SEK - Swedish Krona' => 'SEK - Svensk Krona', + 'USD - US Dollar' => 'USD - Amerikanska Dollar', + 'Remaining' => 'Återstående', + 'Destination column' => 'Målkolumn', + 'Move the task to another column when assigned to a user' => 'Flytta uppgiften till en annan kolumn när den tilldelats en användare', + 'Move the task to another column when assignee is cleared' => 'Flytta uppgiften till en annan kolumn när tilldelningen tas bort.', + 'Source column' => 'Källkolumn', + 'Show subtask estimates in the user calendar' => 'Visa deluppgiftsuppskattning i användarens kalender', + 'Transitions' => 'Övergångar', + 'Executer' => 'Verkställare', + 'Time spent in the column' => 'Tid i kolumnen.', + 'Task transitions' => 'Uppgiftsövergångar', + 'Task transitions export' => 'Export av uppgiftsövergångar', + 'This report contains all column moves for each task with the date, the user and the time spent for each transition.' => 'Denna rapport innehåller alla kolumnförflyttningar för varje uppgift med datum, användare och nedlagd tid vid varje övergång.', + 'Currency rates' => 'Valutakurser', + 'Rate' => 'Kurs', + 'Change reference currency' => 'Ändra referenskurs', + 'Add a new currency rate' => 'Lägg till ny valutakurs', + 'Currency rates are used to calculate project budget.' => 'Valutakurser används för att beräkna projektbudget.', + 'Reference currency' => 'Referensvaluta', + 'The currency rate have been added successfully.' => 'Valutakursen har lagts till.', + 'Unable to add this currency rate.' => 'Kunde inte lägga till valutakursen.', + 'Send notifications to a Slack channel' => 'Skicka notiser till en Slack kanal', + 'Webhook URL' => 'Webhook URL', + 'Help on Slack integration' => 'Hjälp för Slack integration', + '%s remove the assignee of the task %s' => '%s ta bort tilldelningen av uppgiften %s', + 'Send notifications to Hipchat' => 'Skicka notiser till Hipchat', + 'API URL' => 'API URL', + 'Room API ID or name' => 'Room API ID eller namn', + 'Room notification token' => 'Room notistoken', + 'Help on Hipchat integration' => 'Hjälp för Hipchat integration', + 'Enable Gravatar images' => 'Aktivera Gravatar bilder', + 'Information' => 'Information', + 'Check two factor authentication code' => 'Kolla tvåfaktorsverifieringskod', + 'The two factor authentication code is not valid.' => 'Tvåfaktorsverifieringskoden är inte giltig.', + 'The two factor authentication code is valid.' => 'Tvåfaktorsverifieringskoden är giltig.', + 'Code' => 'Kod', + 'Two factor authentication' => 'Tvåfaktorsverifiering', + 'Enable/disable two factor authentication' => 'Aktivera/avaktivera tvåfaktorsverifiering', + 'This QR code contains the key URI: ' => 'Denna QR-kod innehåller nyckel-URI:n', + 'Save the secret key in your TOTP software (by example Google Authenticator or FreeOTP).' => 'Spara säkerhetsnyckeln i din TOTP mjukvara (med exempelvis Google Authenticator eller FreeOTP).', + 'Check my code' => 'Kolla min kod', + 'Secret key: ' => 'Säkerhetsnyckel:', + 'Test your device' => 'Testa din enhet', + 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Tilldela en färg när uppgiften flyttas till en specifik kolumn', + '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', + 'uploaded by: %s' => 'uppladdad av: %s', + 'uploaded on: %s' => 'uppladdad på: %s', + 'size: %s' => 'storlek', + 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Burndown diagram för "%s"', + 'Burndown chart' => 'Burndown diagram', + 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Diagrammet visar uppgiftens svårighet över tid (återstående arbete).', ); |