diff options
author | Frederic Guillot <fred@kanboard.net> | 2016-07-24 21:00:16 -0400 |
committer | Frederic Guillot <fred@kanboard.net> | 2016-07-24 21:00:16 -0400 |
commit | 407a8d2f09d590caaf4cade8ceb5863cd57d7e05 (patch) | |
tree | a731e0d0920124753bc7cbeef00e085910f57d3d | |
parent | 4dae025db8c1baec1ac0e2518bd032769e199fca (diff) |
Sync translations
25 files changed, 300 insertions, 750 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php index 908112df..898e4d66 100644 --- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Prikaži drugi projekat', 'Created by %s' => 'Kreirao %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Izvoz zadataka', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zadataka za "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Početni datum', 'End Date' => 'Datum završetka', 'Execute' => 'Izvrši', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Novi pod-zadatak', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ubačen novi prilog "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s ostavio novi komentar', - 'New attachment' => 'Novi prilog', 'New comment' => 'Novi komentar', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar ažuriran', 'New subtask' => 'Novi pod-zadatak', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Pod-zadatak ažuriran', - 'Task updated' => 'Zadatak ažuriran', - 'Task closed' => 'Zadatak je zatvoren', - 'Task opened' => 'Zadatak je otvoren', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Želim obavještenja samo za ove projekte:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Pregledaj zadatke', 'Public access' => 'Javni pristup', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s kreirao zadatak #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s zatvorio zadatak #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s otvorio zadatak #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s premjestio zadatak #%d u kolonu "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s premjestio zadatak #%d na poziciju %d u koloni "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Aktivnosti', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Podrazumijevane vrijednosti su: "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Podrazumijevane kolone za novi projekat (Odvojene zarezom)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Procenat', 'Number of tasks' => 'Broj zadataka', 'Task distribution' => 'Podjela zadataka', - 'Reportings' => 'Izveštaji', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja zadataka za "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Analiza', 'Subtask' => 'Pod-zadatak', 'My subtasks' => 'Moji pod-zadaci', 'User repartition' => 'Zaduženja korisnika', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja korisnika za "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Kloniraj ovaj projekat', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolona uspješno uklonjena.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Nedovoljno podataka za prikaz na grafikonu.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Vrijednost mora biti broj', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Nije moguće kreirati zadatak.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Zbirni dijagram toka', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Zbirni dijagram toka za "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Zbirni pregled po danima', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Izvoz zbirnog pregleda po danima', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zbirnog pregleda po danima za "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Izvozi', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ovaj izvoz sadržava broj zadataka po koloni grupisanih po danima.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktivne swimline trake', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadatka', 'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadaci', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Izvoz pod-zadataka', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Izvoz pod-zadataka za "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Naslov zadatka', 'Untitled' => 'Bez naslova', 'Application default' => 'Podrazumijevano od aplikacije', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Testiraj svoj uređaj', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Dodijeli boju kada je zadatak pomjeren u odabranu kolonu', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s uz pomoć Kanboard-a', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Grafikon izgaranja za "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Grafikon izgaranja', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Ovaj grafikon pokazuje kompleksnost zadatka u vremenu (Preostalo vremena)', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Slika ekrana uzeta %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Pomjeri zadatak u drugu kolonu kada je kategorija promijenjena', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Pošalji zadatak nekome emailom', 'Reopen a task' => 'Ponovo otvori zadatak', - 'Column change' => 'Promijena kolone', - 'Position change' => 'Promjena pozicije', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Promjena swimline trake', - 'Assignee change' => 'Promijenjen izvršilac', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Zaostali zadaci', 'Notification' => 'Obavještenja', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s je premjestio zadatak #%d u prvu swimline traku', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s je premjestio zadatak #%d u swimline traku "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimline traka', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s je premjestio zadatak %s u prvi swimline traku', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Pretraga po kategoriji: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Pretraga po opisu: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Pretraga po datumu završetka: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Vrijeme upravljanje i vremenski ciklus za "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Prosjek utrošenog vremena u svakoj koloni za "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Prosjek utrošenog vrmena u svakoj koloni', 'Average time spent' => 'Prosjek utrošenog vremena', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Ovaj grafik pokazuje prosjek utrošenog vremena u svakoj koloni za posljednjih %d zadataka.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licenca:', 'License' => 'Licenca', 'Enter the text below' => 'Unesi tekst ispod', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantogram za %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Sortiraj po poziciji', 'Sort by date' => 'Sortiraj po datumu', 'Add task' => 'Dodaj zadatak', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Verzija', 'Plugins' => 'Dodaci', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Nema učitanih dodataka.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Postavi maksimalnu visinu kolone', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Ukloni maksimalnu visinu kolone', 'My notifications' => 'Moja obavještenja', 'Custom filters' => 'Prilagođeni filteri', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Tvoj prilagođeni filter je uspješno napravljen.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Pogrešna captcha', 'The name must be unique' => 'Ime mora biti jedinstveno', 'View all groups' => 'Pregledaj sve grupe', - 'View group members' => 'Pregledaj članove grupe', 'There is no user available.' => 'Trenutno nema dostupnih korisnika.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš ukloniti korisnika "%s" iz grupe "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'Trenutno nema grupa.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Unesi ime grupe...', 'Role:' => 'Uloga:', 'Project members' => 'Članovi projekta', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Poredi sate za "%s"', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s te spomenuo u zadatku #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s te spomenuo u komentaru zadatka #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Spomenut si u zadatku #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Spomenut si u komentaru zadatka #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Spominjanja', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Poređenje očekivanog i aktuelnog vremena', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Očekivani sati:', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Aktuelni sati:', 'Hours Spent' => 'Utrošeni sati:', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php index 3606e6d2..565f92f5 100644 --- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Zobrazit jiný projekt', 'Created by %s' => 'Vytvořeno uživatelem %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Export úkolů', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Export úkolů pro "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Počáteční datum', 'End Date' => 'Konečné datum', 'Execute' => 'Spustit', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nový dílčí úkol', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Byla přidána nová příloha "%s".', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nový komentář publikovaný uživatelem %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Nová příloha', 'New comment' => 'Nový komentář', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentář byl aktualizován.', 'New subtask' => 'Nový dílčí úkol', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Dílčí úkol byl aktualizován', - 'Task updated' => 'Úkol byl aktualizován', - 'Task closed' => 'Úkol byl uzavřen', - 'Task opened' => 'Úkol byl otevřen', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Přeji si dostávat upozornění pouze pro následující projekty:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Zobrazit úkol na Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Veřejný přístup', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s vytvořil úkol #%d ', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s uzavřel úkol #%d ', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s znovu otevřel úkol #%d ', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s přesunul úkol #%d do sloupce "%s" ', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s přesunul úkol #%d na pozici %d ve sloupci "%s" ', 'Activity' => 'Aktivity', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standardní hodnoty jsou: "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Výchozí sloupce pro nové projekty (odděleny čárkou)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Procenta', 'Number of tasks' => 'Počet úkolů', 'Task distribution' => 'Rozdělení úkolů', - 'Reportings' => 'Reporty', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Rozdělení úkolů pro "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Analýza', 'Subtask' => 'Dílčí úkoly', 'My subtasks' => 'Moje dílčí úkoly', 'User repartition' => 'Rozdělení podle uživatelů', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Rozdělení podle uživatelů pro "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Duplokovat projekt', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Sloupec byl odstraněn.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Pro zobrazení grafu není dostatek dat.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Hodnota musí být číselná', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Nelze vytvořit tento úkol', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Kumulativní diagram', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Kumulativní diagram pro "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Denní přehledy', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Export denních přehledů', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export denních přehledů pro "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exporty', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Tento export obsahuje počet úkolů pro jednotlivé sloupce seskupených podle dní.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktivní dráhy', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Dílčí úkol Id', 'Subtasks' => 'Dílčí úkoly', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Export dílčích úkolů', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Export dílčích úkolů pro "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Název úkolu', 'Untitled' => 'bez názvu', 'Application default' => 'Standardní hodnoty', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Test Vašeho zařízení', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Přiřadit barvu, když je úkol přesunut do konkrétního sloupce', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Burndown-Chart pro "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Burndown-Chart', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Graf zobrazuje složitost úkolů v čase (Zbývající práce).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Screenshot aufgenommen %s ', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Přesun úkolu do jiného sloupce když je změněna kategorie', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Poslat někomu úkol poštou', 'Reopen a task' => 'Znovu otevřít úkol', - 'Column change' => 'Změna sloupce', - 'Position change' => 'Změna pozice', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Změna dráhy', - 'Assignee change' => 'Změna přidělení', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] přetažených úkolů', 'Notification' => 'Upozornění', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s přesunul úkol #%d do první dráhy', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s přesunul úkol #%d do dráhy "%s"', // 'Swimlane' => '', // 'Gravatar' => '', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s přesunul úkol %s do první dráhy', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Hledat podle kategorie: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Hledat podle popisu: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Hledat podle termínu: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Dodací lhůta a doba cyklu pro "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Průměrná doba strávená v každé fázi pro "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Průměrná doba strávená v každé fázi', 'Average time spent' => 'Průměrná strávená doba', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licence:', 'License' => 'Licence', 'Enter the text below' => 'Zadejte text níže', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt graf pro %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Třídit podle pozice', 'Sort by date' => 'Třídit podle datumu', 'Add task' => 'Přidat úkol', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php index d1e86739..0ff4253e 100644 --- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Vis et andet projekt...', 'Created by %s' => 'Oprettet af %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Opgave eksport', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Opgave eksport for "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Start-dato', 'End Date' => 'Slut-dato', 'Execute' => 'Udfør', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Ny under-opgave', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ny vedhæftning tilføjet "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Ny kommentar af %s', - // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar opdateret', // 'New subtask' => '', - // 'Subtask updated' => '', - // 'Task updated' => '', - // 'Task closed' => '', - // 'Task opened' => '', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Jeg vil kun have notifikationer for disse projekter:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'se opgaven på Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Offentlig adgang', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s oprettede opgaven #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s lukkede opgaven #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s åbnede opgaven #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s flyttede opgaven #%d til kolonnen "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s flyttede opgaven #%d til position %d i kolonnen "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Aktivitet', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standard værdier er "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Standard kolonne for nye projekter (kommasepareret)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( // 'Percentage' => '', // 'Number of tasks' => '', // 'Task distribution' => '', - // 'Reportings' => '', - // 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '', // 'Analytics' => '', // 'Subtask' => '', // 'My subtasks' => '', // 'User repartition' => '', - // 'User repartition for "%s"' => '', // 'Clone this project' => '', // 'Column removed successfully.' => '', // 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => '', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( // 'This value must be numeric' => '', // 'Unable to create this task.' => '', // 'Cumulative flow diagram' => '', - // 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '', // 'Daily project summary' => '', // 'Daily project summary export' => '', - // 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '', // 'Exports' => '', // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '', // 'Active swimlanes' => '', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( // 'Subtask Id' => '', // 'Subtasks' => '', // 'Subtasks Export' => '', - // 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '', // 'Task Title' => '', // 'Untitled' => '', // 'Application default' => '', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( // 'Test your device' => '', // 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', // 'Screenshot taken %s' => '', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( // 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '', // 'Send a task by email to someone' => '', // 'Reopen a task' => '', - // 'Column change' => '', - // 'Position change' => '', - // 'Swimlane change' => '', - // 'Assignee change' => '', - // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', // 'Notification' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', - // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', // 'Swimlane' => '', // 'Gravatar' => '', // '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( // 'Search by category: ' => '', // 'Search by description: ' => '', // 'Search by due date: ' => '', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - // 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '', // 'Average time spent into each column' => '', // 'Average time spent' => '', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( // 'License:' => '', // 'License' => '', // 'Enter the text below' => '', - // 'Gantt chart for %s' => '', // 'Sort by position' => '', // 'Sort by date' => '', // 'Add task' => '', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php index 51998dc4..59de2956 100644 --- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Zu Projekt wechseln', 'Created by %s' => 'Erstellt durch %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Aufgaben exportieren', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Aufgaben exportieren für "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Anfangsdatum', 'End Date' => 'Enddatum', 'Execute' => 'Ausführen', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Neue Teilaufgabe', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Neuer Anhang "%s" wurde hinzugefügt.', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Neuer Kommentar verfasst durch %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Neuer Anhang', 'New comment' => 'Neuer Kommentar', 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar wurde aktualisiert', 'New subtask' => 'Neue Teilaufgabe', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Teilaufgabe aktualisiert', - 'Task updated' => 'Aufgabe aktualisiert', - 'Task closed' => 'Aufgabe geschlossen', - 'Task opened' => 'Aufgabe geöffnet', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Ich möchte nur für diese Projekte Benachrichtigungen erhalten:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'diese Aufgabe auf dem Kanboard zeigen', 'Public access' => 'Öffentlicher Zugriff', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d angelegt', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d geschlossen', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d geöffnet', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d in die Spalte "%s" verschoben', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d an die Position %d in der Spalte "%s" verschoben', 'Activity' => 'Aktivität', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Die Standardwerte sind "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Standardspalten für neue Projekte (komma-getrennt)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Prozentsatz', 'Number of tasks' => 'Anzahl an Aufgaben', 'Task distribution' => 'Aufgabenverteilung', - 'Reportings' => 'Berichte', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Aufgabenzuweisung für "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Analyse', 'Subtask' => 'Teilaufgabe', 'My subtasks' => 'Meine Teilaufgaben', 'User repartition' => 'Benutzerverteilung', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Benutzerverteilung für "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Projekt kopieren', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Spalte erfolgreich entfernt.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Nicht genügend Daten, um die Grafik zu zeigen.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Dieser Wert muss nummerisch sein', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Diese Aufgabe kann nicht erstellt werden', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Kumulatives Flussdiagramm', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Kumulatives Flussdiagramm für "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Tägliche Projektzusammenfassung', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Export der täglichen Projektzusammenfassung', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export der täglichen Projektzusammenfassung für "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exporte', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Dieser Export enthält die Anzahl der Aufgaben pro Spalte nach Tagen gruppiert.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktive Swimlane', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Teilaufgaben-ID', 'Subtasks' => 'Teilaufgaben', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Export von Teilaufgaben', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Export von Teilaufgaben für "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Aufgaben-Titel', 'Untitled' => 'unbetitelt', 'Application default' => 'Anwendungsstandard', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Teste dein Gerät', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Weise eine Farbe zu, wenn die Aufgabe zu einer bestimmten Spalte bewegt wird', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Burndown-Diagramm für "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Burndown-Diagramm', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Dieses Diagramm zeigt die Aufgabenkomplexität über den Faktor Zeit (Verbleibende Arbeit).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Screenshot aufgenommen %s ', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Aufgabe in andere Spalte verschieben, wenn Kategorie geändert wird', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Aufgabe per E-Mail versenden', 'Reopen a task' => 'Aufgabe wieder öffnen', - 'Column change' => 'Spalte geändert', - 'Position change' => 'Position geändert', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlane geändert', - 'Assignee change' => 'Zuordnung geändert', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] überfallige Aufgaben', 'Notification' => 'Benachrichtigungen', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d in die erste Swimlane verschoben', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s hat die Aufgabe #%d in die Swimlane "%s" verschoben', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s hat die Aufgabe %s in die erste Swimlane verschoben', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Suche nach Kategorie: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Suche nach Beschreibung: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Suche nach Fälligkeitsdatum: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Durchlauf und Zykluszeit für "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Durchschnittliche Zeit in jeder Spalte für "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Durchschnittszeit in jeder Spalte', 'Average time spent' => 'Durchschnittlicher Zeitverbrauch', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Dieses Diagramm zeigt die durchschnittliche Zeit in jeder Spalte der letzten %d Aufgaben.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Lizenz:', 'License' => 'Lizenz', 'Enter the text below' => 'Text unten eingeben', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt Diagramm für %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Nach Position sortieren', 'Sort by date' => 'Nach Datum sortieren', 'Add task' => 'Aufgabe hinzufügen', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Version', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Es ist kein Plugin geladen.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Setze maximale Spaltenhöhe', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Entferne maximale Spaltenhöhe', 'My notifications' => 'Meine Benachrichtigungen', 'Custom filters' => 'Benutzerdefinierte Filter', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Benutzerdefinierten Filter erfolgreich erstellt.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Ungültiges Captcha', 'The name must be unique' => 'Der Name muss eindeutig sein', 'View all groups' => 'Alle Gruppen anzeigen', - 'View group members' => 'Gruppenmitglieder anzeigen', 'There is no user available.' => 'Es ist kein Benutzer verfügbar.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Wollen Sie den Benutzer "%s" wirklich aus der Gruppe "%s" löschen?', 'There is no group.' => 'Es gibt keine Gruppe.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Geben Sie den Gruppennamen ein...', 'Role:' => 'Rolle:', 'Project members' => 'Projektmitglieder', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Vergleich der Stunden für %s', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s erwähnte Sie in Aufgabe #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s erwähnte Sie in einem Kommentar zur Aufgabe #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Sie wurden in der Aufgabe #%d erwähnt', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Sie wurden in einem Kommentar zur Aufgabe #%d erwähnt', - 'Mentioned' => 'Erwähnt', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Vergleich zwischen erwartetem und tatsächlichem Zeitaufwand', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Erwarteter Zeitaufwand (Stunden): ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Tatsächlich aufgewändete Stunden: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Stunden aufgewändet', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php index e2ea0a69..cf3bb588 100644 --- a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Εμφάνιση άλλου έργου', 'Created by %s' => 'Δημιουργήθηκε από %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Εξαγωγή εργασιών', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Εξαγωγή εργασιών για το έργο « %s »', 'Start Date' => 'Ημερομηνία έναρξης', 'End Date' => 'ημερομηνία λήξης', 'Execute' => 'Εκτέλεση', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Νέα υπο-εργασία', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Νέα επικόλληση προστέθηκε « %s »', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Νέο σχόλιο από τον χρήστη « %s »', - 'New attachment' => 'New attachment', 'New comment' => 'Νέο σχόλιο', 'Comment updated' => 'Το σχόλιο ενημερώθηκε', 'New subtask' => 'Νέα υπο-εργασία', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Η Υπο-Εργασία ενημερώθηκε', - 'Task updated' => 'Η εργασία ενημερώθηκε', - 'Task closed' => 'Η εργασία έκλεισε', - 'Task opened' => 'Η εργασία άνοιξε', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Θέλω να ενημερώνομαι αποκλειστικά για:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Προβολή της εργασίας στο Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Ανοιχτή πρόσβαση', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s δημιούργησε την εργασία n°%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s έκλεισε την εργασία n°%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s άνοιξε την εργασία n°%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s μετακίνησε την εργασία n°%d στη στήλη « %s »', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s μετακίνησε την εργασία n°%d στη θέση n°%d της στήλης « %s »', 'Activity' => 'Δραστηριότητα', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Οι προεπιλεγμένες τιμές είναι « %s »', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Προεπιλεγμένες στήλες για νέα έργα (Comma-separated)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Ποσοστό', 'Number of tasks' => 'Αριθμός εργασιών', 'Task distribution' => 'Κατανομή εργασιών', - 'Reportings' => 'Αναφορές', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Επανάληψη εργασιών για « %s »', 'Analytics' => 'Αναλύσεις', 'Subtask' => 'Υπο-Εργασία', 'My subtasks' => 'Οι υπο-εργασίες μου', 'User repartition' => 'Επαναλήψεις χρηστών', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Επαναλήψεις χρηστών για « %s »', 'Clone this project' => 'Κλωνοποίηση έργου', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Η στήλη αφαιρέθηκε με επιτυχία.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Ελλειπή δεδομένα για να εμφανιστεί το γράφημα.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Η τιμή πρέπει να είναι αριθμός', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Αδύνατο να δημιουργηθεί αυτή η εργασία.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Συγκεντρωτικό διάγραμμα ροής', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Συγκεντρωτικό διάγραμμα ροής για « %s »', 'Daily project summary' => 'Καθημερινή περίληψη του έργου', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Εξαγωγή της καθημερινής περίληψης του έργου', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Εξαγωγή της καθημερινής περίληψης του έργου « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Εξαγωγές', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Αυτή η κατάσταση περιέχει τον αριθμό των εργασιών ανά στήλη ομαδοποιημένα ανά ημέρα.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Ενεργές λωρίδες', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Id υπο-εργασίας', 'Subtasks' => 'Υπο-Εργασίες', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Εξαγωγή υπο-εργασίων', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Εξαγωγή υπο-εργασίων για το έργο « %s »', 'Task Title' => 'Τίτλος εργασίας', 'Untitled' => 'Χωρίς τίτλο', 'Application default' => 'Προεπιλογή από την εφαρμογή', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Ελέγξτε τη συσκευή σας', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Αντιστοίχιση χρώματος όταν η εργασία κινείται σε μια συγκεκριμένη στήλη', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Δημιουργία διαγράμματος για « %s »', 'Burndown chart' => 'Δημιουργία διαγράμματος', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Αυτό το γράφημα δείχνει την πολυπλοκότητα του έργου κατά την πάροδο του χρόνου (Εργασία που παραμένει).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Το screenshot αποθηκεύτηκε από %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Μετακινήστε την εργασία σε άλλη στήλη, όταν η κατηγορία έχει αλλάξει', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Στείλτε μια εργασία μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου σε κάποιον', 'Reopen a task' => 'Ξανα-ανοίξτε μια εργασία', - 'Column change' => 'Αλλαγή στήλης', - 'Position change' => 'Αλλαγή θέσης', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Αλλαγή λωρίδας', - 'Assignee change' => 'Αλλαγή εκδοχέα', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Εκπρόθεσμες εργασίες', 'Notification' => 'Κοινοποίηση', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s μετέφερε την εργασία n°%d στην 1η λωρίδα', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s μετέφερε την εργασία n°%d στη λωρίδα « %s »', 'Swimlane' => 'Λωρίδα', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s μετέφερε την εργασία %s στην 1η λωρίδα', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Αναζήτηση βάση κατηγορίας: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Αναζήτηση βάση περιγραφής: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Αναζήτηση βάση ημέρας λήξης: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Lead & cycle time για « %s »', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Μέσος χρόνος παραμονής σε κάθε στήλη για « %s »', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Μέσος χρόνος παραμονής σε κάθε στήλη', 'Average time spent' => 'Μέσος χρόνος που δαπανήθηκε', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Αυτό το γράφημα δείχνει ότι ο μέσος χρόνος που δαπανάται σε κάθε στήλη για τις τελευταίες %d εργασίες', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Άδεια:', 'License' => 'Άδεια', 'Enter the text below' => 'Πληκτρολογήστε το παρακάτω κείμενο', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt διάγραμμα για %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Ταξινόμηση κατά Θέση', 'Sort by date' => 'Ταξινόμηση κατά ημέρα', 'Add task' => 'Προσθήκη εργασίας', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Έκδοση', 'Plugins' => 'Πρόσθετα', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Δεν έχει φορτωθεί plugin', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Ορισμός μέγιστου ύψους στήλης', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Αφαίρεση μέγιστου ύψους στήλης', 'My notifications' => 'Οι ειδοποιήσεις μου', 'Custom filters' => 'Φίλτρα ορισμένα από τον χρήστη', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Το παρεμετροποιημένο από τον χρήστη φίλτρο δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Μη αποδεκτό Captcha', 'The name must be unique' => 'Το όνομα πρέπει να είναι μοναδικό', 'View all groups' => 'Προβολή όλων των ομάδων', - 'View group members' => 'Προβολή των μελών της ομάδας', 'There is no user available.' => 'Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμος χρήστης', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Αφαίρεση του χρήστη « %s » από την ομάδα « %s » ?', 'There is no group.' => 'Δεν υπάρχει ομάδα.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Εισαγωγή ονομασίας ομάδας...', 'Role:' => 'Ρόλος:', 'Project members' => 'Μέλη έργου', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Σύγκριση ωρών για « %s »', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s αναφέρονται σε εσάς, στη εργασία n°%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s αναφέρονται σε εσάς σε σχόλιο, στη εργασίας n°%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Αναφέρεστε στην εργασία n°%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Αναφέρεστε σε σχόλιο, στην εργασία n°%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Αναφέρεται', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Σύγκριση προβλεπόμενου χρόνου vs πραγματικού χρόνου', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Προβλεπόμενες ώρες: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Πραγματικές ώρες: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Δαπανόμενες ώρες', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php index 088a4fbb..5a2c16c0 100644 --- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Mostrar otro proyecto', 'Created by %s' => 'Creado por %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Exportar tareas', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Exportación de tareas para «%s»', 'Start Date' => 'Fecha de inicio', 'End Date' => 'Fecha final', 'Execute' => 'Ejecutar', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nueva subtarea', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nuevo adjunto añadido «%s»', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nuevo comentario añadido por %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Nuevo adjunto', 'New comment' => 'Nuevo comentario', 'Comment updated' => 'Comentario actualizado', 'New subtask' => 'Nueva subtarea', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtarea actualizada', - 'Task updated' => 'Tarea actualizada', - 'Task closed' => 'Tarea cerrada', - 'Task opened' => 'Tarea abierta', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Quiero recibir notificaciones sólo de estos proyectos:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'ver la tarea en Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Acceso público', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s creó la tarea #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s cerró la tarea #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s abrió la tarea #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s movió la tarea #%d a la columna «%s»', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s movió la tarea #%d a la posición %d de la columna «%s»', 'Activity' => 'Actividad', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Los valores por defecto son «%s»', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Columnas por defecto para los nuevos proyectos (separadas mediante comas)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Porcentaje', 'Number of tasks' => 'Número de tareas', 'Task distribution' => 'Distribución de tareas', - 'Reportings' => 'Informes', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Repartición de tareas para «%s»', 'Analytics' => 'Analítica', 'Subtask' => 'Subtarea', 'My subtasks' => 'Mis subtareas', 'User repartition' => 'Repartición de usuarios', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Repartición de usuarios para «%s»', 'Clone this project' => 'Clonar este proyecto', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Columna eliminada correctamente.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'No hay suficiente información para mostrar el gráfico.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Este valor debe ser numérico', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'No se puede crear esta tarea.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagrama de flujo acumulativo', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagrama de flujo acumulativo para «%s»', 'Daily project summary' => 'Resumen diario del proyecto', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Exportar resumen diario del proyecto', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportar resumen diario del proyecto para «%s»', 'Exports' => 'Exportaciones', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportación contiene el número de tareas por columna agrupadas por día.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Calles activas', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Identificador de subtarea', 'Subtasks' => 'Subtareas', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Exportación de subtareas', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Exportación de subtareas para «%s»', 'Task Title' => 'Título de la tarea', 'Untitled' => 'Sin título', 'Application default' => 'Predefinido por la aplicación', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Probar su dispositivo', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Asignar un color al mover la tarea a una columna específica', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s vía Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Trabajo pendiente para «%s»', 'Burndown chart' => 'Trabajo pendiente', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Este diagrama muestra la complejidad de la tarea a lo largo del tiempo (trabajo restante).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Pantallazo tomado el %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Mover la tarea a otra columna cuando cambie la categoría', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Enviar una tarea a alguien por correo', 'Reopen a task' => 'Reabrir tarea', - 'Column change' => 'Cambio de columna', - 'Position change' => 'Cambio de posición', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Cambio de calle', - 'Assignee change' => 'Cambio de responsable', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Tareas vencidas', 'Notification' => 'Notificación', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s movió la tarea #%d a la primera calle', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s movió la tarea #%d a la calle «%s»', 'Swimlane' => 'Calle', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s movió la tarea %s a la primera calle', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Buscar por categoría: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Buscar por descripción: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Buscar por fecha de entrega: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Plazo de entrega y ciclo para «%s»', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Tiempo medio empleado en cada columna para «%s»', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Tiempo medio empleado en cada columna', 'Average time spent' => 'Tiempo medio empleado', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Esta gráfica muestra el tiempo medio empleado en cada columna para las últimas %d tareas.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licencia:', 'License' => 'Licencia', 'Enter the text below' => 'Introduzca el texto a continuación', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Diagrama de Gantt para %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Ordenar por posición', 'Sort by date' => 'Ordenar por fecha', 'Add task' => 'Añadir tarea', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Versión', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'No hay ningún plugin cargado.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Establecer altura máxima de la columna', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Eliminar altura máxima de la columna', 'My notifications' => 'Mis notificaciones', 'Custom filters' => 'Filtros personalizados', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Tus filtros personalizados han sido creados correctamente.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'CAPTCHA inválido', 'The name must be unique' => 'El nombre debe ser único', 'View all groups' => 'Ver todos los grupos', - 'View group members' => 'Ver miembros del grupo', 'There is no user available.' => 'No hay usuario disponible.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '¿Realmente desea eliminar el usuario «%s» del grupo «%s»?', 'There is no group.' => 'No hay grupo.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Ingresa el nombre del grupo...', 'Role:' => 'Rol:', 'Project members' => 'Miembros del proyecto', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Compara horas con «%s»', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s te mencionó en la tarea #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s te mencionó en un comentario en la tarea #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Fuiste mencionado en la tarea #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Fuiste mencionado en un comentario de la tarea #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Mencionado', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Comparar tiempo estimado vs tiempo actual', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Horas estimadas: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Horas actuales: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Horas gastadas', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php index 316c2089..ed38fb56 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Näytä toinen projekti', 'Created by %s' => 'Luonut: %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Tehtävien vienti', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Tehtävien vienti projektilta "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Aloituspäivä', 'End Date' => 'Lopetuspäivä', 'Execute' => 'Suorita', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Uusi alitehtävä', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Uusi liite lisätty "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s lisäsi uuden kommentin', - // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentti päivitetty', // 'New subtask' => '', - // 'Subtask updated' => '', - // 'Task updated' => '', - // 'Task closed' => '', - // 'Task opened' => '', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Haluan vastaanottaa ilmoituksia ainoastaan näistä projekteista:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'katso tehtävää Kanboardissa', 'Public access' => 'Julkinen käyttöoikeus', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s loi tehtävän #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s sulki tehtävän #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s avasi tehtävän #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s siirsi tehtävän #%d sarakkeeseen "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s siirsi tehtävän #%d %d. sarakkeessa %s', 'Activity' => 'Toiminta', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Oletusarvot ovat "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Oletussarakkeet uusille projekteille', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Prosentti', 'Number of tasks' => 'Tehtävien määrä', 'Task distribution' => 'Tehtävien jakauma', - 'Reportings' => 'Raportoinnit', - // 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '', 'Analytics' => 'Analytiikka', 'Subtask' => 'Alitehtävä', 'My subtasks' => 'Minun alitehtäväni', // 'User repartition' => '', - // 'User repartition for "%s"' => '', 'Clone this project' => 'Kahdenna projekti', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Sarake poistettu onnstuneesti.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Ei riittävästi dataa graafin näyttämiseksi.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Tämän arvon tulee olla numeerinen', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Tehtävän luonti epäonnistui', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Kumulatiivinen vuokaavio', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Kumulatiivinen vuokaavio kohteelle "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Päivittäinen yhteenveto', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Päivittäisen yhteenvedon vienti', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Päivittäisen yhteenvedon vienti kohteeseen "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Viennit', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Tämä tiedosto sisältää tehtäviä sarakkeisiin päiväkohtaisesti ryhmilteltyinä', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktiiviset kaistat', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( // 'Subtask Id' => '', // 'Subtasks' => '', // 'Subtasks Export' => '', - // 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '', // 'Task Title' => '', // 'Untitled' => '', // 'Application default' => '', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( // 'Test your device' => '', // 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', // 'Screenshot taken %s' => '', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( // 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '', // 'Send a task by email to someone' => '', // 'Reopen a task' => '', - // 'Column change' => '', - // 'Position change' => '', - // 'Swimlane change' => '', - // 'Assignee change' => '', - // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', // 'Notification' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', - // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', // 'Swimlane' => '', // 'Gravatar' => '', // '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( // 'Search by category: ' => '', // 'Search by description: ' => '', // 'Search by due date: ' => '', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - // 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '', // 'Average time spent into each column' => '', // 'Average time spent' => '', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( // 'License:' => '', // 'License' => '', // 'Enter the text below' => '', - // 'Gantt chart for %s' => '', // 'Sort by position' => '', // 'Sort by date' => '', // 'Add task' => '', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php index 19ce49b4..e7184949 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Afficher un autre projet', 'Created by %s' => 'Créé par %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Exportation des tâches', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Exportation des tâches pour « %s »', 'Start Date' => 'Date de début', 'End Date' => 'Date de fin', 'Execute' => 'Exécuter', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nouvelle sous-tâche', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nouvelle pièce-jointe ajoutée « %s »', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nouveau commentaire ajouté par « %s »', - 'New attachment' => 'Nouveau document', 'New comment' => 'Nouveau commentaire', 'Comment updated' => 'Commentaire mis à jour', 'New subtask' => 'Nouvelle sous-tâche', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Sous-tâche mise à jour', - 'Task updated' => 'Tâche mise à jour', - 'Task closed' => 'Tâche fermée', - 'Task opened' => 'Tâche ouverte', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Je souhaite reçevoir les notifications uniquement pour les projets sélectionnés :', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'voir la tâche sur Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Accès public', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s a créé la tâche n°%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s a fermé la tâche n°%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s a ouvert la tâche n°%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s a déplacé la tâche n°%d dans la colonne « %s »', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s a déplacé la tâche n°%d à la position n°%d dans la colonne « %s »', 'Activity' => 'Activité', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Les valeurs par défaut sont « %s »', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Colonnes par défaut pour les nouveaux projets (séparation par des virgules)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Pourcentage', 'Number of tasks' => 'Nombre de tâches', 'Task distribution' => 'Répartition des tâches', - 'Reportings' => 'Rapports', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Répartition des tâches pour « %s »', 'Analytics' => 'Analytique', 'Subtask' => 'Sous-tâche', 'My subtasks' => 'Mes sous-tâches', 'User repartition' => 'Répartition des utilisateurs', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Répartition des utilisateurs pour « %s »', 'Clone this project' => 'Cloner ce projet', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Colonne supprimée avec succès.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Pas assez de données pour afficher le graphique.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Cette valeur doit être numérique', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Impossible de créer cette tâche', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagramme de flux cumulé', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagramme de flux cumulé pour « %s »', 'Daily project summary' => 'Résumé journalier du projet', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Export du résumé journalier du projet', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export du résumé quotidien du projet pour « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Exports', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Cet export contient le nombre de tâches par colonne groupé par jour.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes actives', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Identifiant de la sous-tâche', 'Subtasks' => 'Sous-tâches', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Exportation des sous-tâches', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Exportation des sous-tâches pour le projet « %s »', 'Task Title' => 'Titre de la tâche', 'Untitled' => 'Sans nom', 'Application default' => 'Valeur par défaut de l\'application', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Testez votre appareil', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Assigner une couleur lorsque la tâche est déplacée dans une colonne spécifique', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Graphique d\'avancement pour « %s »', 'Burndown chart' => 'Graphique d\'avancement', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Ce graphique représente la complexité des tâches en fonction du temps (travail restant).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Capture d\'écran prise le %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Déplacer une tâche vers une autre colonne lorsque la catégorie a changé', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Envoyer une tâche par email à quelqu\'un', 'Reopen a task' => 'Rouvrir une tâche', - 'Column change' => 'Changement de colonne', - 'Position change' => 'Changement de position', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Changement de swimlane', - 'Assignee change' => 'Changement d\'assigné', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Tâches en retard', 'Notification' => 'Notification', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s a déplacé la tâche n°%d dans la première swimlane', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s a déplacé la tâche n°%d dans la swimlane « %s »', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s a déplacé la tâche %s dans la première swimlane', @@ -759,8 +738,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Rechercher par catégorie : ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Rechercher par description : ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Rechercher par date d\'échéance : ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Lead et cycle time pour « %s »', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Temps passé moyen dans chaque colonne pour « %s »', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Temps moyen passé dans chaque colonne', 'Average time spent' => 'Temps moyen passé', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Ce graphique montre le temps passé moyen dans chaque colonne pour les %d dernières tâches.', @@ -801,7 +778,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licence :', 'License' => 'Licence', 'Enter the text below' => 'Entrez le texte ci-dessous', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Diagramme de Gantt pour %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Trier par position', 'Sort by date' => 'Trier par date', 'Add task' => 'Ajouter une tâche', @@ -842,8 +818,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Version', 'Plugins' => 'Extensions', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Il n\'y a aucune extension chargée.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Définir la hauteur max. des colonnes', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Enlever la hauteur max. des colonnes', 'My notifications' => 'Mes notifications', 'Custom filters' => 'Filtres personalisés', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Votre filter personalisé a été créé avec succès.', @@ -948,7 +922,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Captcha invalid', 'The name must be unique' => 'Le nom doit être unique', 'View all groups' => 'Voir tous les groupes', - 'View group members' => 'Voir les membres du groupe', 'There is no user available.' => 'Il n\'y a aucun utilisateur disponible', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l\'utilisateur « %s » du groupe « %s » ?', 'There is no group.' => 'Il n\'y a aucun groupe.', @@ -969,13 +942,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Entrez le nom du groupe...', 'Role:' => 'Rôle :', 'Project members' => 'Membres du projet', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Comparer les heures pour « %s »', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s vous a mentionné dans la tâche n°%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s vous a mentionné dans un commentaire de la tâche n°%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Vous avez été mentionné dans la tâche n°%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Vous avez été mentionné dans un commentaire de la tâche n°%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Mentionné', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Comparer le temps estimé et le temps actuel', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Heures estimées : ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Heures actuelles : ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Heures passées', @@ -1233,4 +1203,16 @@ return array( 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => 'Lien interne supprimé pour la tâche n°%d', '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '%s a défini un nouveau lien interne pour la tâche %s', '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '%s a supprimé un lien interne pour la tâche %s', + 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => 'Définir automatiquement la date d\'échéance lors de la création de la tâche', + 'Move the task to another column when closed' => 'Déplacer la tâche vers une autre colonne lorsque celle-ci est fermée', + 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => 'Déplacer la tâche vers une autre colonne lorsque celle-ci n\'a pas été bougée pendant une certaine période', + 'Dashboard for %s' => 'Tableau de bord pour %s', + 'Tasks overview for %s' => 'Aperçu des tâches pour %s', + 'Subtasks overview for %s' => 'Aperçu des sous-tâches pour %s', + 'Projects overview for %s' => 'Aperçu des projets pour %s', + 'Activity stream for %s' => 'Flux d\'activité pour %s', + 'Calendar for %s' => 'Calendrier pour %s', + 'Notifications for %s' => 'Notifications pour %s', + 'Subtasks export' => 'Export des sous-tâches', + 'Tasks exportation' => 'Export des tâches', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php index a0365940..32e34857 100644 --- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Másik projekt megjelenítése', 'Created by %s' => 'Készítette: %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Feladatok exportálása', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Feladatok exportálása: "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Kezdés dátuma', 'End Date' => 'Befejezés dátuma', 'Execute' => 'Végrehajt', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Új részfeladat', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Új melléklet "%s" hozzáadva.', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Új megjegyzés %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Új melléklet', 'New comment' => 'Új megjegyzés', 'Comment updated' => 'Megjegyzés frissítve', 'New subtask' => 'Új részfeladat', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Részfeladat frissítve', - 'Task updated' => 'Feladat frissítve', - 'Task closed' => 'Feladat lezárva', - 'Task opened' => 'Feladat megnyitva', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Csak ezekről a projektekről kérek értesítést:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'feladat megtekintése a Kanboardon', 'Public access' => 'Nyilvános hozzáférés', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s létrehozta a feladatot #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s lezárta a feladatot #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s megnyitotta a feladatot #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s átmozgatta a feladatot #%d a "%s" oszlopba', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s átmozgatta a feladatot #%d a %d pozícióba a "%s" oszlopban', 'Activity' => 'Tevékenységek', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Az alapértelmezett értékek: %s', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Alapértelmezett oszlopok az új projektekben (vesszővel elválasztva)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Százalék', 'Number of tasks' => 'A feladatok száma', 'Task distribution' => 'Feladatelosztás', - 'Reportings' => 'Jelentések', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Feladat újraosztása: %s', 'Analytics' => 'Analitika', 'Subtask' => 'Részfeladat', 'My subtasks' => 'Részfeladataim', 'User repartition' => 'Felhasználó újrafelosztás', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Felhasználó újrafelosztás: %s', 'Clone this project' => 'Projekt másolása', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Oszlop sikeresen törölve.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Nincs elég adat a grafikonhoz.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Ez a mező csak szám lehet', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'A feladat nem hozható létre,', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Kumulatív folyamatábra', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Kumulatív folyamatábra: %s', 'Daily project summary' => 'Napi projektösszefoglaló', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Napi projektösszefoglaló exportálása', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Napi projektösszefoglaló exportálása: %s', 'Exports' => 'Exportálások', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ez az export tartalmazza a feladatok számát oszloponként összesítve, napokra lebontva.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktív sávok', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Részfeladat id', 'Subtasks' => 'Részfeladatok', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Részfeladat exportálás', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Részfeladatok exportálása: %s', 'Task Title' => 'Feladat címe', 'Untitled' => 'Névtelen', 'Application default' => 'Alkalmazás alapértelmezett', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Az eszköz ellenőrzése', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Szín hozzárendelése, ha a feladatot egy adott oszlopba mozgatták', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s a Kanboard-on keresztül', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Ez a diagram a feladat időbeli bonyolultságát ábrázolja (mennyi munka van hátra)', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'A képernyőmentés megtörtént, %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'A feladat átmozgatása egy másik oszlopba, ha megváltozik a kategória', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Email-en egy feladat küldése valakinek', 'Reopen a task' => 'Egy feladat újbóli megnyitása', - 'Column change' => 'Oszlop módosítás', - 'Position change' => 'Helyzet módosítás', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Sáv módosítás', - 'Assignee change' => 'Felelős módosítása', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] késésben lévő feladat', 'Notification' => 'Értesítés', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s a #%d feladatot az első sávba mozgatta', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s a #%d feladatot a "%s" sávba mozgatta', 'Swimlane' => 'Sáv', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatár', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s a %s feladatot az első sávba mozgatta', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Keresés kategória alapján: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Keresés leírás alapján: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Keresés határidő alapján: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'A "%s" átfutási ideje és ciklusideje', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'A "%s" során az egyes oszlopokban töltött átlagos idő', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Az egyes oszlopokban töltött átlagos idő', 'Average time spent' => 'Az eltöltött átlagos idő', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Ez az ábra az utolsó %d feladatra vonatkozóan mutatja az egyes oszlopkban eltöltött átlagos időt.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Engedély:', 'License' => 'Engedély', 'Enter the text below' => 'Adja be a lenti szöveget', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt diagram a %s számára', 'Sort by position' => 'Rendezés hely szerint', 'Sort by date' => 'Rendezés idő szerint', 'Add task' => 'Feladat hozzáadása', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Verzió', 'Plugins' => 'Plugin-ek', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Nincs betöltött plugin.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Max. oszlopmagasság beállítása', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Max. oszlopmagasság törlése', 'My notifications' => 'Emlékeztetőim', 'Custom filters' => 'Egyedi szűrők', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Az ön egyedi szűrője sikeresen létrejött.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Érvénytelen captcha', 'The name must be unique' => 'A névnek egyedinek kell lennie', 'View all groups' => 'Az összes csoport megtekintése', - 'View group members' => 'A csoporttagok megtekintése', 'There is no user available.' => 'Nincs ilyen felhasználó.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Valóban el kívánja távolítani a "%s" felhasználót a "%s" csoportból?', 'There is no group.' => 'Nincs ilyen csoport.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Adja meg a csoport nevét...', 'Role:' => 'Szerepkör:', 'Project members' => 'Projekt tagok', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Az órák összehasonlítása "%s" számára', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s megemlítette önt a #%d feladatban', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s megemlítette önt a #%d feladathoz fűzött megjegyzésben', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Ön meg lett említve a #%d feladatban', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Ön meg lett említve a #%d feladathoz fűzött megjegyzésben', - 'Mentioned' => 'Meg lett említve', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'A becsült és a tényleges idő összehasonlítása', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Becsült órák: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Tényleges órák: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Ráfordítás órákban', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php index 4cdfd129..28f590a9 100644 --- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Lihat proyek lain', 'Created by %s' => 'Dibuat oleh %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Ekspor Tugas', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Tugas di ekspor untuk « %s »', 'Start Date' => 'Tanggal Mulai', 'End Date' => 'Tanggal Berakhir', 'Execute' => 'Eksekusi', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Sub-tugas baru', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Lampiran baru ditambahkan « %s »', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Komentar baru ditambahkan oleh « %s »', - 'New attachment' => 'Lampirkan baru', 'New comment' => 'Komentar baru', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar diperbaharui', 'New subtask' => 'Sub-tugas baru', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Sub-tugas diperbaharui', - 'Task updated' => 'Tugas diperbaharui', - 'Task closed' => 'Tugas ditutup', - 'Task opened' => 'Tugas dibuka', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Saya ingin menerima pemberitahuan hanya untuk proyek-proyek yang dipilih :', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'lihat tugas di Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Akses publik', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s membuat tugas n°%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s menutup tugas n°%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s membuka tugas n°%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke kolom « %s »', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke posisi n°%d dalam kolom « %s »', 'Activity' => 'Aktifitas', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standar nilai adalah« %s »', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Kolom default untuk proyek baru (dipisahkan dengan koma)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Persentasi', 'Number of tasks' => 'Jumlah dari tugas', 'Task distribution' => 'Pembagian tugas', - 'Reportings' => 'Pelaporan', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Pembagian tugas untuk « %s »', 'Analytics' => 'Analitis', 'Subtask' => 'Subtugas', 'My subtasks' => 'Subtugas saya', 'User repartition' => 'Partisi ulang pengguna', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Partisi ulang pengguna untuk « %s »', 'Clone this project' => 'Gandakan proyek ini', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolom berhasil dihapus.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Tidak cukup data untuk menampilkan grafik.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Nilai ini harus angka', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Tidak dapat membuat tugas ini', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagram alir kumulatif', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagram alir kumulatif untuk « %s »', 'Daily project summary' => 'Ringkasan proyek harian', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Ekspor ringkasan proyek harian', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Ekspor ringkasan proyek harian untuk « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Ekspor', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ekspor ini berisi jumlah dari tugas per kolom dikelompokan perhari.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes aktif', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Id Subtugas', 'Subtasks' => 'Subtugas', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Ekspor Subtugas', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Ekspor subtugas untuk « %s »', 'Task Title' => 'Judul Tugas', 'Untitled' => 'Tanpa nama', 'Application default' => 'Aplikasi standar', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Menguji perangkat anda', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Menetapkan warna ketika tugas tersebut dipindahkan ke kolom tertentu', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Grafik Burndown untku « %s »', 'Burndown chart' => 'Grafik Burndown', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Grafik ini menunjukkan kompleksitas tugas dari waktu ke waktu (Sisa Pekerjaan).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Screenshot diambil %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Pindahkan tugas ke kolom lain ketika kategori berubah', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Kirim tugas melalui email ke seseorang', 'Reopen a task' => 'Membuka kembali tugas', - 'Column change' => 'Kolom berubah', - 'Position change' => 'Posisi berubah', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlane berubah', - 'Assignee change' => 'Penerima berubah', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Tugas terlambat', 'Notification' => 'Pemberitahuan', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke swimlane pertama', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke swimlane « %s »', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s memindahkan tugas %s ke swimlane pertama', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Pencarian berdasarkan kategori : ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Pencarian berdasarkan deskripsi : ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Pencarian berdasarkan tanggal jatuh tempo : ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Memimpin dan Siklus waktu untuk « %s »', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan dalam setiap kolom untuk « %s »', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan dalam setiap kolom', 'Average time spent' => 'Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Grafik ini menunjukkan rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan dalam setiap kolom untuk %d tugas.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Lisensi :', 'License' => 'Lisensi', 'Enter the text below' => 'Masukkan teks di bawah', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Grafik Gantt untuk %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Urutkan berdasarkan posisi', 'Sort by date' => 'Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal', 'Add task' => 'Tambah tugas', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', 'Project members' => 'Anggota proyek', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php index 334faa46..b72ca181 100644 --- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Mostra un altro progetto', 'Created by %s' => 'Creato da %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Export dei task', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Export dei task per "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Data d\'inizio', 'End Date' => 'Data di fine', 'Execute' => 'Esegui', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nuovo sotto-task', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nuovo allegato aggiunto "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nuovo commento aggiunto da "%s"', - 'New attachment' => 'Nuovo allegato', 'New comment' => 'Nuovo commento', 'Comment updated' => 'Commento aggiornato', 'New subtask' => 'Nuovo sotto-task', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Sotto-task aggiornato', - 'Task updated' => 'Task aggiornato', - 'Task closed' => 'Task chiuso', - 'Task opened' => 'Task aperto', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Vorrei ricevere le notifiche solo da questi progetti:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'visualizza il task su Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Accesso pubblico', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s ha creato il task #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s ha chiuso il task #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s ha aperto il task #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s ha spostato il task #%d nella colonna "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s ha spostato il task #%d nella posizione %d della colonna "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Attività', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Valori di default "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Colonne di default per i nuovi progetti (Separati da virgola)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Percentuale', 'Number of tasks' => 'Numero di task', 'Task distribution' => 'Distribuzione dei task', - 'Reportings' => 'Rapporti', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Ripartizione task per "%s"', // 'Analytics' => '', 'Subtask' => 'Sotto-task', 'My subtasks' => 'I miei sotto-task', 'User repartition' => 'Ripartizione per utente', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Ripartizione utente per "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Clona questo progetto', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Colonna rimossa con successo', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Non ci sono abbastanza dati per visualizzare il grafico.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Questo valore deve essere numerico', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Impossibile creare questo task', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagramma di flusso cumulativo', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagramma di flusso comulativo per "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Sommario giornaliero del progetto', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Export del sommario giornaliero del progetto', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export del sommario giornaliero del progetto per "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Esporta', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Questo export contiene il numero di task per colonna raggruppati per giorno', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Corsie attive', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Id del sotto-task', 'Subtasks' => 'Sotto-task', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Esporta i sotto-task', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Export dei sotto-task per "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Titolo del task', 'Untitled' => 'Senza titolo', 'Application default' => 'Default dell\'applicazione', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Testa il tuo dispositivo', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Assegna un colore quando il task viene spostato in una colonna specifica', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s tramite Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Grafico Burndown per "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Grafico Burndown', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Questo grafico mostra la complessità dei task nel tempo (Lavoro residuo).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Schermata catturata %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Sposta il task in un\'altra colonna quando la categoria viene modificata', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Invia un task via email a qualcuno', 'Reopen a task' => 'Riapri un task', - 'Column change' => 'Cambio di colonna', - 'Position change' => 'Cambio di posizione', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Cambio di corsia', - 'Assignee change' => 'Cambio assegnatario', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Task scaduti', 'Notification' => 'Notifica', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s ha spostato il task #%d nella prima corsia', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s ha spostato il task #%d nella corsia "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Corsia', // 'Gravatar' => '', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s ha spostato il task %s nella prima corsia', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Ricerca per categoria: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Ricerca per descrizione: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Ricerca per data di scadenza: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Tempo di consegna (Lead Time) e lavorazione (Cycle Time) per "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Tempo medio trascorso in ogni colonna per "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Tempo medio trascorso in ogni colonna', 'Average time spent' => 'Tempo medio trascorso', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Questo grafico mostra il tempo medio trascorso in ogni colonna per gli ultimi %d task.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licenza:', 'License' => 'Licenza', 'Enter the text below' => 'Inserisci il testo qui sotto', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Grafico Gantt per %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Ordina per posizione', 'Sort by date' => 'Ordina per data', 'Add task' => 'Aggiungi task', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Versione', 'Plugins' => 'Plugin', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Nessun plugin è stato caricato.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Imposta l\'altezza massima della colonna', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Rimuovi l\'altezza massima della colonna', 'My notifications' => 'Le mie notifiche', 'Custom filters' => 'Filtri personalizzati', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Il filtro personalizzato è stato creato con successo.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Captcha non valido', 'The name must be unique' => 'Il nome deve essere univoco', 'View all groups' => 'Visualiza tutti i gruppi', - 'View group members' => 'Visualizza i membri del gruppo', 'There is no user available.' => 'Nessun utente disponibile.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Vuoi davvero rimuovere l\'utente "%s" dal gruppo "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'Nessun gruppo presente', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Inserisci il nome del gruppo...', 'Role:' => 'Ruolo:', 'Project members' => 'Membri di progetto', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Confronta le ore per "%s"', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s ti ha menzionato nel task #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s ti ha menzionato in un commento del task #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Sei stato menzionato nel task #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Sei stato menzionato in un commento del task #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Menzionato', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Confronta il Tempo Stimato vs Tempo Effettivo', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Ore stimate: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Ore effettive: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Ore impiegate', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php index fea7283d..d3a11fc8 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => '別のプロジェクトを表示', 'Created by %s' => '%s が作成', 'Tasks Export' => 'タスクの出力', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => '「%s」のタスク出力', 'Start Date' => '開始日', 'End Date' => '終了日', 'Execute' => '実行', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => '新しいサブタスク', 'New attachment added "%s"' => '添付ファイル「%s」が追加されました', 'New comment posted by %s' => '「%s」の新しいコメントが追加されました', - 'New attachment' => '新しい添付ファイル', 'New comment' => '新しいコメント', 'Comment updated' => 'コメントが更新されました', 'New subtask' => '新しいサブタスク', - 'Subtask updated' => 'サブタスクの更新', - 'Task updated' => 'タスクの更新', - 'Task closed' => 'タスクのクローズ', - 'Task opened' => 'タスクのオープン', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => '以下のプロジェクトにのみ通知を受け取る:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Kanboard でタスクを見る', 'Public access' => '公開アクセス設定', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s がタスク #%d を追加しました', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s がタスク #%d をクローズしました', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s がタスク #%d をオープンしました', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s がタスク #%d をカラム「%s」に移動しました', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s がタスク #%d を位置 %d カラム「%s」移動しました', 'Activity' => 'アクティビティ', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'デフォルト値は「%s」', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => '新規プロジェクトのデフォルトカラム (コンマで区切って入力)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => '割合', 'Number of tasks' => 'タスク数', 'Task distribution' => 'タスク分布', - 'Reportings' => 'レポート', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '「%s」のタスク分布', 'Analytics' => '分析', 'Subtask' => 'サブタスク', 'My subtasks' => '自分のサブタスク', 'User repartition' => '担当者分布', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => '「%s」の担当者分布', 'Clone this project' => 'このプロジェクトを複製する', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'カラムを削除しました', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'グラフを描画するには出たが足りません', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'この値は数字でなければなりません', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'このタスクを作成できませんでした', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => '蓄積フロー図', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '「%s」の蓄積フロー図', 'Daily project summary' => '日時プロジェクトサマリー', 'Daily project summary export' => '日時プロジェクトサマリーの出力', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '「%s」の日時プロジェクトサマリーの出力', 'Exports' => '出力', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'この出力は日時のカラムごとのタスク数を集計したものです', 'Active swimlanes' => 'アクティブなスイムレーン', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'サブタスク Id', 'Subtasks' => 'サブタスク', 'Subtasks Export' => 'サブタスクの出力', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '「%s」のサブタスク出力', 'Task Title' => 'タスクタイトル', 'Untitled' => 'タイトル無し', 'Application default' => 'アプリケーションデフォルト', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'デバイスをテストする', // 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', // 'Screenshot taken %s' => '', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( // 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '', // 'Send a task by email to someone' => '', // 'Reopen a task' => '', - // 'Column change' => '', - // 'Position change' => '', - // 'Swimlane change' => '', - // 'Assignee change' => '', - // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', // 'Notification' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', - // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', // 'Swimlane' => '', // 'Gravatar' => '', // '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( // 'Search by category: ' => '', // 'Search by description: ' => '', // 'Search by due date: ' => '', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - // 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '', // 'Average time spent into each column' => '', // 'Average time spent' => '', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( // 'License:' => '', // 'License' => '', // 'Enter the text below' => '', - // 'Gantt chart for %s' => '', // 'Sort by position' => '', // 'Sort by date' => '', // 'Add task' => '', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php b/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php index 7ba0f456..b8ec0c81 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => '프로젝트 보기', 'Created by %s' => '작성자 %s', 'Tasks Export' => '할일 내보내기', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => '"%s" 할일 내보내기', 'Start Date' => '시작일', 'End Date' => '종료일', 'Execute' => '실행', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => '새로운 서브 할일', 'New attachment added "%s"' => '"%s"의 새로운 첨부 파일', 'New comment posted by %s' => '"%s"님이 댓글을 추가하였습니다', - 'New attachment' => ' 새로운 첨부 파일', 'New comment' => ' 새로운 댓글', 'Comment updated' => '댓글가 갱신되었습니다', 'New subtask' => ' 새로운 서브 할일', - 'Subtask updated' => '서브 할일 갱신', - 'Task updated' => '할일 갱신', - 'Task closed' => '할일 마침', - 'Task opened' => '할일 시작', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => '다음 프로젝트의 알림만 받겠습니다:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Kanboard에서 할일을 본다', 'Public access' => '공개 접속 설정', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s이 할일#%d을 추가했습니다', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s이 할일#%d을 닫혔습니다', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s이 할일#%d를 오픈했습니다', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s이 할일#%d을 칼럼"%s"로 옮겼습니다', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s이 할일#%d을 칼럼 "%s"의 %d 위치로 이동시켰습니다', 'Activity' => '활동', 'Default values are "%s"' => '기본 값은 "%s" 입니다', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => '새로운 프로젝트의 기본 칼럼 (콤마(,)로 분리됨)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => '비중', 'Number of tasks' => '할일 수', 'Task distribution' => '할일 분포', - 'Reportings' => '리포트', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '"%s"의 할일 분포', 'Analytics' => '분석', 'Subtask' => '서브 할일', 'My subtasks' => '내 서브 할일', 'User repartition' => '담당자 분포', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => '"%s"의 담당자 분포', 'Clone this project' => '이 프로젝트를 복제하는 ', 'Column removed successfully.' => '(※)컬럼을 삭제했습니다', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => '그래프를 선묘화하려면 나왔지만 부족합니다', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => '이 값은 숫자가 아니면 안 됩니다', 'Unable to create this task.' => '이 할일을 작성할 수 없었습니다', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => '축적 흐름', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '"%s"의 축적 흐름', 'Daily project summary' => '하루 프로젝트 개요', 'Daily project summary export' => '하루 프로젝트 개요의 출력', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '"%s" 하루 프로젝트 개요의 출력', 'Exports' => '출력', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '이 출력은 날짜의 칼람별 할일 수를 집계한 것입니다', 'Active swimlanes' => '액티브한 스윔레인', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => '서브 할일 Id', 'Subtasks' => '서브 할일', 'Subtasks Export' => '서브 할일 출력', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '"%s"의 서브 할일 출력', 'Task Title' => '할일 제목', 'Untitled' => '제목 없음', 'Application default' => '애플리케이션 기본', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => '디바이스 테스트', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '상세 칼럼으로 이동할 할일의 색깔을 지정하세요', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via E-board', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '"%s" 번다운 차트', 'Burndown chart' => '번다운 차트', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', 'Screenshot taken %s' => '스크린샷_%s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '카테고리 변경시 할일을 다른 칼럼으로 이동', 'Send a task by email to someone' => '할일을 이메일로 보내기', 'Reopen a task' => '할일 다시 시작', - 'Column change' => '칼럼 이동', - 'Position change' => '위치 이동', - 'Swimlane change' => '스윔레인 변경', - 'Assignee change' => '담당자 변경', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] 마감시간 지남', 'Notification' => '알림', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s가 할일 #%d를 첫번째 스웜레인으로 이동시켰습니다', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s가 할일 #%d를 "%s" 스웜레인으로 이동시켰습니다', 'Swimlane' => '스윔레인', // 'Gravatar' => '', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s가 할일 %s를 첫번째 스웜레인으로 이동시켰습니다', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => '카테고리로 찾기 ', 'Search by description: ' => '설명으로 찾기 ', 'Search by due date: ' => '마감날짜로 찾기 ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '"%s"의 리드와 사이클 시간', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '"%s"의 각 칼럼 평균 소요시간', 'Average time spent into each column' => '각 칼럼의 평균 소요시간', 'Average time spent' => '평균 소요시간', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '마지막 %d 할일의 칼럼 평균 소요시간을 차트에 표시합니다', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => '라이센스:', 'License' => '라이센스', 'Enter the text below' => '아랫글로 들어가기', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => '%s의 간트 차트', 'Sort by position' => '위치별 정렬', 'Sort by date' => '날짜별 정렬', 'Add task' => '할일 추가', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => '버전', 'Plugins' => '플러그인', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '플러그인이 로드되지 않았습니다', - 'Set maximum column height' => '최대 칼럼 높이 제한하기', - 'Remove maximum column height' => '최대 칼럼 높이 없애기', 'My notifications' => '내 알림', 'Custom filters' => '사용자 정의 필터', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '사용자 정의 필터가 성공적으로 생성되었습니다', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', 'The name must be unique' => '이름은 유일해야 합니다', 'View all groups' => '모든그룹보기', - 'View group members' => '그룹맴버 보기', 'There is no user available.' => '가능한 사용자가 없습니다', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '"%s" 사용자를 "%s" 에서 삭제하시겠습니까?', 'There is no group.' => '그룹이 없습니다', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => '그룹명을 입력합니다...', 'Role:' => '역할: ', 'Project members' => '프로젝트 멤버', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '"%s" 시간동안 비교', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '#%d 할일에서 %s가 당신을 언급하였습니다', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '#%d 할일에서 %s가 당신의 댓글을 언급하였습니다', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '#%d 할일에서 당신이 언급되었습니다', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '할일 #%d의 댓글에서 언급되었습니다', - 'Mentioned' => '언급된', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '예상 시간과 실제 시간 비교', 'Estimated hours: ' => '예상 시간: ', 'Actual hours: ' => '실제 시간: ', 'Hours Spent' => '소요 시간', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php index 68bd12bf..79baadf7 100644 --- a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Lihat projek lain', 'Created by %s' => 'Dibuat oleh %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Ekspor Tugas', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Tugas di ekspor untuk « %s »', 'Start Date' => 'Tanggal Mulai', 'End Date' => 'Tanggal Berakhir', 'Execute' => 'Eksekusi', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Sub-tugas baru', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Lampiran baru ditambahkan « %s »', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Komentar baru ditambahkan oleh « %s »', - 'New attachment' => 'Lampirkan baru', 'New comment' => 'Komentar baru', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar diperbaharui', 'New subtask' => 'Sub-tugas baru', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Sub-tugas diperbaharui', - 'Task updated' => 'Tugas diperbaharui', - 'Task closed' => 'Tugas ditutup', - 'Task opened' => 'Tugas dibuka', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Saya ingin menerima pemberitahuan hanya untuk projek-projek yang dipilih :', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'lihat tugas di Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Akses awam', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s membuat tugas n°%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s menutup tugas n°%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s membuka tugas n°%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke kolom « %s »', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke posisi n°%d dalam kolom « %s »', 'Activity' => 'Aktifitas', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standar nilai adalah« %s »', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Kolom default untuk projek baru (dipisahkan dengan koma)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Persentasi', 'Number of tasks' => 'Jumlah dari tugas', 'Task distribution' => 'Pembagian tugas', - 'Reportings' => 'Pelaporan', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Pembagian tugas untuk « %s »', 'Analytics' => 'Analitis', 'Subtask' => 'Subtugas', 'My subtasks' => 'Subtugas saya', 'User repartition' => 'Partisi ulang pengguna', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Partisi ulang pengguna untuk « %s »', 'Clone this project' => 'Gandakan projek ini', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolom berhasil dihapus.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Tidak cukup data untuk menampilkan grafik.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Nilai ini harus angka', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Tidak dapat membuat tugas ini', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagram alir kumulatif', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagram alir kumulatif untuk « %s »', 'Daily project summary' => 'Ringkasan projek harian', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Ekspot ringkasan projek harian', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Ekspor ringkasan projek harian untuk « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Ekspor', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ekspor ini berisi jumlah dari tugas per kolom dikelompokan perhari.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Swimlanes aktif', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Id Subtugas', 'Subtasks' => 'Subtugas', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Ekspot Subtugas', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Ekspor subtugas untuk « %s »', 'Task Title' => 'Judul Tugas', 'Untitled' => 'Tanpa nama', 'Application default' => 'Aplikasi Piawaian', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Menguji perangkat anda', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Menetapkan warna ketika tugas tersebut dipindahkan ke kolom tertentu', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Grafik Burndown untku « %s »', 'Burndown chart' => 'Grafik Burndown', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Grafik ini menunjukkan kompleksitas tugas dari waktu ke waktu (Sisa Pekerjaan).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Screenshot diambil %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Pindahkan tugas ke kolom lain ketika kategori berubah', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Kirim tugas melalui email ke seseorang', 'Reopen a task' => 'Membuka kembali tugas', - 'Column change' => 'Kolom berubah', - 'Position change' => 'Posisi berubah', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlane berubah', - 'Assignee change' => 'Penerima berubah', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Tugas terlambat', 'Notification' => 'Pemberitahuan', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke swimlane pertama', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s memindahkan tugas n°%d ke swimlane « %s »', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s memindahkan tugas %s ke swimlane pertama', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Pencarian berdasarkan kategori : ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Pencarian berdasarkan deskripsi : ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Pencarian berdasarkan tanggal jatuh tempo : ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Memimpin dan Siklus waktu untuk « %s »', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan dalam setiap kolom untuk « %s »', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan dalam setiap kolom', 'Average time spent' => 'Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Grafik ini menunjukkan rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan dalam setiap kolom untuk %d tugas.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Lesen:', 'License' => 'Lesen', 'Enter the text below' => 'Masukkan teks di bawah', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Carta Gantt untuk %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Urutkan berdasarkan posisi', 'Sort by date' => 'Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal', 'Add task' => 'Tambah tugas', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', 'Role:' => 'Peranan', 'Project members' => 'Anggota projek', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php index c81e073c..3a0c3353 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Vis annet prosjekt...', 'Created by %s' => 'Opprettet av %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Oppgave eksport', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Oppgaveeksportering for "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Start-dato', 'End Date' => 'Slutt-dato', 'Execute' => 'KKjør', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Ny deloppgave', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nytt vedlegg er lagt tilet "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Ny kommentar fra %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Nytt vedlegg', 'New comment' => 'Ny kommentar', 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar oppdatert', 'New subtask' => 'Ny deloppgave', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Deloppgave oppdatert', - 'Task updated' => 'Oppgave oppdatert', - 'Task closed' => 'Oppgave lukket', - 'Task opened' => 'Oppgave åpnet', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Jeg vil kun ha varslinger for disse prosjekter:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'se oppgaven påhovedsiden', 'Public access' => 'Offentlig tilgang', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s opprettet oppgaven #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s lukket oppgaven #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s åpnet oppgaven #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s flyttet oppgaven #%d til kolonnen "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s flyttet oppgaven #%d til posisjonen %d i kolonnen "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Aktivitetslogg', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standardverdier er "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Standard kolonne for nye prosjekter (komma-separert)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Prosent', 'Number of tasks' => 'Antall oppgaver', 'Task distribution' => 'Kolonnefordeling', - 'Reportings' => 'Rapportering', - // 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '', 'Analytics' => 'Analyser', 'Subtask' => 'Deloppgave', 'My subtasks' => 'Mine deloppgaver', 'User repartition' => 'Brukerfordeling', - // 'User repartition for "%s"' => '', 'Clone this project' => 'Kopier dette prosjektet', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolonne flyttet', // 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => '', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( // 'This value must be numeric' => '', // 'Unable to create this task.' => '', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Kumulativt flytdiagram', - // 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '', 'Daily project summary' => 'Daglig prosjektsammendrag', // 'Daily project summary export' => '', - // 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '', 'Exports' => 'Eksporter', // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktive svømmebaner', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Deloppgave ID', 'Subtasks' => 'Deloppgaver', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Eksporter deloppgaver', - // 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '', 'Task Title' => 'Oppgavetittel', // 'Untitled' => '', 'Application default' => 'Standardinstilling', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( // 'Test your device' => '', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Endre til en valgt farge hvis en oppgave flyttes til en spesifikk kolonne', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', // 'Screenshot taken %s' => '', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Flytt oppgaven til en annen kolonne når kategorien endres', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Send en oppgave på epost til noen', // 'Reopen a task' => '', - 'Column change' => 'Endret kolonne', - 'Position change' => 'Posisjonsendring', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Endret svømmebane', - 'Assignee change' => 'Endret eier', - // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', 'Notification' => 'Varsel', // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', - // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', 'Swimlane' => 'Svømmebane', // 'Gravatar' => '', // '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Søk etter kategori', 'Search by description: ' => 'Søk etter beskrivelse', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Søk etter frist', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - // 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '', // 'Average time spent into each column' => '', // 'Average time spent' => '', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Lisens:', 'License' => 'Lisens', 'Enter the text below' => 'Legg inn teksten nedenfor', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt skjema for %s', // 'Sort by position' => '', 'Sort by date' => 'Sorter etter dato', 'Add task' => 'Legg til oppgave', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', 'Project members' => 'Prosjektmedlemmer', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php index d0b90ef8..5a026092 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Een ander project weergeven', 'Created by %s' => 'Aangemaakt door %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Taken exporteren', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Taken exporteren voor « %s »', 'Start Date' => 'Startdatum', 'End Date' => 'Einddatum', 'Execute' => 'Uitvoeren', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nieuwe subtaak', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nieuwe bijlage toegevoegd « %s »', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nieuw commentaar geplaatst door « %s »', - 'New attachment' => 'Nieuwe bijlage', 'New comment' => 'Nieuw commentaar', 'Comment updated' => 'Commentaar aangepast', 'New subtask' => 'Nieuwe subtaak', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtaak aangepast', - 'Task updated' => 'Taak aangepast', - 'Task closed' => 'Taak gesloten', - 'Task opened' => 'Taak geopend', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Ik wil notificaties ontvangen van de volgende projecten :', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'taak bekijken op Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Publieke toegang', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s heeft taak %d aangemaakt', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s heeft taak %d gesloten', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s a heeft taak %d geopend', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s heeft taak %d verplaatst naar kolom « %s »', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s heeft taak %d verplaatst naar positie %d in kolom « %s »', 'Activity' => 'Activiteit', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standaardwaarden zijn « %s »', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Standaard kolommen voor nieuw projecten (komma gescheiden)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Percentage', 'Number of tasks' => 'Aantal taken', 'Task distribution' => 'Distributie van taken', - 'Reportings' => 'Rapporten', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Taakverdeling voor « %s »', 'Analytics' => 'Analytics', 'Subtask' => 'Subtaak', 'My subtasks' => 'Mijn subtaken', 'User repartition' => 'Gebruikerverdeling', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Gebruikerverdeling voor « %s »', 'Clone this project' => 'Kloon dit project', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolom succesvol verwijderd.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Niet genoeg data om de grafiek te laten zien.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Deze waarde moet numeriek zijn', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Aanmaken van de taak mislukt', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Cummulatief stroomdiagram', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Cummulatief stroomdiagram voor « %s »', 'Daily project summary' => 'Dagelijkse project samenvatting', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Dagelijkse project samenvatting export', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Dagelijkse project samenvatting voor « %s »', 'Exports' => 'Exports', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Dit rapport bevat het aantal taken per kolom gegroupeerd per dag.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Actieve swinlanes', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Subtaak id', 'Subtasks' => 'Subtaken', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Subtaken exporteren', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Subtaken exporteren voor project « %s »', 'Task Title' => 'Taak title', 'Untitled' => 'Geen titel', 'Application default' => 'Standaard taal voor applicatie', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( // 'Test your device' => '', // 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', // 'Screenshot taken %s' => '', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( // 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '', // 'Send a task by email to someone' => '', 'Reopen a task' => 'Heropen een taak', - // 'Column change' => '', - // 'Position change' => '', - // 'Swimlane change' => '', - // 'Assignee change' => '', - // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', // 'Notification' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', - // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s heeft de taak %s naar de eerste swimlane verplaatst', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( // 'Search by category: ' => '', // 'Search by description: ' => '', // 'Search by due date: ' => '', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - // 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '', // 'Average time spent into each column' => '', // 'Average time spent' => '', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( // 'License:' => '', // 'License' => '', // 'Enter the text below' => '', - // 'Gantt chart for %s' => '', // 'Sort by position' => '', // 'Sort by date' => '', // 'Add task' => '', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php index 7c28190a..af3bcd4e 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Wyświetl inny projekt', 'Created by %s' => 'Utworzone przez %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Eksport zadań', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Eksport zadań dla "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Data początkowa', 'End Date' => 'Data Końcowa', 'Execute' => 'Wykonaj', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nowe Pod-zadanie', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nowy załącznik dodany "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nowy komentarz dodany przez %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Nowy załącznik', 'New comment' => 'Nowy Komentarz', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentarz zaktualizowany', 'New subtask' => 'Nowe pod-zadanie', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Zaktualizowane pod-zadanie', - 'Task updated' => 'Zaktualizowane zadanie', - 'Task closed' => 'Zadanie zamknięte', - 'Task opened' => 'Zadanie otwarte', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Chcę otrzymywać powiadomienia tylko dla poniższych projektów:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Zobacz zadanie', 'Public access' => 'Dostęp publiczny', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s utworzył zadanie #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s zamknął zadanie #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s otworzył zadanie #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s przeniósł zadanie #%d do kolumny "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s przeniósł zadanie #%d na pozycję %d w kolmnie "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Aktywność', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Domyślne wartości: "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Domyślne kolumny dla nowych projektów (oddzielone przecinkiem)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Procent', 'Number of tasks' => 'Liczba zadań', 'Task distribution' => 'Rozmieszczenie zadań', - 'Reportings' => 'Raporty', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Przydział zadań dla "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Analizy', 'Subtask' => 'Pod-zadanie', 'My subtasks' => 'Moje pod-zadania', 'User repartition' => 'Przydział użytkownika', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Przydział użytkownika dla "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Sklonuj ten projekt', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolumna usunięta pomyślnie.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Za mało danych do utworzenia wykresu.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Wartość musi być liczbą', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Nie można tworzyć zadania.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Zbiorowy diagram przepływu', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Zbiorowy diagram przepływu dla "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Dzienne raport z projektu', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Eksport dziennego podsumowania projektu', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Wygeneruj dzienny raport dla projektu: "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Eksporty', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Ten eksport zawiera ilość zadań zgrupowanych w kolumnach na dzień', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktywne tory', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadania', 'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadania', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Eksport pod-zadań', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Wygeneruj raport pod-zadań dla projektu "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Nazwa zadania', 'Untitled' => 'Bez nazwy', 'Application default' => 'Domyślne dla aplikacji', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Przetestuj urządzenie', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Przypisz kolor gdy zadanie jest przeniesione do danej kolumny', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s poprzez Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Wykres Burndown dla "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Wykres Burndown', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Ten wykres pokazuje złożoność zadania na przestrzeni czasu (pozostała praca).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Zrzut ekranu zapisany %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Przenieś zadanie do innej kolumny gdy kategoria ulegnie zmianie', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Wyślij zadanie emailem do kogoś', 'Reopen a task' => 'Otwórz ponownie zadanie', - 'Column change' => 'Zmiana kolumny', - 'Position change' => 'Zmiana pozycji', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Zmiana toru', - 'Assignee change' => 'Zmiana przypisanego użytkownika', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] zaległych zadań', 'Notification' => 'Powiadomienie', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s przeniosł zadanie #%d na pierwszy tor', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s przeniosł zadanie #%d na tor "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Tor', // 'Gravatar' => '', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s przeniosł zadanie %s na pierwszy tor', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Szukaj wg kategorii:', 'Search by description: ' => 'Szukaj wg opisu:', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Szukaj wg terminu:', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Czas cyklu i realizacji dla "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Średni czas spędzony w każdej z kolumn dla "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Średni czas spędzony w każdej z kolumn', 'Average time spent' => 'Średni spędzony czas', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Niniejszy wykres pokazuje średni czas spędzony w każdej z kolumn dla ostatnich %d zadań.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licencja:', 'License' => 'Licencja', 'Enter the text below' => 'Wpisz tekst poniżej', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Wykres Gantt dla %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Sortuj wg pozycji', 'Sort by date' => 'Sortuj wg daty', 'Add task' => 'Dodaj zadanie', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Wersja', 'Plugins' => 'Wtyczki', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Nie wykryto żadnych wtyczek.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Rozwiń kolumny', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Zwiń kolumny', 'My notifications' => 'Powiadomienia', 'Custom filters' => 'Dostosuj filtry', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Niestandardowy filtr został utworzony.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Błędny kod z obrazka (captcha)', 'The name must be unique' => 'Nazwa musi być unikatowa', 'View all groups' => 'Wyświetl wszystkie grupy', - 'View group members' => 'Wyświetl wszystkich członków grupy', 'There is no user available.' => 'Żaden użytkownik nie jest dostępny.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć użytkownika "%s" z grupy "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'Nie utworzono jeszcze żadnej grupy.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Wprowadź nazwę grupy...', 'Role:' => 'Rola:', 'Project members' => 'Uczestnicy projektu', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Porównaj godziny dla "%s"', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s wspomiał o Tobie w zadaniu #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s wspomiał o Tobie w komentarzu do zadania #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Wspomiano o Tobie w zadaniu #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Wspomiano o Tobie w komentarzu do zadania #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Wspomiano', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Porównaj szacowany czas z rzeczywistym', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Szacowane godziny: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Rzeczywiste godziny: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Spędzone godziny', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php index 3f5a6de5..2772d8bb 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Exibir outro projeto', 'Created by %s' => 'Criado por %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Exportar Tarefas', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'As tarefas foram exportadas para "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Data inicial', 'End Date' => 'Data final', 'Execute' => 'Executar', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nova subtarefa', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novo anexo adicionado "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novo comentário postado por %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Novo anexo', 'New comment' => 'Novo comentário', 'Comment updated' => 'Comentário atualizado', 'New subtask' => 'Nova subtarefa', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtarefa alterada', - 'Task updated' => 'Tarefa alterada', - 'Task closed' => 'Tarefa finalizada', - 'Task opened' => 'Tarefa aberta', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Quero receber notificações apenas destes projetos:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'ver a tarefa no Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Acesso público', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s criou a tarefa #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s finalizou a tarefa #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s abriu a tarefa #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s moveu a tarefa #%d para a coluna "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s moveu a tarefa #%d para a posição %d na coluna "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Atividade', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Os valores padrão são "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Colunas padrão para novos projetos (Separado por vírgula)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Porcentagem', 'Number of tasks' => 'Número de tarefas', 'Task distribution' => 'Distribuição de tarefas', - 'Reportings' => 'Relatórios', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Redistribuição da tarefa para "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Estatísticas', 'Subtask' => 'Subtarefa', 'My subtasks' => 'Minhas subtarefas', 'User repartition' => 'Redistribuição de usuário', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Redistribuição de usuário para "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Clonar este projeto', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Coluna removida com sucesso.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Não há dados suficientes para mostrar o gráfico.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Este valor deve ser numérico', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Não foi possível criar esta tarefa.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Fluxograma cumulativo', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Fluxograma cumulativo para "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Resumo diário do projeto', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Exportação diária do resumo do projeto', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportação diária do resumo do projeto para "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exportar', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportação contém o número de tarefas por coluna agrupada por dia.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Ativar swimlanes', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'ID da subtarefa', 'Subtasks' => 'Subtarefas', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Exportar subtarefas', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Subtarefas exportadas para "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Título da Tarefa', 'Untitled' => 'Sem título', 'Application default' => 'Padrão da aplicação', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Teste o seu dispositivo', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Atribuir uma cor quando a tarefa é movida em uma coluna específica', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Gráfico de Burndown para "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Gráfico de Burndown', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Este gráfico mostra a complexidade da tarefa ao longo do tempo (Trabalho Restante).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Captura de tela tirada em %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Mover uma tarefa para outra coluna quando a categoria mudou', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Enviar uma tarefa por e-mail a alguém', 'Reopen a task' => 'Reabrir uma tarefa', - 'Column change' => 'Mudança de coluna', - 'Position change' => 'Mudança de posição', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Mudança de swimlane', - 'Assignee change' => 'Mudança de designação', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Tarefas atrasadas', 'Notification' => 'Notificação', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s moveu a tarefa #%d para a primeira swimlane', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s moveu a tarefa #%d para a swimlane "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s moveu a tarefa %s para a primeira swimlane', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Pesquisar por categoria: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Pesquisar por descrição: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Pesquisar por data de expiração: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Lead and Cycle time para "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Tempo médio gasto em cada coluna para "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Tempo médio gasto em cada coluna', 'Average time spent' => 'Tempo médio gasto', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Este gráfico mostra o tempo médio gasto em cada coluna para as %d últimas tarefas.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licença:', 'License' => 'Licença', 'Enter the text below' => 'Entre o texto abaixo', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Ordenar por posição', 'Sort by date' => 'Ordenar por data', 'Add task' => 'Adicionar uma tarefa', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Versão', 'Plugins' => 'Extensões', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Não há extensões carregadas.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Definir a altura máxima das colunas', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Retirar a altura máxima das colunas', 'My notifications' => 'Minhas notificações', 'Custom filters' => 'Filtros personalizados', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Seu filtro personalizado foi criado com sucesso.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Captcha inválido', 'The name must be unique' => 'O nome deve ser único', 'View all groups' => 'Ver todos os grupos', - 'View group members' => 'Ver os membros do grupo', 'There is no user available.' => 'Não há nenhum usuário disponível', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Você realmente deseja remover o usuário "%s" do grupo "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'Não há nenhum grupo.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Digite o nome do grupo', 'Role:' => 'Função:', 'Project members' => 'Membros de projeto', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Comparar as horas para "%s"', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s mencionou você na tarefa #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s mencionou você num comentário da tarefa #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Você foi mencionado na tarefa #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Você foi mencionado num comentário da tarefa #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Mencionado', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Comparar o tempo estimado e o tempo atual', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Horas estimadas: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Horas reais: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Horas gastas', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php index 4e3e0151..872bcd27 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Mostrar outro projecto', 'Created by %s' => 'Criado por %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Exportar Tarefas', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'As tarefas foram exportadas para "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Data inicial', 'End Date' => 'Data final', 'Execute' => 'Executar', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Nova subtarefa', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novo anexo adicionado "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novo comentário por %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Novo anexo', 'New comment' => 'Novo comentário', 'Comment updated' => 'Comentário actualizado', 'New subtask' => 'Nova subtarefa', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtarefa alterada', - 'Task updated' => 'Tarefa alterada', - 'Task closed' => 'Tarefa finalizada', - 'Task opened' => 'Tarefa aberta', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Quero receber notificações apenas destes projectos:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'ver a tarefa no Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Acesso público', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s criou a tarefa #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s finalizou a tarefa #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s abriu a tarefa #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s moveu a tarefa #%d para a coluna "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s moveu a tarefa #%d para a posição %d na coluna "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Actividade', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Os valores padrão são "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Colunas padrão para novos projectos (Separado por vírgula)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Percentagem', 'Number of tasks' => 'Número de tarefas', 'Task distribution' => 'Distribuição de tarefas', - 'Reportings' => 'Relatórios', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Redistribuição da tarefa para "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Estatísticas', 'Subtask' => 'Subtarefa', 'My subtasks' => 'As minhas subtarefas', 'User repartition' => 'Redistribuição de utilizador', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Redistribuição de utilizador para "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Clonar este projecto', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Coluna removida com sucesso.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Não há dados suficientes para mostrar o gráfico.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Este valor deve ser numérico', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Não foi possível criar esta tarefa.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Fluxograma cumulativo', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Fluxograma cumulativo para "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Resumo diário do projecto', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Exportação diária do resumo do projecto', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportação diária do resumo do projecto para "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exportar', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportação contém o número de tarefas por coluna agrupada por dia.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Activar swimlanes', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'ID da subtarefa', 'Subtasks' => 'Subtarefas', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Exportar subtarefas', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Subtarefas exportadas para "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Título da Tarefa', 'Untitled' => 'Sem título', 'Application default' => 'Aplicação padrão', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Teste o seu dispositivo', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Atribuir uma cor quando a tarefa é movida em uma coluna específica', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Gráfico de Burndown para "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Gráfico de Burndown', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Este gráfico mostra a complexidade da tarefa ao longo do tempo (Trabalho Restante).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Screenshot tirada a %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Mover uma tarefa para outra coluna quando a categoria mudar', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Enviar uma tarefa por e-mail a alguém', 'Reopen a task' => 'Reabrir uma tarefa', - 'Column change' => 'Mudança de coluna', - 'Position change' => 'Mudança de posição', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Mudança de swimlane', - 'Assignee change' => 'Mudança de assignação', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Tarefas atrasadas', 'Notification' => 'Notificação', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s moveu a tarefa n° %d no primeiro swimlane', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s moveu a tarefa n° %d no swimlane "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s moveu a tarefa %s no primeiro swimlane', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Pesquisar por categoria: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Pesquisar por descrição: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Pesquisar por data de vencimento: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Tempo de Espera e Ciclo para "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Tempo médio gasto em cada coluna para "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Tempo médio gasto em cada coluna', 'Average time spent' => 'Tempo médio gasto', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Este gráfico mostra o tempo médio gasto em cada coluna nas últimas %d tarefas.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licença:', 'License' => 'Licença', 'Enter the text below' => 'Escreva o texto em baixo', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gráfico de Gantt para %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Ordenar por posição', 'Sort by date' => 'Ordenar por data', 'Add task' => 'Adicionar tarefa', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Versão', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Não existem extras carregados', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Definir altura máxima da coluna', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Remover altura máxima da coluna', 'My notifications' => 'As minhas notificações', 'Custom filters' => 'Filtros personalizados', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'O seu filtro personalizado foi criado com sucesso.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Captcha inválido', 'The name must be unique' => 'O nome deve ser único', 'View all groups' => 'Ver todos os grupos', - 'View group members' => 'Ver membros do grupo', 'There is no user available.' => 'Não existe utilizador disponivel.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Tem a certeza que quer remover o utilizador "%s" do grupo "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'Não existe grupo.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Escreva o nome do Grupo', 'Role:' => 'Função:', 'Project members' => 'Membros do projecto', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Comparar horas para "%s"', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s mencionou-te na tarefa #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s mencionou-te num comentário na tarefa #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Foi mencionado na tarefa #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Foi mencionado num comentário na tarefa #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Mencionado', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Comparar Tempo Estimado vs Tempo Real', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Horas estimadas: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Horas reais: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Horas Gastas', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php index 728a79f2..1669ce9b 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Показать другой проект', 'Created by %s' => 'Создано %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Экспорт задач', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Задача экспортирована для « %s »', 'Start Date' => 'Дата начала', 'End Date' => 'Дата завершения', 'Execute' => 'Выполнить', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Новая подзадача', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Добавлено вложение « %s »', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Новый комментарий написан « %s »', - 'New attachment' => 'Новое вложение', 'New comment' => 'Новый комментарий', 'Comment updated' => 'Комментарий обновлен', 'New subtask' => 'Новая подзадача', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Подзадача обновлена', - 'Task updated' => 'Задача обновлена', - 'Task closed' => 'Задача закрыта', - 'Task opened' => 'Задача открыта', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Я хочу получать уведомления только по этим проектам:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'посмотреть задачу на Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Общий доступ', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s создал задачу #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s закрыл задачу #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s открыл задачу #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s переместил задачу #%d в колонку "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s переместил задачу #%d на позицию %d в колонке "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Активность', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Колонки по умолчанию: "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Колонки по умолчанию для новых проектов (разделять запятой)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Процент', 'Number of tasks' => 'Количество задач', 'Task distribution' => 'Распределение задач', - 'Reportings' => 'Отчетность', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Распределение задач для "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Аналитика', 'Subtask' => 'Подзадача', 'My subtasks' => 'Мои подзадачи', 'User repartition' => 'Перераспределение пользователей', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Перераспределение пользователей для "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Клонировать проект', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Колонка успешно удалена.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Недостаточно данных, чтобы показать график.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Это значение должно быть цифровым', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Невозможно создать задачу.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Накопительная диаграма', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Накопительная диаграма для "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Ежедневное состояние проекта', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Экспорт ежедневного резюме проекта', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Экспорт ежедневного резюме проекта "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Экспорт', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Этот экспорт содержит ряд задач в колонках, сгруппированные по дням.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Активные дорожки', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Id подзадачи', 'Subtasks' => 'Подзадачи', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Экспортировать подзадачи', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Экспорт подзадач для "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Загловок задачи', 'Untitled' => 'Заголовок отсутствует', 'Application default' => 'Приложение по умолчанию', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Проверьте свое устройство', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Назначить цвет, когда задача перемещается в определенную колонку', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s через Канборд', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Диаграмма сгорания для « %s »', 'Burndown chart' => 'Диаграмма сгорания', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Эта диаграмма показывают сложность задачи по времени (оставшейся работы).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Принято скриншотов %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Переносить задачи в другую колонку при изменении категории', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Отправить задачу по email', 'Reopen a task' => 'Переоткрыть задачу', - 'Column change' => 'Изменение колонки', - 'Position change' => 'Позиция изменена', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Дорожка изменена', - 'Assignee change' => 'Назначенный пользователь изменен', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] просроченные задачи', 'Notification' => 'Уведомления', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s задач перемещено #%d в первой дорожке', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s задач перемещено #%d в дорожке "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Дорожки', 'Gravatar' => 'Граватар', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s переместил задачу %s на первую дорожку', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Поиск по категориям: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'Поиск по описанию: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Поиск по дате завершения: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Затраченное время и время цикла для "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Затрачено времени в среднем в каждой колонке для "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Затрачено времени в среднем в каждой колонке', 'Average time spent' => 'Затрачено времени в среднем', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Эта диаграмма показывает среднее время, проведенное задачами в каждой колонке за последний %d.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Лицензия:', 'License' => 'Лицензия', 'Enter the text below' => 'Введите текст ниже', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Диаграмма Ганта для %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Сортировать по позиции', 'Sort by date' => 'Сортировать по дате', 'Add task' => 'Добавить задачу', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Версия', 'Plugins' => 'Плагины', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Нет установленных плагинов.', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Установить максимальную высоту колонки', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Сбросить максимальную высоту колонки', 'My notifications' => 'Мои уведомления', 'Custom filters' => 'Пользовательские фильтры', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Фильтр был успешно создан.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Неверный код подтверждения', 'The name must be unique' => 'Имя должно быть уникальным', 'View all groups' => 'Просмотр всех групп', - 'View group members' => 'Просмотр участников группы', 'There is no user available.' => 'Нет доступных пользователей.', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'Вы действительно хотите удалить пользователя "%s" из группы "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'Нет созданных групп.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Введите имя группы...', 'Role:' => 'Роль:', 'Project members' => 'Участники проекта', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Сравнить часы для "%s"', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s упомянул вас в задаче #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s упомянул вас в комментарии к задаче #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Вы упомянуты в задаче #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Вы упомянуты в комментарии к задаче #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'Упоминания', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Сравнить запланированное время и реальное', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Запланировано часов: ', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Реально затрачено часов: ', 'Hours Spent' => 'Затрачено часов', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php index 25779a15..7e28e9a9 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Prikaži drugi projekat', 'Created by %s' => 'Kreirao %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Izvoz zadataka', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zadataka za "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Početni datum', 'End Date' => 'Krajni datum', 'Execute' => 'Izvrši', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Novi Pod-zadatak', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novi prilog ubačen "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novi komentar ostavio %s', - // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar izmenjen', // 'New subtask' => '', - // 'Subtask updated' => '', - // 'Task updated' => '', - 'Task closed' => 'Zadatak je zatvoren', - 'Task opened' => 'Zadatak je otvoren', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Želim obaveštenja samo za ovaj projekat:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Pregledaj zadatke', 'Public access' => 'Javni pristup', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s kreirao zadatak #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s zatvorio zadatak #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s otvorio zadatak #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s premestio zadatak #%d u kolonu "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s premestio zadatak #%d na pozycję %d w kolmnie "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Aktivnosti', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Osnovne vrednosti su: "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Osnovne kolone za novi projekat (Odvojeni zarezom)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Procenat', 'Number of tasks' => 'Broj zadataka', 'Task distribution' => 'Podela zadataka', - 'Reportings' => 'Izveštaji', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja zadataka za "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Analiza', 'Subtask' => 'Pod-zadatak', 'My subtasks' => 'Moji pod-zadaci', 'User repartition' => 'Zaduženja korisnika', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja korisnika za "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Kopiraj projekat', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolumna usunięta pomyslnie.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Nedovoljno podataka za grafikon.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Vrednost mora biti broj', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Nije moguće kreirati zadatak.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Zbirni dijagram toka', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Zbirni dijagram toka za "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Zbirni pregled po danima', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Izvoz zbirnog pregleda po danima', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Izvoz zbirnig pregleda po danima za "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Izvoz', // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktivni razdelnik', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'ID pod-zadania', 'Subtasks' => 'Pod-zadataka', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Eksport pod-zadań', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Izvoz pod-zadań dla "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Naslov zadatka', 'Untitled' => 'Bez naslova', 'Application default' => 'Postavke aplikacje', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( // 'Test your device' => '', // 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - // 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '', // 'Burndown chart' => '', // 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '', // 'Screenshot taken %s' => '', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( // 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '', // 'Send a task by email to someone' => '', // 'Reopen a task' => '', - // 'Column change' => '', - // 'Position change' => '', - // 'Swimlane change' => '', - // 'Assignee change' => '', - // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', // 'Notification' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', - // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', // 'Swimlane' => '', // 'Gravatar' => '', // '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( // 'Search by category: ' => '', // 'Search by description: ' => '', // 'Search by due date: ' => '', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - // 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '', // 'Average time spent into each column' => '', // 'Average time spent' => '', // 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( // 'License:' => '', // 'License' => '', // 'Enter the text below' => '', - // 'Gantt chart for %s' => '', // 'Sort by position' => '', // 'Sort by date' => '', // 'Add task' => '', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php index f4206bb1..5ad2938c 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Visa ett annat projekt', 'Created by %s' => 'Skapad av %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Exportera uppgifter', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Exportera uppgifter för "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'Startdatum', 'End Date' => 'Slutdatum', 'Execute' => 'Utför', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Ny deluppgift', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ny bifogning tillagd "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Ny kommentar postad av %s', - 'New attachment' => 'Ny bifogning', 'New comment' => 'Ny kommentar', 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentaren har uppdaterats', 'New subtask' => 'Ny deluppgift', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Deluppgiften har uppdaterats', - 'Task updated' => 'Uppgiften har uppdaterats', - 'Task closed' => 'Uppgiften har stängts', - 'Task opened' => 'Uppgiften har öppnats', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Jag vill endast få notiser för dessa projekt:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Visa uppgiften på Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'Publik åtkomst', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s skapade uppgiften #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s stängde uppgiften #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s öppnade uppgiften #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s flyttade uppgiften #%d till kolumnen "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s flyttade uppgiften #%d till positionen %d i kolumnen "%s"', 'Activity' => 'Aktivitet', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Standardvärden är "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Standardkolumner för nya projekt (kommaseparerade)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Procent', 'Number of tasks' => 'Antal uppgifter', 'Task distribution' => 'Uppgiftsfördelning', - 'Reportings' => 'Rapportering', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Uppgiftsdeltagande för "%s"', 'Analytics' => 'Analyser', 'Subtask' => 'Deluppgift', 'My subtasks' => 'Mina deluppgifter', 'User repartition' => 'Användardeltagande', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Användardeltagande för "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Klona projektet', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolumnen togs bort', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Inte tillräckligt med data för att visa graf', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Värdet måste vara numeriskt', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Kunde inte skapa uppgiften.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagram med kumulativt flöde', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagram med kumulativt flöde för "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'Daglig projektsummering', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Export av daglig projektsummering', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Export av daglig projektsummering för "%s"', 'Exports' => 'Exporter', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Denna export innehåller antalet uppgifter per kolumn grupperade per dag.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktiva swimlanes', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Deluppgifts-ID', 'Subtasks' => 'Deluppgift', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Export av deluppgifter', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'Export av deluppgifter för "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'Uppgiftstitel', 'Untitled' => 'Titel saknas', 'Application default' => 'Applikationsstandard', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Testa din enhet', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Tilldela en färg när uppgiften flyttas till en specifik kolumn', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s via Kanboard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'Burndown diagram för "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'Burndown diagram', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Diagrammet visar uppgiftens svårighet över tid (återstående arbete).', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Skärmdump tagen %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Flyttas uppgiften till en annan kolumn när kategorin ändras', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Skicka en uppgift med e-post till någon', 'Reopen a task' => 'Återöppna en uppgift', - 'Column change' => 'Kolumnändring', - 'Position change' => 'Positionsändring', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlaneändring', - 'Assignee change' => 'Tilldelningsändring', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Försenade uppgifter', 'Notification' => 'Notis', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s flyttade uppgiften #%d till första swimlane', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s flyttade uppgiften #%d till swimlane "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'Swimlane', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s flyttade uppgiften %s till första swimlane', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Sök efter kategori:', 'Search by description: ' => 'Sök efter beskrivning', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Sök efter förfallodatum', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'Led- och cykeltid för "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'Medeltidsåtgång i varje kolumn för "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Medeltidsåtgång i varje kolumn', 'Average time spent' => 'Medeltidsåtgång', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Diagramet visar medeltidsåtgång i varje kolumn för de senaste %d uppgifterna.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Licens:', 'License' => 'Licens', 'Enter the text below' => 'Fyll i texten nedan', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'Gantt-schema för %s', 'Sort by position' => 'Sortera efter position', 'Sort by date' => 'Sortera efter datum', 'Add task' => 'Lägg till uppgift', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( // 'Version' => '', // 'Plugins' => '', // 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '', - // 'Set maximum column height' => '', - // 'Remove maximum column height' => '', // 'My notifications' => '', // 'Custom filters' => '', // 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( // 'Invalid captcha' => '', // 'The name must be unique' => '', // 'View all groups' => '', - // 'View group members' => '', // 'There is no user available.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( // 'Enter group name...' => '', // 'Role:' => '', // 'Project members' => '', - // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '', // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '', // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '', // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '', - // 'Mentioned' => '', - // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '', // 'Estimated hours: ' => '', // 'Actual hours: ' => '', // 'Hours Spent' => '', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php index ec399732..2aee696b 100644 --- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'แสดงโปรเจคอื่น', 'Created by %s' => 'สร้างโดย %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'ส่งออกงาน', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => 'ส่งออกงานสำหรับ "%s"', 'Start Date' => 'เริ่มวันที่', 'End Date' => 'สิ้นสุดวันที่', 'Execute' => 'ประมวลผล', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'งานย่อยใหม่', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'เพิ่มการแนบใหม่ "%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'ความคิดเห็นใหม่จาก %s', - 'New attachment' => 'การแนบใหม่', 'New comment' => 'ความคิดเห็นใหม่', 'Comment updated' => 'ปรับปรุงความคิดเห็น', 'New subtask' => 'งานย่อยใหม่', - 'Subtask updated' => 'ปรับปรุงงานย่อยแล้ว', - 'Task updated' => 'ปรับปรุงงานแล้ว', - 'Task closed' => 'ปิดงาน', - 'Task opened' => 'เปิดงาน', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'ฉันต้องการรับการแจ้งเตือนสำหรับโปรเจค:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'แสดงงานบน Kanboard', 'Public access' => 'การเข้าถึงสาธารณะ', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s สร้างงานแล้ว #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s ปิดงานแล้ว #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s เปิดงานแล้ว #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s ย้ายงานแล้ว #%d ไปที่คอลัมน์ "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s ย้ายงานแล้ว #%d ไปตำแหน่ง %d ในคอลัมน์ที่ "%s"', 'Activity' => 'กิจกรรม', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'ค่าเริ่มต้น "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'คอลัมน์เริ่มต้นสำหรับโปรเจคใหม่ (Comma-separated)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'เปอร์เซ็นต์', 'Number of tasks' => 'จำนวนงาน', 'Task distribution' => 'การกระจายงาน', - 'Reportings' => 'รายงาน', - // 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '', 'Analytics' => 'การวิเคราะห์', 'Subtask' => 'งานย่อย', 'My subtasks' => 'งานย่อยของฉัน', 'User repartition' => 'การแบ่งงานของผู้ใช้', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'การแบ่งงานของผู้ใช้ "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'เลียนแบบโปรเจคนี้', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'ลบคอลัมน์สำเร็จ', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'ไม่มีข้อมูลแสดงเป็นกราฟ', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'ค่านี้ต้องเป็นตัวเลข', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'ไม่สามารถสร้างงานนี้', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'แผนภาพงานสะสม', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'แผนภาพงานสะสม "%s"', 'Daily project summary' => 'สรุปโปรเจครายวัน', 'Daily project summary export' => 'ส่งออกสรุปโปรเจครายวัน', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'ส่งออกสรุปโปรเจครายวันสำหรับ "%s"', 'Exports' => 'ส่งออก', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'การส่งออกนี้เป็นการนับจำนวนงานในแต่ละคอลัมน์ในแต่ละวัน', 'Active swimlanes' => 'สวิมเลนพร้อมใช้งาน', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'รหัสงานย่อย', 'Subtasks' => 'งานย่อย', 'Subtasks Export' => 'ส่งออก งานย่อย', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => 'ส่งออกงานย่อยสำหรับ "%s"', 'Task Title' => 'ชื่องาน', 'Untitled' => 'ไม่มีชื่อ', 'Application default' => 'แอพพลิเคชันเริ่มต้น', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'ทดสอบอุปกรณ์ของคุณ', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'กำหนดสีเมื่องานถูกย้ายไปคอลัมน์ที่กำหนดไว้', // '%s via Kanboard' => '', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => 'แผนภูมิงานกับเวลา "%s"', 'Burndown chart' => 'แผนภูมิงานกับเวลา', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'แผนภูมิแสดงความซับซ้อนของงานตามเวลา (งานที่เหลือ)', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'จับภาพหน้าจอ %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'ย้ายงานไปคอลัมน์อื่นเมื่อหมวดถูกเปลี่ยน', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'ส่งงานโดยถึงบางคน', 'Reopen a task' => 'เปิดงานอีกครั้ง', - 'Column change' => 'เปลี่ยนคอลัมน์', - 'Position change' => 'เปลี่ยนตำแหน่ง', - 'Swimlane change' => 'เปลี่ยนสวิมเลน', - 'Assignee change' => 'เปลี่ยนการผู้รับผิดชอบ', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] งานที่เกินกำหนด', 'Notification' => 'แจ้งเตือน', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s ย้ายงาน #%d ไปสวินเลนแรก', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s ย้ายงาน #%d ไปสวินเลน "%s"', 'Swimlane' => 'สวิมเลน', 'Gravatar' => 'รูปแทนตัว', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s ย้ายงาน %s ไปสวินเลนแรก', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'ค้นหาตามหมวด: ', 'Search by description: ' => 'ค้นหาตามคำอธิบาย: ', 'Search by due date: ' => 'ค้นหาตามวันครบกำหนด: ', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => 'เวลานำและรอบเวลาสำหรับ "%s"', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => 'ค่าเฉลี่ยเวลาที่ใช้แต่ละคอลัมน์สำหรับ "%s"', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'ค่าเฉลี่ยเวลาที่ใช้แต่ละคอลัมน์', 'Average time spent' => 'ค่าเฉลี่ยเวลาที่ใช้', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'แผนภูมิแสดงค่าเฉลี่ยเวลาที่ใช้แต่ละคอลัมน์สำหรับ %d งานล่าสุด', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'สัญญาอนุญาต:', 'License' => 'สัญญาอนุญาต', 'Enter the text below' => 'พิมพ์ข้อความด้านล่าง', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => 'แผนภูมิแกรนท์สำหรับ %s', 'Sort by position' => 'เรียงตามตำแหน่ง', 'Sort by date' => 'เรียงตามวัน', 'Add task' => 'เพิ่มงาน', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'เวอร์ชัน', 'Plugins' => 'ปลั๊กอิน', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'ไม่มีปลั๊กอินถูกโหลดไว้', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'กำหนดความสูงสูงสุดของคอลัมน์', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'เอาความสูงสูงสุดของคอลัมน์ออก', 'My notifications' => 'การแจ้งเตือนของฉัน', 'Custom filters' => 'ตัวกรองกำหนดเอง', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'ตัวกรองกำหนดเองของคุณสร้างเรียบร้อย', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'captcha ไม่ถูกต้อง', 'The name must be unique' => 'ชื่อต้องไม่ซ้ำ', 'View all groups' => 'แสดงกลุ่มทั้งหมด', - 'View group members' => 'แสดงสมาชิกกลุ่ม', // 'There is no user available.' => '', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => 'คุณต้องการลบผู้ใช้ "%s" ออกจากกลุ่ม "%s"?', 'There is no group.' => 'ไม่มีกลุ่ม', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'พิมพ์ชื่อกลุ่ม...', 'Role:' => 'บทบาท:', 'Project members' => 'สมาชิกโปรเจค', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'เปรียบเทียบรายชั่วโมงสำหรับ %s', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s กล่าวถึงคุณในงาน #%d', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s กล่าวถึงคุณในความคิดเห็นของงาน #%d', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'คุณได้รับการกล่าวถึงในงาน #%d', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'คุณได้รับการกล่าวถึงในความคิดเห็นของงาน #%d', - 'Mentioned' => 'กล่าวถึง', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'เปรียบเทียบเวลาโดยประมาณกับเวลาที่เกิดขึ้นจริง', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'เวลาโดยประมาณ:', 'Actual hours: ' => 'เวลาที่เกิดขึ้นจริง:', 'Hours Spent' => 'เวลาที่ใช้', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php index aa59f7e7..69642b58 100644 --- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => 'Başka bir proje göster', 'Created by %s' => '%s tarafından oluşturuldu', 'Tasks Export' => 'Görevleri dışa aktar', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => '"%s" için görevleri dışa aktar', 'Start Date' => 'Başlangıç tarihi', 'End Date' => 'Bitiş tarihi', 'Execute' => 'Gerçekleştir', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => 'Yeni alt görev', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Yeni dosya "%s" eklendi.', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s tarafından yeni yorum eklendi', - 'New attachment' => 'Yeni dosya eki', 'New comment' => 'Yeni yorum', 'Comment updated' => 'Yorum güncellendi', 'New subtask' => 'Yeni alt görev', - 'Subtask updated' => 'Alt görev güncellendi', - 'Task updated' => 'Görev güncellendi', - 'Task closed' => 'Görev kapatıldı', - 'Task opened' => 'Görev açıldı', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Yalnızca bu projelerle ilgili bildirim almak istiyorum:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'bu görevi Kanboard üzerinde göster', 'Public access' => 'Dışa açık erişim', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s kullanıcısı #%d nolu görevi oluşturdu', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s kullanıcısı #%d nolu görevi kapattı', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s kullanıcısı #%d nolu görevi açtı', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s kullanıcısı #%d nolu görevi "%s" sütununa taşıdı', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s kullanıcısı #%d nolu görevi %d pozisyonu "%s" sütununa taşıdı', 'Activity' => 'Aktivite', 'Default values are "%s"' => 'Varsayılan değerler "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => 'Yeni projeler için varsayılan sütunlar (virgül ile ayrılmış)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => 'Yüzde', 'Number of tasks' => 'Görev sayısı', 'Task distribution' => 'Görev dağılımı', - 'Reportings' => 'Raporlar', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '"%s" için görev dağılımı', 'Analytics' => 'Analiz', 'Subtask' => 'Alt görev', 'My subtasks' => 'Alt görevlerim', 'User repartition' => 'Kullanıcı dağılımı', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => '"%s" için kullanıcı dağılımı', 'Clone this project' => 'Projenin kopyasını oluştur', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Sütun başarıyla kaldırıldı.', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Grafik gösterimi için yeterli veri yok.', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => 'Bu değer sayı olmalı', 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Bu görev oluşturulamıyor.', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Kümülatif akış diyagramı', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '"%s" için kümülatif akış diyagramı', 'Daily project summary' => 'Günlük proje özeti', 'Daily project summary export' => 'Günlük proje özetini dışa aktar', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '"%s" için günlük proje özetinin dışa', 'Exports' => 'Dışa aktarımlar', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Bu dışa aktarım günlük gruplanmış olarak her sütundaki görev sayısını içerir.', 'Active swimlanes' => 'Aktif Kulvar', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => 'Alt görev No:', 'Subtasks' => 'Alt görevler', 'Subtasks Export' => 'Alt görevleri dışa aktar', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '"%s" için alt görevleri dışa aktarımı', 'Task Title' => 'Görev Başlığı', 'Untitled' => 'Başlıksız', 'Application default' => 'Uygulama varsayılanları', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => 'Cihazınızı test edin', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => 'Görev belirli bir sütuna taşındığında rengini değiştir', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s Kanboard ile', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '%s icin kalan iş grafiği', 'Burndown chart' => 'Kalan iş grafiği', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => 'Bu grafik zorluk seviyesini zamana göre gösterir (kalan iş)', 'Screenshot taken %s' => 'Ekran görüntüsü alındı %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Kategori değiştirildiğinde görevi başka sütuna taşı', 'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Bir görevi email ile birine gönder', 'Reopen a task' => 'Bir görevi tekrar aç', - 'Column change' => 'Sütun değişikliği', - 'Position change' => 'Konum değişikliği', - 'Swimlane change' => 'Kulvar değişikliği', - 'Assignee change' => 'Atanan değişikliği', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] Gecikmiş görevler', 'Notification' => 'Uyarılar', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s, #%d görevini birinci kulvara taşıdı', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s, #%d görevini "%s" kulvarına taşıdı', 'Swimlane' => 'Kulvar', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s, %s görevini ilk kulvara taşıdı', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => 'Kategoriye göre ara', 'Search by description: ' => 'Açıklamaya göre ara', 'Search by due date: ' => 'Tamamlanma tarihine göre ara', - 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '"%s" için teslim ve çevrim süresi', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '"%s" için her bir sütunda geçirilen ortalama zaman', 'Average time spent into each column' => 'Her bir sütunda geçirilen ortalama zaman', 'Average time spent' => 'Harcanan ortalama zaman', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => 'Bu grafik son %d görev için her bir sütunda geçirilen ortalama zamanı gösterir.', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => 'Lisans:', 'License' => 'Lisans', 'Enter the text below' => 'Aşağıdaki metni girin', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => '%s için Gantt diyagramı', 'Sort by position' => 'Pozisyona göre sırala', 'Sort by date' => 'Tarihe göre sırala', 'Add task' => 'Görev ekle', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => 'Versiyon', 'Plugins' => 'Eklentiler', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => 'Yüklenmiş bir eklendi yok', - 'Set maximum column height' => 'Maksimum sütun yüksekliğini belirle', - 'Remove maximum column height' => 'Maksimum sütun yüksekliğini iptal et', 'My notifications' => 'Bildirimlerim', 'Custom filters' => 'Özel filtreler', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => 'Özel filtreleriniz başarıyla oluşturuldu.', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => 'Geçersiz captcha', 'The name must be unique' => 'İsim tekil olmalı', 'View all groups' => 'Tüm grupları görüntüle', - 'View group members' => 'Grup üyelerini görüntüle', 'There is no user available.' => 'Uygun üye yok', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '"%s" kullanıcısını "%s" grubundan çıkarmak istediğinize emin misiniz?', 'There is no group.' => 'Hiç grup yok.', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => 'Grup adını girin...', 'Role:' => 'Rol:', 'Project members' => 'Proje üyeleri', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '"%s" için saatleri karşılaştır', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s sizden #%d görevinde bahsetti', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s sizden #%d görevindeki bir yorumda bahsetti', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '#%d görevinde sizden bahsedildi', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '#%d görevindeki bir yorumda sizden bahsedildi', - 'Mentioned' => 'Bahsedilmiş', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Tahmini süre ile gerçekleşen süreyi karşılaştır', 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Tahmini saat:', 'Actual hours: ' => 'Gerçekleşen saat:', 'Hours Spent' => 'Harcanan saat', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php index 99d07561..a4adece7 100644 --- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php @@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ return array( 'Display another project' => '显示其它项目', 'Created by %s' => '创建者:%s', 'Tasks Export' => '任务导出', - 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => '导出"%s"的任务', 'Start Date' => '开始时间', 'End Date' => '结束时间', 'Execute' => '执行', @@ -322,14 +321,9 @@ return array( 'New sub-task' => '新建子任务', 'New attachment added "%s"' => '新附件已添加"%s"', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s 的新评论', - 'New attachment' => '新建附件', 'New comment' => '新建评论', 'Comment updated' => '更新了评论', 'New subtask' => '新建子任务', - 'Subtask updated' => '子任务更新', - 'Task updated' => '任务更新', - 'Task closed' => '任务关闭', - 'Task opened' => '任务开启', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => '我仅需要收到下面项目的通知:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => '在看板中查看此任务', 'Public access' => '公开访问', @@ -387,8 +381,6 @@ return array( '%s created the task #%d' => '%s 创建了任务 #%d', '%s closed the task #%d' => '%s 关闭了任务 #%d', '%s opened the task #%d' => '%s 开启了任务 #%d', - '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '%s 将任务 #%d 移动到栏目 "%s"', - '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '%s将任务#%d移动到"%s"的第 %d 列', 'Activity' => '动态', 'Default values are "%s"' => '默认值为 "%s"', 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => '新建项目的默认栏目(用逗号分开)', @@ -442,13 +434,10 @@ return array( 'Percentage' => '百分比', 'Number of tasks' => '任务数', 'Task distribution' => '任务分布', - 'Reportings' => '报告', - 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '"%s"的任务分析', 'Analytics' => '分析', 'Subtask' => '子任务', 'My subtasks' => '我的子任务', 'User repartition' => '用户分析', - 'User repartition for "%s"' => '"%s"的用户分析', 'Clone this project' => '复制此项目', 'Column removed successfully.' => '成功删除了栏目。', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => '数据不足,无法绘图。', @@ -465,10 +454,8 @@ return array( 'This value must be numeric' => '这个值必须为数字', 'Unable to create this task.' => '无法创建此任务。', 'Cumulative flow diagram' => '累积流图表', - 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '"%s"的累积流图表', 'Daily project summary' => '每日项目汇总', 'Daily project summary export' => '导出每日项目汇总', - 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '导出项目"%s"的每日汇总', 'Exports' => '导出', 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '此导出包含每列的任务数,按天分组', 'Active swimlanes' => '活动里程碑', @@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ return array( 'Subtask Id' => '子任务 Id', 'Subtasks' => '子任务', 'Subtasks Export' => '子任务导出', - 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '导出"%s"的子任务', 'Task Title' => '任务标题', 'Untitled' => '无标题', 'Application default' => '程序默认', @@ -615,7 +601,6 @@ return array( 'Test your device' => '测试设备', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific column' => '任务移动到指定栏目时设置颜色', '%s via Kanboard' => '%s 通过KanBoard', - 'Burndown chart for "%s"' => '燃尽图:"%s"', 'Burndown chart' => '燃尽图', 'This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).' => '图表显示任务随时间(剩余时间)的复杂度', 'Screenshot taken %s' => '已截图 %s', @@ -680,14 +665,8 @@ return array( 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '当任务分类改变时移动到任务栏', 'Send a task by email to someone' => '发送任务邮件到用户', 'Reopen a task' => '重新开始一个任务', - 'Column change' => '任务栏改变', - 'Position change' => '位置改变', - 'Swimlane change' => '里程碑改变', - 'Assignee change' => '指派人改变', - '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '[%s] 超期任务', 'Notification' => '通知', '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '%s将任务#%d移动到了首个里程碑', - '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '%s将任务#%d移动到了里程碑"%s"下', 'Swimlane' => '里程碑', 'Gravatar' => 'Gravatar头像', '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '%s将任务%s移动到了首个里程碑', @@ -758,8 +737,6 @@ return array( 'Search by category: ' => '按分类:', 'Search by description: ' => '按描述:', 'Search by due date: ' => '按超期时间:', - // 'Lead and Cycle time for "%s"' => '', - 'Average time spent into each column for "%s"' => '"%s"在每个任务栏下平均花费时间', 'Average time spent into each column' => '每个任务栏平均花费时间', 'Average time spent' => '平均花费时间', 'This chart show the average time spent into each column for the last %d tasks.' => '当前柱状图表示最新%d条任务在每个任务栏下的平均花费时间', @@ -800,7 +777,6 @@ return array( 'License:' => '授权许可:', 'License' => '授权许可', 'Enter the text below' => '输入下方的文本', - 'Gantt chart for %s' => '%s的甘特图', 'Sort by position' => '按位置排序', 'Sort by date' => '按日期排序', 'Add task' => '添加任务', @@ -841,8 +817,6 @@ return array( 'Version' => '版本', 'Plugins' => '插件', 'There is no plugin loaded.' => '当前没有插件载入', - 'Set maximum column height' => '设置任务栏最大高度', - 'Remove maximum column height' => '移除任务栏最大高度', 'My notifications' => '我的通知', 'Custom filters' => '自定义过滤器', 'Your custom filter have been created successfully.' => '成功创建过滤器', @@ -947,7 +921,6 @@ return array( 'Invalid captcha' => '验证码无效', 'The name must be unique' => '请确保用户名唯一', 'View all groups' => '查看所有用户组', - 'View group members' => '查看该组所有用户', 'There is no user available.' => '当前没有有效用户', 'Do you really want to remove the user "%s" from the group "%s"?' => '你确定把用户"%s"从"%s"中移除?', 'There is no group.' => '当前没有用户组', @@ -968,13 +941,10 @@ return array( 'Enter group name...' => '输入用户组名称...', 'Role:' => '角色:', 'Project members' => '项目成员', - 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '比较"%s"的时间', '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s在任务#%d里提及你', '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s在任务#%d的评论里提及你', 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '你在任务#%d里被提及', 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '你在任务#%d的评论里被提及', - 'Mentioned' => '被提及', - 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '对比预估时间VS实际时间', 'Estimated hours: ' => '预估小时数', 'Actual hours: ' => '实际小时数', 'Hours Spent' => '花费小时数', @@ -1232,4 +1202,16 @@ return array( // 'Internal link removed for the task #%d' => '', // '%s set a new internal link for the task %s' => '', // '%s removed an internal link for the task %s' => '', + // 'Automatically set the due date on task creation' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when closed' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when not moved during a given period' => '', + // 'Dashboard for %s' => '', + // 'Tasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks overview for %s' => '', + // 'Projects overview for %s' => '', + // 'Activity stream for %s' => '', + // 'Calendar for %s' => '', + // 'Notifications for %s' => '', + // 'Subtasks export' => '', + // 'Tasks exportation' => '', ); |