diff options
authorFrederic Guillot <>2016-09-03 17:38:35 -0400
committerFrederic Guillot <>2016-09-03 17:38:35 -0400
commita7f720ecbbe2b2f36a488921eeb311276fbe1e00 (patch)
parent0bd108d648f52b30d499a1d12af782aeee02f18f (diff)
Improve TaskExport class
3 files changed, 135 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 27b7640e..ba2aa6ad 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ New features:
* Introduce Vue.js to manage user interface components
+* Add column "Reference" and "Creator Name" in CSV task export
* Show both time spent and estimated on the board
* Store board collapsed mode user preference in the database
* Store comment sorting direction in the database
diff --git a/app/Export/TaskExport.php b/app/Export/TaskExport.php
index 975c7dcd..e708f0e3 100644
--- a/app/Export/TaskExport.php
+++ b/app/Export/TaskExport.php
@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@
namespace Kanboard\Export;
use Kanboard\Core\Base;
-use Kanboard\Core\DateParser;
+use Kanboard\Model\CategoryModel;
+use Kanboard\Model\ColumnModel;
+use Kanboard\Model\ProjectModel;
+use Kanboard\Model\SwimlaneModel;
use Kanboard\Model\TaskModel;
-use PDO;
+use Kanboard\Model\UserModel;
* Task Export
@@ -19,19 +22,21 @@ class TaskExport extends Base
* Fetch tasks and return the prepared CSV
* @access public
- * @param integer $project_id Project id
- * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date)
- * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date)
+ * @param integer $project_id Project id
+ * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date)
+ * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date)
* @return array
public function export($project_id, $from, $to)
$tasks = $this->getTasks($project_id, $from, $to);
- $swimlanes = $this->swimlaneModel->getList($project_id);
+ $colors = $this->colorModel->getList();
+ $defaultSwimlane = $this->swimlaneModel->getDefault($project_id);
$results = array($this->getColumns());
foreach ($tasks as &$task) {
- $results[] = array_values($this->format($task, $swimlanes));
+ $task = $this->format($task, $defaultSwimlane['default_swimlane'], $colors);
+ $results[] = array_values($task);
return $results;
@@ -40,77 +45,80 @@ class TaskExport extends Base
* Get the list of tasks for a given project and date range
- * @access public
- * @param integer $project_id Project id
- * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date)
- * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date)
+ * @access protected
+ * @param integer $project_id Project id
+ * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date)
+ * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date)
* @return array
- public function getTasks($project_id, $from, $to)
+ protected function getTasks($project_id, $from, $to)
- $sql = '
- AS project_name,
- tasks.is_active,
- AS category_name,
- tasks.swimlane_id,
- columns.title AS column_title,
- tasks.position,
- tasks.color_id,
- tasks.date_due,
- creators.username AS creator_username,
- users.username AS assignee_username,
- AS assignee_name,
- tasks.score,
- tasks.title,
- tasks.date_creation,
- tasks.date_modification,
- tasks.date_completed,
- tasks.date_started,
- tasks.time_estimated,
- tasks.time_spent,
- tasks.reference
- FROM tasks
- LEFT JOIN users ON = tasks.owner_id
- LEFT JOIN users AS creators ON = tasks.creator_id
- LEFT JOIN project_has_categories ON = tasks.category_id
- LEFT JOIN columns ON = tasks.column_id
- LEFT JOIN projects ON = tasks.project_id
- WHERE tasks.date_creation >= ? AND tasks.date_creation <= ? AND tasks.project_id = ?
- ';
- if (! is_numeric($from)) {
+ if (!is_numeric($from)) {
$from = $this->dateParser->removeTimeFromTimestamp($this->dateParser->getTimestamp($from));
- if (! is_numeric($to)) {
+ if (!is_numeric($to)) {
$to = $this->dateParser->removeTimeFromTimestamp(strtotime('+1 day', $this->dateParser->getTimestamp($to)));
- $rq = $this->db->execute($sql, array($from, $to, $project_id));
- return $rq->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ return $this->db->table(TaskModel::TABLE)
+ ->columns(
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.id',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.reference',
+ ProjectModel::TABLE . '.name AS project_name',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.is_active',
+ CategoryModel::TABLE . '.name AS category_name',
+ SwimlaneModel::TABLE . '.name AS swimlane_name',
+ ColumnModel::TABLE . '.title AS column_title',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.position',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.color_id',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_due',
+ 'uc.username AS creator_username',
+ ' AS creator_name',
+ UserModel::TABLE . '.username AS assignee_username',
+ UserModel::TABLE . '.name AS assignee_name',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.score',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.title',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_creation',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_modification',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_completed',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_started',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.time_estimated',
+ TaskModel::TABLE . '.time_spent'
+ )
+ ->join(UserModel::TABLE, 'id', 'owner_id', TaskModel::TABLE)
+ ->left(UserModel::TABLE, 'uc', 'id', TaskModel::TABLE, 'creator_id')
+ ->join(CategoryModel::TABLE, 'id', 'category_id', TaskModel::TABLE)
+ ->join(ColumnModel::TABLE, 'id', 'column_id', TaskModel::TABLE)
+ ->join(SwimlaneModel::TABLE, 'id', 'swimlane_id', TaskModel::TABLE)
+ ->join(ProjectModel::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id', TaskModel::TABLE)
+ ->gte(TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_creation', $from)
+ ->lte(TaskModel::TABLE . '.date_creation', $to)
+ ->eq(TaskModel::TABLE . '.project_id', $project_id)
+ ->findAll();
* Format the output of a task array
- * @access public
- * @param array $task Task properties
- * @param array $swimlanes List of swimlanes
+ * @access protected
+ * @param array $task
+ * @param string $defaultSwimlaneName
+ * @param array $colors
* @return array
- public function format(array &$task, array &$swimlanes)
+ protected function format(array &$task, $defaultSwimlaneName, array $colors)
- $colors = $this->colorModel->getList();
$task['is_active'] = $task['is_active'] == TaskModel::STATUS_OPEN ? e('Open') : e('Closed');
$task['color_id'] = $colors[$task['color_id']];
$task['score'] = $task['score'] ?: 0;
- $task['swimlane_id'] = isset($swimlanes[$task['swimlane_id']]) ? $swimlanes[$task['swimlane_id']] : '?';
+ $task['swimlane_name'] = $task['swimlane_name'] ?: $defaultSwimlaneName;
- $task = $this->dateParser->format($task, array('date_due', 'date_modification', 'date_creation', 'date_started', 'date_completed'), DateParser::DATE_FORMAT);
+ $task = $this->dateParser->format(
+ $task,
+ array('date_due', 'date_modification', 'date_creation', 'date_started', 'date_completed'),
+ $this->dateParser->getUserDateTimeFormat()
+ );
return $task;
@@ -118,13 +126,14 @@ class TaskExport extends Base
* Get column titles
- * @access public
+ * @access protected
* @return string[]
- public function getColumns()
+ protected function getColumns()
return array(
e('Task Id'),
+ e('Reference'),
@@ -134,6 +143,7 @@ class TaskExport extends Base
e('Due date'),
+ e('Creator Name'),
e('Assignee Username'),
e('Assignee Name'),
@@ -144,7 +154,6 @@ class TaskExport extends Base
e('Start date'),
e('Time estimated'),
e('Time spent'),
- e('Reference'),
diff --git a/tests/units/Export/TaskExportTest.php b/tests/units/Export/TaskExportTest.php
index c142cde9..ae6ca308 100644
--- a/tests/units/Export/TaskExportTest.php
+++ b/tests/units/Export/TaskExportTest.php
@@ -12,44 +12,70 @@ class TaskExportTest extends Base
public function testExport()
- $tc = new TaskCreationModel($this->container);
- $p = new ProjectModel($this->container);
- $c = new CategoryModel($this->container);
- $e = new TaskExport($this->container);
- $s = new SwimlaneModel($this->container);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'Export Project')));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $s->create(array('project_id' => 1, 'name' => 'S1')));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $s->create(array('project_id' => 1, 'name' => 'S2')));
- $this->assertNotFalse($c->create(array('name' => 'Category #1', 'project_id' => 1)));
- $this->assertNotFalse($c->create(array('name' => 'Category #2', 'project_id' => 1)));
- $this->assertNotFalse($c->create(array('name' => 'Category #3', 'project_id' => 1)));
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
- $task = array(
- 'title' => 'Task #'.$i,
- 'project_id' => 1,
- 'column_id' => rand(1, 3),
- 'creator_id' => rand(0, 1),
- 'owner_id' => rand(0, 1),
- 'color_id' => rand(0, 1) === 0 ? 'green' : 'purple',
- 'category_id' => rand(0, 3),
- 'date_due' => array_rand(array(0, date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.$i.'day')))),
- 'score' => rand(0, 21),
- 'swimlane_id' => rand(0, 2),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($i, $tc->create($task));
- }
- $rows = $e->export(1, strtotime('-1 day'), strtotime('+1 day'));
- $this->assertEquals($i, count($rows));
- $this->assertEquals('Task Id', $rows[0][0]);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $rows[1][0]);
- $this->assertEquals('Task #'.($i - 1), $rows[$i - 1][13]);
- $this->assertTrue(in_array($rows[$i - 1][4], array('Default swimlane', 'S1', 'S2')));
+ $taskCreationModel = new TaskCreationModel($this->container);
+ $projectModel = new ProjectModel($this->container);
+ $categoryModel = new CategoryModel($this->container);
+ $taskExport = new TaskExport($this->container);
+ $swimlaneModel = new SwimlaneModel($this->container);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $projectModel->create(array('name' => 'Export Project')));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $swimlaneModel->create(array('project_id' => 1, 'name' => 'S1')));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $categoryModel->create(array('name' => 'Category #1', 'project_id' => 1)));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $taskCreationModel->create(array(
+ 'project_id' => 1,
+ 'column_id' => 2,
+ 'category_id' => 1,
+ 'reference' => 'REF1',
+ 'title' => 'Task 1',
+ 'time_estimated' => 2.5,
+ 'time_spent' => 3,
+ )));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $taskCreationModel->create(array(
+ 'project_id' => 1,
+ 'swimlane_id' => 1,
+ 'title' => 'Task 2',
+ 'date_due' => time(),
+ )));
+ $report = $taskExport->export(1, date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d'));
+ $this->assertCount(3, $report);
+ $this->assertCount(22, $report[0]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Task Id', $report[0][0]);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $report[1][0]);
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $report[2][0]);
+ $this->assertEquals('REF1', $report[1][1]);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $report[2][1]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Export Project', $report[1][2]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Export Project', $report[2][2]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Open', $report[1][3]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Open', $report[2][3]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Category #1', $report[1][4]);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $report[2][4]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Default swimlane', $report[1][5]);
+ $this->assertEquals('S1', $report[2][5]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Ready', $report[1][6]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Backlog', $report[2][6]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Yellow', $report[1][8]);
+ $this->assertEquals('Yellow', $report[2][8]);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $report[1][9]);
+ $this->assertEquals(date('m/d/Y').' 00:00', $report[2][9]);
+ $this->assertEquals(3, $report[1][21]);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $report[2][21]);
+ $this->assertEquals(2.5, $report[1][20]);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $report[2][20]);