diff options
authorFrederic Guillot <>2016-01-11 20:05:50 -0500
committerFrederic Guillot <>2016-01-11 20:05:50 -0500
commitcec8491acd07520ec1c83a8747b631e2d809d96b (patch)
parent6a7a4c2bd225d7767ebc2d0c41e7090a31378088 (diff)
parent5aba130963245104aee4ee1e39e062bb82afe222 (diff)
Merge pull-request #1642
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
index b1652dd9..6b387bf2 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
@@ -1064,38 +1064,38 @@ return array(
'Enter group name...' => 'Escreva o nome do Grupo',
'Role:' => 'Função:',
'Project members' => 'Membros do projecto',
- // 'Compare hours for "%s"' => '',
- // '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '',
- // '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '',
- // 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => '',
- // 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => '',
- // 'Mentioned' => '',
- // 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => '',
- // 'Estimated hours: ' => '',
- // 'Actual hours: ' => '',
- // 'Hours Spent' => '',
- // 'Hours Estimated' => '',
- // 'Estimated Time' => '',
- // 'Actual Time' => '',
- // 'Estimated vs actual time' => '',
- // 'RUB - Russian Ruble' => '',
- // 'Assign the task to the person who does the action when the column is changed' => '',
- // 'Close a task in a specific column' => '',
- // 'Time-based One-time Password Algorithm' => '',
- // 'Two-Factor Provider: ' => '',
- // 'Disable two-factor authentication' => '',
- // 'Enable two-factor authentication' => '',
- // 'There is no integration registered at the moment.' => '',
- // 'Password Reset for Kanboard' => '',
- // 'Forgot password?' => '',
- // 'Enable "Forget Password"' => '',
- // 'Password Reset' => '',
- // 'New password' => '',
- // 'Change Password' => '',
- // 'To reset your password click on this link:' => '',
- // 'Last Password Reset' => '',
- // 'The password has never been reinitialized.' => '',
- // 'Creation' => '',
- // 'Expiration' => '',
- // 'Password reset history' => '',
+ 'Compare hours for "%s"' => 'Comparar horas para "%s"',
+ '%s mentioned you in the task #%d' => '%s mencionou-te na tarefa #%d',
+ '%s mentioned you in a comment on the task #%d' => '%s mencionou-te num comentário na tarefa #%d',
+ 'You were mentioned in the task #%d' => 'Foi mencionado na tarefa #%d',
+ 'You were mentioned in a comment on the task #%d' => 'Foi mencionado num comentário na tarefa #%d',
+ 'Mentioned' => 'Mencionado',
+ 'Compare Estimated Time vs Actual Time' => 'Comparar Tempo Estimado vs Tempo Real',
+ 'Estimated hours: ' => 'Horas estimadas: ',
+ 'Actual hours: ' => 'Horas reais: ',
+ 'Hours Spent' => 'Horas Gastas',
+ 'Hours Estimated' => 'Horas Estimadas',
+ 'Estimated Time' => 'Tempo Estimado',
+ 'Actual Time' => 'Tempo Real',
+ 'Estimated vs actual time' => 'Tempo estimado vs real',
+ 'RUB - Russian Ruble' => 'RUB - Rublo Russo',
+ 'Assign the task to the person who does the action when the column is changed' => 'Assignar a tarefa à pessoa que realiza a acção quando a coluna é alterada',
+ 'Close a task in a specific column' => 'Fechar tarefa numa coluna especifica',
+ 'Time-based One-time Password Algorithm' => 'Algoritmo de password para uso único baseado em tempo',
+ 'Two-Factor Provider: ' => 'Provedor de Dois Passos: ',
+ 'Disable two-factor authentication' => 'Desactivar autenticação de dois passos',
+ 'Enable two-factor authentication' => 'Activar autenticação de dois passos',
+ 'There is no integration registered at the moment.' => 'Não existe nenhuma integração registrada até ao momento.',
+ 'Password Reset for Kanboard' => 'Redefinir Password para Kanboard',
+ 'Forgot password?' => 'Esqueceu a password?',
+ 'Enable "Forget Password"' => 'Activar "Esqueceu a password"',
+ 'Password Reset' => 'Redefinir a Password',
+ 'New password' => 'Nova Password',
+ 'Change Password' => 'Alterar Password',
+ 'To reset your password click on this link:' => 'Para redefinir a sua password click nesta ligação:',
+ 'Last Password Reset' => 'Última Redefinição da Password',
+ 'The password has never been reinitialized.' => 'A password nunca foi redefinida.',
+ 'Creation' => 'Criação',
+ 'Expiration' => 'Expiração',
+ 'Password reset history' => 'Histórico da redefinição da password',