diff options
author | Frederic Guillot <fred@kanboard.net> | 2016-03-26 20:00:22 -0400 |
committer | Frederic Guillot <fred@kanboard.net> | 2016-03-26 20:00:22 -0400 |
commit | d9dd35472667b09f16d34baec31790c5524d5956 (patch) | |
tree | b0a42a02e8b761b1a9ad38eead235e9fd90a93ac | |
parent | 66ed670618671b5152e30d89802053ac943bb7ae (diff) |
Sync locales
24 files changed, 118 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php index 7499f765..8d653d4f 100644 --- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Praćenje vremena:', 'New sub-task' => 'Novi pod-zadatak', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ubačen novi prilog "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar ažuriran', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s ostavio novi komentar', 'New attachment' => 'Novi prilog', 'New comment' => 'Novi komentar', + 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar ažuriran', 'New subtask' => 'Novi pod-zadatak', 'Subtask updated' => 'Pod-zadatak ažuriran', 'Task updated' => 'Zadatak ažuriran', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Datum završetka:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Nema početnog ili krajnjeg datuma za ovaj projekat.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Gantogram projekata', - 'Link type' => 'Tip veze', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Promijeni boju zadatka kada se koristi određena veza na zadatku', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Veza na zadatku je napravljena ili izmijenjena', 'Milestone' => 'Prekretnica', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Korisničko ime mora biti malim slovima i jedinstveno', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Šifra će biti kriptovana', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s je dodano novi fajl u zadatak %s', + 'Link type' => 'Tip veze', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Automatsko pridruživanje kategorije bazirano na vezi', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Konvertibilna marka', 'Assignee Username' => 'Pridruži korisničko ime', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php index 8331d055..3606eddf 100644 --- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Sledování času:', 'New sub-task' => 'Nový dílčí úkol', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Byla přidána nová příloha "%s".', - 'Comment updated' => 'Komentář byl aktualizován.', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nový komentář publikovaný uživatelem %s', 'New attachment' => 'Nová příloha', 'New comment' => 'Nový komentář', + 'Comment updated' => 'Komentář byl aktualizován.', 'New subtask' => 'Nový dílčí úkol', 'Subtask updated' => 'Dílčí úkol byl aktualizován', 'Task updated' => 'Úkol byl aktualizován', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php index 354666a8..cf3f0191 100644 --- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Tidsmåling:', 'New sub-task' => 'Ny under-opgave', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ny vedhæftning tilføjet "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar opdateret', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Ny kommentar af %s', // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', + 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar opdateret', // 'New subtask' => '', // 'Subtask updated' => '', // 'Task updated' => '', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php index 1cd8c07b..1090d6c9 100644 --- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Zeittracking', 'New sub-task' => 'Neue Teilaufgabe', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Neuer Anhang "%s" wurde hinzugefügt.', - 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar wurde aktualisiert', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Neuer Kommentar verfasst durch %s', 'New attachment' => 'Neuer Anhang', 'New comment' => 'Neuer Kommentar', + 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar wurde aktualisiert', 'New subtask' => 'Neue Teilaufgabe', 'Subtask updated' => 'Teilaufgabe aktualisiert', 'Task updated' => 'Aufgabe aktualisiert', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Endedatum:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Es gibt kein Startdatum oder Endedatum für dieses Projekt', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Projekt Gantt Diagramm', - 'Link type' => 'Verbindungstyp', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Aufgabefarbe ändern bei bestimmter Aufgabenverbindung', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Aufgabenverbindung erstellen oder bearbeiten', 'Milestone' => 'Meilenstein', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Benutzernamen müssen in Kleinbuschstaben und eindeutig sein', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Passwörter werden verschlüsselt wenn vorhanden', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s hat eine neue Datei zur Aufgabe %s hinzufgefügt', + 'Link type' => 'Verbindungstyp', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Linkbasiert eine Kategorie automatisch zuordnen', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Konvertible Mark', 'Assignee Username' => 'Benutzername des Zuständigen', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php index ac0622dd..04efa7e7 100644 --- a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Παρακολούθηση του χρόνου:', 'New sub-task' => 'Νέα υπο-εργασία', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Νέα επικόλληση προστέθηκε « %s »', - 'Comment updated' => 'Το σχόλιο ενημερώθηκε', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Νέο σχόλιο από τον χρήστη « %s »', 'New attachment' => 'New attachment', 'New comment' => 'Νέο σχόλιο', + 'Comment updated' => 'Το σχόλιο ενημερώθηκε', 'New subtask' => 'Νέα υπο-εργασία', 'Subtask updated' => 'Η Υπο-Εργασία ενημερώθηκε', 'Task updated' => 'Η εργασία ενημερώθηκε', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Ημερομηνία λήξης :', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Δεν υπάρχει ημερομηνία έναρξης ή λήξης για το έργο αυτό.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Διάγραμμα Gantt έργων', - 'Link type' => 'Τύπος συνδέσμου', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Αλλαγή χρώματος εργασίας χρησιμοποιώντας συγκεκριμένο σύνδεσμο εργασίας', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Σύνδεσμος δημιουργίας ή τροποποίησης εργασίας', 'Milestone' => 'Ορόσημο', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Οι ονομασίες χρηστών πρέπει να είναι σε μικρά γράμματα (lowercase) και μοναδικά', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης κρυπτογραφούνται, αν υπάρχουν', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s νέο συνημμένο αρχείο της εργασίας %s', + 'Link type' => 'Τύπος συνδέσμου', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Ανατίθεται αυτόματα κατηγορία, βασισμένη στον σύνδεσμο', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Konvertible Mark', 'Assignee Username' => 'Δικαιοδόχο όνομα χρήστη', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php index 79871279..477f3655 100644 --- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Control de tiempo:', 'New sub-task' => 'Nueva subtarea', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nuevo adjunto agregado "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Comentario actualizado', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nuevo comentario agregado por %s', 'New attachment' => 'Nuevo adjunto', 'New comment' => 'Nuevo comentario', + 'Comment updated' => 'Comentario actualizado', 'New subtask' => 'Nueva subtarea', 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtarea actualizada', 'Task updated' => 'Tarea actualizada', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Fecha final', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'No existe fecha de inicio o de fin para este proyecto.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Diagramas de Gantt de los proyectos', - 'Link type' => 'Tipo de enlace', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Cambiar colo de la tarea al usar un enlace específico a tarea', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Creación o modificación de enlace a tarea', 'Milestone' => 'Hito', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Los nombres de usuario deben ser únicos y contener sólo minúsculas', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Las contraseñas serán cifradas si es que existen', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s adjuntó un nuevo archivo a la tarea %s', + 'Link type' => 'Tipo de enlace', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Asignar una categoría automáticamente basado en un enlace', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - marco convertible', 'Assignee Username' => 'Nombre de usuario del concesionario', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php index 34ca00ac..a32082e3 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Ajan seuranta:', 'New sub-task' => 'Uusi alitehtävä', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Uusi liite lisätty "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentti päivitetty', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s lisäsi uuden kommentin', // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', + 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentti päivitetty', // 'New subtask' => '', // 'Subtask updated' => '', // 'Task updated' => '', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php index b3746bd2..00e64876 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php @@ -327,14 +327,12 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Gestion du temps :', 'New sub-task' => 'Nouvelle sous-tâche', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nouvelle pièce-jointe ajoutée « %s »', - 'Comment updated' => 'Commentaire ajouté', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nouveau commentaire ajouté par « %s »', 'New attachment' => 'Nouveau document', 'New comment' => 'Nouveau commentaire', 'Comment updated' => 'Commentaire mis à jour', 'New subtask' => 'Nouvelle sous-tâche', 'Subtask updated' => 'Sous-tâche mise à jour', - 'New task' => 'Nouvelle tâche', 'Task updated' => 'Tâche mise à jour', 'Task closed' => 'Tâche fermée', 'Task opened' => 'Tâche ouverte', @@ -843,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Date de fin :', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Il n\'y a pas de date de début ou de date de fin pour ce projet.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Diagramme de Gantt des projets', - 'Link type' => 'Type de lien', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Changer la couleur de la tâche lorsqu\'un lien spécifique est utilisé', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Création ou modification d\'un lien sur une tâche', 'Milestone' => 'Étape importante', @@ -1152,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => 'Afficher la liste des raccourcis claviers', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'Set start date' => 'Définir la date de début', + 'Avatar' => 'Avatar', + 'Upload my avatar image' => 'Uploader mon image d\'avatar', + 'Remove my image' => 'Supprimer mon image', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php index a0037848..f2e1cafb 100644 --- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Idő követés:', 'New sub-task' => 'Új részfeladat', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Új melléklet "%s" hozzáadva.', - 'Comment updated' => 'Megjegyzés frissítve', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Új megjegyzés %s', 'New attachment' => 'Új melléklet', 'New comment' => 'Új megjegyzés', + 'Comment updated' => 'Megjegyzés frissítve', 'New subtask' => 'Új részfeladat', 'Subtask updated' => 'Részfeladat frissítve', 'Task updated' => 'Feladat frissítve', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php index 320a5e01..8d279633 100644 --- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Pelacakan waktu :', 'New sub-task' => 'Sub-tugas baru', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Lampiran baru ditambahkan « %s »', - 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar diperbaharui', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Komentar baru ditambahkan oleh « %s »', 'New attachment' => 'Lampirkan baru', 'New comment' => 'Komentar baru', + 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar diperbaharui', 'New subtask' => 'Sub-tugas baru', 'Subtask updated' => 'Sub-tugas diperbaharui', 'Task updated' => 'Tugas diperbaharui', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Waktu berakhir :', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Tidak ada waktu mulai atau waktu berakhir untuk proyek ini', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Proyek grafik Gantt', - 'Link type' => 'Tipe tautan', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Rubah warna tugas ketika menggunakan tautan tugas yang spesifik', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Tautan pembuatan atau modifikasi tugas ', 'Milestone' => 'Milestone', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + 'Link type' => 'Tipe tautan', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php index e2895fd3..87327462 100644 --- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( // 'Time tracking:' => '', 'New sub-task' => 'Nuovo sotto-task', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nuovo allegato aggiunto "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Commento aggiornato', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nuovo commento aggiunto da "%s"', 'New attachment' => 'Nuovo allegato', 'New comment' => 'Nuovo commento', + 'Comment updated' => 'Commento aggiornato', 'New subtask' => 'Nuovo sotto-task', 'Subtask updated' => 'Sotto-task aggiornato', 'Task updated' => 'Task aggiornato', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Data di fine:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Non è prevista una data di inzio o fine per questo progetto.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Grafico Gantt dei progetti', - 'Link type' => 'Tipo di link', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Cambia colore del task quando si un utilizza una determinata relazione di task', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Creazione o modifica di relazione di task', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'I nomi utente devono essere in minuscolo e univoci', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Se presenti, le password verranno criptate', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s ha allegato un nuovo file al task %s', + 'Link type' => 'Tipo di link', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Assegna automaticamente una categoria sulla base di una relazione', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Marco bosniaco', 'Assignee Username' => 'Nome utente dell\'assegnatario', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php index 44ee836a..aa8cc654 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => '時間計測:', 'New sub-task' => '新しいサブタスク', 'New attachment added "%s"' => '添付ファイル「%s」が追加されました', - 'Comment updated' => 'コメントが更新されました', 'New comment posted by %s' => '「%s」の新しいコメントが追加されました', 'New attachment' => '新しい添付ファイル', 'New comment' => '新しいコメント', + 'Comment updated' => 'コメントが更新されました', 'New subtask' => '新しいサブタスク', 'Subtask updated' => 'サブタスクの更新', 'Task updated' => 'タスクの更新', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php index 416a9065..be41c19c 100644 --- a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Pelacakan waktu :', 'New sub-task' => 'Sub-tugas baru', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Lampiran baru ditambahkan « %s »', - 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar diperbaharui', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Komentar baru ditambahkan oleh « %s »', 'New attachment' => 'Lampirkan baru', 'New comment' => 'Komentar baru', + 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar diperbaharui', 'New subtask' => 'Sub-tugas baru', 'Subtask updated' => 'Sub-tugas diperbaharui', 'Task updated' => 'Tugas diperbaharui', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Waktu berakhir :', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Tidak ada waktu mula atau waktu berakhir pada projek ini', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'projekkan carta Gantt', - 'Link type' => 'Jenis pautan', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Rubah warna tugas ketika menggunakan Pautan tugas yang spesifik', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Pautan tugas pada penciptaan atau penyuntingan', 'Milestone' => 'Batu Tanda', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + 'Link type' => 'Jenis pautan', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php index 347d5264..0e214cf4 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Tidsmåling:', 'New sub-task' => 'Ny deloppgave', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nytt vedlegg er lagt tilet "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar oppdatert', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Ny kommentar fra %s', 'New attachment' => 'Nytt vedlegg', 'New comment' => 'Ny kommentar', + 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentar oppdatert', 'New subtask' => 'Ny deloppgave', 'Subtask updated' => 'Deloppgave oppdatert', 'Task updated' => 'Oppgave oppdatert', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Sluttdato:', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Gantt skjema for prosjekter', - 'Link type' => 'Relasjonstype', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', 'Milestone' => 'Milepæl', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + 'Link type' => 'Relasjonstype', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php index 5c35d960..dc68eb34 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Tijdschrijven :', 'New sub-task' => 'Nieuwe subtaak', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nieuwe bijlage toegevoegd « %s »', - 'Comment updated' => 'Commentaar aangepast', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nieuw commentaar geplaatst door « %s »', 'New attachment' => 'Nieuwe bijlage', 'New comment' => 'Nieuw commentaar', + 'Comment updated' => 'Commentaar aangepast', 'New subtask' => 'Nieuwe subtaak', 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtaak aangepast', 'Task updated' => 'Taak aangepast', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', 'Milestone' => 'Mijlpaal', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php index e5770339..0d020dcb 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Śledzenie czasu: ', 'New sub-task' => 'Nowe Pod-zadanie', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Nowy załącznik dodany "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Komentarz zaktualizowany', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Nowy komentarz dodany przez %s', 'New attachment' => 'Nowy załącznik', 'New comment' => 'Nowy Komentarz', + 'Comment updated' => 'Komentarz zaktualizowany', 'New subtask' => 'Nowe pod-zadanie', 'Subtask updated' => 'Zaktualizowane pod-zadanie', 'Task updated' => 'Zaktualizowane zadanie', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Data zakończenia:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Nie zdefiniowano czasu trwania projektu', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Wykres Gantta dla projektów', - 'Link type' => 'Rodzaj link\'u', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Zmień kolor zadania używając specjalnego adresu URL', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Adres URL do utworzenia zadania lub modyfikacji', 'Milestone' => 'Kamień milowy', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + 'Link type' => 'Rodzaj link\'u', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php index b174ec2e..ebed08cd 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Controle de tempo:', 'New sub-task' => 'Nova subtarefa', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novo anexo adicionado "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Comentário atualizado', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novo comentário postado por %s', 'New attachment' => 'Novo anexo', 'New comment' => 'Novo comentário', + 'Comment updated' => 'Comentário atualizado', 'New subtask' => 'Nova subtarefa', 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtarefa alterada', 'Task updated' => 'Tarefa alterada', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Data de término:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Não há data de início ou data de término para este projeto.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Gráfico de Gantt dos projetos', - 'Link type' => 'Tipo de link', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Mudar a cor da tarefa quando um link específico é utilizado', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Criação ou modificação de um link em uma tarefa', 'Milestone' => 'Milestone', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Nomes de usuário devem ser únicos e em letras minúsculas', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Senhas serão encriptadas, se presentes', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s anexou um novo arquivo a tarefa %s', + 'Link type' => 'Tipo de link', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Atribuir automaticamente uma categoria baseada num link', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Mark conversível', 'Assignee Username' => 'Usuário designado', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php index f6991e96..4d2d20b4 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Controle de tempo:', 'New sub-task' => 'Nova subtarefa', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novo anexo adicionado "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Comentário actualizado', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novo comentário por %s', 'New attachment' => 'Novo anexo', 'New comment' => 'Novo comentário', + 'Comment updated' => 'Comentário actualizado', 'New subtask' => 'Nova subtarefa', 'Subtask updated' => 'Subtarefa alterada', 'Task updated' => 'Tarefa alterada', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Data de fim:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Não existe data de inicio ou fim para este projecto.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Gráfico de Gantt dos projectos', - 'Link type' => 'Tipo de ligação', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Alterar cor da tarefa quando se usar um tipo especifico de ligação de tarefa', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Criação ou modificação de ligação de tarefa', 'Milestone' => 'Objectivo', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Utilizadores tem de estar em letra pequena e ser unicos', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Senhas serão encriptadas se presentes', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s anexou um novo ficheiro à tarefa %s', + 'Link type' => 'Tipo de ligação', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Assignar automáticamente a categoria baseada num link', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Marca Conversível', 'Assignee Username' => 'Utilizador do Assignado', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php index 67e1a29e..1d93b3f3 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Отслеживание времени:', 'New sub-task' => 'Новая подзадача', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Добавлено вложение « %s »', - 'Comment updated' => 'Комментарий обновлен', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Новый комментарий написан « %s »', 'New attachment' => 'Новое вложение', 'New comment' => 'Новый комментарий', + 'Comment updated' => 'Комментарий обновлен', 'New subtask' => 'Новая подзадача', 'Subtask updated' => 'Подзадача обновлена', 'Task updated' => 'Задача обновлена', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Дата завершения:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'В проекте не указаны дата начала или завершения.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Диаграмма Ганта проектов', - 'Link type' => 'Тип ссылки', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Изменение цвета задач при использовании ссылки на определенные задачи', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Ссылка на создание или модификацию задачи', 'Milestone' => 'Веха', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Логины пользователей должны быть строчными и уникальными', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Пароли будут зашифрованы (если указаны)', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s добавил новый файл к задаче %s', + 'Link type' => 'Тип ссылки', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Автоматически назначать категории на основе ссылки', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Конвертируемая марка', 'Assignee Username' => 'Логин назначенного', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => 'Показать список клавиатурных сокращений', 'Menu' => 'Меню', 'Set start date' => 'Установить дату начала', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php index 9b7d47c6..634f6f8c 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Praćenje vremena: ', 'New sub-task' => 'Novi Pod-zadatak', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novi prilog ubačen "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar izmenjen', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novi komentar ostavio %s', // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', + 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar izmenjen', // 'New subtask' => '', // 'Subtask updated' => '', // 'Task updated' => '', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php index 4fe9468a..4dcc63ad 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Tidsspårning', 'New sub-task' => 'Ny deluppgift', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Ny bifogning tillagd "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentaren har uppdaterats', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Ny kommentar postad av %s', 'New attachment' => 'Ny bifogning', 'New comment' => 'Ny kommentar', + 'Comment updated' => 'Kommentaren har uppdaterats', 'New subtask' => 'Ny deluppgift', 'Subtask updated' => 'Deluppgiften har uppdaterats', 'Task updated' => 'Uppgiften har uppdaterats', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( // 'End date:' => '', // 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '', // 'Projects Gantt chart' => '', - // 'Link type' => '', // 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '', // 'Task link creation or modification' => '', // 'Milestone' => '', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( // 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', // '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '', + // 'Link type' => '', // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', // 'Assignee Username' => '', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php index 28726fa1..a81bef73 100644 --- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'การติดตามเวลา:', 'New sub-task' => 'งานย่อยใหม่', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'เพิ่มการแนบใหม่ "%s"', - 'Comment updated' => 'ปรับปรุงความคิดเห็น', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'ความคิดเห็นใหม่จาก %s', 'New attachment' => 'การแนบใหม่', 'New comment' => 'ความคิดเห็นใหม่', + 'Comment updated' => 'ปรับปรุงความคิดเห็น', 'New subtask' => 'งานย่อยใหม่', 'Subtask updated' => 'ปรับปรุงงานย่อยแล้ว', 'Task updated' => 'ปรับปรุงงานแล้ว', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'วันที่จบ:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'ไม่มีวันที่เริ่มหรือวันที่จบของโปรเจคนี้', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'แผนภูมิแกรน์ของโปรเจค', - 'Link type' => 'ประเภทลิงค์', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'เปลี่ยนสีงานเมื่อมีการใช้การเชื่อมโยงงาน', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'การสร้างการเชื่อมโยงงานหรือการปรับเปลี่ยน', 'Milestone' => 'ขั้น', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'ชื่อผู้ใช้ต้องเป็นตัวพิมพ์เล็กและไม่ซ้ำ', // 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s แนบไฟล์ใหม่ในงาน %s', + 'Link type' => 'ประเภทลิงค์', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'กำหนดหมวดอัตโนมัติตามลิงค์', // 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '', 'Assignee Username' => 'กำหนดชื่อผู้ใช้', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php index e294ac6e..9a5380d2 100644 --- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => 'Zaman takibi', 'New sub-task' => 'Yeni alt görev', 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Yeni dosya "%s" eklendi.', - 'Comment updated' => 'Yorum güncellendi', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s tarafından yeni yorum eklendi', 'New attachment' => 'Yeni dosya eki', 'New comment' => 'Yeni yorum', + 'Comment updated' => 'Yorum güncellendi', 'New subtask' => 'Yeni alt görev', 'Subtask updated' => 'Alt görev güncellendi', 'Task updated' => 'Görev güncellendi', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => 'Bitiş tarihi:', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Bu proje için başlangıç veya bitiş tarihi yok.', 'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Projeler Gantt diyagramı', - 'Link type' => 'Bağlantı türü', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => 'Belirli bir görev bağlantısı kullanıldığında görevin rengini değiştir', 'Task link creation or modification' => 'Görev bağlantısı oluşturulması veya değiştirilmesi', 'Milestone' => 'Kilometre taşı', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Kullanıcı adları küçük harf ve tekil olmalı', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Şifreler (eğer varsa) kriptolanır', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '%s, %s görevine yeni dosya ekledi', + 'Link type' => 'Bağlantı türü', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => 'Bir bağlantıya göre otomatik olarak kategori ata', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => 'BAM - Konvertible Mark', 'Assignee Username' => 'Atanan kullanıcı adı', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php index 6e4942c3..d7e45a89 100644 --- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php @@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ return array( 'Time tracking:' => '时间记录', 'New sub-task' => '新建子任务', 'New attachment added "%s"' => '新附件已添加"%s"', - 'Comment updated' => '更新了评论', 'New comment posted by %s' => '%s 的新评论', 'New attachment' => '新建附件', 'New comment' => '新建评论', + 'Comment updated' => '更新了评论', 'New subtask' => '新建子任务', 'Subtask updated' => '子任务更新', 'Task updated' => '任务更新', @@ -841,7 +841,6 @@ return array( 'End date:' => '结束日期', 'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => '当前项目没有开始或结束日期', 'Projects Gantt chart' => '项目甘特图', - 'Link type' => '关联类型', 'Change task color when using a specific task link' => '当任务关联到指定任务时改变颜色', 'Task link creation or modification' => '任务链接创建或更新时间', 'Milestone' => '里程碑', @@ -930,6 +929,7 @@ return array( 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '用户名必须小写且唯一', 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '密码将被加密', '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '"%s"添加了附件到任务"%s"', + 'Link type' => '关联类型', 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '基于链接自动关联分类', 'BAM - Konvertible Mark' => '波斯尼亚马克', 'Assignee Username' => '指派用户名', @@ -1149,4 +1149,7 @@ return array( // 'Display list of keyboard shortcuts' => '', // 'Menu' => '', // 'Set start date' => '', + // 'Avatar' => '', + // 'Upload my avatar image' => '', + // 'Remove my image' => '', ); |