path: root/app/Controller/File.php
diff options
authorBlueTeck <>2015-03-07 11:31:53 +0100
committerBlueTeck <>2015-03-07 11:31:53 +0100
commit5e5af86638d301658d3910b94c68e8a35f676c00 (patch)
tree157242e063b1b986699a1f9a430601bad9b5ded3 /app/Controller/File.php
parent88ba0c0953395e18dbdd871e96831d885f59740c (diff)
add image thumbnail to task detail view, add icons to common file extensions, better layout in task attachments
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Controller/File.php')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/app/Controller/File.php b/app/Controller/File.php
index 3255fe84..1e719d2f 100644
--- a/app/Controller/File.php
+++ b/app/Controller/File.php
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ class File extends Base
$task = $this->getTask();
$this->response->html($this->taskLayout('file/new', array(
- 'task' => $task,
- 'max_size' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
+ 'task' => $task,
+ 'max_size' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ class File extends Base
if ($file['task_id'] == $task['id']) {
$this->response->html($this->template->render('file/open', array(
- 'file' => $file,
- 'task' => $task,
+ 'file' => $file,
+ 'task' => $task,
@@ -102,6 +102,69 @@ class File extends Base
+ * Return the file content (work only for images) resized
+ *
+ * @access public
+ */
+ public function imageThumbnail() {
+ $task = $this->getTask();
+ $file = $this->file->getById($this->request->getIntegerParam('file_id'));
+ $width_param = $this->request->getIntegerParam('width');
+ $height_param = $this->request->getIntegerParam('height');
+ $filename = FILES_DIR . $file['path'];
+ if ($file['task_id'] == $task['id'] && file_exists($filename)) {
+ // Get new sizes
+ list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
+ if ($width_param == 0 && $height_param == 0) {
+ $newwidth = 100;
+ $newheight = 100;
+ } elseif ($width_param > 0 && $height_param == 0) {
+ $newwidth = $width_param;
+ $newheight = floor($height * ( $width_param / $width ));
+ } elseif ($width_param == 0 && $height_param > 0) {
+ $newwidth = floor($width * ( $height_param / $height ));
+ $newheight = $height_param;
+ } else {
+ $newwidth = $width_param;
+ $newheight = $height_param;
+ }
+ // Load
+ $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
+ $info = pathinfo($file['name']);
+ $extension = strtolower($info['extension']);
+ switch ($extension) {
+ case 'jpeg':
+ case 'jpg':
+ $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
+ break;
+ case 'png':
+ $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
+ break;
+ case 'gif':
+ $source = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
+ break;
+ default:
+ die('File "' . $filename . '" is not valid jpg, png or gif image.');
+ break;
+ }
+ // Resize
+ imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
+ $metadata = getimagesize($filename);
+ if (isset($metadata['mime'])) {
+ $this->response->contentType($metadata['mime']);
+ imagejpeg($thumb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* Remove a file
* @access public
@@ -132,8 +195,8 @@ class File extends Base
$file = $this->file->getById($this->request->getIntegerParam('file_id'));
$this->response->html($this->taskLayout('file/remove', array(
- 'task' => $task,
- 'file' => $file,
+ 'task' => $task,
+ 'file' => $file,