path: root/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
diff options
authorEsteban Monge <>2015-01-22 21:58:59 -0600
committerEsteban Monge <>2015-01-22 21:58:59 -0600
commitdb522b618a40d240ffb18d4b36eafb9c1562911a (patch)
treec3cc4ec57cedd0099a36fdea9fb3a2a60775cb65 /app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
parente6f7929f7780dc7ab06f6c4fbbbc86cd63115cd2 (diff)
More spanish translations
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
index 751f755d..fac38e21 100644
--- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
@@ -504,127 +504,127 @@ return array(
'[%s][Position Change] %s (#%d)' => '[%s][Cambia Posición] %s (#%d)',
'[%s][Assignee Change] %s (#%d)' => '[%s][Cambia Persona Asignada] %s (#%d)',
'New password for the user "%s"' => 'Nueva contraseña para el usuario "%s"',
- // 'Choose an event' => '',
- // 'Github commit received' => '',
- // 'Github issue opened' => '',
- // 'Github issue closed' => '',
- // 'Github issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Github issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Github issue label change' => '',
- // 'Create a task from an external provider' => '',
- // 'Change the assignee based on an external username' => '',
- // 'Change the category based on an external label' => '',
- // 'Reference' => '',
- // 'Reference: %s' => '',
- // 'Label' => '',
- // 'Database' => '',
- // 'About' => '',
- // 'Database driver:' => '',
- // 'Board settings' => '',
- // 'URL and token' => '',
- // 'Webhook settings' => '',
- // 'URL for task creation:' => '',
- // 'Reset token' => '',
- // 'API endpoint:' => '',
- // 'Refresh interval for private board' => '',
- // 'Refresh interval for public board' => '',
- // 'Task highlight period' => '',
- // 'Period (in second) to consider a task was modified recently (0 to disable, 2 days by default)' => '',
- // 'Frequency in second (60 seconds by default)' => '',
- // 'Frequency in second (0 to disable this feature, 10 seconds by default)' => '',
- // 'Application URL' => '',
- // 'Example: (used by email notifications)' => '',
- // 'Token regenerated.' => '',
- // 'Date format' => '',
- // 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => '',
- // 'New private project' => '',
- // 'This project is private' => '',
- // 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => '',
- // 'Add' => '',
- // 'Estimated time: %s hours' => '',
- // 'Time spent: %s hours' => '',
- // 'Started on %B %e, %Y' => '',
- // 'Start date' => '',
- // 'Time estimated' => '',
- // 'There is nothing assigned to you.' => '',
- // 'My tasks' => '',
- // 'Activity stream' => '',
- // 'Dashboard' => '',
- // 'Confirmation' => '',
- // 'Allow everybody to access to this project' => '',
- // 'Everybody have access to this project.' => '',
- // 'Webhooks' => '',
- // 'API' => '',
- // 'Integration' => '',
- // 'Github webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Github webhooks' => '',
- // 'Create a comment from an external provider' => '',
- // 'Github issue comment created' => '',
- // 'Configure' => '',
- // 'Project management' => '',
- // 'My projects' => '',
- // 'Columns' => '',
- // 'Task' => '',
- // 'Your are not member of any project.' => '',
- // 'Percentage' => '',
- // 'Number of tasks' => '',
- // 'Task distribution' => '',
- // 'Reportings' => '',
- // 'Task repartition for "%s"' => '',
- // 'Analytics' => '',
- // 'Subtask' => '',
- // 'My subtasks' => '',
- // 'User repartition' => '',
- // 'User repartition for "%s"' => '',
- // 'Clone this project' => '',
- // 'Column removed successfully.' => '',
- // 'Edit Project' => '',
- // 'Github Issue' => '',
- // 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => '',
- // 'Previous' => '',
- // 'The id must be an integer' => '',
- // 'The project id must be an integer' => '',
- // 'The status must be an integer' => '',
- // 'The subtask id is required' => '',
- // 'The subtask id must be an integer' => '',
- // 'The task id is required' => '',
- // 'The task id must be an integer' => '',
- // 'The user id must be an integer' => '',
- // 'This value is required' => '',
- // 'This value must be numeric' => '',
- // 'Unable to create this task.' => '',
- // 'Cumulative flow diagram' => '',
- // 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => '',
- // 'Daily project summary' => '',
- // 'Daily project summary export' => '',
- // 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => '',
- // 'Exports' => '',
- // 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => '',
- // 'Nothing to preview...' => '',
- // 'Preview' => '',
- // 'Write' => '',
- // 'Active swimlanes' => '',
- // 'Add a new swimlane' => '',
- // 'Change default swimlane' => '',
- // 'Default swimlane' => '',
- // 'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => '',
- // 'Inactive swimlanes' => '',
- // 'Set project manager' => '',
- // 'Set project member' => '',
- // 'Remove a swimlane' => '',
- // 'Rename' => '',
- // 'Show default swimlane' => '',
- // 'Swimlane modification for the project "%s"' => '',
- // 'Swimlane not found.' => '',
- // 'Swimlane removed successfully.' => '',
- // 'Swimlanes' => '',
- // 'Swimlane updated successfully.' => '',
- // 'The default swimlane have been updated successfully.' => '',
- // 'Unable to create your swimlane.' => '',
- // 'Unable to remove this swimlane.' => '',
- // 'Unable to update this swimlane.' => '',
- // 'Your swimlane have been created successfully.' => '',
- // 'Example: "Bug, Feature Request, Improvement"' => '',
+ 'Choose an event' => 'Escoga un evento',
+ 'Github commit received' => 'Envío a Github recibido',
+ 'Github issue opened' => 'Problema en Github abierto',
+ 'Github issue closed' => 'Problema en Github cerrado',
+ 'Github issue reopened' => 'Problema en Github reabierto',
+ 'Github issue assignee change' => 'Cambio en signación de problema en Github',
+ 'Github issue label change' => 'Cambio en etiqueta del problema',
+ 'Create a task from an external provider' => 'Crear una tarea a partir de un proveedor externo',
+ 'Change the assignee based on an external username' => 'Cambiar la asignación basado en un nombre de usuario externo',
+ 'Change the category based on an external label' => 'Cambiar la categoría basado en una etiqueta externa',
+ 'Reference' => 'Referencia',
+ 'Reference: %s' => 'Referencia: %s',
+ 'Label' => 'Etiqueta',
+ 'Database' => 'Base de Datos',
+ 'About' => 'Acerca de',
+ 'Database driver:' => 'Driver de la base de datos',
+ 'Board settings' => 'Configuraciones del Tablero',
+ 'URL and token' => 'URL y token',
+ 'Webhook settings' => 'Configuraciones del Webhook',
+ 'URL for task creation:' => 'URL para la creación de tareas',
+ 'Reset token' => 'Resetear token',
+ 'API endpoint:' => 'Punto final del API',
+ 'Refresh interval for private board' => 'Intervalo de refrescamiento del tablero privado',
+ 'Refresh interval for public board' => ''Intervalo de refrescamiento del tablero público,
+ 'Task highlight period' => 'Periodo del realce de la tarea',
+ 'Period (in second) to consider a task was modified recently (0 to disable, 2 days by default)' => 'Periodo (en segundos) para considerar que una tarea fué modificada recientemente (0 para deshabilitar, 2 días por defecto)',
+ 'Frequency in second (60 seconds by default)' => 'Frecuencia en segundos (60 segundos por defecto)',
+ 'Frequency in second (0 to disable this feature, 10 seconds by default)' => 'Frecuencia en segundos (0 para deshabilitar esta característica, 10 segundos por defecto)',
+ 'Application URL' => 'URL de la aplicación',
+ 'Example: (used by email notifications)' => 'Ejemplo: (usado por las notificaciones de correo)',
+ 'Token regenerated.' => 'Token regenerado',
+ 'Date format' => 'Formato de la fecha',
+ 'ISO format is always accepted, example: "%s" and "%s"' => 'El formato ISO siempre es aceptado, ejemplo: "%s" y "%s"',
+ 'New private project' => 'Nuevo proyecto privado',
+ 'This project is private' => 'Este proyecto es privado',
+ 'Type here to create a new sub-task' => 'Escriba aquí para crear una nueva sub-tarea',
+ 'Add' => 'Añadir',
+ 'Estimated time: %s hours' => 'Tiempo estimado: % horas',
+ 'Time spent: %s hours' => 'Tiempo invertido: %s horas',
+ 'Started on %B %e, %Y' => 'Iniciado en %B %e, %Y',
+ 'Start date' => 'Fecha de inicio',
+ 'Time estimated' => 'Tiempo estimado',
+ 'There is nothing assigned to you.' => 'Esto no le está asignado',
+ 'My tasks' => 'Mis tareas',
+ 'Activity stream' => 'Flujo de actividad',
+ 'Dashboard' => 'Tablero',
+ 'Confirmation' => 'Confirmación',
+ 'Allow everybody to access to this project' => 'Permitir a cualquier acceder a este proyecto',
+ 'Everybody have access to this project.' => 'Cualquier tiene acceso a este proyecto',
+ 'Webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
+ 'API' => 'API',
+ 'Integration' => 'Integración',
+ 'Github webhooks' => 'Webhooks de Github',
+ 'Help on Github webhooks' => 'Ayuda con los Webhook de Github',
+ 'Create a comment from an external provider' => 'Crear un comentario a partir de un proveedor externo',
+ 'Github issue comment created' => 'Creado el comentario del problema en Github',
+ 'Configure' => 'Configurar',
+ 'Project management' => 'Administración del proyecto',
+ 'My projects' => 'Mis proyectos',
+ 'Columns' => 'Columnas',
+ 'Task' => 'Tarea',
+ 'Your are not member of any project.' => 'No es miembro de ningún proyecto',
+ 'Percentage' => 'Porcentaje',
+ 'Number of tasks' => 'Número de tareas',
+ 'Task distribution' => 'Distribución de tareas',
+ 'Reportings' => 'Reportes',
+ 'Task repartition for "%s"' => 'Repartición de tareas para "%s"',
+ 'Analytics' => 'Analítica',
+ 'Subtask' => 'Subtarea',
+ 'My subtasks' => 'Mis subtareas',
+ 'User repartition' => 'Repartición de usuarios',
+ 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Repartición para "%s"',
+ 'Clone this project' => 'Clonar este proyecto',
+ 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Columna removida correctamente',
+ 'Edit Project' => 'Editar Proyecto',
+ 'Github Issue' => 'Problema Github',
+ 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'No hay suficiente información para mostrar el gráfico',
+ 'Previous' => 'Anterior,
+ 'The id must be an integer' => 'El id debe ser un entero',
+ 'The project id must be an integer' => 'El id del proyecto debe ser un entero',
+ 'The status must be an integer' => 'El estado debe ser un entero',
+ 'The subtask id is required' => 'El id de la subtarea es requerido',
+ 'The subtask id must be an integer' => 'El id de la subtarea debe ser un entero',
+ 'The task id is required' => 'El id de la tarea es requerido',
+ 'The task id must be an integer' => 'El id de la tarea debe ser un entero',
+ 'The user id must be an integer' => 'El id del usuario debe ser un entero',
+ 'This value is required' => 'El valor es requerido',
+ 'This value must be numeric' => 'Este valor debe ser numérico',
+ 'Unable to create this task.' => 'Imposible crear esta tarea',
+ 'Cumulative flow diagram' => 'Diagrama de flujo acumulativo',
+ 'Cumulative flow diagram for "%s"' => 'Diagrama de flujo acumulativo para "%s"',
+ 'Daily project summary' => 'Sumario diario del proyecto',
+ 'Daily project summary export' => 'Exportar sumario diario del proyecto',
+ 'Daily project summary export for "%s"' => 'Exportar sumario diario del proyecto para "%s"',
+ 'Exports' => 'Exportar',
+ 'This export contains the number of tasks per column grouped per day.' => 'Esta exportación contiene el número de tereas por columna agrupada por día',
+ 'Nothing to preview...' => 'Nada que previsualizar...',
+ 'Preview' => 'Previsualizar',
+ 'Write' => 'Escribir',
+ 'Active swimlanes' => 'Carriles activos',
+ 'Add a new swimlane' => 'Añadir nuevo carril',
+ 'Change default swimlane' => 'Cambiar el carril por defecto',
+ 'Default swimlane' => 'Carril por defecto',
+ 'Do you really want to remove this swimlane: "%s"?' => '¿Realmente quiere remover este carril: "%s"?',
+ 'Inactive swimlanes' => 'Carriles inactivos',
+ 'Set project manager' => 'Asignar administrador del proyecto',
+ 'Set project member' => 'Asignar miembro del proyecto',
+ 'Remove a swimlane' => 'Remover un carril',
+ 'Rename' => 'Renombrar',
+ 'Show default swimlane' => 'Mostrar carril por defecto',
+ 'Swimlane modification for the project "%s"' => '',
+ 'Swimlane not found.' => 'Carril no encontrado',
+ 'Swimlane removed successfully.' => 'Carril removido correctamente',
+ 'Swimlanes' => 'Carriles',
+ 'Swimlane updated successfully.' => 'Carril actualizado correctamente',
+ 'The default swimlane have been updated successfully.' => 'El carril por defecto ha sido actualizado correctamente',
+ 'Unable to create your swimlane.' => 'Imposible crear su carril',
+ 'Unable to remove this swimlane.' => 'Imposible remover este carril',
+ 'Unable to update this swimlane.' => 'Imposible actualizar este carril',
+ 'Your swimlane have been created successfully.' => 'Su carril ha sido creado correctamente',
+ 'Example: "Bug, Feature Request, Improvement"' => 'Ejemplo: "Error, Solicitud de característica, Mejora',
// 'Default categories for new projects (Comma-separated)' => '',
// 'Gitlab commit received' => '',
// 'Gitlab issue opened' => '',
@@ -642,61 +642,61 @@ return array(
// 'Subtasks' => '',
// 'Subtasks Export' => '',
// 'Subtasks exportation for "%s"' => '',
- // 'Task Title' => '',
- // 'Untitled' => '',
- // 'Application default' => '',
- // 'Language:' => '',
- // 'Timezone:' => '',
- // 'All columns' => '',
- // 'Calendar for "%s"' => '',
- // 'Filter by column' => '',
- // 'Filter by status' => '',
- // 'Calendar' => '',
- // 'Today' => '',
- // 'Jan ' => '',
- // 'Feb' => '',
- // 'Mar' => '',
- // 'Apr' => '',
- // 'May' => '',
- // 'Jun' => '',
- // 'Jul' => '',
- // 'Aug' => '',
- // 'Sep' => '',
- // 'Oct' => '',
- // 'Nov' => '',
- // 'Dec' => '',
- // 'January' => '',
- // 'February' => '',
- // 'March' => '',
- // 'April' => '',
- // 'June' => '',
- // 'July' => '',
- // 'August' => '',
- // 'September' => '',
- // 'October' => '',
- // 'November' => '',
- // 'December' => '',
- // 'Sunday' => '',
- // 'Monday' => '',
- // 'Tuesday' => '',
- // 'Wednesday' => '',
- // 'Thursday' => '',
- // 'Friday' => '',
- // 'Saturday' => '',
- // 'Sun' => '',
- // 'Mon' => '',
- // 'Tue' => '',
- // 'Wed' => '',
- // 'Thu' => '',
- // 'Fri' => '',
- // 'Sat' => '',
- // 'Next' => '',
- // '#%d' => '',
- // 'Filter by color' => '',
- // 'Filter by swimlane' => '',
- // 'All swimlanes' => '',
- // 'All colors' => '',
- // 'All status' => '',
+ 'Task Title' => 'Título de la tarea',
+ 'Untitled' => 'Sin título',
+ 'Application default' => 'Predefinido de la aplicación',
+ 'Language:' => 'Idioma',
+ 'Timezone:' => 'Zona horaria',
+ 'All columns' => 'Todas las columnas',
+ 'Calendar for "%s"' => 'Calendario para "%s"',
+ 'Filter by column' => 'Filtrar por columna',
+ 'Filter by status' => 'Filtrar por estado',
+ 'Calendar' => 'Calendario',
+ 'Today' => 'Hoy',
+ 'Jan ' => 'Ene',
+ 'Feb' => 'Feb',
+ 'Mar' => 'Mar',
+ 'Apr' => 'Abr',
+ 'May' => 'May',
+ 'Jun' => 'Jun',
+ 'Jul' => 'Jul',
+ 'Aug' => 'Ago',
+ 'Sep' => 'Sep',
+ 'Oct' => 'Oct',
+ 'Nov' => 'Nov',
+ 'Dec' => 'Dic',
+ 'January' => 'Enero',
+ 'February' => 'Febrero',
+ 'March' => 'Marzo',
+ 'April' => 'Abril',
+ 'June' => 'Junio',
+ 'July' => 'Julio',
+ 'August' => 'Agosto',
+ 'September' => 'Septiembre',
+ 'October' => 'Octubre',
+ 'November' => 'Noviembre',
+ 'December' => 'Diciembre',
+ 'Sunday' => 'Domingo',
+ 'Monday' => 'Lunes',
+ 'Tuesday' => 'Martes',
+ 'Wednesday' => 'Miércoles',
+ 'Thursday' => 'Jueves',
+ 'Friday' => 'Viernes',
+ 'Saturday' => 'Sabado',
+ 'Sun' => 'Dom',
+ 'Mon' => 'Lun',
+ 'Tue' => 'Mar',
+ 'Wed' => 'Mie',
+ 'Thu' => 'Jue',
+ 'Fri' => 'Vie',
+ 'Sat' => 'Sab',
+ 'Next' => 'Siguiente',
+ '#%d' => '',
+ 'Filter by color' => 'Filtrar por color',
+ 'Filter by swimlane' => 'Filtrar por carril',
+ 'All swimlanes' => 'Todos los carriles',
+ 'All colors' => 'Todos los colores',
+ 'All status' => 'Todos los estados',
// 'Add a comment logging moving the task between columns' => '',
- // 'Moved to column %s' => '',
+ 'Moved to column %s' => 'Movido a columna %s',