path: root/app/Locale
diff options
authorFrederic Guillot <>2015-11-15 19:29:31 -0500
committerFrederic Guillot <>2015-11-15 19:29:31 -0500
commitadb35896d8c5bcc6673188921868e472ba35278e (patch)
tree1261fad74366d8d9e002e2f7cdbe39cd40109155 /app/Locale
parent968ae474541302c92f8ec62e9520299c8c95a57a (diff)
Projects with duplicate name are now allowed
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Locale')
21 files changed, 20 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
index 647af0cc..0134acc4 100644
--- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'ID je vyžadováno',
'The project id is required' => 'ID projektu je vyžadováno',
'The project name is required' => 'Jméno projektu je vyžadováno',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Jméno projektu musí být jedinečné',
'The title is required' => 'Nadpis je vyžadován',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Nastavení bylo úspěšně uloženo',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Vaše nastavení nelze uložit.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
index 0e886604..f36c08a2 100644
--- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Id\'et er krævet',
'The project id is required' => 'Projektets id er krævet',
'The project name is required' => 'Projektets navn er krævet',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Projektets navn skal være unikt',
'The title is required' => 'Titel er krævet',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Indstillinger gemt.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Indstillinger kunne ikke gemmes.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
index 631dc449..03eb387e 100644
--- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Die ID ist anzugeben',
'The project id is required' => 'Die Projekt ID ist anzugeben',
'The project name is required' => 'Der Projektname ist anzugeben',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Der Projektname muss eindeutig sein',
'The title is required' => 'Der Titel ist anzugeben',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Einstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Speichern der Einstellungen nicht möglich.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
index 7b999882..e491df6c 100644
--- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'El identificador es obligatorio',
'The project id is required' => 'El identificador del proyecto es obligatorio',
'The project name is required' => 'El nombre del proyecto es obligatorio',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'El nombre del proyecto debe ser único',
'The title is required' => 'El título es obligatorio',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Parámetros guardados correctamente.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'No se pueden guardar sus parámetros.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Los nombres de usuario deben ser únicos y contener sólo minúsculas',
'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Las contraseñas serán cifradas si es que existen',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
index 128b7aaa..15581c2e 100644
--- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'ID vaaditaan',
'The project id is required' => 'Projektin ID on pakollinen',
'The project name is required' => 'Projektin nimi on pakollinen',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Projektin nimi täytyy olla uniikki',
'The title is required' => 'Otsikko vaaditaan',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Asetukset tallennettu onnistuneesti.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Asetusten tallentaminen epäonnistui.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
index 2ef77f16..095f15c6 100644
--- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'L\'identifiant est obligatoire',
'The project id is required' => 'L\'identifiant du projet est obligatoire',
'The project name is required' => 'Le nom du projet est obligatoire',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Le nom du projet doit être unique',
'The title is required' => 'Le titre est obligatoire',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Paramètres sauvegardés avec succès.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Impossible de sauvegarder vos réglages.',
diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
index 85084bbc..050528aa 100644
--- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Az ID-t (azonosítót) meg kell adni',
'The project id is required' => 'A projekt ID-t (azonosítót) meg kell adni',
'The project name is required' => 'A projekt nevét meg kell adni',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'A projekt nevének egyedinek kell lennie',
'The title is required' => 'A címet meg kell adni',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'A beállítások sikeresen mentve.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'A beállítások mentése sikertelen.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
index 6bf69623..49444f10 100644
--- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Id diperlukan',
'The project id is required' => 'Id proyek diperlukan',
'The project name is required' => 'Nama proyek diperlukan',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Proyek ini harus unik',
'The title is required' => 'Judul diperlukan',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Pengaturan berhasil disimpan.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Tidak dapat menyimpan pengaturan anda.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
index d2879fb0..aa842c36 100644
--- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Si richiede l\'identificatore',
'The project id is required' => 'Si richiede l\'identificatore del progetto',
'The project name is required' => 'Si richiede il nome del progetto',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Il nome del progetto deve essere unico',
'The title is required' => 'Si richiede un titolo',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Impostazioni salvate correttamente.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Non si possono salvare le impostazioni.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
index bfe3952e..c77b3b11 100644
--- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'ID が必要です',
'The project id is required' => 'プロジェクト ID が必要です',
'The project name is required' => 'プロジェクト名が必要です',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'プロジェクト名がすでに使われています',
'The title is required' => 'タイトルが必要です',
'Settings saved successfully.' => '設定を保存しました。',
'Unable to save your settings.' => '設定の保存に失敗しました。',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
index eb064079..48cf482e 100644
--- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Id\'en er pøøkrevet',
'The project id is required' => 'Prosjektet-id er påkrevet',
'The project name is required' => 'Prosjektnavn er påkrevet',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Prosjektnavnet skal være unikt',
'The title is required' => 'Tittel er pårevet',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Innstillinger lagret.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Innstillinger kunne ikke lagres.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
index bfda3aa4..9fbb95d7 100644
--- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Het id is verplicht',
'The project id is required' => 'Het project id is verplicht',
'The project name is required' => 'De projectnaam is verplicht',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Dit project moet uniek zijn',
'The title is required' => 'De titel is verplicht',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Instellingen succesvol opgeslagen.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Instellingen opslaan niet gelukt.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
index 4a4823e4..063496c3 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'ID jest wymagane',
'The project id is required' => 'ID projektu jest wymagane',
'The project name is required' => 'Nazwa projektu jest wymagana',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Projekt musi być unikalny',
'The title is required' => 'Tutył jest wymagany',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Ustawienia zapisane.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Nie udało się zapisać ustawień.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
index 3f40bfe9..023897e1 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'O ID é obrigatório',
'The project id is required' => 'O ID do projeto é obrigatório',
'The project name is required' => 'O nome do projeto é obrigatório',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Este projeto deve ser único',
'The title is required' => 'O título é obrigatório',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Configurações salvas com sucesso.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Não é possível salvar suas configurações.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => 'Nomes de usuário devem ser únicos e em letras minúsculas',
'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => 'Senhas serão encriptadas, se presentes',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
index 778f288b..93ba323a 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'O ID é obrigatório',
'The project id is required' => 'O ID do projecto é obrigatório',
'The project name is required' => 'O nome do projecto é obrigatório',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Este projecto deve ser único',
'The title is required' => 'O título é obrigatório',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Configurações guardadas com sucesso.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Não é possível guardar as suas configurações.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
index 6e7e5428..cacdbfa3 100644
--- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Необходим ID',
'The project id is required' => 'Необходим ID проекта',
'The project name is required' => 'Необходимо имя проекта',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Проект должен быть уникальным',
'The title is required' => 'Необходим заголовок',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Параметры успешно сохранены.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Невозможно сохранить параметры.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
index 223055e4..74b60f86 100644
--- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'ID je obavezan',
'The project id is required' => 'ID projekta je obavezan',
'The project name is required' => 'Naziv projekta je obavezan',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Projekat mora biti jedinstven',
'The title is required' => 'Naslov je obavezan',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Podešavanja uspešno snimljena.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Nemoguće snimanje podešavanja.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
index 3c38621c..9587538f 100644
--- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Aktuellt ID måste anges',
'The project id is required' => 'Projekt-ID måste anges',
'The project name is required' => 'Ett projektnamn måste anges',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Detta projekt måste vara unikt',
'The title is required' => 'En titel måste anges.',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Inställningarna har sparats.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Kunde inte spara dina ändringar',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
index 6603eadf..77affbc5 100644
--- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'ต้องการไอดี',
'The project id is required' => 'ต้องการไอดีโปรเจค',
'The project name is required' => 'ต้องการชื่อโปรเจค',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'ชื่อโปรเจคต้องไม่ซ้ำ',
'The title is required' => 'ต้องการหัวเรื่อง',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'บันทึกการตั้งค่าเรียบร้อยแล้ว',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'ไม่สามารถบันทึกการตั้งค่าได้',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
index c3f724df..d92b768c 100644
--- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => 'Kod gerekli',
'The project id is required' => 'Proje kodu gerekli',
'The project name is required' => 'Proje adı gerekli',
- 'This project must be unique' => 'Bu projenin tekil olması gerekli',
'The title is required' => 'Başlık gerekli',
'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Ayarlar başarıyla kaydedildi.',
'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Ayarlarınız kaydedilemedi.',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
index d8ac66d0..a3d93baf 100644
--- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ return array(
'The id is required' => '需要指定id',
'The project id is required' => '需要指定项目id',
'The project name is required' => '需要指定项目名称',
- 'This project must be unique' => '项目名称必须唯一',
'The title is required' => '需要指定标题',
'Settings saved successfully.' => '设置成功保存。',
'Unable to save your settings.' => '无法保存你的设置。',
@@ -1065,4 +1064,5 @@ return array(
// 'Usernames must be lowercase and unique' => '',
// 'Passwords will be encrypted if present' => '',
// '%s attached a new file to the task %s' => '',
+ // 'Assign automatically a category based on a link' => '',