path: root/app/Templates/task_show.php
diff options
authorFrédéric Guillot <>2014-09-08 23:19:40 +0200
committerFrédéric Guillot <>2014-09-08 23:19:40 +0200
commite383c069f1aeba49ea9905f77a51bf663e614b0e (patch)
tree8164aa9e1fad104997e53c6e261bec991631dbbb /app/Templates/task_show.php
parent8c6df9ef0cea757d25cbbcc6fa7cee86d8739627 (diff)
Add public view for tasks
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Templates/task_show.php')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/app/Templates/task_show.php b/app/Templates/task_show.php
index a152bf07..ece4c57c 100644
--- a/app/Templates/task_show.php
+++ b/app/Templates/task_show.php
@@ -1,75 +1,9 @@
-<div class="task-<?= $task['color_id'] ?> task-show-details">
- <h2><?= Helper\escape($task['title']) ?></h2>
- <?php if ($task['score']): ?>
- <span class="task-score"><?= Helper\escape($task['score']) ?></span>
- <?php endif ?>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <?= dt('Created on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_creation']) ?>
- </li>
- <?php if ($task['date_modification']): ?>
- <li>
- <?= dt('Last modified on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_modification']) ?>
- </li>
- <?php endif ?>
- <?php if ($task['date_completed']): ?>
- <li>
- <?= dt('Completed on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_completed']) ?>
- </li>
- <?php endif ?>
- <?php if ($task['date_due']): ?>
- <li>
- <strong><?= dt('Must be done before %B %e, %Y', $task['date_due']) ?></strong>
- </li>
- <?php endif ?>
- <?php if ($task['creator_username']): ?>
- <li>
- <?= t('Created by %s', $task['creator_name'] ?: $task['creator_username']) ?>
- </li>
- <?php endif ?>
- <li>
- <strong>
- <?php if ($task['assignee_username']): ?>
- <?= t('Assigned to %s', $task['assignee_name'] ?: $task['assignee_username']) ?>
- <?php else: ?>
- <?= t('There is nobody assigned') ?>
- <?php endif ?>
- </strong>
- </li>
- <li>
- <?= t('Column on the board:') ?>
- <strong><?= Helper\escape($task['column_title']) ?></strong>
- (<?= Helper\escape($task['project_name']) ?>)
- </li>
- <li><?= t('Task position:').' '.Helper\escape($task['position']) ?></li>
- <?php if ($task['category_name']): ?>
- <li>
- <?= t('Category:') ?> <strong><?= Helper\escape($task['category_name']) ?></strong>
- </li>
- <?php endif ?>
- <li>
- <?php if ($task['is_active'] == 1): ?>
- <?= t('Status is open') ?>
- <?php else: ?>
- <?= t('Status is closed') ?>
- <?php endif ?>
- </li>
- </ul>
-<?php if (! empty($task['description'])): ?>
-<div id="description" class="task-show-section">
- <div class="page-header">
- <h2><?= t('Description') ?></h2>
- </div>
+<?= Helper\template('task_details', array('task' => $task, 'project' => $project)) ?>
- <article class="markdown task-show-description">
- <?= Helper\parse($task['description']) ?: t('There is no description.') ?>
- </article>
-<?php endif ?>
+<?= Helper\template('task_show_description', array('task' => $task)) ?>
+<?= Helper\template('subtask_show', array('task' => $task, 'subtasks' => $subtasks)) ?>
<?php if (! empty($files)): ?>
<div id="attachments" class="task-show-section">
@@ -77,25 +11,4 @@
<?php endif ?>
-<?php if (! empty($subtasks)): ?>
-<div id="subtasks" class="task-show-section">
- <?= Helper\template('subtask_show', array('task' => $task, 'subtasks' => $subtasks)) ?>
-<?php endif ?>
-<?php if (! empty($comments)): ?>
-<div id="comments" class="task-show-section">
- <div class="page-header">
- <h2><?= t('Comments') ?></h2>
- </div>
- <?php foreach ($comments as $comment): ?>
- <?= Helper\template('comment_show', array(
- 'comment' => $comment,
- 'task' => $task,
- )) ?>
- <?php endforeach ?>
-<?php endif ?>
+<?= Helper\template('task_comments', array('task' => $task, 'comments' => $comments)) ?>