path: root/app
diff options
authorFrederic Guillot <>2015-02-21 13:42:51 -0500
committerFrederic Guillot <>2015-02-21 13:42:51 -0500
commit651528d705ba8d6f4f5e13bb292e460e9e992f89 (patch)
tree2cc6f8c5ed0c2fe0b2be09ecc1caf6c76fe03fa1 /app
parent658e668a77fe5ae42c51cf56a632c42a28a62685 (diff)
parent79924882320b98bd6c3a771df2b0065660a1bb25 (diff)
Merge pull-request #643
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
index cb05e2f7..54503b64 100644
--- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
@@ -681,57 +681,57 @@ return array(
'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket commit erhalten',
'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks',
'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Hilfe für Bitbucket webhooks',
- // 'Start' => '',
- // 'End' => '',
- // 'Task age in days' => '',
- // 'Days in this column' => '',
- // '%dd' => '',
- // 'Add a link' => '',
- // 'Add a new link' => '',
- // 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => '',
- // 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => '',
- // 'Field required' => '',
- // 'Link added successfully.' => '',
- // 'Link updated successfully.' => '',
- // 'Link removed successfully.' => '',
- // 'Link labels' => '',
- // 'Link modification' => '',
- // 'Links' => '',
- // 'Link settings' => '',
- // 'Opposite label' => '',
- // 'Remove a link' => '',
- // 'Task\'s links' => '',
- // 'The labels must be different' => '',
- // 'There is no link.' => '',
- // 'This label must be unique' => '',
- // 'Unable to create your link.' => '',
- // 'Unable to update your link.' => '',
- // 'Unable to remove this link.' => '',
- // 'relates to' => '',
- // 'blocks' => '',
- // 'is blocked by' => '',
- // 'duplicates' => '',
- // 'is duplicated by' => '',
- // 'is a child of' => '',
- // 'is a parent of' => '',
- // 'targets milestone' => '',
- // 'is a milestone of' => '',
- // 'fixes' => '',
- // 'is fixed by' => '',
- // 'This task' => '',
- // '<1h' => '',
- // '%dh' => '',
+ 'Start' => 'Start',
+ 'End' => 'Ende',
+ 'Task age in days' => 'Aufgabenalter in Tagen',
+ 'Days in this column' => 'Tage in dieser Spalte',
+ '%dd' => '%dT',
+ 'Add a link' => 'Verbindung hinzufügen',
+ 'Add a new link' => 'Neue Verbindung hinzufügen',
+ 'Do you really want to remove this link: "%s"?' => 'Die Verbindung "%s" wirklich löschen?',
+ 'Do you really want to remove this link with task #%d?' => 'Die Verbindung mit der Aufgabe #%d wirklich löschen?',
+ 'Field required' => 'Feld erforderlich',
+ 'Link added successfully.' => 'Verbindung erfolgreich hinzugefügt.',
+ 'Link updated successfully.' => 'Verbindung erfolgreich aktualisiert.',
+ 'Link removed successfully.' => 'Verbindung erfolgreich gelöscht.',
+ 'Link labels' => 'Verbindungsbeschriftung',
+ 'Link modification' => 'Verbindung ändern',
+ 'Links' => 'Verbindungen',
+ 'Link settings' => 'Verbindungseinstellungen',
+ 'Opposite label' => 'Gegenteil',
+ 'Remove a link' => 'Verbindung entfernen',
+ 'Task\'s links' => 'Aufgaben Verbindungen',
+ 'The labels must be different' => 'Die Beschriftung muss unterschiedlich sein',
+ 'There is no link.' => 'Es gibt keine Verbindung',
+ 'This label must be unique' => 'Die Beschriftung muss einzigartig sein',
+ 'Unable to create your link.' => 'Verbindung kann nicht erstellt werden.',
+ 'Unable to update your link.' => 'Verbindung kann nicht aktualisiert werden.',
+ 'Unable to remove this link.' => 'Verbindung kann nicht entfernt werden',
+ 'relates to' => 'gehört zu',
+ 'blocks' => 'blockiert',
+ 'is blocked by' => 'ist blockiert von',
+ 'duplicates' => 'doppelt',
+ 'is duplicated by' => 'ist gedoppelt von',
+ 'is a child of' => 'ist untergeordnet',
+ 'is a parent of' => 'ist übergeordnet',
+ 'targets milestone' => 'betrifft Meilenstein',
+ 'is a milestone of' => 'ist ein Meilenstein von',
+ 'fixes' => 'behebt',
+ 'is fixed by' => 'wird behoben von',
+ 'This task' => 'Diese Aufgabe',
+ '<1h' => '<1Std',
+ '%dh' => '%dStd',
// '%b %e' => '',
- // 'Expand tasks' => '',
- // 'Collapse tasks' => '',
- // 'Expand/collapse tasks' => '',
- // 'Close dialog box' => '',
- // 'Submit a form' => '',
- // 'Board view' => '',
- // 'Keyboard shortcuts' => '',
- // 'Open board switcher' => '',
- // 'Application' => '',
- // 'Filter recently updated' => '',
- // 'since %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '',
- // 'More filters' => '',
+ 'Expand tasks' => 'Aufgaben aufklappen',
+ 'Collapse tasks' => 'Aufgaben zusammenklappen',
+ 'Expand/collapse tasks' => 'Aufgaben auf/zuklappen',
+ 'Close dialog box' => 'Dialog schließen',
+ 'Submit a form' => 'Formular abschicken',
+ 'Board view' => 'Pinnwand Ansicht',
+ 'Keyboard shortcuts' => 'Tastaturkürzel',
+ 'Open board switcher' => 'Pinnwandauswahl öffnen',
+ 'Application' => 'Anwendung',
+ 'Filter recently updated' => 'Zuletzt geänderte anzeigen',
+ 'since %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => 'seit %B %e, %Y um %k:%M %p',
+ 'More filters' => 'Mehr Filter',