path: root/app
diff options
authorFrederic Guillot <>2015-01-18 17:59:41 -0500
committerFrederic Guillot <>2015-01-18 17:59:41 -0500
commit7c1c14cf64b59f211b9d505112797cb855e5b604 (patch)
tree79622c17096b386ca599c3f804a9d6d5513a8d7d /app
parent74e4a7b0642b18d9aaa71dd72359495c5dc99107 (diff)
Pagination refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
21 files changed, 768 insertions, 652 deletions
diff --git a/app/Controller/App.php b/app/Controller/App.php
index 80d4f275..cf8d606f 100644
--- a/app/Controller/App.php
+++ b/app/Controller/App.php
@@ -29,157 +29,44 @@ class App extends Base
public function index()
- $paginate = $this->request->getStringParam('paginate', 'userTasks');
- $offset = $this->request->getIntegerParam('offset', 0);
- $direction = $this->request->getStringParam('direction');
- $order = $this->request->getStringParam('order');
+ $status = array(SubTaskModel::STATUS_TODO, SubTaskModel::STATUS_INPROGRESS);
$user_id = $this->userSession->getId();
$projects = $this->projectPermission->getMemberProjects($user_id);
$project_ids = array_keys($projects);
- $params = array(
+ $task_paginator = $this->paginator
+ ->setUrl('app', 'index', array('pagination' => 'tasks'))
+ ->setMax(10)
+ ->setOrder('')
+ ->setQuery($this->taskFinder->getUserQuery($user_id))
+ ->calculateOnlyIf($this->request->getStringParam('pagination') === 'tasks');
+ $subtask_paginator = $this->paginator
+ ->setUrl('app', 'index', array('pagination' => 'subtasks'))
+ ->setMax(10)
+ ->setOrder('')
+ ->setQuery($this->subTask->getUserQuery($user_id, $status))
+ ->calculateOnlyIf($this->request->getStringParam('pagination') === 'subtasks');
+ $project_paginator = $this->paginator
+ ->setUrl('app', 'index', array('pagination' => 'projects'))
+ ->setMax(10)
+ ->setOrder('name')
+ ->setQuery($this->project->getQueryColumnStats($project_ids))
+ ->calculateOnlyIf($this->request->getStringParam('pagination') === 'projects');
+ $this->response->html($this->template->layout('app/dashboard', array(
'title' => t('Dashboard'),
'board_selector' => $this->projectPermission->getAllowedProjects($user_id),
'events' => $this->projectActivity->getProjects($project_ids, 10),
- );
- $params += $this->getTaskPagination($user_id, $paginate, $offset, $order, $direction);
- $params += $this->getSubtaskPagination($user_id, $paginate, $offset, $order, $direction);
- $params += $this->getProjectPagination($project_ids, $paginate, $offset, $order, $direction);
- $this->response->html($this->template->layout('app/dashboard', $params));
- }
- /**
- * Get tasks pagination
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $user_id
- * @param string $paginate
- * @param integer $offset
- * @param string $order
- * @param string $direction
- */
- private function getTaskPagination($user_id, $paginate, $offset, $order, $direction)
- {
- $limit = 10;
- if (! in_array($order, array('', 'project_name', 'title', 'date_due'))) {
- $order = '';
- $direction = 'ASC';
- }
- if ($paginate === 'userTasks') {
- $tasks = $this->taskPaginator->userTasks($user_id, $offset, $limit, $order, $direction);
- }
- else {
- $offset = 0;
- $tasks = $this->taskPaginator->userTasks($user_id, $offset, $limit);
- }
- return array(
- 'tasks' => $tasks,
- 'task_pagination' => array(
- 'controller' => 'app',
- 'action' => 'index',
- 'params' => array('paginate' => 'userTasks'),
- 'direction' => $direction,
- 'order' => $order,
- 'total' => $this->taskPaginator->countUserTasks($user_id),
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'limit' => $limit,
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Get subtasks pagination
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $user_id
- * @param string $paginate
- * @param integer $offset
- * @param string $order
- * @param string $direction
- */
- private function getSubtaskPagination($user_id, $paginate, $offset, $order, $direction)
- {
- $status = array(SubTaskModel::STATUS_TODO, SubTaskModel::STATUS_INPROGRESS);
- $limit = 10;
- if (! in_array($order, array('', 'project_name', 'status', 'title'))) {
- $order = '';
- $direction = 'ASC';
- }
- if ($paginate === 'userSubtasks') {
- $subtasks = $this->subtaskPaginator->userSubtasks($user_id, $status, $offset, $limit, $order, $direction);
- }
- else {
- $offset = 0;
- $subtasks = $this->subtaskPaginator->userSubtasks($user_id, $status, $offset, $limit);
- }
- return array(
- 'subtasks' => $subtasks,
- 'subtask_pagination' => array(
- 'controller' => 'app',
- 'action' => 'index',
- 'params' => array('paginate' => 'userSubtasks'),
- 'direction' => $direction,
- 'order' => $order,
- 'total' => $this->subtaskPaginator->countUserSubtasks($user_id, $status),
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'limit' => $limit,
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Get projects pagination
- *
- * @access public
- * @param array $project_ids
- * @param string $paginate
- * @param integer $offset
- * @param string $order
- * @param string $direction
- */
- private function getProjectPagination(array $project_ids, $paginate, $offset, $order, $direction)
- {
- $limit = 10;
- if (! in_array($order, array('id', 'name'))) {
- $order = 'name';
- $direction = 'ASC';
- }
- if ($paginate === 'projectSummaries') {
- $projects = $this->projectPaginator->projectSummaries($project_ids, $offset, $limit, $order, $direction);
- }
- else {
- $offset = 0;
- $projects = $this->projectPaginator->projectSummaries($project_ids, $offset, $limit);
- }
- return array(
- 'projects' => $projects,
- 'project_pagination' => array(
- 'controller' => 'app',
- 'action' => 'index',
- 'params' => array('paginate' => 'projectSummaries'),
- 'direction' => $direction,
- 'order' => $order,
- 'total' => count($project_ids),
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'limit' => $limit,
- )
- );
+ 'task_paginator' => $task_paginator,
+ 'subtask_paginator' => $subtask_paginator,
+ 'project_paginator' => $project_paginator,
+ )));
- * Render Markdown Text and reply with the HTML Code
+ * Render Markdown text and reply with the HTML Code
* @access public
diff --git a/app/Controller/Project.php b/app/Controller/Project.php
index d0da53d0..a53c917c 100644
--- a/app/Controller/Project.php
+++ b/app/Controller/Project.php
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class Project extends Base
$this->response->html($this->projectLayout('project/show', array(
'project' => $project,
- 'stats' => $this->project->getStats($project['id']),
+ 'stats' => $this->project->getTaskStats($project['id']),
'title' => $project['name'],
@@ -425,38 +425,32 @@ class Project extends Base
$project = $this->getProject();
$search = $this->request->getStringParam('search');
- $direction = $this->request->getStringParam('direction', 'DESC');
- $order = $this->request->getStringParam('order', '');
- $offset = $this->request->getIntegerParam('offset', 0);
- $tasks = array();
$nb_tasks = 0;
- $limit = 25;
+ $paginator = $this->paginator
+ ->setUrl('project', 'search', array('search' => $search, 'project_id' => $project['id']))
+ ->setMax(30)
+ ->setOrder('')
+ ->setDirection('DESC');
if ($search !== '') {
- $tasks = $this->taskPaginator->searchTasks($project['id'], $search, $offset, $limit, $order, $direction);
- $nb_tasks = $this->taskPaginator->countSearchTasks($project['id'], $search);
+ $paginator
+ ->setQuery($this->taskFinder->getSearchQuery($project['id'], $search))
+ ->calculate();
+ $nb_tasks = $paginator->getTotal();
$this->response->html($this->template->layout('project/search', array(
'board_selector' => $this->projectPermission->getAllowedProjects($this->userSession->getId()),
- 'tasks' => $tasks,
- 'nb_tasks' => $nb_tasks,
- 'pagination' => array(
- 'controller' => 'project',
- 'action' => 'search',
- 'params' => array('search' => $search, 'project_id' => $project['id']),
- 'direction' => $direction,
- 'order' => $order,
- 'total' => $nb_tasks,
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'limit' => $limit,
- ),
'values' => array(
'search' => $search,
'controller' => 'project',
'action' => 'search',
'project_id' => $project['id'],
+ 'paginator' => $paginator,
'project' => $project,
'columns' => $this->board->getColumnsList($project['id']),
'categories' => $this->category->getList($project['id'], false),
@@ -472,32 +466,21 @@ class Project extends Base
public function tasks()
$project = $this->getProject();
- $direction = $this->request->getStringParam('direction', 'DESC');
- $order = $this->request->getStringParam('order', 'tasks.date_completed');
- $offset = $this->request->getIntegerParam('offset', 0);
- $limit = 25;
- $tasks = $this->taskPaginator->closedTasks($project['id'], $offset, $limit, $order, $direction);
- $nb_tasks = $this->taskPaginator->countClosedTasks($project['id']);
+ $paginator = $this->paginator
+ ->setUrl('project', 'tasks', array('project_id' => $project['id']))
+ ->setMax(30)
+ ->setOrder('')
+ ->setDirection('DESC')
+ ->setQuery($this->taskFinder->getClosedTaskQuery($project['id']))
+ ->calculate();
$this->response->html($this->template->layout('project/tasks', array(
'board_selector' => $this->projectPermission->getAllowedProjects($this->userSession->getId()),
- 'pagination' => array(
- 'controller' => 'project',
- 'action' => 'tasks',
- 'params' => array('project_id' => $project['id']),
- 'direction' => $direction,
- 'order' => $order,
- 'total' => $nb_tasks,
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'limit' => $limit,
- ),
'project' => $project,
'columns' => $this->board->getColumnsList($project['id']),
'categories' => $this->category->getList($project['id'], false),
- 'tasks' => $tasks,
- 'nb_tasks' => $nb_tasks,
- 'title' => t('Completed tasks for "%s"', $project['name']).' ('.$nb_tasks.')'
+ 'paginator' => $paginator,
+ 'title' => t('Completed tasks for "%s"', $project['name']).' ('.$paginator->getTotal().')'
diff --git a/app/Controller/User.php b/app/Controller/User.php
index 7fddf705..a02da7a9 100644
--- a/app/Controller/User.php
+++ b/app/Controller/User.php
@@ -115,31 +115,19 @@ class User extends Base
public function index()
- $direction = $this->request->getStringParam('direction', 'ASC');
- $order = $this->request->getStringParam('order', 'username');
- $offset = $this->request->getIntegerParam('offset', 0);
- $limit = 25;
- $users = $this->user->paginate($offset, $limit, $order, $direction);
- $nb_users = $this->user->count();
+ $paginator = $this->paginator
+ ->setUrl('user', 'index')
+ ->setMax(30)
+ ->setOrder('username')
+ ->setQuery($this->user->getQuery())
+ ->calculate();
$this->template->layout('user/index', array(
'board_selector' => $this->projectPermission->getAllowedProjects($this->userSession->getId()),
'projects' => $this->project->getList(),
- 'nb_users' => $nb_users,
- 'users' => $users,
- 'title' => t('Users').' ('.$nb_users.')',
- 'pagination' => array(
- 'controller' => 'user',
- 'action' => 'index',
- 'direction' => $direction,
- 'order' => $order,
- 'total' => $nb_users,
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'limit' => $limit,
- 'params' => array(),
- ),
+ 'title' => t('Users').' ('.$paginator->getTotal().')',
+ 'paginator' => $paginator,
diff --git a/app/Core/Helper.php b/app/Core/Helper.php
index 146cb2f8..dbe5a271 100644
--- a/app/Core/Helper.php
+++ b/app/Core/Helper.php
@@ -462,73 +462,7 @@ class Helper
$values += $params;
- return '?'.http_build_query($values, '');
- }
- /**
- * Pagination links
- *
- * @param array $pagination Pagination information
- * @return string
- */
- public function paginate(array $pagination)
- {
- extract($pagination);
- if ($pagination['offset'] === 0 && ($total - $pagination['offset']) <= $limit) {
- return '';
- }
- $html = '<div class="pagination">';
- $html .= '<span class="pagination-previous">';
- if ($pagination['offset'] > 0) {
- $offset = $pagination['offset'] - $limit;
- $html .= $this->a('&larr; '.t('Previous'), $controller, $action, $params + compact('offset', 'order', 'direction'));
- }
- else {
- $html .= '&larr; '.t('Previous');
- }
- $html .= '</span>';
- $html .= '<span class="pagination-next">';
- if (($total - $pagination['offset']) > $limit) {
- $offset = $pagination['offset'] + $limit;
- $html .= $this->a(t('Next').' &rarr;', $controller, $action, $params + compact('offset', 'order', 'direction'));
- }
- else {
- $html .= t('Next').' &rarr;';
- }
- $html .= '</span>';
- $html .= '</div>';
- return $html;
- }
- /**
- * Column sorting (work with pagination)
- *
- * @param string $label Column title
- * @param string $column SQL column name
- * @param array $pagination Pagination information
- * @return string
- */
- public function order($label, $column, array $pagination)
- {
- extract($pagination);
- $prefix = '';
- if ($order === $column) {
- $prefix = $direction === 'DESC' ? '&#9660; ' : '&#9650; ';
- $direction = $direction === 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
- }
- $order = $column;
- return $prefix.$this->a($label, $controller, $action, $params + compact('offset', 'order', 'direction'));
+ return '?'.http_build_query($values);
diff --git a/app/Core/Paginator.php b/app/Core/Paginator.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d7ce7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Core/Paginator.php
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+namespace Core;
+use Pimple\Container;
+use PicoDb\Table;
+ * Paginator helper
+ *
+ * @package core
+ * @author Frederic Guillot
+ */
+class Paginator
+ /**
+ * Container instance
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var \Pimple\Container
+ */
+ private $container;
+ /**
+ * Total number of items
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var integer
+ */
+ private $total = 0;
+ /**
+ * Page number
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var integer
+ */
+ private $page = 1;
+ /**
+ * Offset
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var integer
+ */
+ private $offset = 0;
+ /**
+ * Limit
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var integer
+ */
+ private $limit = 0;
+ /**
+ * Sort by this column
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var integer
+ */
+ private $order = '';
+ /**
+ * Sorting direction
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var integer
+ */
+ private $direction = 'ASC';
+ /**
+ * Slice of items
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $items = array();
+ /**
+ * PicoDb Table instance
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var \Picodb\Table
+ */
+ private $query = null;
+ /**
+ * Controller name
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $controller = '';
+ /**
+ * Action name
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $action = '';
+ /**
+ * Url params
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $params = array();
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param \Pimple\Container $container
+ */
+ public function __construct(Container $container)
+ {
+ $this->container = $container;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set a PicoDb query
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param \PicoDb\Table
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setQuery(Table $query)
+ {
+ $this->query = $query;
+ $this->total = $this->query->count();
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute a PicoDb query
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function executeQuery()
+ {
+ if ($this->query !== null) {
+ return $this->query
+ ->offset($this->offset)
+ ->limit($this->limit)
+ ->orderBy($this->order, $this->direction)
+ ->findAll();
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set url parameters
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param string $controller
+ * @param string $action
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setUrl($controller, $action, array $params = array())
+ {
+ $this->controller = $controller;
+ $this->action = $action;
+ $this->params = $params;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add manually items
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param array $items
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setCollection(array $items)
+ {
+ $this->items = $items;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the items
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getCollection()
+ {
+ return $this->items ?: $this->executeQuery();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the total number of items
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $total
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setTotal($total)
+ {
+ $this->total = $total;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the total number of items
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return integer
+ */
+ public function getTotal()
+ {
+ return $this->total;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the default page number
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $page
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setPage($page)
+ {
+ $this->page = $page;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the default column order
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param string $order
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setOrder($order)
+ {
+ $this->order = $order;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the default sorting direction
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param string $direction
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setDirection($direction)
+ {
+ $this->direction = $direction;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the maximum number of items per page
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $limit
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function setMax($limit)
+ {
+ $this->limit = $limit;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if the collection is empty
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function isEmpty()
+ {
+ return $this->total === 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute the offset calculation only if the $condition is true
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param boolean $condition
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function calculateOnlyIf($condition)
+ {
+ if ($condition) {
+ $this->calculate();
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate the offset value accoring to url params and the page number
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return Paginator
+ */
+ public function calculate()
+ {
+ $this->page = $this->container['request']->getIntegerParam('page', 1);
+ $this->direction = $this->container['request']->getStringParam('direction', $this->direction);
+ $this->order = $this->container['request']->getStringParam('order', $this->order);
+ if ($this->page < 1) {
+ $this->page = 1;
+ }
+ $this->offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get url params for link generation
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $page
+ * @param string $order
+ * @param string $direction
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getUrlParams($page, $order, $direction)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'page' => $page,
+ 'order' => $order,
+ 'direction' => $direction,
+ );
+ return array_merge($this->params, $params);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate the previous link
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function generatePreviousLink()
+ {
+ $html = '<span class="pagination-previous">';
+ if ($this->offset > 0) {
+ $html .= $this->container['helper']->a(
+ '&larr; '.t('Previous'),
+ $this->controller,
+ $this->action,
+ $this->getUrlParams($this->page - 1, $this->order, $this->direction)
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $html .= '&larr; '.t('Previous');
+ }
+ $html .= '</span>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate the next link
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function generateNextLink()
+ {
+ $html = '<span class="pagination-next">';
+ if (($this->total - $this->offset) > $this->limit) {
+ $html .= $this->container['helper']->a(
+ t('Next').' &rarr;',
+ $this->controller,
+ $this->action,
+ $this->getUrlParams($this->page + 1, $this->order, $this->direction)
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $html .= t('Next').' &rarr;';
+ }
+ $html .= '</span>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if there is no pagination to show
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function hasNothingtoShow()
+ {
+ return $this->offset === 0 && ($this->total - $this->offset) <= $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generation pagination links
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function toHtml()
+ {
+ $html = '';
+ if (! $this->hasNothingtoShow()) {
+ $html .= '<div class="pagination">';
+ $html .= $this->generatePreviousLink();
+ $html .= $this->generateNextLink();
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ }
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Magic method to output pagination links
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function __toString()
+ {
+ return $this->toHtml();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Column sorting
+ *
+ * @param string $label Column title
+ * @param string $column SQL column name
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function order($label, $column)
+ {
+ $prefix = '';
+ $direction = 'ASC';
+ if ($this->order === $column) {
+ $prefix = $this->direction === 'DESC' ? '&#9660; ' : '&#9650; ';
+ $direction = $this->direction === 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
+ }
+ return $prefix.$this->container['helper']->a(
+ $label,
+ $this->controller,
+ $this->action,
+ $this->getUrlParams($this->page, $column, $direction)
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/app/Model/Project.php b/app/Model/Project.php
index f9c5c39c..a9693fbb 100644
--- a/app/Model/Project.php
+++ b/app/Model/Project.php
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Project extends Base
- * Get all projects, optionaly fetch stats for each project and can check users permissions
+ * Get all projects
* @access public
* @param bool $filter_permissions If true, remove projects not allowed for the current user
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class Project extends Base
* @param integer $project_id Project id
* @return array
- public function getStats($project_id)
+ public function getTaskStats($project_id)
$stats = array();
$stats['nb_active_tasks'] = 0;
@@ -208,6 +208,60 @@ class Project extends Base
+ * Get stats for each column of a project
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param array $project
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getColumnStats(array &$project)
+ {
+ $project['columns'] = $this->board->getColumns($project['id']);
+ $stats = $this->board->getColumnStats($project['id']);
+ foreach ($project['columns'] as &$column) {
+ $column['nb_tasks'] = isset($stats[$column['id']]) ? $stats[$column['id']] : 0;
+ }
+ return $project;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply column stats to a collection of projects (filter callback)
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param array $projects
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function applyColumnStats(array $projects)
+ {
+ foreach ($projects as &$project) {
+ $this->getColumnStats($project);
+ }
+ return $projects;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get project summary for a list of project
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param array $project_ids List of project id
+ * @return \PicoDb\Table
+ */
+ public function getQueryColumnStats(array $project_ids)
+ {
+ if (empty($project_ids)) {
+ return $this->db->table(Project::TABLE)->limit(0);
+ }
+ return $this->db
+ ->table(Project::TABLE)
+ ->in('id', $project_ids)
+ ->filter(array($this, 'applyColumnStats'));
+ }
+ /**
* Create a project from another one.
* @author Antonio Rabelo
diff --git a/app/Model/ProjectPaginator.php b/app/Model/ProjectPaginator.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b216b1..00000000
--- a/app/Model/ProjectPaginator.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-namespace Model;
- * Project Paginator
- *
- * @package model
- * @author Frederic Guillot
- */
-class ProjectPaginator extends Base
- /**
- * Get project summary for a list of project (number of tasks for each column)
- *
- * @access public
- * @param array $project_ids List of project id
- * @param integer $offset Offset
- * @param integer $limit Limit
- * @param string $column Sorting column
- * @param string $direction Sorting direction
- * @return array
- */
- public function projectSummaries(array $project_ids, $offset = 0, $limit = 25, $column = 'name', $direction = 'asc')
- {
- if (empty($project_ids)) {
- return array();
- }
- $projects = $this->db
- ->table(Project::TABLE)
- ->in('id', $project_ids)
- ->offset($offset)
- ->limit($limit)
- ->orderBy($column, $direction)
- ->findAll();
- foreach ($projects as &$project) {
- $project['columns'] = $this->board->getColumns($project['id']);
- $stats = $this->board->getColumnStats($project['id']);
- foreach ($project['columns'] as &$column) {
- $column['nb_tasks'] = isset($stats[$column['id']]) ? $stats[$column['id']] : 0;
- }
- }
- return $projects;
- }
diff --git a/app/Model/SubTask.php b/app/Model/SubTask.php
index 1c5d1bf0..e5b03ab0 100644
--- a/app/Model/SubTask.php
+++ b/app/Model/SubTask.php
@@ -66,21 +66,15 @@ class SubTask extends Base
- * Get all subtasks for a given task
+ * Add subtask status status to the resultset
* @access public
- * @param integer $task_id Task id
+ * @param array $subtasks Subtasks
* @return array
- public function getAll($task_id)
+ public function addStatusName(array $subtasks)
$status = $this->getStatusList();
- $subtasks = $this->db->table(self::TABLE)
- ->eq('task_id', $task_id)
- ->columns(self::TABLE.'.*', User::TABLE.'.username', User::TABLE.'.name')
- ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'user_id')
- ->asc(self::TABLE.'.id')
- ->findAll();
foreach ($subtasks as &$subtask) {
$subtask['status_name'] = $status[$subtask['status']];
@@ -90,6 +84,49 @@ class SubTask extends Base
+ * Get the query to fetch subtasks assigned to a user
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $user_id User id
+ * @param array $status List of status
+ * @return \PicoDb\Table
+ */
+ public function getUserQuery($user_id, array $status)
+ {
+ return $this->db->table(SubTask::TABLE)
+ ->columns(
+ SubTask::TABLE.'.*',
+ Task::TABLE.'.project_id',
+ Task::TABLE.'.color_id',
+ Project::TABLE.'.name AS project_name'
+ )
+ ->eq('user_id', $user_id)
+ ->in(SubTask::TABLE.'.status', $status)
+ ->join(Task::TABLE, 'id', 'task_id')
+ ->join(Project::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id', Task::TABLE)
+ ->filter(array($this, 'addStatusName'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all subtasks for a given task
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $task_id Task id
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getAll($task_id)
+ {
+ return $this->db
+ ->table(self::TABLE)
+ ->eq('task_id', $task_id)
+ ->columns(self::TABLE.'.*', User::TABLE.'.username', User::TABLE.'.name')
+ ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'user_id')
+ ->asc(self::TABLE.'.id')
+ ->filter(array($this, 'addStatusName'))
+ ->findAll();
+ }
+ /**
* Get a subtask by the id
* @access public
@@ -101,18 +138,13 @@ class SubTask extends Base
if ($more) {
- $subtask = $this->db->table(self::TABLE)
- ->eq(self::TABLE.'.id', $subtask_id)
- ->columns(self::TABLE.'.*', User::TABLE.'.username', User::TABLE.'.name')
- ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'user_id')
- ->findOne();
- if ($subtask) {
- $status = $this->getStatusList();
- $subtask['status_name'] = $status[$subtask['status']];
- }
- return $subtask;
+ return $this->db
+ ->table(self::TABLE)
+ ->eq(self::TABLE.'.id', $subtask_id)
+ ->columns(self::TABLE.'.*', User::TABLE.'.username', User::TABLE.'.name')
+ ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'user_id')
+ ->filter(array($this, 'addStatusName'))
+ ->findOne();
return $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->eq('id', $subtask_id)->findOne();
diff --git a/app/Model/SubtaskPaginator.php b/app/Model/SubtaskPaginator.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ccbd696..00000000
--- a/app/Model/SubtaskPaginator.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-namespace Model;
- * Subtask Paginator
- *
- * @package model
- * @author Frederic Guillot
- */
-class SubtaskPaginator extends Base
- /**
- * Get all subtasks assigned to a user
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $user_id User id
- * @param array $status List of status
- * @param integer $offset Offset
- * @param integer $limit Limit
- * @param string $column Sorting column
- * @param string $direction Sorting direction
- * @return array
- */
- public function userSubtasks($user_id, array $status, $offset = 0, $limit = 25, $column = '', $direction = 'asc')
- {
- $status_list = $this->subTask->getStatusList();
- $subtasks = $this->db->table(SubTask::TABLE)
- ->columns(
- SubTask::TABLE.'.*',
- Task::TABLE.'.project_id',
- Task::TABLE.'.color_id',
- Project::TABLE.'.name AS project_name'
- )
- ->eq('user_id', $user_id)
- ->in(SubTask::TABLE.'.status', $status)
- ->join(Task::TABLE, 'id', 'task_id')
- ->join(Project::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id', Task::TABLE)
- ->offset($offset)
- ->limit($limit)
- ->orderBy($column, $direction)
- ->findAll();
- foreach ($subtasks as &$subtask) {
- $subtask['status_name'] = $status_list[$subtask['status']];
- }
- return $subtasks;
- }
- /**
- * Count all subtasks assigned to the user
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $user_id User id
- * @param array $status List of status
- * @return integer
- */
- public function countUserSubtasks($user_id, array $status)
- {
- return $this->db
- ->table(SubTask::TABLE)
- ->eq('user_id', $user_id)
- ->in('status', $status)
- ->count();
- }
diff --git a/app/Model/TaskFinder.php b/app/Model/TaskFinder.php
index eb86fe3e..9d517ac5 100644
--- a/app/Model/TaskFinder.php
+++ b/app/Model/TaskFinder.php
@@ -13,12 +13,66 @@ use PDO;
class TaskFinder extends Base
- * Common request to fetch a list of tasks
+ * Get query for closed tasks
* @access public
+ * @param integer $project_id Project id
* @return \PicoDb\Table
- public function getQuery()
+ public function getClosedTaskQuery($project_id)
+ {
+ return $this->getExtendedQuery()
+ ->eq('project_id', $project_id)
+ ->eq('is_active', Task::STATUS_CLOSED);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get query for task search
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $project_id Project id
+ * @param string $search Search terms
+ * @return \PicoDb\Table
+ */
+ public function getSearchQuery($project_id, $search)
+ {
+ return $this->getExtendedQuery()
+ ->eq('project_id', $project_id)
+ ->ilike('title', '%'.$search.'%');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get query for assigned user tasks
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @param integer $user_id User id
+ * @return \PicoDb\Table
+ */
+ public function getUserQuery($user_id)
+ {
+ return $this->db
+ ->table(Task::TABLE)
+ ->columns(
+ '',
+ 'tasks.title',
+ 'tasks.date_due',
+ 'tasks.date_creation',
+ 'tasks.project_id',
+ 'tasks.color_id',
+ ' AS project_name'
+ )
+ ->join(Project::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id')
+ ->eq('tasks.owner_id', $user_id)
+ ->eq('tasks.is_active', Task::STATUS_OPEN);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extended query
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return \PicoDb\Table
+ */
+ public function getExtendedQuery()
return $this->db
@@ -62,7 +116,7 @@ class TaskFinder extends Base
public function getTasksByColumnAndSwimlane($project_id, $column_id, $swimlane_id = 0)
- return $this->getQuery()
+ return $this->getExtendedQuery()
->eq('project_id', $project_id)
->eq('column_id', $column_id)
->eq('swimlane_id', $swimlane_id)
diff --git a/app/Model/TaskPaginator.php b/app/Model/TaskPaginator.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e8109229..00000000
--- a/app/Model/TaskPaginator.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-namespace Model;
- * Task Paginator model
- *
- * @package model
- * @author Frederic Guillot
- */
-class TaskPaginator extends Base
- /**
- * Task search with pagination
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $project_id Project id
- * @param string $search Search terms
- * @param integer $offset Offset
- * @param integer $limit Limit
- * @param string $column Sorting column
- * @param string $direction Sorting direction
- * @return array
- */
- public function searchTasks($project_id, $search, $offset = 0, $limit = 25, $column = '', $direction = 'DESC')
- {
- return $this->taskFinder->getQuery()
- ->eq('project_id', $project_id)
- ->ilike('title', '%'.$search.'%')
- ->offset($offset)
- ->limit($limit)
- ->orderBy($column, $direction)
- ->findAll();
- }
- /**
- * Count the number of tasks for a custom search
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $project_id Project id
- * @param string $search Search terms
- * @return integer
- */
- public function countSearchTasks($project_id, $search)
- {
- return $this->db->table(Task::TABLE)
- ->eq('project_id', $project_id)
- ->ilike('title', '%'.$search.'%')
- ->count();
- }
- /**
- * Get all completed tasks with pagination
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $project_id Project id
- * @param integer $offset Offset
- * @param integer $limit Limit
- * @param string $column Sorting column
- * @param string $direction Sorting direction
- * @return array
- */
- public function closedTasks($project_id, $offset = 0, $limit = 25, $column = 'tasks.date_completed', $direction = 'DESC')
- {
- return $this->taskFinder->getQuery()
- ->eq('project_id', $project_id)
- ->eq('is_active', Task::STATUS_CLOSED)
- ->offset($offset)
- ->limit($limit)
- ->orderBy($column, $direction)
- ->findAll();
- }
- /**
- * Count all closed tasks
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $project_id Project id
- * @return integer
- */
- public function countClosedTasks($project_id)
- {
- return $this->db
- ->table(Task::TABLE)
- ->eq('project_id', $project_id)
- ->eq('is_active', Task::STATUS_CLOSED)
- ->count();
- }
- /**
- * Get all open tasks for a given user
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $user_id User id
- * @param integer $offset Offset
- * @param integer $limit Limit
- * @param string $column Sorting column
- * @param string $direction Sorting direction
- * @return array
- */
- public function userTasks($user_id, $offset = 0, $limit = 25, $column = '', $direction = 'ASC')
- {
- return $this->db
- ->table(Task::TABLE)
- ->columns(
- '',
- 'tasks.title',
- 'tasks.date_due',
- 'tasks.date_creation',
- 'tasks.project_id',
- 'tasks.color_id',
- ' AS project_name'
- )
- ->join(Project::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id')
- ->eq('tasks.owner_id', $user_id)
- ->eq('tasks.is_active', Task::STATUS_OPEN)
- ->offset($offset)
- ->limit($limit)
- ->orderBy($column, $direction)
- ->findAll();
- }
- /**
- * Count all tasks assigned to the user
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $user_id User id
- * @return integer
- */
- public function countUserTasks($user_id)
- {
- return $this->db
- ->table(Task::TABLE)
- ->eq('owner_id', $user_id)
- ->eq('is_active', Task::STATUS_OPEN)
- ->count();
- }
diff --git a/app/Model/User.php b/app/Model/User.php
index 1bcc82b5..01be8597 100644
--- a/app/Model/User.php
+++ b/app/Model/User.php
@@ -29,6 +29,30 @@ class User extends Base
const EVERYBODY_ID = -1;
+ * Get query to fetch all users
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return \PicoDb\Table
+ */
+ public function getQuery()
+ {
+ return $this->db
+ ->table(self::TABLE)
+ ->columns(
+ 'id',
+ 'username',
+ 'name',
+ 'email',
+ 'is_admin',
+ 'default_project_id',
+ 'is_ldap_user',
+ 'notifications_enabled',
+ 'google_id',
+ 'github_id'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
* Return the full name
* @param array $user User properties
@@ -112,54 +136,7 @@ class User extends Base
public function getAll()
- return $this->db
- ->table(self::TABLE)
- ->asc('username')
- ->columns(
- 'id',
- 'username',
- 'name',
- 'email',
- 'is_admin',
- 'default_project_id',
- 'is_ldap_user',
- 'notifications_enabled',
- 'google_id',
- 'github_id'
- )
- ->findAll();
- }
- /**
- * Get all users with pagination
- *
- * @access public
- * @param integer $offset Offset
- * @param integer $limit Limit
- * @param string $column Sorting column
- * @param string $direction Sorting direction
- * @return array
- */
- public function paginate($offset = 0, $limit = 25, $column = 'username', $direction = 'ASC')
- {
- return $this->db
- ->table(self::TABLE)
- ->columns(
- 'id',
- 'username',
- 'name',
- 'email',
- 'is_admin',
- 'default_project_id',
- 'is_ldap_user',
- 'notifications_enabled',
- 'google_id',
- 'github_id'
- )
- ->offset($offset)
- ->limit($limit)
- ->orderBy($column, $direction)
- ->findAll();
+ return $this->getQuery()->asc('username')->findAll();
diff --git a/app/ServiceProvider/ClassProvider.php b/app/ServiceProvider/ClassProvider.php
index 983eb30b..8ff00137 100644
--- a/app/ServiceProvider/ClassProvider.php
+++ b/app/ServiceProvider/ClassProvider.php
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace ServiceProvider;
+use Core\Paginator;
use Model\Config;
use Model\Project;
use Model\Webhook;
@@ -28,10 +29,8 @@ class ClassProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
- 'ProjectPaginator',
- 'SubtaskPaginator',
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ class ClassProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
- 'TaskPaginator',
@@ -57,6 +55,7 @@ class ClassProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
+ 'Request',
'Integration' => array(
@@ -77,5 +76,9 @@ class ClassProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
+ $container['paginator'] = $container->factory(function ($c) {
+ return new Paginator($c);
+ });
diff --git a/app/Template/app/dashboard.php b/app/Template/app/dashboard.php
index 81305ed8..592621a6 100644
--- a/app/Template/app/dashboard.php
+++ b/app/Template/app/dashboard.php
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
<section id="dashboard">
<div class="dashboard-left-column">
- <?= $this->render('app/projects', array('projects' => $projects, 'pagination' => $project_pagination)) ?>
- <?= $this->render('app/tasks', array('tasks' => $tasks, 'pagination' => $task_pagination)) ?>
- <?= $this->render('app/subtasks', array('subtasks' => $subtasks, 'pagination' => $subtask_pagination)) ?>
+ <?= $this->render('app/projects', array('paginator' => $project_paginator)) ?>
+ <?= $this->render('app/tasks', array('paginator' => $task_paginator)) ?>
+ <?= $this->render('app/subtasks', array('paginator' => $subtask_paginator)) ?>
<div class="dashboard-right-column">
<h2><?= t('Activity stream') ?></h2>
diff --git a/app/Template/app/projects.php b/app/Template/app/projects.php
index 724a6a5d..4740c4b8 100644
--- a/app/Template/app/projects.php
+++ b/app/Template/app/projects.php
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<h2><?= t('My projects') ?></h2>
-<?php if (empty($projects)): ?>
+<?php if ($paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<p class="alert"><?= t('Your are not member of any project.') ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<table class="table-fixed">
- <th class="column-8"><?= $this->order('Id', 'id', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-20"><?= $this->order(t('Project'), 'name', $pagination) ?></th>
+ <th class="column-8"><?= $paginator->order('Id', 'id') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-20"><?= $paginator->order(t('Project'), 'name') ?></th>
<th><?= t('Columns') ?></th>
- <?php foreach ($projects as $project): ?>
+ <?php foreach ($paginator->getCollection() as $project): ?>
<?= $this->a('#'.$project['id'], 'board', 'show', array('project_id' => $project['id']), false, 'dashboard-table-link') ?>
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
<?php if ($this->isManager($project['id'])): ?>
<?= $this->a('<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>', 'project', 'show', array('project_id' => $project['id']), false, 'dashboard-table-link', t('Settings')) ?>&nbsp;
<?php endif ?>
<?= $this->a('<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>', 'calendar', 'show', array('project_id' => $project['id']), false, 'dashboard-table-link', t('Calendar')) ?>&nbsp;
<?= $this->a($this->e($project['name']), 'board', 'show', array('project_id' => $project['id'])) ?>
@@ -30,5 +31,5 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
- <?= $this->paginate($pagination) ?>
+ <?= $paginator ?>
<?php endif ?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Template/app/subtasks.php b/app/Template/app/subtasks.php
index 2ad343e5..75320027 100644
--- a/app/Template/app/subtasks.php
+++ b/app/Template/app/subtasks.php
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<h2><?= t('My subtasks') ?></h2>
-<?php if (empty($subtasks)): ?>
+<?php if ($paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<p class="alert"><?= t('There is nothing assigned to you.') ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<table class="table-fixed">
- <th class="column-10"><?= $this->order('Id', '', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-20"><?= $this->order(t('Project'), 'project_name', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-15"><?= $this->order(t('Status'), 'status', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Subtask'), 'title', $pagination) ?></th>
+ <th class="column-10"><?= $paginator->order('Id', '') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-20"><?= $paginator->order(t('Project'), 'project_name') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-15"><?= $paginator->order(t('Status'), 'status') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Subtask'), 'title') ?></th>
- <?php foreach ($subtasks as $subtask): ?>
+ <?php foreach ($paginator->getCollection() as $subtask): ?>
<td class="task-table color-<?= $subtask['color_id'] ?>">
<?= $this->a('#'.$subtask['task_id'], 'task', 'show', array('task_id' => $subtask['task_id'], 'project_id' => $subtask['project_id'])) ?>
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
- <?= $this->paginate($pagination) ?>
+ <?= $paginator ?>
<?php endif ?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Template/app/tasks.php b/app/Template/app/tasks.php
index dc485d7b..37843af5 100644
--- a/app/Template/app/tasks.php
+++ b/app/Template/app/tasks.php
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<h2><?= t('My tasks') ?></h2>
-<?php if (empty($tasks)): ?>
+<?php if ($paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<p class="alert"><?= t('There is nothing assigned to you.') ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<table class="table-fixed">
- <th class="column-8"><?= $this->order('Id', '', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-20"><?= $this->order(t('Project'), 'project_name', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Task'), 'title', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-20"><?= $this->order(t('Due date'), 'date_due', $pagination) ?></th>
+ <th class="column-8"><?= $paginator->order('Id', '') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-20"><?= $paginator->order(t('Project'), 'project_name') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Task'), 'title') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-20"><?= $paginator->order(t('Due date'), 'date_due') ?></th>
- <?php foreach ($tasks as $task): ?>
+ <?php foreach ($paginator->getCollection() as $task): ?>
<td class="task-table color-<?= $task['color_id'] ?>">
<?= $this->a('#'.$task['id'], 'task', 'show', array('task_id' => $task['id'], 'project_id' => $task['project_id'])) ?>
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
- <?= $this->paginate($pagination) ?>
+ <?= $paginator ?>
<?php endif ?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Template/project/search.php b/app/Template/project/search.php
index 695940ac..47ba0f77 100644
--- a/app/Template/project/search.php
+++ b/app/Template/project/search.php
@@ -28,14 +28,13 @@
<input type="submit" value="<?= t('Search') ?>" class="btn btn-blue"/>
- <?php if (empty($tasks) && ! empty($values['search'])): ?>
+ <?php if (! empty($values['search']) && $paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<p class="alert"><?= t('Nothing found.') ?></p>
- <?php elseif (! empty($tasks)): ?>
+ <?php elseif (! $paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<?= $this->render('task/table', array(
- 'tasks' => $tasks,
+ 'paginator' => $paginator,
'categories' => $categories,
'columns' => $columns,
- 'pagination' => $pagination,
)) ?>
<?php endif ?>
diff --git a/app/Template/project/tasks.php b/app/Template/project/tasks.php
index c52abde4..b22746f9 100644
--- a/app/Template/project/tasks.php
+++ b/app/Template/project/tasks.php
@@ -20,14 +20,13 @@
- <?php if (empty($tasks)): ?>
+ <?php if ($paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<p class="alert"><?= t('No task') ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<?= $this->render('task/table', array(
- 'tasks' => $tasks,
+ 'paginator' => $paginator,
'categories' => $categories,
'columns' => $columns,
- 'pagination' => $pagination,
)) ?>
<?php endif ?>
diff --git a/app/Template/task/table.php b/app/Template/task/table.php
index e8ca7c51..4ccf83b9 100644
--- a/app/Template/task/table.php
+++ b/app/Template/task/table.php
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<table class="table-fixed table-small">
- <th class="column-8"><?= $this->order(t('Id'), '', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-8"><?= $this->order(t('Column'), 'tasks.column_id', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-8"><?= $this->order(t('Category'), 'tasks.category_id', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Title'), 'tasks.title', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-10"><?= $this->order(t('Assignee'), 'users.username', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-10"><?= $this->order(t('Due date'), 'tasks.date_due', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-10"><?= $this->order(t('Date created'), 'tasks.date_creation', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-10"><?= $this->order(t('Date completed'), 'tasks.date_completed', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th class="column-5"><?= $this->order(t('Status'), 'tasks.is_active', $pagination) ?></th>
+ <th class="column-8"><?= $paginator->order(t('Id'), '') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-8"><?= $paginator->order(t('Column'), 'tasks.column_id') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-8"><?= $paginator->order(t('Category'), 'tasks.category_id') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Title'), 'tasks.title') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-10"><?= $paginator->order(t('Assignee'), 'users.username') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-10"><?= $paginator->order(t('Due date'), 'tasks.date_due') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-10"><?= $paginator->order(t('Date created'), 'tasks.date_creation') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-10"><?= $paginator->order(t('Date completed'), 'tasks.date_completed') ?></th>
+ <th class="column-5"><?= $paginator->order(t('Status'), 'tasks.is_active') ?></th>
- <?php foreach ($tasks as $task): ?>
+ <?php foreach ($paginator->getCollection() as $task): ?>
<td class="task-table color-<?= $task['color_id'] ?>">
<?= $this->a('#'.$this->e($task['id']), 'task', 'show', array('task_id' => $task['id'], 'project_id' => $task['project_id']), false, '', t('View this task')) ?>
@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
-<?= $this->paginate($pagination) ?>
+<?= $paginator ?>
diff --git a/app/Template/user/index.php b/app/Template/user/index.php
index e4729501..41e205ba 100644
--- a/app/Template/user/index.php
+++ b/app/Template/user/index.php
@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
<?php endif ?>
- <?php if (empty($users)): ?>
+ <?php if ($paginator->isEmpty()): ?>
<p class="alert"><?= t('No user') ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Id'), 'id', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Username'), 'username', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Name'), 'name', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Email'), 'email', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Administrator'), 'is_admin', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Default project'), 'default_project_id', $pagination) ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Notifications'), 'notifications_enabled', $pagination) ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Id'), 'id') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Username'), 'username') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Name'), 'name') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Email'), 'email') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Administrator'), 'is_admin') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Default project'), 'default_project_id') ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Notifications'), 'notifications_enabled') ?></th>
<th><?= t('External accounts') ?></th>
- <th><?= $this->order(t('Account type'), 'is_ldap_user', $pagination) ?></th>
+ <th><?= $paginator->order(t('Account type'), 'is_ldap_user') ?></th>
- <?php foreach ($users as $user): ?>
+ <?php foreach ($paginator->getCollection() as $user): ?>
<?= $this->a('#'.$user['id'], 'user', 'show', array('user_id' => $user['id'])) ?>
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
- <?= $this->paginate($pagination) ?>
+ <?= $paginator ?>
<?php endif ?>