path: root/doc/plugin-registration.markdown
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authorFrederic Guillot <>2015-10-16 20:50:12 -0400
committerFrederic Guillot <>2015-10-16 20:50:12 -0400
commitf99a3c501fd6ed7b4914b8d6e855489c2ce5b219 (patch)
tree976276d6acfff78923e4549b0ef9ea94c5e2cb0d /doc/plugin-registration.markdown
parent9c9ed02cd7ebc5dbbc99bcaed6f80988ce8a9677 (diff)
Make mail transports pluggable and move integrations to plugins
- Postmark: - Mailgun: - Sendgrid:
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/plugin-registration.markdown')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/plugin-registration.markdown b/doc/plugin-registration.markdown
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+Plugin Registration
+Directory structure
+Plugins are stored in the `plugins` subdirectory. An example of a plugin directory structure:
+└── Budget <= Plugin name
+ ├── Asset <= Javascript/CSS files
+ ├── Controller
+ ├── LICENSE <= Plugin license
+ ├── Locale
+ │ ├── fr_FR
+ │   ├── it_IT
+ │   ├── ja_JP
+ │   └── zh_CN
+ ├── Model
+ ├── Plugin.php <= Plugin registration file
+ ├──
+ ├── Schema <= Database migrations
+ ├── Template
+ └── Test <= Unit tests
+Only the registration file `Plugin.php` is required. Other folders are optionals.
+The first letter of the plugin name must be capitalized.
+Plugin Registration File
+Kanboard will scan the directory `plugins` and load automatically everything under this directory. The file `Plugin.php` is used to load and register the plugin.
+Example of `Plugin.php` file (`plugins/Foobar/Plugin.php`):
+namespace Kanboard\Plugin\Foobar;
+use Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base;
+class Plugin extends Plugin\Base
+ public function initialize()
+ {
+ $this->template->hook->attach('template:layout:head', 'theme:layout/head');
+ }
+This file should contains a class `Plugin` defined under the namespace `Kanboard\Plugin\Yourplugin` and extends `Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base`.
+The only required method is `initialize()`. This method is called for each request when the plugin is loaded.
+Plugin Methods
+Available methods from `Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base`:
+- `initialize()`: Executed when the plugin is loaded
+- `getClasses()`: Return all classes that should be stored in the dependency injection container
+- `on($event, $callback)`: Listen on internal events
+- `getPluginName()`: Should return plugin name
+- `getPluginAuthor()`: Should return plugin author
+- `getPluginVersion()`: Should return plugin version
+- `getPluginDescription()`: Should return plugin description
+- `getPluginHomepage()`: Should return plugin Homepage (link)
+- `setContentSecurityPolicy(array $rules)`: Override default HTTP CSP rules
+Your plugin registration class also inherit from `Kanboard\Core\Base`, that means you can access to all classes and methods of Kanboard easily.
+This example will fetch the user #123:
+Plugin Translations
+Plugin can be translated in the same way the rest of the application. You must load the translations yourself when the session is created:
+$this->on('session.bootstrap', function($container) {
+ Translator::load($container['config']->getCurrentLanguage(), __DIR__.'/Locale');
+The translations must be stored in `plugins/Myplugin/Locale/xx_XX/translations.php`.
+Dependency Injection Container
+Kanboard use Pimple, a simple PHP Dependency Injection Container. However, Kanboard can register any class in the container easily.
+Those classes are available everywhere in the application and only one instance is created.
+Here an example to register your own models in the container:
+public function getClasses()
+ return array(
+ 'Plugin\Budget\Model' => array(
+ 'HourlyRate',
+ 'Budget',
+ )
+ );
+Now, if you use a class that extends from `Core\Base`, you can access directly to those class instance:
+// It's the same thing as using the container:
+Keys of the containers are unique across the application. If you override an existing class you will change the default behavior.
+Event Listening
+Kanboard use internal events and your plugin can listen and perform actions on these events.
+$this->on('session.bootstrap', function($container) {
+ // Do something
+- The first argument is the event name
+- The second argument is a PHP callable function (closure or class method)
+Extend Automatic Actions
+To define a new automatic action with a plugin, you just need to call the method `extendActions()` from the class `Kanboard\Model\Action`, here an example:
+namespace Kanboard\Plugin\AutomaticAction;
+use Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base;
+class Plugin extends Base
+ public function initialize()
+ {
+ $this->action->extendActions(
+ '\Kanboard\Plugin\AutomaticAction\Action\SendSlackMessage', // Use absolute namespace
+ t('Send a message to Slack when the task color change')
+ );
+ }
+- The first argument of the method `extendActions()` is the action class with the complete namespace path. **The namespace path must starts with a backslash** otherwise Kanboard will not be able to load your class.
+- The second argument is the description of your automatic action.
+The automatic action class must inherits from the class `Kanboard\Action\Base` and implements all abstract methods:
+- `getCompatibleEvents()`
+- `getActionRequiredParameters()`
+- `getEventRequiredParameters()`
+- `doAction(array $data)`
+- `hasRequiredCondition(array $data)`
+For more details you should take a look to existing automatic actions or this [plugin example](
+Extend ACL
+Kanboard use an access list for privilege separations. Your extension can add new rules:
+$this->acl->extend('project_manager_acl', array('mycontroller' => '*'));
+- The first argument is the ACL name
+- The second argument are the new rules
+ + Syntax to include only some actions: `array('controller' => array('action1', 'action2'))`
+ + Syntax to include all actions of a controller: `array('controller' => '*')`
+ + Everything is lowercase
+List of ACL:
+- `public_acl`: Public access without authentication
+- `project_member_acl`: Project member access
+- `project_manager_acl`: Project manager access
+- `project_admin_acl`: Project Admins
+- `admin_acl`: Administrators