path: root/doc/webhooks.markdown
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authorFrederic Guillot <>2015-08-29 20:00:53 -0400
committerFrederic Guillot <>2015-08-29 20:00:53 -0400
commit6c711f696f73bc59813f6834ec241aef3b626cbd (patch)
treeded4f0e8c7f8c672414ff3f2f84eac0f6d9073e5 /doc/webhooks.markdown
parentef087f5e22df1a0d97babef26aaf9b8960ee6d5d (diff)
Include documentation in the application
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/webhooks.markdown')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/webhooks.markdown b/doc/webhooks.markdown
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index 00000000..f7925350
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+Webhooks are useful to perform actions with external applications.
+- Webhooks can be used to create a task by calling a simple URL (You can also do that with the API)
+- An external URL can be called automatically when an event occurs in Kanboard (task creation, comment updated, etc)
+How to write a webhook receiver?
+All internal events of Kanboard can be sent to an external URL.
+- The webhook url have to be defined in **Settings > Webhooks > Webhook URL**.
+- When an event is triggered Kanboard call automatically the predefined URL
+- The data are encoded in JSON format and sent with a POST HTTP request
+- The webhook token is also sent as a query string parameter, so you can check if the request really come from Kanboard.
+- **Your custom URL must answer in less than 1 second**, those requests are synchronous (PHP limitation) and that can slow down the user interface if your script is too slow!
+### List of supported events
+- comment.create
+- comment.update
+- file.create
+- task.move.project
+- task.move.column
+- task.move.position
+- task.move.swimlane
+- task.update
+- task.create
+- task.close
+- task.assignee_change
+- subtask.update
+- subtask.create
+### Example of HTTP request
+POST https://your_webhook_url/?token=WEBHOOK_TOKEN_HERE
+User-Agent: Kanboard Webhook
+Content-Type: application/json
+Connection: close
+ "event_name": "task.move.column",
+ "event_data": {
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "project_id": "1",
+ "position": 1,
+ "column_id": "1",
+ "swimlane_id": "0",
+ "src_column_id": "2",
+ "dst_column_id": "1",
+ "date_moved": "1431991532",
+ "recurrence_status": "0",
+ "recurrence_trigger": "0"
+ }
+All event payloads are in the following format:
+ "event_name": "model.event_name",
+ "event_data": {
+ "key1": "value1",
+ "key2": "value2",
+ ...
+ }
+The `event_data` values are not necessary normalized across events.
+### Examples of event payloads
+Task creation:
+ "event_name": "task.create",
+ "event_data": {
+ "title": "Demo",
+ "description": "",
+ "project_id": "1",
+ "owner_id": "1",
+ "category_id": 0,
+ "swimlane_id": 0,
+ "column_id": "2",
+ "color_id": "yellow",
+ "score": 0,
+ "time_estimated": 0,
+ "date_due": 0,
+ "creator_id": 1,
+ "date_creation": 1431991532,
+ "date_modification": 1431991532,
+ "date_moved": 1431991532,
+ "position": 1,
+ "task_id": 1
+ }
+Task modification:
+ "event_name": "task.update",
+ "event_data": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "title": "Demo",
+ "description": "",
+ "date_creation": "1431991532",
+ "color_id": "yellow",
+ "project_id": "1",
+ "column_id": "1",
+ "owner_id": "1",
+ "position": "1",
+ "is_active": "1",
+ "date_completed": null,
+ "score": "0",
+ "date_due": "0",
+ "category_id": "2",
+ "creator_id": "1",
+ "date_modification": 1431991603,
+ "reference": "",
+ "date_started": 1431993600,
+ "time_spent": 0,
+ "time_estimated": 0,
+ "swimlane_id": "0",
+ "date_moved": "1431991572",
+ "recurrence_status": "0",
+ "recurrence_trigger": "0",
+ "recurrence_factor": "0",
+ "recurrence_timeframe": "0",
+ "recurrence_basedate": "0",
+ "recurrence_parent": null,
+ "recurrence_child": null,
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "changes": {
+ "category_id": "2"
+ }
+ }
+Task update events have a field called `changes` that contains updated values.
+Move a task to another column:
+ "event_name": "task.move.column",
+ "event_data": {
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "project_id": "1",
+ "position": 1,
+ "column_id": "1",
+ "swimlane_id": "0",
+ "src_column_id": "2",
+ "dst_column_id": "1",
+ "date_moved": "1431991532",
+ "recurrence_status": "0",
+ "recurrence_trigger": "0"
+ }
+Move a task to another position:
+ "event_name": "task.move.position",
+ "event_data": {
+ "task_id": "2",
+ "project_id": "1",
+ "position": 1,
+ "column_id": "1",
+ "swimlane_id": "0",
+ "src_column_id": "1",
+ "dst_column_id": "1",
+ "date_moved": "1431996905",
+ "recurrence_status": "0",
+ "recurrence_trigger": "0"
+ }
+Comment creation:
+ "event_name": "comment.create",
+ "event_data": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "user_id": "1",
+ "comment": "test",
+ "date_creation": 1431991615
+ }
+Comment modification:
+ "event_name": "comment.update",
+ "event_data": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "user_id": "1",
+ "comment": "test edit"
+ }
+Subtask creation:
+ "event_name": "subtask.create",
+ "event_data": {
+ "id": 3,
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "title": "Test",
+ "user_id": "1",
+ "time_estimated": "2",
+ "position": 3
+ }
+Subtask modification:
+ "event_name": "subtask.update",
+ "event_data": {
+ "id": "1",
+ "status": 1,
+ "task_id": "1"
+ }
+File upload:
+ "event_name": "file.create",
+ "event_data": {
+ "task_id": "1",
+ "name": "test.png"
+ }
+Screenshot created:
+ "event_name": "file.create",
+ "event_data": {
+ "task_id": "2",
+ "name": "Screenshot taken May 19, 2015 at 10:56 AM"
+ }
+Note: Webhooks configuration and payload have changed since Kanboard >= 1.0.15
+How to create a task with a webhook?
+Firstly, you have to get the token from the settings page. After that, just call this url from anywhere:
+# Create a task for the default project inside the first column
+curl "http://myserver/?controller=webhook&action=task&token=superSecretToken&title=mySuperTask"
+# Create a task to another project inside a specific column with the color red
+curl "http://myserver/?controller=webhook&action=task&token=superSecretToken&title=task123&project_id=3&column_id=7&color_id=red"
+### Available responses
+- When a task is created successfully, Kanboard return the message "OK" in plain text.
+- However if the task creation fail, you will got a "FAILED" message.
+- If the token is wrong, you got a "Not Authorized" message and a HTTP status code 401.
+### Available parameters
+Base URL: `http://YOUR_SERVER_HOSTNAME/?controller=webhook&action=task`
+- `token`: Token displayed on the settings page (required)
+- `title`: Task title (required)
+- `description`: Task description
+- `color_id`: Supported colors are yellow, blue, green, purple, red, orange and grey
+- `project_id`: Project id (Get the id from the project page)
+- `owner_id`: Assignee (Get the user id from the users page)
+- `column_id`: Column on the board (Get the column id from the projects page, mouse over on the column name)
+Only the token and the title parameters are mandatory. The different id can also be found in the database.