path: root/doc
diff options
authorFrédéric Guillot <>2017-11-27 15:10:38 -0800
committerFrédéric Guillot <>2017-11-27 15:10:38 -0800
commit436673247fc28ae05c6b17baf202ca26e1903862 (patch)
tree7454754d7c6ebfc752d2d81d1fc8f16cbd43274c /doc
parent1db9bc1b2e8e0134f6276771a08b54c4748f8e5e (diff)
Update image links in documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
174 files changed, 371 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
index c49149cc..5c4d3822 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Přechod z jednoho pohledu na druhý lze provést pomocí klávesové zkratky **
Sbalený režim
-![Sbalené úkoly](screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
+![Sbalené úkoly](../screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
- Pokud je úkol někomu přiřazen, zobrazí se vedle čísla úlohy iniciály osoby.
- Pokud je název úlohy příliš dlouhý, můžete svou myš umístit přes úkol, aby se zobrazil popis s celým názvem.
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ Sbalený režim
Rozbalený režim
-![Rozbalené úkoly](screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png) \ No newline at end of file
+![Rozbalené úkoly](../screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
index 6ee739aa..ef188c14 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ Pokud se nástěnka nevejde na obrazovku, zobrazí se v dolní části vodorovn
Je však možné přepnout na kompaktní zobrazení, aby se zobrazily všechny sloupce na obrazovce.
-![Přepnout do kompaktního režimu](screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
+![Přepnout do kompaktního režimu](../screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
Přepínání mezi horizontálním rolováním a kompaktním zobrazením lze provést pomocí klávesové zkratky **"c"** nebo pomocí rozbalovací nabídky vlevo nahoře.
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/board-show-hide-columns.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
index 81fac467..92d6a011 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Zobrazit a skrýt sloupce na nástěnce
Sloupce můžete velmi snadno skrýt nebo zobrazit na nástěnce:
-![Skrýt sloupec](screenshots/hide-column.png)
+![Skrýt sloupec](../screenshots/hide-column.png)
Chcete-li sloupec skrýt, klikněte na rozbalovací nabídku sloupců a zvolte "Skrýt tento sloupec".
-![Zobrazit sloupec](screenshots/show-column.png)
+![Zobrazit sloupec](../screenshots/show-column.png)
Chcete-li znovu zobrazit sloupec, klikněte na ikonu plus.
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/closing-tasks.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/closing-tasks.markdown
index f8383237..7bb6b54a 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/closing-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/closing-tasks.markdown
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Vždy však můžete získat přístup k seznamu uzavřených úkolů pomocí do
Existují dva různé způsoby jak zavřít úkol z rozbalovací nabídky úloh na nástěnce:
-![Uzavřít úkol z rozbalovací nabídky](screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
+![Uzavřít úkol z rozbalovací nabídky](../screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
Nebo z nabídky postranního panelu úloh v detailním zobrazení úkolu:
-![Uzavřít úkol](screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
+![Uzavřít úkol](../screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
Poznámka: Když zavřete úkol, všechny dílčí úkoly, které nebyly dokončeny, budou změněny na stav "Dokončeno".
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/creating-projects.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/creating-projects.markdown
index ac5982aa..625efd73 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/creating-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/creating-projects.markdown
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Vytváření projektů pro více uživatelů
Na nástěnce klikněte na odkaz **Nový projekt**:
-![Formulář pro tvorbu projektu](screenshots/new-project.png)
+![Formulář pro tvorbu projektu](../screenshots/new-project.png)
Je to velmi snadné: stačí najít jméno pro svůj projekt!
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/creating-tasks.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/creating-tasks.markdown
index 2eb904a5..c7d72555 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/creating-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/creating-tasks.markdown
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Vytváření úkolů
Na nástěnce klikněte na znaménko plus vedle názvu sloupce:
-![Vytváření úkolů z nástěnky](screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
+![Vytváření úkolů z nástěnky](../screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
Poté se zobrazí formulář vytvoření úkolu:
-![Formulář pro tvorbu úkolů](screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
+![Formulář pro tvorbu úkolů](../screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
Popis pole:
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
index 5f73aa4b..f8064f3c 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Kopírovat úkol do stejného projektu
Přejděte do zobrazení úkolů a vlevo vyberte položku **Vytvořit kopii**.
-![Kopírování úloh](screenshots/task-duplication.png)
+![Kopírování úloh](../screenshots/task-duplication.png)
Nový úkol bude vytvořen se stejnými vlastnostmi jako originál.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Kopírovat úkol do jiného projektu
Přejděte do zobrazení úkolů a vyberte možnost **Vytvořit kopii v jiném projektu **.
-![Kopírování úkolů do jiného projektu](screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
+![Kopírování úkolů do jiného projektu](../screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
V rozbalovací nabídce se zobrazí pouze projekty, ve kterých jste členem.
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/editing-projects.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/editing-projects.markdown
index d5f25b71..e4b6ed9d 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/editing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/editing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Projekty lze kdykoli přejmenovat nebo zakázat.
Chcete-li projekt přejmenovat, klikněte na odkaz "Upravit projekt" vlevo.
-![Úprava projektu](screenshots/project-edition.png)
+![Úprava projektu](../screenshots/project-edition.png)
- Datum zahájení a datum ukončení se používají k vygenerování Ganttova grafu projektu.
- Popis je viditelný jako nápověda na nástěnce a na stránce výpisů projektů.
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/project-configuration.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/project-configuration.markdown
index 6f8dfb14..53d38efe 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/project-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/project-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Nastavení projektu
Přejděte do nabídky **Nastavení** a poté vlevo vyberte možnost **Nastavení projektu**.
-![Nastavení projektu](screenshots/project-settings.png)
+![Nastavení projektu](../screenshots/project-settings.png)
### Výchozí sloupce pro nové projekty
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Je-li tato volba povolena, může uživatel pracovat pouze s jednou dílčí úl
Pokud má další dílčí úloha stav "probíhající", zobrazí se toto dialogové okno:
-![Omezení uživatele dílčího úkolu](screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
+![Omezení uživatele dílčího úkolu](../screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
### Spustit automaticky sledování času
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/project-permissions.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/project-permissions.markdown
index 6ced801b..208a5698 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/project-permissions.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/project-permissions.markdown
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ Pouze správci mají přístup ke všemu.
Přiřazení rolí je viditelné v **Nastavení projektu > Oprávnění**:
-![Oprávnění projektu](screenshots/project-permissions.png)
+![Oprávnění projektu](../screenshots/project-permissions.png)
U soukromých projektů nelze definovat oprávnění. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/project-views.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/project-views.markdown
index b41f3f40..23fc9ec4 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/project-views.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/project-views.markdown
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Vyhledávač používá [advanced syntax](search.markdown).
Zobrazení nástěnky
- S tímto pohledem můžete snadno přetáhnout úkoly mezi sloupci.
- Můžete také použít klávesovou zkratku **"v b"** pro přepnutí na nástěnku.
- Úkoly se stínem byly nedávno upraveny.
-![Omezení počtu úkolů na nástěnce](screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
+![Omezení počtu úkolů na nástěnce](../screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
Po dosažení limitu úkolů pro sloupec se pozadí stává červeným. To znamená, že probíhá příliš mnoho úkolů ve stejnou dobu.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Po dosažení limitu úkolů pro sloupec se pozadí stává červeným. To zname
Zobrazení kalendáře
-![Zobrazení kalendáře](screenshots/calendar-view.png)
+![Zobrazení kalendáře](../screenshots/calendar-view.png)
- Pomocí tohoto pohledu můžete vizualizovat úkoly s datem splnění.
- V závislosti na nastavení můžete také vidět probíhající úlohy.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Zobrazení kalendáře
Zobrazení seznamu
-![Zobrazení seznamu](screenshots/list-view.png)
+![Zobrazení seznamu](../screenshots/list-view.png)
- V tomto zobrazení jsou všechny výsledky vašeho vyhledávání zobrazeny v tabulce.
- K přepnutí do zobrazení seznamu můžete také použít klávesovou zkratku **"v l"**.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Zobrazení seznamu
Zobrazení jako Gantt
-![Zobrazení Gantt](screenshots/gantt-view.png)
+![Zobrazení Gantt](../screenshots/gantt-view.png)
- Zobrazení Gantt zobrazuje úkoly na horizontální časové ose.
- Datum zahájení a datum splnění se používají k zobrazení grafu.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Zobrazení jako Gantt
Přehled projektu
-![Přehled projektu](screenshots/project-view.png)
+![Přehled projektu](../screenshots/project-view.png)
- Zobrazení popisu projektu.
- Připojit a nahrát dokumenty do projektu.
diff --git a/doc/cs_CZ/removing-projects.markdown b/doc/cs_CZ/removing-projects.markdown
index 31a613e3..72a82fd1 100644
--- a/doc/cs_CZ/removing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/cs_CZ/removing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ Chcete-li projekt odebrat, musíte být správcem projektu nebo správcem.
Přejděte na položku **"Nastavení projektu"** a v nabídce vlevo, v dolní části zvolte možnost "Odstranit"**.
-![Odstranění projektů](screenshots/project-remove.png)
+![Odstranění projektů](../screenshots/project-remove.png)
Odstranění projektu odstraní všechny úkoly, které patří tomuto projektu. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/en_US/2fa.markdown b/doc/en_US/2fa.markdown
index fe55cbe3..39599ea6 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/2fa.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/2fa.markdown
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Setup
2. On the left, click on **Two factor authentication** and check the box
3. A secret key is generated for you
- You have to save the secret key in your TOTP software. If you use a smartphone, the easiest solution is to scan the QR code with FreeOTP or Google Authenticator.
- Each time you will open a new session, a new code will be asked
diff --git a/doc/en_US/analytics-tasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/analytics-tasks.markdown
index 51dc93c7..ce5c0690 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/analytics-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/analytics-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Each task has an analytics section available from the left menu in the task view
Lead and cycle time
-![Lead and cycle time](screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Lead and cycle time](../screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
- The lead time is the time between the task creation and the date of completion (task closed).
- The cycle time is the time between the start date and the date of completion.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Note: You can configure an automatic action to define the start date automatical
Time spent into each column
-![Time spent into each column](screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
+![Time spent into each column](../screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
- This chart shows the total time spent into each column for the task.
- The time spent is calculated until the task is closed.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/analytics.markdown b/doc/en_US/analytics.markdown
index ac26ad43..72987530 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/analytics.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/analytics.markdown
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ Each project have an analytics section. Depending on how you are using Kanboard,
User repartition
-![User repartition](screenshots/user-repartition.png)
+![User repartition](../screenshots/user-repartition.png)
This pie chart show the number of open tasks assigned per user.
Task distribution
-![Task distribution](screenshots/task-distribution.png)
+![Task distribution](../screenshots/task-distribution.png)
This pie chart gives an overview of the number of open tasks per column.
Cumulative flow diagram
-![Cumulative flow diagram](screenshots/cfd.png)
+![Cumulative flow diagram](../screenshots/cfd.png)
- This chart shows the number of tasks cumulatively for each column over the time.
- The legend order is the same as the stack in the chart.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Note: You need to have at least two days of data to see the graph.
Burn down chart
-![Burndown chart](screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
+![Burndown chart](../screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
The [burn down chart]( is available for each project.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ The [burn down chart]( is available
Average time spent into each column
-![Average time spent into each column](screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
+![Average time spent into each column](../screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
This chart shows the average time spent into each column for the last 1000 tasks.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ This chart shows the average time spent into each column for the last 1000 tasks
Average Lead and Cycle time
-![Average time spent into each column](screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Average time spent into each column](../screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
This chart show the average lead and cycle time for the last 1000 tasks over time.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/application-configuration.markdown b/doc/en_US/application-configuration.markdown
index f3939555..827f9c8a 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/application-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/application-configuration.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Only administrators can change those settings.
Go to the menu **Settings**, then choose **Application settings** on the left.
-![Application settings](screenshots/application-settings.png)
+![Application settings](../screenshots/application-settings.png)
### Application URL
diff --git a/doc/en_US/automatic-actions.markdown b/doc/en_US/automatic-actions.markdown
index add62662..011c772c 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/automatic-actions.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/automatic-actions.markdown
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Add a new action
Click on the link **Add a new automatic action**.
-![Automatique action](screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
+![Automatique action](../screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
1. Choose an action
2. Select an event
diff --git a/doc/en_US/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown b/doc/en_US/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
index aeffcf10..3eb2c204 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Switching from one view to another can be done with the keyboard shortcut **"s"*
Collapsed mode
-![Tasks collapsed](screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
+![Tasks collapsed](../screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
- If the task is assigned to someone, the initials of the person are shown next to the task number.
- If the task title is too long, you can put your mouse over the task to show a tooltip with the full title.
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ Collapsed mode
Expanded mode
-![Tasks expanded](screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
+![Tasks expanded](../screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
diff --git a/doc/en_US/board-configuration.markdown b/doc/en_US/board-configuration.markdown
index 3daebf74..3972e424 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/board-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/board-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Board settings
Go to the menu **Settings**, then choose **Board settings** on the left.
-![Board settings](screenshots/board-settings.png)
+![Board settings](../screenshots/board-settings.png)
### Task highlighting
diff --git a/doc/en_US/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown b/doc/en_US/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
index 51885529..89365a4f 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ When the board cannot fit on your screen, a horizontal scroll bar will appear at
However, it's possible to switch to the compact the view to display all columns in your screen.
-![Switch to compact mode](screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
+![Switch to compact mode](../screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
Switching between horizontal scrolling and compact view can be done with the keyboard shortcut **"c"** or by using the drop-down menu on the top left.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/board-show-hide-columns.markdown b/doc/en_US/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
index 0da2d28d..62526cfc 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Show and hide columns on the board
You can hide or display columns very easily on the board:
-![Hide a column](screenshots/hide-column.png)
+![Hide a column](../screenshots/hide-column.png)
To hide a column, click on the column dropdown menu and choose "Hide this column":
-![Show a column](screenshots/show-column.png)
+![Show a column](../screenshots/show-column.png)
To show the column again, click on the "plus icon".
diff --git a/doc/en_US/calendar-configuration.markdown b/doc/en_US/calendar-configuration.markdown
index 8181ab82..443f2394 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/calendar-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/calendar-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Calendar settings
Go to the menu **Settings**, then choose **Calendar settings** on the left.
-![Calendar settings](screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
+![Calendar settings](../screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
There are two different calendars in Kanboard:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/calendar.markdown b/doc/en_US/calendar.markdown
index 92e617f6..a984ddc9 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/calendar.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/calendar.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ At this time the calendar is able to display this information:
- Sub-task time tracking, all recorded time slot will be shown in the calendar.
- Sub-task estimates, forecasts of work left
The calendar configuration can be changed in the settings page.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/closing-tasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/closing-tasks.markdown
index d82deee3..c3bf6138 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/closing-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/closing-tasks.markdown
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ However, you can always access to the list of closed tasks by using the query **
There are two different ways to close a task, from the task drop-down menu on the board:
-![Close a task from drop-down menu](screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
+![Close a task from drop-down menu](../screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
Or from the task sidebar menu in the task detail view:
-![Close task](screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
+![Close task](../screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
Note: When you close a task, all sub-tasks not completed will be changed to the status "Done".
diff --git a/doc/en_US/creating-projects.markdown b/doc/en_US/creating-projects.markdown
index 05d5b20c..ad644d88 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/creating-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/creating-projects.markdown
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Creating projects for multiple users
From the dashboard, click on the link **New project**:
-![Project creation form](screenshots/new-project.png)
+![Project creation form](../screenshots/new-project.png)
It's very easy: you just have to find a name for your project!
diff --git a/doc/en_US/creating-tasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/creating-tasks.markdown
index 99dce713..f45664fc 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/creating-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/creating-tasks.markdown
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Creating Tasks
From the board, click on the plus sign next to the column name:
-![Task creation from the board](screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
+![Task creation from the board](../screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
Then the task creation form appears:
-![Task creation form](screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
+![Task creation form](../screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
Field description:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/currency-rate.markdown b/doc/en_US/currency-rate.markdown
index 9cd78253..b492d8f5 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/currency-rate.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/currency-rate.markdown
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ If you have to handle multiple currencies, you define here the rate according to
This feature is used for project budget calculation.
-![Currency Rate](screenshots/currency-rate.png)
+![Currency Rate](../screenshots/currency-rate.png)
Currency rate settings are located in **Settings > Currency rates**.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/custom-filters.markdown b/doc/en_US/custom-filters.markdown
index b3d8ef57..2b6fd76e 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/custom-filters.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/custom-filters.markdown
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Filter creation
Go to the action drop-down or in the project settings and choose **custom filters**:
-![Custom Filter Creation](screenshots/custom-filter-creation.png)
+![Custom Filter Creation](../screenshots/custom-filter-creation.png)
After creating your filter, it will appear on the board next to the default filters:
-![Custom Filter Dropdown](screenshots/custom-filter-dropdown.png)
+![Custom Filter Dropdown](../screenshots/custom-filter-dropdown.png)
diff --git a/doc/en_US/custom-project-roles.markdown b/doc/en_US/custom-project-roles.markdown
index 40c28e7a..6d26b9a3 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/custom-project-roles.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/custom-project-roles.markdown
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Configuration
From the project settings, click on the left on the menu **Custom Roles** and at the top of the page click on **Add a new custom role**.
-![New custom role](screenshots/new_custom_role.png)
+![New custom role](../screenshots/new_custom_role.png)
Give a name to the role and submit the form.
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ There are different kinds of restrictions:
You can click on the drop-down menu on the table to add a new restriction:
-![Add a new restriction](screenshots/add_new_restriction.png)
+![Add a new restriction](../screenshots/add_new_restriction.png)
### 3) List of restrictions
-![List of restrictions](screenshots/example-restrictions.png)
+![List of restrictions](../screenshots/example-restrictions.png)
For example, this role is able to create tasks only in the column "Backlog" and to move tasks between the column "Ready" and "Work in progress".
@@ -55,34 +55,34 @@ For example, this role is able to create tasks only in the column "Backlog" and
Go to the "permissions" section on the left menu and assign the desired role to the user.
-![Custom project role](screenshots/custom_roles.png)
+![Custom project role](../screenshots/custom_roles.png)
### Allow people to create tasks only in specific columns
-![Example restriction task creation](screenshots/example-restriction-task-creation.png)
+![Example restriction task creation](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-creation.png)
- Users that belong to this role will be able to create new tasks only in the column "Backlog".
- The combination of the 2 rules is important, otherwise that will not work.
### Allow people to change the task status only in specific columns
-![Example restriction task status](screenshots/example-restriction-task-status.png)
+![Example restriction task status](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-status.png)
- Users that belong to this role will be able to change the task status in the column "Backlog".
- Tasks with the status open are visible on the board and tasks with the status closed is hidden by default on the board.
### Do not allow people to change task status in a specific column
-![Example column restriction](screenshots/example-restriction-task-status-blocked.png)
+![Example column restriction](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-status-blocked.png)
Users that belong to this role won't be able to change the task status in the column "Done".
However, it will be possible in other columns.
### Allow people to move tasks only between specific columns
-![Example restriction task drag and drop](screenshots/example-restriction-task-drag-and-drop.png)
+![Example restriction task drag and drop](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-drag-and-drop.png)
Users that belong to this role will be able to move tasks only between the column "Ready" and "Work in progress".
diff --git a/doc/en_US/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
index 2536ab88..cf952f46 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Duplicate a task into the same project
Go to the task view and choose **Duplicate** on the left.
-![Task Duplication](screenshots/task-duplication.png)
+![Task Duplication](../screenshots/task-duplication.png)
A new task will be created with the same properties as the original.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Duplicate a task to another project
Go to the task view and choose **Duplicate to another project**.
-![Task Duplication Another Project](screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
+![Task Duplication Another Project](../screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
Only projects where you are members will be shown in the drop-down.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/editing-projects.markdown b/doc/en_US/editing-projects.markdown
index c9c1a5a0..34c5d4c0 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/editing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/editing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Projects can be renamed or disabled at any time.
To rename a project, just click on the link entitled "Edit project" on the left.
-![Project edition](screenshots/project-edition.png)
+![Project edition](../screenshots/project-edition.png)
- The start date and end date are used to generate the project Gantt chart.
- The description is visible as a tooltip on the board and on the projects listing page.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-projects.markdown b/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
index 80d4b92c..d54c118a 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The goal of this Gantt chart is to display an overview of all projects based on
- Project administrators will see only projects where they are members
- Private projects are not shown on this chart
-![Gantt Chart for all projects](screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
+![Gantt Chart for all projects](../screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
- The **start date** and the **end date** of projects are used to draw the chart
- Horizontal bars can be resized and moved horizontally with your mouse
diff --git a/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
index 42b45835..930314dd 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The goal of this Gantt chart is to display a time based overview of the tasks fo
- The Gantt chart is available from the "view switcher"
- Only project managers can access this section
-![Gantt Chart](screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
+![Gantt Chart](../screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
- The **start date** and the **due date** of tasks are used to draw the chart
- Tasks can be resized and moved horizontally with your mouse
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ The goal of this Gantt chart is to display a time based overview of the tasks fo
- New tasks created from this view will be displayed on the board at the position 1 in the first column
- Tasks are displayed in black when there is no start or due date defined
-![Task not defined](screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
+![Task not defined](../screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
diff --git a/doc/en_US/groups.markdown b/doc/en_US/groups.markdown
index 16f7ed0b..a8281263 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/groups.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/groups.markdown
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Only administrators can create new groups and assign users.
Groups can be managed from **User management > View All Groups**.
From there, you can create groups and assign users.
-![Group Management](screenshots/groups-management.png)
+![Group Management](../screenshots/groups-management.png)
Each project manager can authorize the access to a set of groups from the [project permissions page](project-permissions.markdown).
diff --git a/doc/en_US/ical.markdown b/doc/en_US/ical.markdown
index 2105813e..4e804b70 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/ical.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/ical.markdown
@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ Adding your Kanboard calendar to Apple Calendar
- Select **File > New Calendar Subscription**
- Copy and paste the iCal feed URL from Kanboard
-![Add iCal subscription](screenshots/apple-calendar-add-subscription.png)
+![Add iCal subscription](../screenshots/apple-calendar-add-subscription.png)
- You can choose to synchronize the calendar with iCloud to be available across all your devices
- Don't forget to select the refresh frequency
-![Edit iCal subscription](screenshots/apple-calendar-edit-subscription.png)
+![Edit iCal subscription](../screenshots/apple-calendar-edit-subscription.png)
Adding your Kanboard calendar to Microsoft Outlook
-![Outlook Add Internet Calendar](screenshots/outlook-add-subscription.png)
+![Outlook Add Internet Calendar](../screenshots/outlook-add-subscription.png)
- Open Outlook
- Select **Open Calendar > From Internet**
- Copy and paste the iCal feed URL from Kanboard
-![Outlook Edit Internet Calendar](screenshots/outlook-edit-subscription.png)
+![Outlook Edit Internet Calendar](../screenshots/outlook-edit-subscription.png)
Adding your Kanboard calendar to Mozilla Thunderbird
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ Adding your Kanboard calendar to Mozilla Thunderbird
- Click on **File > New Calendar**
- In the dialog box, choose **On the Network**
-![Thunderbird Step 1](screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step1.png)
+![Thunderbird Step 1](../screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step1.png)
- Choose the format iCalendar
- Copy and paste the iCal feed URL from Kanboard
-![Thunderbird Step 2](screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step2.png)
+![Thunderbird Step 2](../screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step2.png)
- Choose the colors and other settings and finally save
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Adding your Kanboard calendar to Google Calendar
- Select **Add by URL** from the menu.
- Copy and paste the iCal feed URL from Kanboard
-![Google Calendar](screenshots/google-calendar-add-subscription.png)
+![Google Calendar](../screenshots/google-calendar-add-subscription.png)
Your Kanboard calendar can also be available from your Android device if you enable the synchronization.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/link-labels.markdown b/doc/en_US/link-labels.markdown
index f2f8701e..e509b0bf 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/link-labels.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/link-labels.markdown
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ Link settings
Task relations can be changed from the application settings (**Settings > Link settings**)
-![Link Labels](screenshots/link-labels.png)
+![Link Labels](../screenshots/link-labels.png)
Each label may have an opposite label defined.
If there is no opposite, the label is considered bidirectionnal.
-![Link Label Creation](screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
+![Link Label Creation](../screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
diff --git a/doc/en_US/notifications.markdown b/doc/en_US/notifications.markdown
index 824ed7fd..c7a2f66e 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/notifications.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/notifications.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Each user must enable the notifications in their profile: **User Profile > Notif
To receive email notifications you need a valid email address in your profile and the application must be configured to send emails.
You can choose your favorite notification method:
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ Web notifications
Web notifications are available from the dashboard or from the icon at the top:
-![Web Notifications Icon](screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
+![Web Notifications Icon](../screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
Notifications are shown in a list, so you can mark individual notification as read or everything.
-![Web Notifications](screenshots/web-notifications.png)
+![Web Notifications](../screenshots/web-notifications.png)
In this way you can still get notified without having to receive emails.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/plugin-hooks.markdown b/doc/en_US/plugin-hooks.markdown
index bd32166b..c37cf80b 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/plugin-hooks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/plugin-hooks.markdown
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ class Plugin extends Base
List of merging hooks:
-#### controller:task:form:default
- Override default values for task forms
- Arguments:
- `$default_values`: actual default values (array)
-#### controller:calendar:project:events
- Add more events to the project calendar
- Arguments:
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ List of merging hooks:
- `$start` Calendar start date (string, ISO-8601 format)
- `$end` Calendar` end date (string, ISO-8601 format)
-#### controller:calendar:user:events
- Add more events to the user calendar
- Arguments:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/project-configuration.markdown b/doc/en_US/project-configuration.markdown
index 0f9088d2..60c1be3c 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/project-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/project-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Project Settings
Go to the menu **Settings**, then choose **Project settings** on the left.
-![Project settings](screenshots/project-settings.png)
+![Project settings](../screenshots/project-settings.png)
### Default columns for new projects
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ When this option is enabled, a user can work with only one subtask at the time.
If another subtask have the status "in progress", the user will see this dialog box:
-![Subtask user restriction](screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
+![Subtask user restriction](../screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
### Trigger automatically subtask time tracking
diff --git a/doc/en_US/project-permissions.markdown b/doc/en_US/project-permissions.markdown
index 05c81ef9..db74d0ee 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/project-permissions.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/project-permissions.markdown
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ Only administrators have access to everything.
Role assignments are visible in **Project Settings > Permissions**:
-![Project Permissions](screenshots/project-permissions.png)
+![Project Permissions](../screenshots/project-permissions.png)
Private projects cannot define permissions.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/project-views.markdown b/doc/en_US/project-views.markdown
index f700055e..1d8334a2 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/project-views.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/project-views.markdown
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ The search engine uses the [advanced syntax](search.markdown).
Board View
-![Board view](screenshots/board-view.png)
+![Board view](../screenshots/board-view.png)
- With this view, you can drag and drop tasks between columns easily.
- You can also use the keyboard shortcut **"v b"** to switch to the board view.
- Tasks with a shadow are recently modified.
-![Board Task Limit](screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
+![Board Task Limit](../screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
When the task limit is reached for a column, the background becomes red. That means there are too many tasks in progress at the same time.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ When the task limit is reached for a column, the background becomes red. That me
Calendar View
-![Calendar view](screenshots/calendar-view.png)
+![Calendar view](../screenshots/calendar-view.png)
- With this view, you can visualize tasks with a due date.
- Depending of the settings, you can also see tasks in progress.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Calendar View
List View
-![List view](screenshots/list-view.png)
+![List view](../screenshots/list-view.png)
- With this view, all results of your search are displayed in a table.
- You can also use the keyboard shortcut **"v l"** to switch to the list view.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ List View
Gantt View
-![Gantt view](screenshots/gantt-view.png)
+![Gantt view](../screenshots/gantt-view.png)
- The Gantt view displays tasks on a horizontal timeline.
- The start date and the due date are used to display the chart.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Gantt View
Project Overview
-![Project overview](screenshots/project-view.png)
+![Project overview](../screenshots/project-view.png)
- View the description of the project.
- Attach and upload documents to the project.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/recurring-tasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/recurring-tasks.markdown
index d2385feb..404eefb2 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/recurring-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/recurring-tasks.markdown
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Configuration
Go to the task view page or use the drop-down menu on the board, then select **Edit recurrence**.
-![Recurring task](screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
+![Recurring task](../screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
There are 3 triggers that currently create a new recurring task:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/removing-projects.markdown b/doc/en_US/removing-projects.markdown
index 0c4c5f36..f390b865 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/removing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/removing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ To remove a project, you must be the manager of the project or an administrator.
Go to the **"Project settings"**, and from the menu on the left, at the bottom, choose **"Remove"**.
-![Removing Projects](screenshots/project-remove.png)
+![Removing Projects](../screenshots/project-remove.png)
Removing a project removes all tasks that belong to this project.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/rss.markdown b/doc/en_US/rss.markdown
index 3e06f79c..2687efdf 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/rss.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/rss.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Enable/disable project RSS feeds
Go to **Project settings > Public access**.
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
Enable/disable user RSS feeds
diff --git a/doc/en_US/screenshots.markdown b/doc/en_US/screenshots.markdown
index e7f1b98c..ffebeb8f 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/screenshots.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/screenshots.markdown
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ This is especially useful for taking screenshots to describe an issue for exampl
You can add screenshots directly from the board by clicking on the dropdown menu or in the task view page.
-![Drop-down screenshot menu](screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
+![Drop-down screenshot menu](../screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
To add a new image, take your screenshot and paste with CTRL+V or Command+V:
-![Screenshot page](screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
+![Screenshot page](../screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
On Mac OS X, you can use those shortcuts to take screenshots:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/sharing-projects.markdown b/doc/en_US/sharing-projects.markdown
index 400f7cb4..062e1161 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/sharing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/sharing-projects.markdown
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Enable public access
Select your project, then click on "Public access" and finally click on the button "Enable public access".
-![Enable public access](screenshots/project-enable-sharing.png)
+![Enable public access](../screenshots/project-enable-sharing.png)
When public access is enabled, a couple of links are generated:
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ When public access is enabled, a couple of links are generated:
- RSS feed subscription link
- iCalendar subscription link
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
You can also disable public access whenever you want.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/subtasks.markdown b/doc/en_US/subtasks.markdown
index 721e28eb..24bc3963 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/subtasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/subtasks.markdown
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ Creating subtasks
From the task view, on left sidebar click on **Add a subtask**:
-![Add a subtask](screenshots/add-subtask.png)
+![Add a subtask](../screenshots/add-subtask.png)
You can also add a subtask quickly by entering only the title:
-![Add a subtask from the task view](screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
+![Add a subtask from the task view](../screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
Change subtask status
When you click on the subtask title the status change:
-![Subtask in progress](screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
+![Subtask in progress](../screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
The icon before the title is updated according to the status.
-![Subtask done](screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
+![Subtask done](../screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
Note: When the task is closed, all subtasks are changed to the status **Done**.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/swimlanes.markdown b/doc/en_US/swimlanes.markdown
index 776af138..8003ac41 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/swimlanes.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/swimlanes.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ For example, it's useful to separate software releases, divide your tasks in dif
Board with swimlanes
- You can collapse swimlanes by clicking on the icon on the left
- The default swimlane is always shown at the top
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Managing swimlanes
To configure swimlanes go to the **project configuration page** and choose the section **Swimlanes**.
-![Swimlanes Configuration](screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
+![Swimlanes Configuration](../screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
From there, you can add a new swimlane or rename the default one.
You can also disable and change the position of the different swimlanes.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/tags.markdown b/doc/en_US/tags.markdown
index 26b3169d..dfe793da 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/tags.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/tags.markdown
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@ Tags
With Kanboard, you can associate one or many tags to a task.
You can define tags globally for all projects or only for a specific project.
-![Tags on the board](screenshots/tags-board.png)
+![Tags on the board](../screenshots/tags-board.png)
From the task form, you can enter the desired tags:
-![Tags form](screenshots/tags-task.png)
+![Tags form](../screenshots/tags-task.png)
The auto-completion form will show up to suggest available tags.
You can also create tags directly from the task form.
By default, when you create tags from a task form they are associated to the current project:
-![Project Tags](screenshots/tags-projects.png)
+![Project Tags](../screenshots/tags-projects.png)
All tags can be managed in the project settings.
To define tags globally for all projects, go to the application settings:
-![Global Tags](screenshots/tags-global.png)
+![Global Tags](../screenshots/tags-global.png)
To search tasks based on tags, just use the attribute "tag":
-![Search Tags](screenshots/tags-search.png)
+![Search Tags](../screenshots/tags-search.png)
diff --git a/doc/en_US/task-links.markdown b/doc/en_US/task-links.markdown
index 7c8c1add..15ce03f2 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/task-links.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/task-links.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Internal Task Links
Tasks can be linked together with pre-defined relationships:
-![Task Links](screenshots/internal-task-links.png)
+![Task Links](../screenshots/internal-task-links.png)
This is also possible to link tasks across projects.
diff --git a/doc/en_US/time-tracking.markdown b/doc/en_US/time-tracking.markdown
index 1a648573..d8f5dbf2 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/time-tracking.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/time-tracking.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Time tracking information can be defined at the task level or at the subtask lev
Task time tracking
-![Task time tracking](screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
+![Task time tracking](../screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
Tasks have two fields:
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ These values represent hours of work and have to be set manually.
Subtask time tracking
-![Subtask time tracking](screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
+![Subtask time tracking](../screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
Subtasks also have the fields "time spent" and "time estimated".
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ Kanboard records the time between each subtask status change in a separate table
The breakdown of all records is visible in the task view page:
-![Task timesheet](screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
+![Task timesheet](../screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
For each subtask, the timer can be stopped/started at any time:
-![Subtask timer](screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
+![Subtask timer](../screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
- The timer doesn't depend of the subtask status
- Each time you start the timer a new record is created in the time tracking table
diff --git a/doc/en_US/transitions.markdown b/doc/en_US/transitions.markdown
index 383dfa1d..d5fe9d63 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/transitions.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/transitions.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Task Transitions
Each movement of a task between columns is recorded in the database.
-![Task Transitions](screenshots/task-transitions.png)
+![Task Transitions](../screenshots/task-transitions.png)
Available from the task view, you can see that information:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/user-management.markdown b/doc/en_US/user-management.markdown
index 3c53db99..eaa80d56 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/user-management.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/user-management.markdown
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ To add a new user, you must be an administrator.
2. On the top, you have a link **New local user** or **New remote user**
3. Fill the form and save
-![New user](screenshots/new-user.png)
+![New user](../screenshots/new-user.png)
When you create a **local user**, you have to specify at least those values:
diff --git a/doc/en_US/user-mentions.markdown b/doc/en_US/user-mentions.markdown
index 4ce47054..b49394ce 100644
--- a/doc/en_US/user-mentions.markdown
+++ b/doc/en_US/user-mentions.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Kanboard offers the possibility to send notifications when someone is mentioned.
If you need to get the attention of someone in a comment or in a task, use the @ symbol followed by their username.
Kanboard will automatically suggest a list of users:
-![User Mention](screenshots/user-mentions.png)
+![User Mention](../screenshots/user-mentions.png)
- At the moment, only the task description and the comment text area have this feature enabled.
- The user mentions works only during tasks and comments creation.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/2fa.markdown b/doc/es_ES/2fa.markdown
index fb305d0c..caf8f0c8 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/2fa.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/2fa.markdown
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Instalacion
2. Click a la izquierda en **Two factor authentication** y selecionar la caja
3. Una key secret es geradada para ti
- Tienes que salvar la key secret en tu software TOTP. Si usas un smartphone, la solución sera mas fácil ya que puedes escanear el Qr code con FreeOTP o Google Authenticator.
- Cada vez que abras una nueva session , un nuevo código se pedirá.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/analytics-tasks.markdown b/doc/es_ES/analytics-tasks.markdown
index dff77b7c..49299fbb 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/analytics-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/analytics-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Cada tarea tiene una sección de análisis disponible en el menu izquierdo en la
Espera y tiempo de ciclo
-![Lead and cycle time](screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Lead and cycle time](../screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
- El tiempo de espera es el tiempo entre la creacion de la tarea y la fecha de finalización (Tarea cerrada).
- El tiempo de ciclo es el tiempo entre la fecha de inicio y la fecha de finalización.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Nota: Puede configurar una accion automatica para definir la fecha de inicio aut
El tiempo invertido en cada columna
-![Time spent into each column](screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
+![Time spent into each column](../screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
- Esta gráfico muestra el total de tiempo invertido en cada columna para la tarea.
- El tiempo invertido es calculado hasta que la tarea es cerrada.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/analytics.markdown b/doc/es_ES/analytics.markdown
index 6b9f7442..473d1e2c 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/analytics.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/analytics.markdown
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ Cada proyecto tiene una sección de análisis . Dependiendo de cómo se está ut
Repartición de usuarios
-![User repartition](screenshots/user-repartition.png)
+![User repartition](../screenshots/user-repartition.png)
Esta gráfico de sectores muestra el numero de tareas abiertas asignadas por usuario.
Distribución de tareas
-![Task distribution](screenshots/task-distribution.png)
+![Task distribution](../screenshots/task-distribution.png)
Este gráfico de sectores da una visión general del numero de tareas abiertas por columnas.
Diagrama de flujo acumulado
-![Cumulative flow diagram](screenshots/cfd.png)
+![Cumulative flow diagram](../screenshots/cfd.png)
- Este gráfico muesta el numerto de tareas acumuladas por cada columna a través del tiempo.
- Cada día , el número total de tareas se registra para cada columna.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown b/doc/es_ES/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
index 4c474f4c..fd463f51 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ El cambio entre el desplazamiento horizontal y la vista compacta se puede hacer
Modo de colapsado
-![Tareas colapsadas](screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
+![Tareas colapsadas](../screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
- Si la tarea es asignada a alguien, las iniciales de la persona se muestran junto al número de tareas
- Si el titulo de la tarea es demasiado largo, tu puedes poner el puntero del ratón sobre la tarea de mostrar una información sobre herramientas con el título completo
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ Modo de colapsado
Modo expansivo
-![Tasks expanded](screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
+![Tasks expanded](../screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/board-configuration.markdown b/doc/es_ES/board-configuration.markdown
index 58817072..1ac862ec 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/board-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/board-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Configuraci�n del tablero
Ir al menu **Configuraciones **, elije **Ajustes de tablero ** a la izquierda.
-![Board settings](screenshots/board-settings.png)
+![Board settings](../screenshots/board-settings.png)
### Resaltado de tarea
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown b/doc/es_ES/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
index 5ba7682f..f5f2379b 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ When the board cannot fit on your screen, a horizontal scroll bar aparecerá en
Sin embargo, es posible cambiar a una vista de modo compacto para visualizar todas las columnas en su pantalla.
-![Cambiar a modo compacto](screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
+![Cambiar a modo compacto](../screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
Cambiar entre scrolling y vista compacta
El cambio entre el desplazamiento horizontal y la vista compacta se puede hacer con la combinación de teclas **"c"** o usar el menu drop-down que esta parte superior izquierda.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/board-show-hide-columns.markdown b/doc/es_ES/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
index 6700b987..83ba0293 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Mostrar y ocultar columnas en el tablero
Se puede ocultar o visualizar columnas muy facilmente en el tablero:
-![Ocultar una columna](screenshots/hide-column.png)
+![Ocultar una columna](../screenshots/hide-column.png)
Para ocultar una columna, click en la columna escoge en el menu dropdown "ocultar esta columna" :
-![Mostrar una columna](screenshots/show-column.png)
+![Mostrar una columna](../screenshots/show-column.png)
Para mostar nuevamente la columna, click en el icono con el simbolo de suma "plus icon"
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/calendar-configuration.markdown b/doc/es_ES/calendar-configuration.markdown
index 16b8d806..cbbba0d9 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/calendar-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/calendar-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Configuración de calendarios
Ir al menu de configuraciones, despues elegir cofiguracion de calendarios que se encuentra al lado izquierdo
-![Configuración de calendarios](screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
+![Configuración de calendarios](../screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
Existe dos diferentes calendarios en kanboard :
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/creating-projects.markdown b/doc/es_ES/creating-projects.markdown
index 87510d12..d6b42faa 100755
--- a/doc/es_ES/creating-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/creating-projects.markdown
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Creando proyectos para multiples usuarios
Desde el dashboard, click en el link **Nuevo proyecto**:
-![Formulario para la creación de proyecto](screenshots/new-project.png)
+![Formulario para la creación de proyecto](../screenshots/new-project.png)
Es muy facil , solo tienes que buscar un nombre para tu proyecto!
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/creating-tasks.markdown b/doc/es_ES/creating-tasks.markdown
index 1cfa7265..8a4c0331 100755
--- a/doc/es_ES/creating-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/creating-tasks.markdown
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Creación de tarea
Desde el tablero, haga clic en el signo más **plus** al lado del nombre de la columna
-![Creación de tarea desde el tablero](screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
+![Creación de tarea desde el tablero](../screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
A continuación, aparece el formulario de creación de tareas:
-![Formulario de creación de tareas](screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
+![Formulario de creación de tareas](../screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
Descripción de campos:
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/plugin-hooks.markdown b/doc/es_ES/plugin-hooks.markdown
index 132a9892..9d842645 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/plugin-hooks.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/plugin-hooks.markdown
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ class Plugin extends Base
Lista de fusión de hooks:
-#### controller:task:form:default
- sobrescribir los valores por default de las tareas
- Argumentos:
- `$default_values`: actual default values (array)
-#### controller:calendar:project:events
- Agregar mas eventos a el calendario del projecto
- Argumentos:
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Lista de fusión de hooks:
- `$start` Calendar start date (string, ISO-8601 format)
- `$end` Calendar` end date (string, ISO-8601 format)
-#### controller:calendar:user:events
- Agregar mas eventos a el calendario de usuario
- Argumentos:
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/rss.markdown b/doc/es_ES/rss.markdown
index c1025d80..ac448391 100755
--- a/doc/es_ES/rss.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/rss.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Habilitar/Deshabilitar Feeds RSS de proyectos
Ir a **Configuraci�n de proyecto > Acceso publico**.
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
Habilitar/Deshabilitar Feeds RSS de usuarios
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/screenshots.markdown b/doc/es_ES/screenshots.markdown
index 064517f9..2ced69a0 100755
--- a/doc/es_ES/screenshots.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/screenshots.markdown
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Esto es especialmente �til para tomar capturas de pantalla para describir un p
Puede a�adir im�genes directamente desde el tablero haciendo clic en el men� desplegable o en la p�gina de vista de tareas .
-![Drop-down screenshot menu](screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
+![Drop-down screenshot menu](../screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
Para a�adir una nueva imagen , coloque su captura de pantalla y pegar CTRL+V or Command+V:
-![Screenshot page](screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
+![Screenshot page](../screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
En Mac OS X, puede utilizar los atajos para tomar screenshots:
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/subtasks.markdown b/doc/es_ES/subtasks.markdown
index 27a9055c..6507e6e5 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/subtasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/subtasks.markdown
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ Crear subtareas
Desde la vista de la tarea en la barra lateral izquierda haga clic en **Agregar una subtarea**:
-![Añadir una subtarea](screenshots/add-subtask.png)
+![Añadir una subtarea](../screenshots/add-subtask.png)
Tambien puede agregar una subtarea rápidamente introduciendo solamente el titulo:
-![Añadir una subtarea desde la vista de la subtarea](screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
+![Añadir una subtarea desde la vista de la subtarea](../screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
Cambiar estado de subtarea
Al hacer clic en el título de la subtarea, se hace el cambio de estado :
-![Subtask en progreso](screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
+![Subtask en progreso](../screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
El icono antes de que el titulo se actualice el estatus.
-![Subtarea realizada](screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
+![Subtarea realizada](../screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
Nota: cuando la tarea se cierra todas las subtareas se cambian al estado **Hecho**.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/swimlanes.markdown b/doc/es_ES/swimlanes.markdown
index 90843fb6..2e608f95 100755
--- a/doc/es_ES/swimlanes.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/swimlanes.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Por ejemplo, es útil para separar las versiones de software, dividir las tareas
Tablero con swimlanes
- Tu puedes colapsar los swimlanes haciendo click en el icono de la izquierda
- El swimlane por defecto se muestra siempre en la parte superior
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ La gestión de swimlanes
Para configurar swimlanes ir a la página de **configuración del proyecto ** y elija la sección **Swimlanes**.
-![Configuración Swimlanes](screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
+![Configuración Swimlanes](../screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
A partir de ahí, se puede añadir un nuevo swimlane o cambiar el nombre por defecto.
También puede desactivar y cambiar la posición de los diferentes swimlanes.
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/tags.markdown b/doc/es_ES/tags.markdown
index a4d1053d..621c01ff 100755
--- a/doc/es_ES/tags.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/tags.markdown
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@ Tags ** Etiqueta **
Con kanboard, tu puedes asociar una o mas tags a una tarea.
Tu puedes definir etiquetas globalmente para todos los proyectos o solo para unos proyectos en especifico
-![Tags en el tablero](screenshots/tags-board.png)
+![Tags en el tablero](../screenshots/tags-board.png)
Desde el formulario de tarea, tu puedes caputarar las tags deseadas:
-![Tags form](screenshots/tags-task.png)
+![Tags form](../screenshots/tags-task.png)
La auto-completacion se forma para mostrar ó sugerir etiquetas disponibles.
También puede crear etiquetas directamente desde el formulario de tareas .
Por defecto , al crear etiquetas de un formulario de tarea que están asociados al proyecto actual :
-![Project Tags](screenshots/tags-projects.png)
+![Project Tags](../screenshots/tags-projects.png)
Todas las tags pueden ser manejadas en configuración del proyecto.
Para definir tags globalmente para todos los proyectos, ve a la configuración de la aplicación :
-![Global Tags](screenshots/tags-global.png)
+![Global Tags](../screenshots/tags-global.png)
Para buscar tareas basadas en etiquetas, solo use el atributo "tag":
-![Search Tags](screenshots/tags-search.png)
+![Search Tags](../screenshots/tags-search.png)
diff --git a/doc/es_ES/user-mentions.markdown b/doc/es_ES/user-mentions.markdown
index 1d7410e3..b3f2f169 100644
--- a/doc/es_ES/user-mentions.markdown
+++ b/doc/es_ES/user-mentions.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Kanboard ofrece la posibilidad de enviar notificaciones cuando alguien es mencio
Si usted necesita obtener la atención de alguien en un comentario o una tarea, use el simbolo @ seguido por el usuario.
Kanboard automaticamente desplegara una lista de usuarios:
-![User Mention](screenshots/mention-autocomplete.png)
+![User Mention](../screenshots/mention-autocomplete.png)
- Por el momento, solo las descripciones de la tarea y la area de comentarios la función esta activada.
- El usuario mencionado sólo funciona durante las tareas y comentarios creados
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/2fa.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/2fa.markdown
index 9325d533..f6c5976a 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/2fa.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/2fa.markdown
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Paramétrage
2. Sur la gauche, cliquez sur **Authentification à deux facteurs** et cochez la case.
3. Une clef secrète est générée pour vous.
- Vous devez sauvegarder votre clef dans votre logiciel TOTP. Si vous utilisez un smartphone, la solution la plus simple est de scanner le QR code avec FreeOTP ou Google Authenticator
- À chaque ouverture de session, un nouveau code sera demandé
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/analytics-tasks.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/analytics-tasks.markdown
index a7ec9d9e..4ab2555a 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/analytics-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/analytics-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Chaque tâche possède une section analytique accessible à partir du menu à ga
Lead et cycle time
-![Lead and cycle time](screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Lead and cycle time](../screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
- Le lead time est la durée entre la création de la tâche et son achèvement (tâche fermée).
- Le cycle time est la durée entre la date de début et l'achèvement.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Remarque : vous pouvez configurer une action pour définir automatiquement que l
Temps passé dans chaque colonne
-![Temps passé dans chaque colonne](screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
+![Temps passé dans chaque colonne](../screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
- Ce graphique montre le temps total passé dans chaque colonne pour la tâche
- Le temps passé est calculé jusqu’à ce que la tâche soit fermée
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/analytics.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/analytics.markdown
index 59ead136..64712e06 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/analytics.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/analytics.markdown
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ Chaque projet dispose d'une section analytique. En fonction de la façon dont vo
Répartition des utilisateurs
-![Répartition des utilisateurs](screenshots/user-repartition.png)
+![Répartition des utilisateurs](../screenshots/user-repartition.png)
Ce graphique circulaire affiche le nombre de tâches assignées par utilisateur.
Distribution des tâches
-![Distribution des tâches](screenshots/task-distribution.png)
+![Distribution des tâches](../screenshots/task-distribution.png)
Ce graphique circulaire donne une vue d'ensemble du nombre de tâches ouvertes par colonne.
Diagramme de flux cumulé
-![Diagramme de flux cumulé](screenshots/cfd.png)
+![Diagramme de flux cumulé](../screenshots/cfd.png)
- Ce graphique affiche le nombre de tâches de façon cumulée pour chaque colonne en fonction du temps passé.
- La légende montre l'ordre de la pile.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Remarque : il faut au moins deux jours de données pour que le graphique apparai
Graphique d'avancement
-![Graphique d'avancement](screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
+![Graphique d'avancement](../screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
Un [graphique d'avancement]( est disponible pour chaque projet.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Un [graphique d'avancement]( est di
Temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne
-![Temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne](screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
+![Temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne](../screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
Ce graphique affiche le temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne pour les 1000 dernière tâches.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Ce graphique affiche le temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne pour les 1000 der
Temps moyen de Lead et Cycle
-![Temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne](screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Temps moyen passé pour chaque colonne](../screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
Ce graphique affiche le temps moyen de lead et cycle pour les 1000 dernières tâches au cours du temps.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markdown
index 7ddc7284..d36cb478 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Seuls les administrateurs peuvent modifier ces paramètres.
Allez au menu **Paramètres**, puis choisissez **Paramètres de l'application** sur la gauche.
-![Paramètres de l'application](screenshots/application-settings.png)
+![Paramètres de l'application](../screenshots/application-settings.png)
### URL de l'application
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markup b/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markup
index 7ddc7284..d36cb478 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markup
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/application-configuration.markup
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Seuls les administrateurs peuvent modifier ces paramètres.
Allez au menu **Paramètres**, puis choisissez **Paramètres de l'application** sur la gauche.
-![Paramètres de l'application](screenshots/application-settings.png)
+![Paramètres de l'application](../screenshots/application-settings.png)
### URL de l'application
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/automatic-actions.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/automatic-actions.markdown
index f136b98c..41cc6981 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/automatic-actions.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/automatic-actions.markdown
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Ajouter une nouvelle action
Cliquez sur le lien **Ajouter une nouvelle action**.
-![Action automatique](screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
+![Action automatique](../screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
- Commencez par choisir une action
- Ensuite, sélectionnez un évènement
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/board-configuration.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/board-configuration.markdown
index 1a4441a6..2fdcbecf 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/board-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/board-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Paramètres du tableau
Allez dans le menu **Paramètres** puis choisissez *Paramètres du tableau** sur la gauche
-![Paramètres du tableau](screenshots/board-settings.png)
+![Paramètres du tableau](../screenshots/board-settings.png)
### Mise en avant d'une tâche
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/calendar-configuration.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/calendar-configuration.markdown
index 74aa078f..a1992311 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/calendar-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/calendar-configuration.markdown
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Paramètres du calendrier
Allez au menu **Paramètres**, puis choisissez **Paramètres du calendrier** sur la gauche.
-![Paramètres du calendrier](screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
+![Paramètres du calendrier](../screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
il existe deux calendriers distincts dans Kanboard :
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ il existe deux calendriers distincts dans Kanboard :
- le calendrier de l'utilisateur, disponible dans le tableau de bord
Le calendrier du projet
Ce calendrier affiche les tâches avec les dates d'échéance et les tâches selon leur date de création ou de début.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Ce calendrier affiche les tâches avec les dates d'échéance et les tâches sel
- S'il n'existe pas de date de début la tâche ne figurera pas sur le calendrier .
Calendrier de l'utilisateur
Ce calendrier n'affiche que les tâches assignées à l'utilisateur et de façon facultative des informations sur les sous-tâches.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/calendar.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/calendar.markdown
index 211749ea..b6d97cff 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/calendar.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/calendar.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Pour l'instant le calendrier permet d'afficher les informations suivantes :
- Le suivi dans le temps de sous-tâches, tous les segments temporels sont affichés dans le calendrier.
- Les estimations pour les sous-tâches, les prévisions et le travail restant
La configuration du calendrier peut être modifiée dans la page des paramètres.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/closing-tasks.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/closing-tasks.markdown
index 824cd6c7..d9f5cb28 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/closing-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/closing-tasks.markdown
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Toutefois, vous pouvez toujours accéder à la liste des tâches closes en utili
Il existe deux façons différentes de fermer une tâche, depuis le menu déroulant des tâches sur le tableau :
-![Fermer une tâche par le menu déroulant](screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
+![Fermer une tâche par le menu déroulant](../screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
…ou bien depuis la barre latérale dans la vue détaillée des tâches
-![Fermer une tâche](screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
+![Fermer une tâche](../screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
Remarque : quand vous fermez une tâche, toutes les sous-tâches qui ne sont pas achevées verront leur statut passer à "Terminé".
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/currency-rate.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/currency-rate.markdown
index 48b1c417..c004b4a4 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/currency-rate.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/currency-rate.markdown
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
Taux de change des devises
Chaque utilisateur peut avoir un taux horaire prédéfini dans différentes devises.
Si vous avez à manipuler plusieurs devises, vous pouvez définir ici le taux en fonction de la devise de référence.
Cette fonctionnalité est utilisée pour calculer le budget du projet.
-![Currency Rate](screenshots/currency-rate.png)
+![Currency Rate](../screenshots/currency-rate.png)
Les paramètres pour le taux de change des devises sont situés dans **Paramètres > Taux de change**
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/custom-project-roles.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/custom-project-roles.markdown
index 2b6d3df4..df250435 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/custom-project-roles.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/custom-project-roles.markdown
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Configuration
Depuis les réglages du projet, cliquez dans le menu à gauche sur **Rôles personnalisés** et en haut de la page sur **Ajouter un nouveau rôle personnalisé**.
-![New custom role](screenshots/new_custom_role.png)
+![New custom role](../screenshots/new_custom_role.png)
Donnez un nom au rôle et soumettez le formulaire.
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ Il y a plusieurs sortes de restrictions :
Vous pouvez cliquer sur le menu déroulant pour ajouter une nouvelle restriction :
-![Ajouter une nouvelle restriction](screenshots/add_new_restriction.png)
+![Ajouter une nouvelle restriction](../screenshots/add_new_restriction.png)
### 3) Liste des restrictions
-![Liste des restrictions](screenshots/example-restrictions.png)
+![Liste des restrictions](../screenshots/example-restrictions.png)
Par exemple, ce rôle est capable de créer des tâches seulement dans la colonne « Backlog » et de déplacer des tâches entre les colonnes « Ready » et « Work in progress ».
@@ -53,34 +53,34 @@ Par exemple, ce rôle est capable de créer des tâches seulement dans la colonn
Allez dans la section **Permissions** dans le menu sur la gauche et assignez le rôle personnalisé à l'utilisateur.
-![Assignation du rôle](screenshots/custom_roles.png)
+![Assignation du rôle](../screenshots/custom_roles.png)
### Autoriser les gens à créer des tâches uniquement dans certaines colonnes
-![Exemple de restriction sur la création des tâches](screenshots/example-restriction-task-creation.png)
+![Exemple de restriction sur la création des tâches](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-creation.png)
- Les utilisateurs qui appartiennent à ce rôle seront capables de créer des tâches seulement dans la colonne « Backlog ».
- La combinaison des deux règles est importante, sinon cela ne fonctionnera pas.
### Autoriser les gens à changer le statut des tâches uniquement dans certaines colonnes
-![Exemple de restriction sur statut des tâches](screenshots/example-restriction-task-status.png)
+![Exemple de restriction sur statut des tâches](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-status.png)
- Les utilisateurs qui appartiennent à ce rôle seront capables de change le statut des tâches seulement dans la colonne « Backlog ».
- Les tâches qui possèdent le statut ouvert sont visibles sur le tableau alors que celles qui ont le statut fermé ne sont pas visibles.
### Ne pas autoriser les gens à changer le statut des tâches dans une colonne spécifique
-![Exemple de restriction sur les colonnes](screenshots/example-restriction-task-status-blocked.png)
+![Exemple de restriction sur les colonnes](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-status-blocked.png)
Les utilisateurs qui appartiennent à ce rôle ne seront pas capables de changer le statut des tâches dans la colonne « Done ».
Par contre, cela reste possible dans les autres colonnes.
### Autoriser les gens à déplacer des tâches seulement entre certaines colonnes
-![Exemple de restriction pour le drag and drop](screenshots/example-restriction-task-drag-and-drop.png)
+![Exemple de restriction pour le drag and drop](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-drag-and-drop.png)
Les utilisateurs qui appartiennent à ce rôle seront capables de déplacer les tâches seulement entre les colonnes « Ready » et « Work in progress ».
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
index 5d40d328..dd313714 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Dupliquer et déplacer des tâches
Dupliquer une tâche dans le même projet
Allez à la vue par tâche et choisissez **Dupliquer** sur la gauche.
-![Duplication de tâche](screenshots/task-duplication.png)
+![Duplication de tâche](../screenshots/task-duplication.png)
Une nouvelle tâche sera créée avec les mêmes propriétés que celles de la tâche originale.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Dupliquer une tâche vers un autre projet
Allez à la vue par tâches et choisissez **Dupliquer dans un autre projet**.
-![Duplication d'une tâche dans un autre projet](screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
+![Duplication d'une tâche dans un autre projet](../screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
Seuls les projets dont vous êtes membre apparaîtront dans le menu déroulant.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
index 7a0242d1..5453a535 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Le but de ce diagramme de Gantt est d'afficher une vue d'ensemble de tous les pr
- Les administrateurs de projet ne verront que les projets dans lesquels il y a des membres
- Les objets privés ne sont pas affichés dans ce graphique
-![Diagramme de Gantt pour tous les projets](screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
+![Diagramme de Gantt pour tous les projets](../screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
- La **date de début** et la **date de fin** des projets est utilisée pour construire le graphique
- Les barres horizontales peuvent être redimensionnées et déplacées latéralement avec votre souris
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
index f25ed6cb..bf2ff45e 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Le but de ce diagramme de Gantt est de montrer une vue d'ensemble du temps utili
- Le diagramme de Gantt est disponible depuis le « sélecteur de vue »
- Seuls les gestionnaires de projet peuvent accéder à cette section
-![Gantt Chart](screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
+![Gantt Chart](../screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
- La **date de début** et la **date de fin** des tâches sont utilisées pour créer le graphique
- Les tâches peuvent être redimensionnées et déplacées horizontalement avec votre souris
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Le but de ce diagramme de Gantt est de montrer une vue d'ensemble du temps utili
- Les nouvelles tâches crées avec cette vue seront affichées sur le tableau en position 1 de la première colonne
- Les tâches sont affichées en noir quand il n'existe ni date de début ni date d'échéance définies
-![Tâche non définie](screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
+![Tâche non définie](../screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/link-labels.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/link-labels.markdown
index 8ba0d332..6a81713a 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/link-labels.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/link-labels.markdown
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Paramètres des liens
Les relations entre les tâches peuvent être modifiées depuis les paramètres de l'application (**Paramètres > Paramètres des liens**)
-![Libellé des liens](screenshots/link-labels.png)
+![Libellé des liens](../screenshots/link-labels.png)
Chaque nom du libellé peut avoir un nom du libellé opposé.
Si il n'y a pas d'opposé, le nom du libellé sera considéré comme étant bidirectionnel.
-![Création d'un libellé de lien](screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
+![Création d'un libellé de lien](../screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/notifications.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/notifications.markdown
index faf35cf9..ca674111 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/notifications.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/notifications.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Chaque utilisateur doit autoriser les notifications dans son profil : **Profil U
Vous devez, bien sûr, avoir renseigné une adresse email valide dans votre profil et l'application doit être configurée pour envoyer des emails.
Vous pouvez choisir votre méthode favorite de notification :
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ Notifications web
Les notifications web sont accessibles depuis le tableau de bord ou depuis l'icône en haut de la page :
-![Icône des notifications web](screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
+![Icône des notifications web](../screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
Les notifications sont affichées sous forme de liste. Vous pouvez marquer comme lu chacune d'entre-elle ou toutes en même temps.
-![Notifications web](screenshots/web-notifications.png)
+![Notifications web](../screenshots/web-notifications.png)
Avec cette méthode vous pouvez quand même rester avertis de ce que se passe sans pour autant être inondé d'emails.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/project-configuration.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/project-configuration.markdown
index ff5b19d4..0b3a4044 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/project-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/project-configuration.markdown
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Paramètres du projet
Aller dans le menu **Préférences**; puis choisissez **Paramètres du projet** sur la gauche
-![Paramètres du projet](screenshots/project-settings.png)
+![Paramètres du projet](../screenshots/project-settings.png)
###Colonnes par défaut pour les nouveaux projets
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Lorsque cette option est sélectionnée, un utilisateur ne peut travailler que s
Si une autre sous-tâche possède le statut « en cours », l'utilisateur verra cette boite de dialogue :
-![Limite des sous-tâches pour l'utilisateur](screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
+![Limite des sous-tâches pour l'utilisateur](../screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
### Déclencher automatiquement le suivi du temps pour les sous-tâches
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/recurring-tasks.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/recurring-tasks.markdown
index f7972f2f..20953262 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/recurring-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/recurring-tasks.markdown
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Configuration
Allez à la page de vue par tâches ou utilisez le menu déroulant du tableau, puis choisissez **Modifier la récurrence**.
-![Tâche récurrente](screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
+![Tâche récurrente](../screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
il existe trois façons de déclencher la création d'une nouvelle tâche récurrente :
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/removing-projects.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/removing-projects.markdown
index 1b64191e..9445f335 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/removing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/removing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ Pour supprimer un projet, vous devez être gestionnaire du projet ou administrat
Aller dans les **Préférences du projet**, depuis le menu à gauche, en bas, choisissez **Supprimer**.
-![Supprimer un Projet](screenshots/project-remove.png)
+![Supprimer un Projet](../screenshots/project-remove.png)
Supprimer un projet, supprime également toutes les tâches qui appartiennent à ce projet.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/screenshots.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/screenshots.markdown
index 66f3c5b8..8d8493ab 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/screenshots.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/screenshots.markdown
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Ceci est particulièrement utile pour prendre des captures d'écran, quand il fa
Vous pouvez ajouter directement des captures depuis le tableau en cliquant sur le menu déroulant ou sur la page de visualisation des tâches.
-![La capture d'écran dans le menu déroulant](screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
+![La capture d'écran dans le menu déroulant](../screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
Pour ajouter une nouvelle image, prenez votre capture et collez-la avec CTRL+V ou Command+V:
-![Page de capture](screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
+![Page de capture](../screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
Avec Mac OS X, vous pouvez utiliser les raccourcis suivants pour prendre des captures d'écran :
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/subtasks.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/subtasks.markdown
index db45494f..2375a307 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/subtasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/subtasks.markdown
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ Créer des sous-tâches
Depuis la vue par tâche, cliquez sur **Ajouter une sous-tâche** dans le panneau latéral.
-![Ajouter une sous-tâche](screenshots/add-subtask.png)
+![Ajouter une sous-tâche](../screenshots/add-subtask.png)
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter rapidement une sous-tâche en saisissant seulement son titre :
-![Add a subtask from the task view](screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
+![Add a subtask from the task view](../screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
Modifier le statut d'une sous-tâche
Quand vous cliquez sur le titre d'une sous-tâche son statut change :
-![Sous-tâche en cours](screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
+![Sous-tâche en cours](../screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
L'icône devant le titre est mise à jour en fonction du statut.
-![Sous-tâche effectuée](screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
+![Sous-tâche effectuée](../screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
Remarque : quand la tâche est fermée, toutes les sous-tâches voient leur statut passer à **Terminé**.
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/time-tracking.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/time-tracking.markdown
index 37b49a29..b1278f3b 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/time-tracking.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/time-tracking.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Les informations de la feuille de suivi du temps peuvent être définies au nive
Suivi de temps des tâches
-![Suivi de temps des tâches ](screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
+![Suivi de temps des tâches ](../screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
Les tâches ont deux champs:
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Ces valeurs représentent des heures de travail et doivent être entrées manuel
Suivi de temps des sous-tâches
-![Suivi de temps des sous-tâches](screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
+![Suivi de temps des sous-tâches](../screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
Les sous-tâches ont aussi les champs "temps passé" et "temps estimé"
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ Kanboard enregistre le temps entre chaque changement de statut des sous-tâches
La répartition de tous les enregistrements est visible sur la page de la tâche
-![Feuille de suivi du temps pour les tâches](screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
+![Feuille de suivi du temps pour les tâches](../screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
Pour chaque sous-tâche, le chrono peut être à tout moment arrêté/démarré
-![Chrono des sous-tâches](screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
+![Chrono des sous-tâches](../screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
- Le chrono ne dépend pas du statut de la sous-tâche
- Chaque fois que vous démarrez le chrono, un nouvel enregistrement est créé dans la table de suivi des temps
diff --git a/doc/fr_FR/user-mentions.markdown b/doc/fr_FR/user-mentions.markdown
index af322bb8..5861b5cd 100644
--- a/doc/fr_FR/user-mentions.markdown
+++ b/doc/fr_FR/user-mentions.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Kanboard offre la possibilité d'envoyer des notifications lorsque quelqu'un est
Si vous avez besoin d'obtenir l'attention de quelqu'un dans un commentaire ou une tâche, utilisez le symbole @ suivi de l'identifiant de l'utilisateur.
Kanboard va automatiquement suggérer une liste d'utilisateurs :
- Pour le moment, cette fonctionnalité est activée uniquement pour la description des tâches et les commentaires
- Cela fonctionne seulement lors de la création des tâches ou commentaires
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/2fa.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/2fa.markdown
index 9b92821d..15b055ba 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/2fa.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/2fa.markdown
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
2. Слева нажмите **Двухфакторная авторизация** и поставьте галочку в чекбоке
3. Секретный ключ сгенерируется для вас
Двухфакторная аутентификация.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/analytics-tasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/analytics-tasks.markdown
index 57e14a87..cdabe294 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/analytics-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/analytics-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Затраченное время и время цикла
-![Lead and cycle time](screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Lead and cycle time](../screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
Затраченное время и время цикла
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
Время затраченное в каждой колонке
-![Time spent into each column](screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
+![Time spent into each column](../screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
Время затраченное в каждой колонке
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/analytics.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/analytics.markdown
index 93b6e901..aaf5cb04 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/analytics.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/analytics.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Перераспределение(загрузка) пользователей
-![User repartition](screenshots/user-repartition.png)
+![User repartition](../screenshots/user-repartition.png)
Перераспределение(загрузка) пользователей
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
Распределение задач
-![Task distribution](screenshots/task-distribution.png)
+![Task distribution](../screenshots/task-distribution.png)
Распределение задач
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Накопительная диаграмма
-![Cumulative flow diagram](screenshots/cfd.png)
+![Cumulative flow diagram](../screenshots/cfd.png)
Накопительная диаграмма
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
Диаграмма сгорания
-![Burndown chart](screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
+![Burndown chart](../screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
Диаграмма сгорания
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
Среднее время затраченное в каждой колонке
-![Average time spent into each column](screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
+![Average time spent into each column](../screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
Среднее время затраченное в каждой колонке
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
Среднее время выполнения и время цикла
-![Average time spent into each column](screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Average time spent into each column](../screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
Среднее время затраченное в каждой колонке
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/application-configuration.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/application-configuration.markdown
index 1aa11c23..fd26e5fa 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/application-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/application-configuration.markdown
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Некоторые параметры для приложения могут быть изменены на странице настроек. Только администратор может сделать эти настройки.
Выберите в правом выпадающем меню **Настройки**, затем в слева выберите **Настройки приложения**.
-![Application settings](screenshots/application-settings.png)
+![Application settings](../screenshots/application-settings.png)
Настройки приложения
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/automatic-actions.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/automatic-actions.markdown
index 28842f8b..bca5a4ef 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/automatic-actions.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/automatic-actions.markdown
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
Нажмите на ссылку **Добавить новое действие**.
-![Automatique action](screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
+![Automatique action](../screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
Автоматическое действие.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
index 8d9ebe47..9edd412e 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-![Tasks collapsed](screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
+![Tasks collapsed](../screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
Задачи представлены в компактном виде
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-![Tasks expanded](screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
+![Tasks expanded](../screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
Развёрнутый вид
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/board-configuration.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/board-configuration.markdown
index f68ebd47..cc77ba38 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/board-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/board-configuration.markdown
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
В правом верхнем выпадающем меню выберите **Настройки**, затем, слева, выберите **Настройки Доски**.
-![Board settings](screenshots/board-settings.png)
+![Board settings](../screenshots/board-settings.png)
Настройка Доски
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
index 6d9fa409..35b1d8c4 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Однако, можно переключится на компактный вид доски для отображения всех колонок на вашем экране.
-![Switch to compact mode](screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
+![Switch to compact mode](../screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
Переключение на компактное представление.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/board-show-hide-columns.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
index 5d0e547c..57f21ac4 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
Вы можете показать и скрыть колонки на Доске очень просто:
-![Hide a column](screenshots/hide-column.png)
+![Hide a column](../screenshots/hide-column.png)
Спрятать колонку.
Чтобы скрыть (спрятать) колонку , откройте выпадающее меню колонки.
-![Show a column](screenshots/show-column.png)
+![Show a column](../screenshots/show-column.png)
Показать колонку.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/calendar-configuration.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/calendar-configuration.markdown
index c6db3279..b90638cb 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/calendar-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/calendar-configuration.markdown
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
В правом верхнем выпадающем меню выберите **Настройки**, затем, слева, выберите **Настройки календаря**.
-![Calendar settings](screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
+![Calendar settings](../screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
Настройки календаря
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/calendar.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/calendar.markdown
index df2d0bdf..2d2ba567 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/calendar.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/calendar.markdown
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- Отслеживание времени подзадачи. Все записанные временные диапазоны будут отображены в Календаре.
- Подсчёты, прогнозы затрачиваемого время на подзадачу.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/closing-tasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/closing-tasks.markdown
index 74341fe2..5ba3d3c4 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/closing-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/closing-tasks.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Имеется два пути для закрытия задачи: - На Доске выбрать задачу и выпадающем меню выбрать **Закрыть задачу**
-![Close a task from drop-down menu](screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
+![Close a task from drop-down menu](../screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
Закрытие задачи, используя выпадающее меню.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
или - Используя детальное представление задачи, выбрать **Закрыть задачу** в меню боковой панели (слева)
-![Close task](screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
+![Close task](../screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
Закрытие задачи.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/creating-projects.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/creating-projects.markdown
index fb6ecffc..b94a37cf 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/creating-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/creating-projects.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Kanboard может содержать одновременно нескольк
На рабочей панели нажмите ссылку **Новый проект**:
-![Project creation form](screenshots/new-project.png)
+![Project creation form](../screenshots/new-project.png)
Форма создания проекта.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/creating-tasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/creating-tasks.markdown
index 17fbb69b..4f086d30 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/creating-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/creating-tasks.markdown
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
На Доске нажмите значок плюс рядом с названием колонки:
-![Task creation from the board](screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
+![Task creation from the board](../screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
Создание задачи на Доске
Далее появится форма создания задачи:
-![Task creation form](screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
+![Task creation form](../screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
Форма создания задачи.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/currency-rate.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/currency-rate.markdown
index 75616f93..1c58e5df 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/currency-rate.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/currency-rate.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Эта опция используются для расчета бюджета проекта.
-![Currency Rate](screenshots/currency-rate.png)
+![Currency Rate](../screenshots/currency-rate.png)
Курсы валют
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/custom-filters.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/custom-filters.markdown
index 6fc6d9b3..0170e099 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/custom-filters.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/custom-filters.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
Перейдите в **Меню** -\> **Пользовательские фильтры** или **Меню** -\> **Настройки** -\> **Пользовательские фильтры**
-![Custom Filter Creation](screenshots/custom-filter-creation.png)
+![Custom Filter Creation](../screenshots/custom-filter-creation.png)
Создание пользовательского фильтра.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
Созданый фильтр появится на Доске рядом со стандартными фильтрами
-![Custom Filter Dropdown](screenshots/custom-filter-dropdown.png)
+![Custom Filter Dropdown](../screenshots/custom-filter-dropdown.png)
Выпадающий список - Пользовательский фильтр.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
index e02e1342..a5f7d150 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Перейдите в детальное представление задачи и выберите в боковой панели (слева) **Клонировать**.
-![Task Duplication](screenshots/task-duplication.png)
+![Task Duplication](../screenshots/task-duplication.png)
Создание копии задачи.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
Перейдите в детальное представление задачи и выберите в боковом меню (слева) **Клонировать в другой проект**.
-![Task Duplication Another Project](screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
+![Task Duplication Another Project](../screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
Создание копии задачи в другой проект.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/editing-projects.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/editing-projects.markdown
index 1ffecb69..45c7c837 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/editing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/editing-projects.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Для переименования проекта нажмите на ссылку **“Изменить проект”** (для перехода выберите **Меню** -\> **Настройки**)
-![Project edition](screenshots/project-edition.png)
+![Project edition](../screenshots/project-edition.png)
Изменение проекта.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-projects.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
index 8d42bd4f..72065f72 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-![Gantt Chart for all projects](screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
+![Gantt Chart for all projects](../screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
Диаграмма Ганта для всех проектов
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
index 050010be..7ff4cf74 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-![Gantt Chart](screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
+![Gantt Chart](../screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
Диаграмма Ганта.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-![Task not defined](screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
+![Task not defined](../screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
Задача без указанных дат начала или завершения
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/groups.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/groups.markdown
index b73a876f..18f56f67 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/groups.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/groups.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-![Group Management](screenshots/groups-management.png)
+![Group Management](../screenshots/groups-management.png)
Управление группами.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/ical.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/ical.markdown
index 3ccbf951..c17d21ee 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/ical.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/ical.markdown
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- Выберите **Файл** -\> **Новая подписка на календарь**
- Скопируйте в Канборд URL ссылку на iCal транслятор и вставьте
-![Add iCal subscription](screenshots/apple-calendar-add-subscription.png)
+![Add iCal subscription](../screenshots/apple-calendar-add-subscription.png)
Добавление подписки на календарь.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- Не забудьте указать частоту синхронизации
-![Edit iCal subscription](screenshots/apple-calendar-edit-subscription.png)
+![Edit iCal subscription](../screenshots/apple-calendar-edit-subscription.png)
Редактирование подписки на календарь.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
Добавление вашего календаря из Канборд в Microsoft Outlook[¶](#adding-your-kanboard-calendar-to-microsoft-outlook "Ссылка на этот заголовок")
-![Outlook Add Internet Calendar](screenshots/outlook-add-subscription.png)
+![Outlook Add Internet Calendar](../screenshots/outlook-add-subscription.png)
Добавление в Outlook календаря из интернет
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- Скопируйте в Канборд URL ссылку на iCal транслятор и вставьте
-![Outlook Edit Internet Calendar](screenshots/outlook-edit-subscription.png)
+![Outlook Edit Internet Calendar](../screenshots/outlook-edit-subscription.png)
Настройка интернет календаря в Outlook.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
- Выберите **Файл** -\> **Новый календарь**
- В диалоговом окне, выберите **Из сети**
-![Thunderbird Step 1](screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step1.png)
+![Thunderbird Step 1](../screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step1.png)
Создание календаря в Thunderbird, шаг 1.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
- Выберите формат iCalendar
- Скопируйте в Канборд URL ссылку на iCal транслятор и вставьте
-![Thunderbird Step 2](screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step2.png)
+![Thunderbird Step 2](../screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step2.png)
Создание календаря в Thunderbird, шаг 2.
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
- Скопируйте в Канборд URL ссылку на iCal транслятор и вставьте
-![Google Calendar](screenshots/google-calendar-add-subscription.png)
+![Google Calendar](../screenshots/google-calendar-add-subscription.png)
Календарь Google.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/link-labels.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/link-labels.markdown
index 51dd98b9..e698f162 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/link-labels.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/link-labels.markdown
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
Связи в задачах могут быть изменены в настройках приложения (**Настройки** -\> **Настройки ссылки**)
-![Link Labels](screenshots/link-labels.png)
+![Link Labels](../screenshots/link-labels.png)
Метки для ссылок.
Каждая метка может иметь противоположное опеределение. Если нет противоположного значения, метка считается двунаправленная.
-![Link Label Creation](screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
+![Link Label Creation](../screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
Создание ссылки.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/notifications.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/notifications.markdown
index 20d5536d..9631743c 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/notifications.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/notifications.markdown
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-![Web Notifications Icon](screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
+![Web Notifications Icon](../screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
Иконка веб уведомления.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-![Web Notifications](screenshots/web-notifications.png)
+![Web Notifications](../screenshots/web-notifications.png)
Веб уведомления.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/project-configuration.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/project-configuration.markdown
index c9dd5eac..159648d5 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/project-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/project-configuration.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-![Project settings](screenshots/project-settings.png)
+![Project settings](../screenshots/project-settings.png)
Настройки проекта.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-![Subtask user restriction](screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
+![Subtask user restriction](../screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
Ограничение пользовательских подзадач.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/project-permissions.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/project-permissions.markdown
index 0235c9f6..478bd3df 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/project-permissions.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/project-permissions.markdown
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-![Project Permissions](screenshots/project-permissions.png)
+![Project Permissions](../screenshots/project-permissions.png)
Права доступа к проекту
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/project-views.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/project-views.markdown
index 899b366a..b952df4e 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/project-views.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/project-views.markdown
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-![Board view](screenshots/board-view.png)
+![Board view](../screenshots/board-view.png)
Представление задач в виде доски
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-![Board Task Limit](screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
+![Board Task Limit](../screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
Лимит задач на Доске
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-![Calendar view](screenshots/calendar-view.png)
+![Calendar view](../screenshots/calendar-view.png)
Представление в виде календаря
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
-![List view](screenshots/list-view.png)
+![List view](../screenshots/list-view.png)
Представление списком.
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
-![Gantt view](screenshots/gantt-view.png)
+![Gantt view](../screenshots/gantt-view.png)
Представление диаграммой Ганта.
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
-![Project overview](screenshots/project-view.png)
+![Project overview](../screenshots/project-view.png)
Представление проекта
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/recurring-tasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/recurring-tasks.markdown
index f98d9968..6e6835ed 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/recurring-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/recurring-tasks.markdown
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-![Recurring task](screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
+![Recurring task](../screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
Редактировать повторы.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/rss.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/rss.markdown
index 8b8ad34f..3d953182 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/rss.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/rss.markdown
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ RSS/Atom подписки
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
Выключение общего доступа.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/screenshots.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/screenshots.markdown
index f4a845ef..825f43de 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/screenshots.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/screenshots.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-![Drop-down screenshot menu](screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
+![Drop-down screenshot menu](../screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-![Screenshot page](screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
+![Screenshot page](../screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
Прикрепить картинку.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/sharing-projects.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/sharing-projects.markdown
index 2a48e908..cf897fa9 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/sharing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/sharing-projects.markdown
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-![Enable public access](screenshots/project-enable-sharing.png)
+![Enable public access](../screenshots/project-enable-sharing.png)
Включение общего доступа
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
Отключить общий доступ.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/subtasks.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/subtasks.markdown
index e9e9bcd3..cd758a19 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/subtasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/subtasks.markdown
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-![Add a subtask](screenshots/add-subtask.png)
+![Add a subtask](../screenshots/add-subtask.png)
Добавление подзадачи.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
-![Add a subtask from the task view](screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
+![Add a subtask from the task view](../screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
Добавление подзадачи на странице детального просмотра задачи.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-![Subtask in progress](screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
+![Subtask in progress](../screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
Выполнение подзадачи.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-![Subtask done](screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
+![Subtask done](../screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
Подзадача выполнена.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/swimlanes.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/swimlanes.markdown
index c7403c99..0d074bb1 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/swimlanes.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/swimlanes.markdown
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
-![Swimlanes Configuration](screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
+![Swimlanes Configuration](../screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
Настройка Дорожек.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/task-links.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/task-links.markdown
index 74c6f247..64a7ca10 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/task-links.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/task-links.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-![Task Links](screenshots/task-links.png)
+![Task Links](../screenshots/task-links.png)
Ссылки на задачи
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/time-tracking.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/time-tracking.markdown
index c3b54c90..c1afaf33 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/time-tracking.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/time-tracking.markdown
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-![Task time tracking](screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
+![Task time tracking](../screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
Отслеживание времени исполнения задач
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
-![Subtask time tracking](screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
+![Subtask time tracking](../screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
Отслеживание времени подзадач
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-![Task timesheet](screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
+![Task timesheet](../screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
Таблица учета времени.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-![Subtask timer](screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
+![Subtask timer](../screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
Таймер подзадач.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/transitions.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/transitions.markdown
index a5eb09fa..655fc188 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/transitions.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/transitions.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-![Transitions Export](screenshots/transitions-export.png)
+![Transitions Export](../screenshots/transitions-export.png)
Экспорт перемещений задач.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/user-management.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/user-management.markdown
index 67cdd3f4..0ae0e903 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/user-management.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/user-management.markdown
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-![New user](screenshots/new-user.png)
+![New user](../screenshots/new-user.png)
Форма создания нового пользователя.
diff --git a/doc/ru_RU/user-mentions.markdown b/doc/ru_RU/user-mentions.markdown
index a6713933..855a07a8 100644
--- a/doc/ru_RU/user-mentions.markdown
+++ b/doc/ru_RU/user-mentions.markdown
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-![User Mention](screenshots/mention-autocomplete.png)
+![User Mention](../screenshots/mention-autocomplete.png)
Ссылка на пользователя.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/2fa.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/2fa.markdown
index 5dd71c4c..d540ab95 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/2fa.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/2fa.markdown
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Kurmak
2. Sol tarafta **İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama** seçeneğini tıklayın ve kutuyu işaretleyin
3. Sizin için gizli bir anahtar oluşturulur.
- TOTP yazılımında gizli anahtarı kaydetmeniz gerekir. Akıllı telefon kullanıyorsanız, en kolay çözüm QR kodunu FreeOTP veya Google Authenticator ile taramaktır.
- Her sefer yeni bir oturum açtığınızda, yeni bir kod sorulur
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/analytics-tasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/analytics-tasks.markdown
index d8be59e6..8dda3b7b 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/analytics-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/analytics-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Her görev, görev görünümünde sol menüden erişilebilen bir analiz bölüm
Teslim ve döngü süresi
-![Lead and cycle time](screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Lead and cycle time](../screenshots/task-lead-cycle-time.png)
- Teslim zamanı, görev yaratma ve tamamlanma tarihi arasındaki zamandır (görev kapatıldı).
- Döngü süresi, başlangıç tarihi ile tamamlanma tarihi arasındaki zamandır.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Not: Görevi seçtiğiniz kolona taşıdığınızda başlangıç tarihini otoma
Her bir kolonda geçen süre
-![Time spent into each column](screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
+![Time spent into each column](../screenshots/time-into-each-column.png)
- Bu grafik, görev için her bir kolonda geçen toplam süreyi gösterir.
- Geçen süre, görev kapanıncaya kadar hesaplanır.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/analytics.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/analytics.markdown
index 422e01de..73686c68 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/analytics.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/analytics.markdown
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ Her projenin bir analiz bölümü vardır. Kanboard'u nasıl kullandığınıza
Kullanıcı yeniden bölümlendirme
-![User repartition](screenshots/user-repartition.png)
+![User repartition](../screenshots/user-repartition.png)
Bu pasta grafik kullanıcı başına atanan açık görev sayısını gösterir.
Görev dağıtımı
-![Task distribution](screenshots/task-distribution.png)
+![Task distribution](../screenshots/task-distribution.png)
Bu pasta grafiği, sütun başına açık görev sayısına genel bir bakış sunar.
Kümülatif akış diyagramı
-![Cumulative flow diagram](screenshots/cfd.png)
+![Cumulative flow diagram](../screenshots/cfd.png)
- Bu grafik, zaman içindeki her bir sütun için toplu olarak görev sayısını gösterir.
- Her gün, her bir sütun için toplam görev sayısı kaydedilir.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Not: Grafiği görmek için en az iki güne kadar veri içermeniz gerekir.
Geribildirim (Burndown) tablosu
-![Burndown chart](screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
+![Burndown chart](../screenshots/burndown-chart.png)
Her proje için [geribildirim (Burndown) tablosu] ( mevcuttur.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Her proje için [geribildirim (Burndown) tablosu] (
Her sütuna harcanan ortalama süre
-![Average time spent into each column](screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
+![Average time spent into each column](../screenshots/average-time-spent-into-each-column.png)
Bu grafik, son 1000 görev için her bir sütuna harcanan ortalama süreyi gösterir.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Bu grafik, son 1000 görev için her bir sütuna harcanan ortalama süreyi göst
Ortalama Teslim ve Döngü Süresi
-![Average time spent into each column](screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
+![Average time spent into each column](../screenshots/average-lead-cycle-time.png)
Bu grafik, son 1000 görevin zaman içindeki ortalama teslim ve döngü süresini göstermektedir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/application-configuration.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/application-configuration.markdown
index c0134469..c80c8f73 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/application-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/application-configuration.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Bu ayarları yalnızca yöneticiler değiştirebilir.
Sağ üstteki **Ayarlar** menüsüne gidin, ardından soldaki **Uygulama ayarları** seçeneğini seçin.
-![Uygulama ayarları](screenshots/application-settings.png)
+![Uygulama ayarları](../screenshots/application-settings.png)
### Uygulama URL
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/automatic-actions.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/automatic-actions.markdown
index 600d735c..c1890c4f 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/automatic-actions.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/automatic-actions.markdown
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Yeni bir eylem ekle
**Yeni bir otomatik işlem ekle** bağlantısını tıklayın.
-![Automatique action](screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
+![Automatique action](../screenshots/automatic-action-creation.png)
- Bir eylem seçin
- Sonra bir etkinlik seçin
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
index d26b27cb..da144ebc 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/board-collapsed-expanded.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Bir görünümden diğerine geçmek, **"s"** klavye kısayoluyla veya soldaki a
Daraltılmış mod
-![Tasks collapsed](screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
+![Tasks collapsed](../screenshots/board-collapsed-mode.png)
- Görev başkasına devredilirse, kişinin baş harfleri görev numarasının yanında gösterilir
- Görev başlığı çok uzunsa, tam başlıklı bir araç ipucu göstermek için farenizi görevin üzerine koyabilirsiniz.
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ Daraltılmış mod
Genişletilmiş mod
-![Tasks expanded](screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
+![Tasks expanded](../screenshots/board-expanded-mode.png)
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/board-configuration.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/board-configuration.markdown
index 99f87f07..7eb38660 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/board-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/board-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Pano ayarları
Sağ Üst menüden **Ayarlar** menüsüne gidin, ardından soldaki **Pano ayarları** seçimini yapın.
-![Board settings](screenshots/board-settings.png)
+![Board settings](../screenshots/board-settings.png)
### Görev öne çıkarma
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
index e42abb65..6b370f48 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/board-horizontal-scrolling-and-compact-view.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ PAno ekranınıza sığmadığı zaman, altta yatay bir kaydırma çubuğu gör
Bununla birlikte, ekranınızdaki tüm sütunları görüntülemek için kompakt ekrana geçmek mümkündür.
-![Switch to compact mode](screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
+![Switch to compact mode](../screenshots/board-compact-mode.png)
Yatay kaydırma ve kompakt görünüm arasındaki geçiş, klavye kısayol **"c"** ile veya sol üstteki açılır menüyü kullanarak yapılabilir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/board-show-hide-columns.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
index ea362afe..540b5447 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/board-show-hide-columns.markdown
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Panoda sütunları göster ve gizle
Sütunları çok pratik bir şekilde gizleyebilir veya görüntüleyebilirsiniz:
-![Hide a column](screenshots/hide-column.png)
+![Hide a column](../screenshots/hide-column.png)
Bir sütunu gizlemek için sütun açılır menüsünü tıklayın ve "Bu sütunu gizle" yi seçin:
-![Show a column](screenshots/show-column.png)
+![Show a column](../screenshots/show-column.png)
Sütunu tekrar göstermek için "artı simgesini" tıklayın.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/calendar-configuration.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/calendar-configuration.markdown
index 0ab2550f..f6096c5a 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/calendar-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/calendar-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Takvim ayarları
**Ayarlar** menüsüne gidin, ardından soldaki **Takvim ayarları** seçeneğini seçin.
-![Calendar settings](screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
+![Calendar settings](../screenshots/calendar-settings.png)
Kanboard'da iki farklı takvim vardır:
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/calendar.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/calendar.markdown
index c2051d44..62885a6a 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/calendar.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/calendar.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Takvim için iki farklı görünüm vardır:
- Alt görev zaman takibi, kaydedilen tüm zaman aralığı takvimde gösterilecektir.
- Alt iş tahminleri, sol iş tahminleri
Takvim yapılandırması ayarlar sayfasından değiştirilebilir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/closing-tasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/closing-tasks.markdown
index c390b477..5b762b91 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/closing-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/closing-tasks.markdown
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Bununla birlikte, her zaman arama durumundaki **status:closed** sorgusunu kullan
Bir görevi kapatmak için panodaki görev açılır menüsünden iki farklı yol vardır:
-![Close a task from drop-down menu](screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
+![Close a task from drop-down menu](../screenshots/menu-close-task.png)
Veya görev ayrıntı görünümündeki görev yan çubuğu menüsünden:
-![Close task](screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
+![Close task](../screenshots/closing-tasks.png)
Not: Bir görevi kapattığınızda, tamamlanmayan alt görevlerin tamamı "Bitti" durumuna değiştirilir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/creating-projects.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/creating-projects.markdown
index 2a3a4913..54ead2fb 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/creating-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/creating-projects.markdown
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Birden fazla kullanıcı için proje oluşturma
Gösterge tablosundan **Yeni proje** bağlantısını tıklayın:
-![Project creation form](screenshots/new-project.png)
+![Project creation form](../screenshots/new-project.png)
Çok kolay, sadece projeniz için bir isim bulmanız gerekiyor!
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/creating-tasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/creating-tasks.markdown
index b1953f31..dd7fe9b6 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/creating-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/creating-tasks.markdown
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Görevler Oluşturma
Panodan, sütun adının yanındaki artı işaretini tıklayın:
-![Task creation from the board](screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
+![Task creation from the board](../screenshots/task-creation-board.png)
Sonra görev oluşturma formu görünür:
-![Task creation form](screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
+![Task creation form](../screenshots/task-creation-form.png)
Alan açıklamaları:
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/currency-rate.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/currency-rate.markdown
index f775bd84..9d3444bc 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/currency-rate.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/currency-rate.markdown
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ Birden çok para birimini işlemek zorundaysanız, burada referans para birimine
Bu özellik, proje bütçesi hesaplamasında kullanılır.
-![Currency Rate](screenshots/currency-rate.png)
+![Currency Rate](../screenshots/currency-rate.png)
Para birimi oranı ayarları ** Ayarlar> Para birimi oranları ** 'da bulunur.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/custom-filters.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/custom-filters.markdown
index 7777e2c3..52c312ac 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/custom-filters.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/custom-filters.markdown
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Filtre oluşturma
İşlem açılır menüsüne veya proje ayarlarına gidin ve **özel filtreler** öğesini seçin:
-![Custom Filter Creation](screenshots/custom-filter-creation.png)
+![Custom Filter Creation](../screenshots/custom-filter-creation.png)
Filtrenizi oluşturduktan sonra, panoda varsayılan filtrelerin yanında görünecektir:
-![Custom Filter Dropdown](screenshots/custom-filter-dropdown.png)
+![Custom Filter Dropdown](../screenshots/custom-filter-dropdown.png)
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/custom-project-roles.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/custom-project-roles.markdown
index 98c74bb4..1a4837fb 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/custom-project-roles.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/custom-project-roles.markdown
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Yapılandırma
Proje ayarlarından, **Özel Roller** menüsünde soldaki simgesini tıklayın ve sayfanın üst kısmında **Yeni özel rol ekleyin** seçeneğini tıklayın.
-![New custom role](screenshots/new_custom_role.png)
+![New custom role](../screenshots/new_custom_role.png)
Rol için bir isim verin ve formu gönderin.
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ Burada farklı kısıtlamalar vardır:
Yeni bir kısıtlama eklemek için tabloda açılır menüye tıklayabilirsiniz:
-![Add a new restriction](screenshots/add_new_restriction.png)
+![Add a new restriction](../screenshots/add_new_restriction.png)
### 3) Kısıtlamalar listesi
-![List of restrictions](screenshots/example-restrictions.png)
+![List of restrictions](../screenshots/example-restrictions.png)
Örneğin, bu rol yalnızca "Geri Kayıt-Backlog" sütununda görevler oluşturabilir ve görevleri "Hazır" ve "Devam etmekte olan" sütunları arasında taşımak mümkündür.
@@ -55,34 +55,34 @@ Yeni bir kısıtlama eklemek için tabloda açılır menüye tıklayabilirsiniz:
Sol menüdeki "izinler" bölümüne gidin ve istenen rolü kullanıcıya atayın.
-![Custom project role](screenshots/custom_roles.png)
+![Custom project role](../screenshots/custom_roles.png)
### Kullanıcıların yalnızca belirli sütunlarda görev oluşturmasına izin ver
-![Example restriction task creation](screenshots/example-restriction-task-creation.png)
+![Example restriction task creation](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-creation.png)
- Bu role ait kullanıcılar, yalnızca "Geri Kayıt-Backlog" sütununda yeni görevler oluşturabilir.
- 2 kuralın kombinasyonu önemlidir, aksi takdirde bu işe yaramaz.
### Kullanıcıların görev durumunu yalnızca belirli sütunlarda değiştirmelerine izin ver
-![Example restriction task status](screenshots/example-restriction-task-status.png)
+![Example restriction task status](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-status.png)
- Bu role ait olan kullanıcılar, "Geri Kayıt-Backlog" sütunundaki görev durumunu değiştirebilecek.
- Durum açık olan görevler tahta üzerinde görünür ve durum kapalı olan görevler varsayılan olarak tahtada gizlidir.
### Kullanıcıların belirli bir sütundaki görev durumunu değiştirmesine izin verme
-![Example column restriction](screenshots/example-restriction-task-status-blocked.png)
+![Example column restriction](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-status-blocked.png)
Bu role ait kullanıcılar, "Tamamlandı" sütunundaki görev durumunu değiştiremez.
Ancak diğer sütunlarda da mümkün olacaktır.
### Kullanıcıların görevleri yalnızca belirli sütunlar arasında taşımasına izin ver
-![Example restriction task drag and drop](screenshots/example-restriction-task-drag-and-drop.png)
+![Example restriction task drag and drop](../screenshots/example-restriction-task-drag-and-drop.png)
Bu role ait kullanıcılar, görevleri yalnızca "Hazır" ve "Devam etmekte olan" sütunları arasında taşıyabilir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
index b0abe3a9..09d8367f 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/duplicate-move-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Bir görevi aynı projeye çoğalt
Görev görünümüne gidin ve soldaki **Çoğalt** seçeneğini belirleyin.
-![Task Duplication](screenshots/task-duplication.png)
+![Task Duplication](../screenshots/task-duplication.png)
Orijinalle aynı özelliklere sahip yeni bir görev oluşturulur.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Görevi başka bir projeye çoğalt
Görev görünümüne gidin ve **Başka bir projeye çoğalt** seçeneğini seçin.
-![Task Duplication Another Project](screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
+![Task Duplication Another Project](../screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png)
Açılır menüde yalnızca üye olduğunuz projeler gösterilecektir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/editing-projects.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/editing-projects.markdown
index 9255b88b..54fe7866 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/editing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/editing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Projeler yeniden adlandırılabilir ve istediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakı
Bir projeyi yeniden adlandırmak için soldaki "Projeyi düzenle" bağlantısına tıklamanız yeterlidir.
-![Project edition](screenshots/project-edition.png)
+![Project edition](../screenshots/project-edition.png)
- Başlangıç tarihi ve bitiş tarihi proje Gantt grafiğini oluşturmak için kullanılır
- Tanım, panoda ve proje listeleme sayfasında araç ipucu olarak görünür
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
index 71c53471..ac29fc08 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-projects.markdown
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Bu Gantt tablosunun amacı, başlangıç ve bitiş tarihlerine dayanan tüm proj
- Proje yöneticileri yalnızca üyelerinin bulunduğu yerdeki projeleri görür
- Özel projeler bu tabloda gösterilmiyor
-![Gantt Chart for all projects](screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
+![Gantt Chart for all projects](../screenshots/gantt-chart-all-projects.png)
- Projelerin **başlangıç tarihi** ve **bitiş tarihi** grafik çizmek için kullanılır
- Yatay çubuklar yeniden boyutlandırılabilir ve farenizle yatay olarak hareket ettirilebilir
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
index 528e5174..27b23250 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/gantt-chart-tasks.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Bu Gantt grafiğinin amacı, belirli bir projenin görevleri için zamana dayal
- Gantt tablosu "görüntü değiştirici" alanındadır.
- Sadece proje yöneticileri bu bölüme erişebilir
-![Gantt Chart](screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
+![Gantt Chart](../screenshots/gantt-chart-project.png)
- Görevlerin **başlangıç tarihi** ve **son tarihi** grafik çizmek için kullanılır
- Görevler, farenizle yatay olarak yeniden boyutlandırılabilir ve taşınabilir
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Bu Gantt grafiğinin amacı, belirli bir projenin görevleri için zamana dayal
- Bu görünümden yaratılan yeni görevler, ilk sütundaki 1 numaralı sayfada tahtada görüntülenir
- Görevler, başlangıç veya bitiş tarihi tanımlanmadığında siyah olarak görüntülenir
-![Task not defined](screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
+![Task not defined](../screenshots/gantt-chart-not-defined.png)
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/groups.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/groups.markdown
index 4954903a..bb404fb7 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/groups.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/groups.markdown
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Yalnızca yöneticiler yeni gruplar oluşturabilir ve kullanıcıları atayabili
Gruplar **Kullanıcı yönetimi>Tüm Grupları Görüntüle** 'den yönetilebilir.
Buradan, gruplar oluşturabilir ve kullanıcıları atayabilirsiniz.
-![Group Management](screenshots/groups-management.png)
+![Group Management](../screenshots/groups-management.png)
Her proje yöneticisi, [proje izinleri sayfası](project-permissions.markdown) 'dan bir grup gruba erişimi yetkilendirir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/ical.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/ical.markdown
index 89d8d5f3..a3e79982 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/ical.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/ical.markdown
@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ Kanboard takviminizi Apple Takvim(Calendar)'e ekleme
- **Dosya>Yeni Takvim Aboneliği** seçeneğini seçin.
- Kanboard'dan iCal özet akışı (besleme-feed) URL'sini kopyalayıp yapıştırın
-! [iCal aboneliğini ekleyin] (screenshots / apple-calendar-add-subscription.png)
+! [iCal aboneliğini ekleyin] (../screenshots / apple-calendar-add-subscription.png)
- Takvimi iCloud ile senkronize etmeyi tüm cihazlarınızda mevcut olacak şekilde seçebilirsiniz
- Yenileme sıklığını seçmeyi unutmayın
-![Edit iCal subscription](screenshots/apple-calendar-edit-subscription.png)
+![Edit iCal subscription](../screenshots/apple-calendar-edit-subscription.png)
Kanboard takviminizi Microsoft Outlook'a ekleme
-![Outlook Add Internet Calendar](screenshots/outlook-add-subscription.png)
+![Outlook Add Internet Calendar](../screenshots/outlook-add-subscription.png)
- Outlook'u açın
- ** Takvimi aç>İnternet'ten** i seçin
- Kanboard'dan iCal özet akışı (besleme-feed) URL'sini kopyalayıp yapıştırın
-![Outlook Edit Internet Calendar](screenshots/outlook-edit-subscription.png)
+![Outlook Edit Internet Calendar](../screenshots/outlook-edit-subscription.png)
Mozilla Thunderbird'e Kanboard takviminizi ekleme
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ Mozilla Thunderbird'e Kanboard takviminizi ekleme
- **Dosya>Yeni Takvim** 'i tıklayın
- İletişim kutusunda **Ağda** seçeneğini belirleyin
-![Thunderbird Step 1](screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step1.png)
+![Thunderbird Step 1](../screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step1.png)
- iCalendar biçimini seçin
- Kanboard'dan iCal özet akışı (besleme-feed) URL'sini kopyalayıp yapıştırın
-![Thunderbird Step 2](screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step2.png)
+![Thunderbird Step 2](../screenshots/thunderbird-new-calendar-step2.png)
- Renkleri ve diğer ayarları seçin ve sonunda kaydedin
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Kanboard takviminizi Google Takvim'e ekleme
- Menüden **Link ekle-Add URL** seçeneğini seçin.
- Kanboard'dan iCal özet akışı (besleme-feed) URL'sini kopyalayıp yapıştırın
-![Google Calendar](screenshots/google-calendar-add-subscription.png)
+![Google Calendar](../screenshots/google-calendar-add-subscription.png)
Senkronizasyonunu etkinleştirirseniz, Kanboard takviminiz Android cihazınızdan da kullanılabilir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/link-labels.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/link-labels.markdown
index c5cb9c95..bd756218 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/link-labels.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/link-labels.markdown
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ Bağlantı ayarları
Görev ilişkileri, uygulama ayarlarından değiştirilebilir (** Ayarlar> Bağlantı ayarları **)
-![Link Labels](screenshots/link-labels.png)
+![Link Labels](../screenshots/link-labels.png)
Her etiketin zıt bir etiketi olabilir.
Herhangi bir zıtlık yoksa, etiket iki yönlü olarak değerlendirilir.
-![Link Label Creation](screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
+![Link Label Creation](../screenshots/link-label-creation.png)
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/notifications.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/notifications.markdown
index 0ded2077..ecf1dfa0 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/notifications.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/notifications.markdown
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Her kullanıcının profilindeki bildirimleri etkinleştirmesi gerekir: **Kullan
E-posta bildirimlerini almak için profilinizde geçerli bir e-posta adresine ihtiyacınız vardır ve uygulama, e-posta göndermek üzere yapılandırılmalıdır.
Favori bildirim yönteminizi seçebilirsiniz:
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ Web bildirimleri
Web bildirimleri, gösterge tablosundan veya üstteki simgeden edinilebilir:
-![Web Notifications Icon](screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
+![Web Notifications Icon](../screenshots/web-notifications-icon.png)
Bildirimler bir listede gösterilir, böylece tek tek bildirimi okundu olarak veya her şey olarak işaretleyebilirsiniz.
-![Web Notifications](screenshots/web-notifications.png)
+![Web Notifications](../screenshots/web-notifications.png)
Bu şekilde e-postalar almadan bildirim alabilirsiniz.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/project-configuration.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/project-configuration.markdown
index 793667fd..93e04d64 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/project-configuration.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/project-configuration.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Proje Ayarları
Sağ üstte bulunan **Ayarlar** menüsüne gidin, ardından soldaki **Proje ayarları** seçeneğini seçin.
-![Project settings](screenshots/project-settings.png)
+![Project settings](../screenshots/project-settings.png)
### Yeni projeler için varsayılan sütunlar
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, bir kullanıcı o anda yalnızca bir alt gö
Başka bir alt görev "devam ediyor" durumuna sahipse, kullanıcı bu iletişim kutusunu görür:
-![Subtask user restriction](screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
+![Subtask user restriction](../screenshots/subtask-user-restriction.png)
### Tetikleme otomatik olarak alt görev zamanı izleme
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/project-permissions.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/project-permissions.markdown
index 19eebe51..c64b0ae4 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/project-permissions.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/project-permissions.markdown
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ Yalnızca yöneticilerin her şeye erişimi vardır.
Rol atamaları ** Proje Ayarları> İzinler ** 'den ulaşılabilir:
-![Project Permissions](screenshots/project-permissions.png)
+![Project Permissions](../screenshots/project-permissions.png)
Özel projeler izin tanımlayamaz.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/project-views.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/project-views.markdown
index 5898bcdf..382238c7 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/project-views.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/project-views.markdown
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Arama motoru[gelişmiş sözdizimini-syntax](search.markdown) kullanır.
Pano Görünümü
-![Pano Görünümü](screenshots/board-view.png)
+![Pano Görünümü](../screenshots/board-view.png)
- Bu görünümle, sütunlar arasında görevleri sürükleyip bırakabilirsiniz.
- Pano görünümüne geçmek için klavye kısayolunu da kullanabilirsiniz: **"v b"**.
- Bir gölge Görevler son anlarda değiştirilir.
-![Pano Görev Sınırı](screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
+![Pano Görev Sınırı](../screenshots/board-task-limit.png)
Bir sütun için görev sınırına ulaşıldığında arka plan kırmızı olur. Yani, aynı anda çok fazla görev devam ediyor demektir.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Bir sütun için görev sınırına ulaşıldığında arka plan kırmızı olur
Takvim Görünümü
-![Takvim görünümü](screenshots/calendar-view.png)
+![Takvim görünümü](../screenshots/calendar-view.png)
- Bu görünümle, görevleri vade tarihleriyle görselleştirebilirsiniz.
- Ayarlara bağlı olarak, devam eden görevleri de görebilirsiniz.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Takvim Görünümü
Liste Görünümü
-![Liste görünümü](screenshots/list-view.png)
+![Liste görünümü](../screenshots/list-view.png)
- Bu görünümde, aramanızın tüm sonuçları bir tabloda gösterilir.
- Liste görünümüne geçmek için klavye kısayolunu da kullanabilirsiniz: **"v l"**.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Liste Görünümü
Gantt Görünümü
-![Gantt görünümü](screenshots/gantt-view.png)
+![Gantt görünümü](../screenshots/gantt-view.png)
- Gantt görünümü görevleri yatay bir zaman çizelgesinde görüntüler
- Grafiği görüntülemek için başlangıç tarihi ve bitiş tarihi kullanılır
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Gantt Görünümü
Proje Görünümü
-![Proje görünümü](screenshots/project-view.png)
+![Proje görünümü](../screenshots/project-view.png)
- Projenin açıklamasını görüntüleyin
- Belgelerin projeye eklenmesi ve yüklenmesi
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/recurring-tasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/recurring-tasks.markdown
index 29357323..bec2d971 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/recurring-tasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/recurring-tasks.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Yapılandırma
Görev görünüm sayfasına gidin veya panodaki açılır menüyü kullanın, ardından ** Tekrarı düzenleyin** seçeneğini belirleyin.
-![Recurring task](screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
+![Recurring task](../screenshots/recurring-tasks.png)
Halen yeni tekrar eden bir görev oluşturan 3 tetikleyici vardır:
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/removing-projects.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/removing-projects.markdown
index cf3bf78b..128a3da6 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/removing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/removing-projects.markdown
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ Bir projeyi kaldırmak için, projenin müdürü veya yönetici olmanız gerekir
**"Proje ayarları"** 'na gidin ve sol taraftaki menüden, en alttaki **"Kaldır"** seçeneğini seçin.
-![Removing Projects](screenshots/project-remove.png)
+![Removing Projects](../screenshots/project-remove.png)
Bir projeyi kaldırmak, bu projeye ait tüm görevleri kaldırır.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/rss.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/rss.markdown
index 6ee95c7a..80d8a1d1 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/rss.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/rss.markdown
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Proje RSS yayınlarını etkinleştir / devre dışı bırak
**Proje ayarları> Herkese açık erişim** 'e gidin.
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
Kullanıcı RSS yayınlarını etkinleştir / devre dışı bırak
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/screenshots.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/screenshots.markdown
index e7b30ab5..32a8df5c 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/screenshots.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/screenshots.markdown
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Bu, örneğin, bir sorunu tarif etmek için ekran görüntülerinin alınması i
Açılır menüye tıklayarak veya görev görünümü sayfasında doğrudan ekran görüntüleri ekleyebilirsiniz.
-![Drop-down screenshot menu](screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
+![Drop-down screenshot menu](../screenshots/dropdown-screenshot.png)
Yeni bir görüntü eklemek için ekran görüntüsünü alın ve CTRL+V veya Command+V ile yapıştırın:
-![Screenshot page](screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
+![Screenshot page](../screenshots/task-screenshot.png)
Mac OS X'te ekran görüntüleri almak için şu klavye kısayolları kullanabilirsiniz:
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/sharing-projects.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/sharing-projects.markdown
index 6e0bda37..085f6501 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/sharing-projects.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/sharing-projects.markdown
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Herkese açık erişimi etkinleştir
Projenizi seçin, ardından "Herkese açık erişim" i tıklayın ve "Herkese açık erişimi etkinleştir" düğmesini tıklayın.
-![Enable public access](screenshots/project-enable-sharing.png)
+![Enable public access](../screenshots/project-enable-sharing.png)
Genel erişim etkinleştirildiğinde, birkaç bağlantı oluşturulur:
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Genel erişim etkinleştirildiğinde, birkaç bağlantı oluşturulur:
- RSS beslemesi abonelik bağlantısı
- iCalendar abonelik bağlantısı
-![Disable public access](screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
+![Disable public access](../screenshots/project-disable-sharing.png)
Ayrıca, herkese açık erişimi istediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/subtasks.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/subtasks.markdown
index 11726089..159c8a1a 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/subtasks.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/subtasks.markdown
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ Alt görevler oluşturma
Görev görünümünden, sol kenar çubuğunda **Bir alt görev ekle** seçeneğine tıklayın:
-![Add a subtask](screenshots/add-subtask.png)
+![Add a subtask](../screenshots/add-subtask.png)
Ayrıca, yalnızca başlığı girerek bir alt görev ekleyebilirsiniz:
-![Add a subtask from the task view](screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
+![Add a subtask from the task view](../screenshots/add-subtask-shortcut.png)
Alt görev durumunu değiştir
Alt görev başlığına tıkladığınızda durum değişir:
-![Subtask in progress](screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
+![Subtask in progress](../screenshots/subtask-status-inprogress.png)
Başlıktan önceki simge duruma göre güncellenir.
-![Subtask done](screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
+![Subtask done](../screenshots/subtask-status-done.png)
Not: Görev kapatıldığında, tüm alt görevler **Bitti** durumuna değiştirilir.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/swimlanes.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/swimlanes.markdown
index 212431bf..e9c7d38a 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/swimlanes.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/swimlanes.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Kulvarlar tahtada yatay ayrımlardır.
Kulvarlar ile pano
- Soldaki ikonuna tıklayarak kulvar(swimlanes) daraltabilirsiniz
- Varsayılan kulvar her zaman üst kısmında gösterilir
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Kulvarları yönetmek
Kulvarları yapılandırmak için **proje yapılandırma sayfasına** gidin ve **Kulvarlar** bölümünü seçin.
-![Swimlanes Configuration](screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
+![Swimlanes Configuration](../screenshots/swimlane-configuration.png)
Oradan, yeni bir kulvar ekleyebilir veya varsayılan bir yeniden adlandırabilirsiniz.
Farklı yüzücülerin yerlerini de devre dışı bırakabilir ve değiştirebilirsiniz.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/tags.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/tags.markdown
index ac62bce7..2bea9c15 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/tags.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/tags.markdown
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@ Etiketler
Kanboard ile, bir veya birçok etiketi görevle ilişkilendirebilirsiniz.
Etiketleri genel olarak tüm projeler için veya yalnızca belirli bir proje için tanımlayabilirsiniz.
-![Tags on the board](screenshots/tags-board.png)
+![Tags on the board](../screenshots/tags-board.png)
Görev formundan istediğiniz etiketleri girebilirsiniz:
-![Tags form](screenshots/tags-task.png)
+![Tags form](../screenshots/tags-task.png)
Otomatik tamamlama formu, kullanılabilir etiketleri önermek için görünür.
Etiketleri doğrudan görev formundan da oluşturabilirsiniz.
Varsayılan olarak, bir görev formundan etiketler oluşturduğunuzda, bunlar geçerli projeyle ilişkilendirilir:
-![Project Tags](screenshots/tags-projects.png)
+![Project Tags](../screenshots/tags-projects.png)
Tüm etiketler proje ayarlarında yönetilebilir.
Etiketleri tüm projeler için genel olarak tanımlamak için uygulama ayarlarına gidin:
-![Global Tags](screenshots/tags-global.png)
+![Global Tags](../screenshots/tags-global.png)
Görevleri etiketler temelinde aramak için "tag" özelliğini kullanmanız yeterlidir:
-![Search Tags](screenshots/tags-search.png)
+![Search Tags](../screenshots/tags-search.png)
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/task-links.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/task-links.markdown
index 44531f22..4d2c9d0f 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/task-links.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/task-links.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Görevler önceden tanımlanmış ilişkilerle birlikte birbirine bağlanabilir:
-![Task Links](screenshots/internal-task-links.png)
+![Task Links](../screenshots/internal-task-links.png)
Bu görevler projeler arasında bağlamak için de mümkündür.
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/time-tracking.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/time-tracking.markdown
index 4994b510..ee825b11 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/time-tracking.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/time-tracking.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Zaman izleme bilgileri, görev seviyesinde veya alt görev seviyesinde tanımlan
Görev zamanı izleme
-![Task time tracking](screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
+![Task time tracking](../screenshots/task-time-tracking.png)
Görevlerin iki alanı vardır:
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Bu değerler çalışma saatlerini temsil eder ve manuel olarak ayarlanması ger
Alt görev zaman izleme
-![Subtask time tracking](screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
+![Subtask time tracking](../screenshots/subtask-time-tracking.png)
Alt görevlerin "geçen süre" ve "zaman tahmini" alanları da vardır.
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ Kanboard, her bir alt görev durumu değişikliği arasındaki zamanı ayrı bir
Tüm kayıtların dökümü görev görünümü sayfasında görünür:
-![Task timesheet](screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
+![Task timesheet](../screenshots/task-timesheet.png)
Her bir alt görev için zamanlayıcı, istediği zaman durdurulabilir / başlatılabilir:
-![Subtask timer](screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
+![Subtask timer](../screenshots/subtask-timer.png)
- Zamanlayıcı, alt görev durumuna bağlı değildir
- Zamanlayıcıyı her başlatışınızda, zaman takibi tablosunda yeni bir kayıt oluşturulur
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/transitions.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/transitions.markdown
index 88ee0fdc..66c08dba 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/transitions.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/transitions.markdown
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Görev Geçişleri
Bir görevin sütunlar arasındaki her hareketi veritabanına kaydedilir.
-![Task Transitions](screenshots/task-transitions.png)
+![Task Transitions](../screenshots/task-transitions.png)
Görev görünümünden ulaşılabilir, şu bilgileri görebilirsiniz:
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/user-management.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/user-management.markdown
index 8d625ed3..4285c693 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/user-management.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/user-management.markdown
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Yeni bir kullanıcı eklemek için bir yönetici olmalısınız.
2. Üst kısımda bir bağlantı var **Yeni yerel kullanıcı** veya **Yeni uzak kullanıcı**
3. Formu doldurun ve kaydedin.
-![New user](screenshots/new-user.png)
+![New user](../screenshots/new-user.png)
Bir **yerel kullanıcı** oluşturduğunuzda, en azından bu değerleri belirtmeniz gerekir:
diff --git a/doc/tr_TR/user-mentions.markdown b/doc/tr_TR/user-mentions.markdown
index afca3df7..abf3700f 100644
--- a/doc/tr_TR/user-mentions.markdown
+++ b/doc/tr_TR/user-mentions.markdown
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Kanboard, birinden bahsedildiğinde bildirim gönderme olanağı sunar.
Bir yorumda veya bir görevde birinin dikkatini çekmeniz gerekiyorsa, @ simgesini ve ardından kullanıcı adını kullanın.
Kanboard otomatik olarak bir kullanıcı listesi önerecektir:
-![User Mention](screenshots/user-mentions.png)
+![User Mention](../screenshots/user-mentions.png)
- Şu anda yalnızca görev açıklaması ve açıklama metin alanı bu özelliği etkinleştirmiştir.
- Kullanıcı, yalnızca görevler ve yorumlar oluşturma sırasında bahsediyor.