diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php')
-rw-r--r-- | app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php | 119 |
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php index 816c4c11..028b21e4 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php @@ -38,15 +38,11 @@ return array( 'No user' => 'Ne', 'Forbidden' => 'Zabranjeno', 'Access Forbidden' => 'Zabranjen prostup', - 'Only administrators can access to this page.' => 'Samo administrator može videti ovu stranu.', 'Edit user' => 'Izmeni korisnika', 'Logout' => 'Odjava', 'Bad username or password' => 'Loše korisničko ime ili lozinka', - 'users' => 'korisnici', - 'projects' => 'projekti', 'Edit project' => 'Izmeni projekat', 'Name' => 'Ime', - 'Activated' => 'Aktiviran', 'Projects' => 'Projekti', 'No project' => 'Bez projekta', 'Project' => 'Projekat', @@ -56,7 +52,6 @@ return array( 'Actions' => 'Akcje', 'Inactive' => 'Neaktivan', 'Active' => 'Aktivan', - 'Column %d' => 'Kolona %d', 'Add this column' => 'Dodaj kolonu', '%d tasks on the board' => '%d zadataka na tabli', '%d tasks in total' => '%d zadataka ukupno', @@ -67,14 +62,11 @@ return array( 'New project' => 'Novi projekat', 'Do you really want to remove this project: "%s"?' => 'Da li želiš da ukloniš projekat: "%s"?', 'Remove project' => 'Ukloni projekat', - 'Boards' => 'Table', 'Edit the board for "%s"' => 'Izmeni tablu za "%s"', 'All projects' => 'Svi projekti', 'Change columns' => 'Zameni kolonu', 'Add a new column' => 'Dodaj novu kolonu', 'Title' => 'Naslov', - 'Add Column' => 'Dodaj kolunu', - 'Project "%s"' => 'Projekt "%s"', 'Nobody assigned' => 'Niko nije dodeljen', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Dodeljen korisniku %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Ukloni kolonu', @@ -87,16 +79,12 @@ return array( 'Language' => 'Jezik', 'Webhook token:' => 'Token :', 'API token:' => 'Token za API', - 'More information' => 'Još informacja', 'Database size:' => 'Veličina baze :', 'Download the database' => 'Preuzmi bazu', 'Optimize the database' => 'Optimizuj bazu', '(VACUUM command)' => '(komanda VACUUM)', '(Gzip compressed Sqlite file)' => '(Sqlite baza spakovana Gzip-om)', - 'User settings' => 'Korisnička podešavanja', - 'My default project:' => 'Moj podrazumevani projekat:', 'Close a task' => 'Zatvori zadatak', - 'Do you really want to close this task: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš da zatvoriš ovaj zadatak: "%s"?', 'Edit a task' => 'Izmeni zadatak', 'Column' => 'Kolona', 'Color' => 'Boja', @@ -121,19 +109,15 @@ return array( 'The password is required' => 'Lozinka je obavezna', 'This value must be an integer' => 'Mora biti ceo broj', 'The username must be unique' => 'Korisničko ime mora biti jedinstveno', - 'The username must be alphanumeric' => 'Korisničko ime sme sadržati samo brojeve i slova', 'The user id is required' => 'ID korisnika je obavezan', 'Passwords don\'t match' => 'Lozinke se ne podudaraju', 'The confirmation is required' => 'Potvrda je obavezna', - 'The column is required' => 'Kolona je obavezna', 'The project is required' => 'Projekat je obavezan', - 'The color is required' => 'Boja je obavezna', 'The id is required' => 'ID je obavezan', 'The project id is required' => 'ID projekta je obavezan', 'The project name is required' => 'Naziv projekta je obavezan', 'This project must be unique' => 'Projekat mora biti jedinstven', 'The title is required' => 'Naslov je obavezan', - 'The language is required' => 'Jezik je obavezan', 'There is no active project, the first step is to create a new project.' => 'Nema aktivnih projekata. Potrebno je prvo napraviti novi projekat.', 'Settings saved successfully.' => 'Podešavanja uspešno snimljena.', 'Unable to save your settings.' => 'Nemoguće snimanje podešavanja.', @@ -173,9 +157,7 @@ return array( 'Date created' => 'Kreiran dana', 'Date completed' => 'Završen dana', 'Id' => 'Id', - 'No task' => 'bez zadataka', 'Completed tasks' => 'Zatvoreni zadaci', - 'List of projects' => 'Spisak projekata', 'Completed tasks for "%s"' => 'zatvoreni zadaci za "%s"', '%d closed tasks' => '%d zatvorenih zadataka', 'No task for this project' => 'Nema dodeljenih zadataka ovom projektu', @@ -187,29 +169,22 @@ return array( 'Sorry, I didn\'t find this information in my database!' => 'Na žalost, nije pronađena informacija u bazi', 'Page not found' => 'Strana nije pronađena', 'Complexity' => 'Složenost', - 'limit' => 'ograničenje', 'Task limit' => 'Ograničenje zadatka', 'Task count' => 'Broj zadataka', - 'This value must be greater than %d' => 'Vrednost mora biti veća od %d', 'Edit project access list' => 'Izmeni prava pristupa projektu', - 'Edit users access' => 'Izmeni korisnička prava', 'Allow this user' => 'Dozvoli ovog korisnika', - 'Only those users have access to this project:' => 'Samo ovi korisnici imaju pristup projektu:', 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => 'Zapamti: Administrator može pristupiti svemu!', 'Revoke' => 'Povuci', 'List of authorized users' => 'Spisak odobrenih korisnika', 'User' => 'Korisnik', 'Nobody have access to this project.' => 'Niko nema pristup ovom projektu', - 'You are not allowed to access to this project.' => 'Nije ti dozvoljen pristup ovom projektu.', 'Comments' => 'Komentari', - 'Post comment' => 'Dodaj komentar', 'Write your text in Markdown' => 'Pisanje teksta pomoću Markdown', 'Leave a comment' => 'Ostavi komentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentar je obavezan', 'Leave a description' => 'Dodaj opis', 'Comment added successfully.' => 'Komentar uspešno ostavljen', 'Unable to create your comment.' => 'Nemoguće kreiranje komentara', - 'The description is required' => 'Opis je obavezan', 'Edit this task' => 'Izmeni ovaj zadatak', 'Due Date' => 'Termin', 'Invalid date' => 'Loš datum', @@ -236,15 +211,12 @@ return array( 'Save this action' => 'Snimi akciju', 'Do you really want to remove this action: "%s"?' => 'Da li da obrišem akciju "%s"?', 'Remove an automatic action' => 'Obriši automatsku akciju', - 'Close the task' => 'Zatvori zadatak', 'Assign the task to a specific user' => 'Dodeli zadatak određenom korisniku', 'Assign the task to the person who does the action' => 'Dodeli zadatak korisniku koji je izvršio akciju', 'Duplicate the task to another project' => 'Kopiraj akciju u drugi projekat', 'Move a task to another column' => 'Premesti zadatak u drugu kolonu', - 'Move a task to another position in the same column' => 'Promeni poziciju zadatka u istoj koloni', 'Task modification' => 'Izman zadatka', 'Task creation' => 'Kreiranje zadatka', - 'Open a closed task' => 'Otvori zatvoreni zadatak', 'Closing a task' => 'Zatvaranja zadatka', 'Assign a color to a specific user' => 'Dodeli boju korisniku', 'Column title' => 'Naslov kolone', @@ -254,7 +226,6 @@ return array( 'Duplicate to another project' => 'Kopiraj u drugi projekat', 'Duplicate' => 'Napravi kopiju', 'link' => 'link', - 'Update this comment' => 'Ažuriraj komentar', 'Comment updated successfully.' => 'Komentar uspešno ažuriran.', 'Unable to update your comment.' => 'Neuspešno ažuriranje komentara.', 'Remove a comment' => 'Obriši komentar', @@ -262,12 +233,9 @@ return array( 'Unable to remove this comment.' => 'Neuspešno brisanje komentara.', 'Do you really want to remove this comment?' => 'Da li da obrišem ovaj komentar?', 'Only administrators or the creator of the comment can access to this page.' => 'Samo administrator i kreator komentara mogu ga obrisati.', - 'Details' => 'Detalji', 'Current password for the user "%s"' => 'Trenutna lozinka za korisnika "%s"', 'The current password is required' => 'Trenutna lozinka je obavezna', 'Wrong password' => 'Pogrešna lozinka', - 'Reset all tokens' => 'Resetuj tokene', - 'All tokens have been regenerated.' => 'Svi tokeni su ponovo generisani.', 'Unknown' => 'Nepoznat', 'Last logins' => 'Poslednja prijava', 'Login date' => 'Datum prijave', @@ -303,7 +271,6 @@ return array( 'Unlink my Google Account' => 'Ukini vezu sa Google nalogom', 'Login with my Google Account' => 'Prijavi se preko Google naloga', 'Project not found.' => 'Projekat nije pronađen.', - 'Task #%d' => 'Zadatak #%d', 'Task removed successfully.' => 'Zadatak uspešno uklonjen.', 'Unable to remove this task.' => 'Nemoguće uklanjanje zadatka.', 'Remove a task' => 'Ukloni zadatak', @@ -324,7 +291,6 @@ return array( 'Unable to remove this category.' => 'Nije moguće ukloniti kategoriju.', 'Category modification for the project "%s"' => 'Izmena kategorije za projekat "%s"', 'Category Name' => 'Naziv kategorije', - 'Categories for the project "%s"' => 'Kategorije u projektu "%s"', 'Add a new category' => 'Dodaj novu kategoriju', 'Do you really want to remove this category: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš da ukloniš kategoriju: "%s"?', 'Filter by category' => 'Po kategoriji', @@ -390,7 +356,6 @@ return array( 'Modification date' => 'Datum izmene', 'Completion date' => 'Datum kompletiranja', 'Clone' => 'Iskopiraj', - 'Clone Project' => 'Iskopiraj projekat', 'Project cloned successfully.' => 'Projekat uspešno iskopiran.', 'Unable to clone this project.' => 'Nije moguće iskopirati projekat.', 'Email notifications' => 'Obaveštenje e-mailom', @@ -407,7 +372,6 @@ return array( 'New attachment added "%s"' => 'Novi prilog ubačen "%s"', 'Comment updated' => 'Komentar izmenjen', 'New comment posted by %s' => 'Novi komentar ostavio %s', - 'List of due tasks for the project "%s"' => 'Spisak dospelih zadataka za projekat "%s"', // 'New attachment' => '', // 'New comment' => '', // 'New subtask' => '', @@ -415,21 +379,15 @@ return array( // 'Task updated' => '', 'Task closed' => 'Zadatak je zatvoren', 'Task opened' => 'Zadatak je otvoren', - '[%s][Due tasks]' => '[%s][Dospeli zadaci]', - '[Kanboard] Notification' => '[Kanboard] Obaveštenja', 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => 'Želim obaveštenja samo za ovaj projekat:', 'view the task on Kanboard' => 'Pregledaj zadatke', 'Public access' => 'Javni pristup', - 'Category management' => 'Uređivanje kategorija', 'User management' => 'Uređivanje korisnika', 'Active tasks' => 'Aktivni zadaci', 'Disable public access' => 'Zabrani javni pristup', 'Enable public access' => 'Dozvoli javni pristup', - 'Active projects' => 'Aktivni projekti', - 'Inactive projects' => 'Neaktivni projekti', 'Public access disabled' => 'Javni pristup onemogućen!', 'Do you really want to disable this project: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš da deaktiviraš projekat: "%s"?', - 'Do you really want to duplicate this project: "%s"?' => 'Da li da napravim kopiju ovog projekta: "%s"?', 'Do you really want to enable this project: "%s"?' => 'Da li zaista želiš da aktiviraš projekat: "%s"?', 'Project activation' => 'Aktivacija projekta', 'Move the task to another project' => 'Premesti zadatak u drugi projekat', @@ -498,9 +456,6 @@ return array( 'Task assignee change' => 'Zmień osobę odpowiedzialną', '%s change the assignee of the task #%d to %s' => '%s zamena dodele za zadatak #%d na %s', '%s changed the assignee of the task %s to %s' => '%s zamena dodele za zadatak %s na %s', - // 'Column Change' => '', - // 'Position Change' => '', - // 'Assignee Change' => '', 'New password for the user "%s"' => 'Nova lozinka za korisnika "%s"', 'Choose an event' => 'Izaberi događaj', // 'Github commit received' => '', @@ -553,12 +508,10 @@ return array( 'Everybody have access to this project.' => 'Svima je dozvoljen pristup.', // 'Webhooks' => '', // 'API' => '', - 'Integration' => 'Integracja', // 'Github webhooks' => '', // 'Help on Github webhooks' => '', // 'Create a comment from an external provider' => '', // 'Github issue comment created' => '', - 'Configure' => 'Podesi', 'Project management' => 'Uređivanje projekata', 'My projects' => 'Moji projekti', 'Columns' => 'Kolone', @@ -576,7 +529,6 @@ return array( 'User repartition for "%s"' => 'Zaduženja korisnika za "%s"', 'Clone this project' => 'Kopiraj projekat', 'Column removed successfully.' => 'Kolumna usunięta pomyslnie.', - 'Edit Project' => 'Izmeni projekat', // 'Github Issue' => '', 'Not enough data to show the graph.' => 'Nedovoljno podataka za grafikon.', 'Previous' => 'Prethodni', @@ -657,7 +609,6 @@ return array( 'All swimlanes' => 'Svi razdelniki', 'All colors' => 'Sve boje', 'All status' => 'Svi statusi', - 'Add a comment logging moving the task between columns' => 'Dodaj logovanje premeštanja zadataka po kolonama', 'Moved to column %s' => 'Premešten u kolonu %s', // 'Change description' => '', 'User dashboard' => 'Korisnički panel', @@ -922,4 +873,74 @@ return array( // 'Two factor authentication enabled' => '', // 'Unable to update this user.' => '', // 'There is no user management for private projects.' => '', + // 'User that will receive the email' => '', + // 'Email subject' => '', + // 'Date' => '', + // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '', + // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '', + // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '', + // 'Commit made by @%s on Github' => '', + // 'By @%s on Github' => '', + // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '', + // 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '', + // 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '', + // 'Send a task by email to someone' => '', + // 'Reopen a task' => '', + // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '', + // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '', + // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '', + // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '', + // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '', + // 'Column change' => '', + // 'Position change' => '', + // 'Swimlane change' => '', + // 'Assignee change' => '', + // '[%s] Overdue tasks' => '', + // 'Notification' => '', + // '%s moved the task #%d to the first swimlane' => '', + // '%s moved the task #%d to the swimlane "%s"' => '', + // 'Swimlane' => '', + // 'Budget overview' => '', + // 'Type' => '', + // 'There is not enough data to show something.' => '', + // 'Gravatar' => '', + // 'Hipchat' => '', + // 'Slack' => '', + // '%s moved the task %s to the first swimlane' => '', + // '%s moved the task %s to the swimlane "%s"' => '', + // 'This report contains all subtasks information for the given date range.' => '', + // 'This report contains all tasks information for the given date range.' => '', + // 'Project activities for %s' => '', + // 'view the board on Kanboard' => '', + // 'The task have been moved to the first swimlane' => '', + // 'The task have been moved to another swimlane:' => '', + // 'Overdue tasks for the project "%s"' => '', + // 'There is no completed tasks at the moment.' => '', + // 'New title: %s' => '', + // 'The task is not assigned anymore' => '', + // 'New assignee: %s' => '', + // 'There is no category now' => '', + // 'New category: %s' => '', + // 'New color: %s' => '', + // 'New complexity: %d' => '', + // 'The due date have been removed' => '', + // 'There is no description anymore' => '', + // 'Recurrence settings have been modified' => '', + // 'Time spent changed: %sh' => '', + // 'Time estimated changed: %sh' => '', + // 'The field "%s" have been updated' => '', + // 'The description have been modified' => '', + // 'Do you really want to close the task "%s" as well as all subtasks?' => '', + // 'Swimlane: %s' => '', + // 'Project calendar' => '', + // 'I want to receive notifications for:' => '', + // 'All tasks' => '', + // 'Only for tasks assigned to me' => '', + // 'Only for tasks created by me' => '', + // 'Only for tasks created by me and assigned to me' => '', + // '%A' => '', + // '%b %e, %Y, %k:%M %p' => '', + // 'New due date: %B %e, %Y' => '', + // 'Start date changed: %B %e, %Y' => '', + // '%k:%M %p' => '', ); |