path: root/app/Locale
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Locale')
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
index f58c3d6b..50b17c1b 100644
--- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Već imaš jedan pod-zadatak "u radu"',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Koje delove projekta želiš duplicirati?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Zabrani prijavnu formu',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket: commit dobijen',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket: webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Pomoć na Bitbucket webhooks',
'Start' => 'Početak',
'End' => 'Kraj',
'Task age in days' => 'Trajanje zadatka u danima',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Korisnik će dobiti email',
'Email subject' => 'Predmet email-a',
'Date' => 'Datum',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Od @%s na Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Bitbucket problem',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Commit-ao @%s na Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Commit-ao @%s na Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Dodaj komentar u dnevnik kada se pomjeri zadatak između kolona',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Pomjeri zadatak u drugu kolonu kada je kategorija promijenjena',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Pošalji zadatak nekome emailom',
'Reopen a task' => 'Ponovo otvori zadatak',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Bitbucket: otvoren problem',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Bitbucket: zatvoren problem',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Bitbucket: problem ponovo otvoren',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Bitbucket: promijenjen izvršilac problema',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Bitbucket: dodan komentar na problemu',
'Column change' => 'Promijena kolone',
'Position change' => 'Promjena pozicije',
'Swimlane change' => 'Promjena swimline trake',
diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
index 9b65bd3b..8baba251 100644
--- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Jeden dílčí úkol již aktuálně řešíte',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Které části projektu chcete duplikovat?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket commit erhalten',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Hilfe für Bitbucket webhooks',
'Start' => 'Začátek',
'End' => 'Konec',
'Task age in days' => 'Doba trvání úkolu ve dnech',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Uživatel, který dostane E-mail',
'Email subject' => 'E-mail Předmět',
'Date' => 'Datum',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Přidat komentář když je úkol přesouván mezi sloupci',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Přesun úkolu do jiného sloupce když je změněna kategorie',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Poslat někomu úkol poštou',
'Reopen a task' => 'Znovu otevřít úkol',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
'Column change' => 'Spalte geändert',
'Position change' => 'Position geändert',
'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlane geändert',
diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
index 99cf7ffb..dd531abb 100644
--- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
// 'You already have one subtask in progress' => '',
// 'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => '',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket commit received' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
// 'Start' => '',
// 'End' => '',
// 'Task age in days' => '',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
index cbdc1fde..263e0421 100644
--- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Bereits eine Teilaufgabe in Bearbeitung',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Welcher Teil des Projekts soll kopiert werden?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Verbiete Login-Formular',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket-Commit erhalten',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket-Webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Hilfe für Bitbucket-Webhooks',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Ende',
'Task age in days' => 'Aufgabenalter in Tagen',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Empfänger der E-Mail',
'Email subject' => 'E-Mail-Betreff',
'Date' => 'Datum',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Durch @%s auf Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Bitbucket-Issue',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Commit von @%s auf Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Commit von @%s auf Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Kommentar hinzufügen, wenn Aufgabe in andere Spalte verschoben wird',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Aufgabe in andere Spalte verschieben, wenn Kategorie geändert wird',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Aufgabe per E-Mail versenden',
'Reopen a task' => 'Aufgabe wieder öffnen',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Bitbucket Ticket eröffnet',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Bitbucket Ticket geschlossen',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Bitbucket Ticket wieder eröffnet',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Bitbucket Ticket Zuordnung geändert',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Bitbucket Ticket Kommentar erstellt',
'Column change' => 'Spalte geändert',
'Position change' => 'Position geändert',
'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlane geändert',
diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
index 03a62976..aa08e35c 100644
--- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Ya dispones de una subtarea en progreso',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => '¿Qué partes del proyecto desea duplicar?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Deshabilitar formulario de ingreso',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Recibido envío desde Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Disparadores Web (webhooks) de Bitbucket',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Ayuda sobre disparadores web (webhooks) de Bitbucket',
'Start' => 'Inicio',
'End' => 'Fin',
'Task age in days' => 'Edad de la tarea en días',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Usuario que recibirá el correo',
'Email subject' => 'Asunto del correo',
'Date' => 'Fecha',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Mediante @%s en Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Asunto de Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Envío realizado por @%s en Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Envío realizado por @%s en Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Añadir un comentario al mover la tarea entre columnas',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Mover la tarea a otra columna cuando cambia la categoría',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Enviar una tarea a alguien por correo',
'Reopen a task' => 'Reabrir tarea',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Abierto asunto de Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Cerrado asunto de Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Reabierto asunto de Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Cambiado concesionario de asunto de Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Creado comentario de asunto de Bitbucket',
'Column change' => 'Cambio de columna',
'Position change' => 'Cambio de posición',
'Swimlane change' => 'Cambio de calle',
diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
index 1e72850d..e1a14749 100644
--- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
// 'You already have one subtask in progress' => '',
// 'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => '',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket commit received' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
// 'Start' => '',
// 'End' => '',
// 'Task age in days' => '',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
index 1d85232b..f974584f 100644
--- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php
@@ -580,9 +580,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Vous avez déjà une sous-tâche en progrès',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Quelles parties du projet voulez-vous dupliquer ?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Interdire le formulaire d\'authentification',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Commit reçu via Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Webhook Bitbucket',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Aide sur les webhooks Bitbucket',
'Start' => 'Début',
'End' => 'Fin',
'Task age in days' => 'Âge de la tâche en jours',
@@ -752,19 +749,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Utilisateur qui va reçevoir l\'email',
'Email subject' => 'Sujet de l\'email',
'Date' => 'Date',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Par @%s sur Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Ticket Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Commit fait par @%s sur Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Commit fait par @%s sur Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Ajouter un commentaire d\'information lorsque une tâche est déplacée dans une autre colonne',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Déplacer une tâche vers une autre colonne lorsque la catégorie a changé',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Envoyer une tâche par email à quelqu\'un',
'Reopen a task' => 'Rouvrir une tâche',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Ticket Bitbucket ouvert',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Ticket Bitbucket fermé',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Ticket Bitbucket rouvert',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Changement d\'assigné sur un ticket Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Commentaire créé sur un ticket Bitbucket',
'Column change' => 'Changement de colonne',
'Position change' => 'Changement de position',
'Swimlane change' => 'Changement de swimlane',
diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
index 1c220016..392ead6c 100644
--- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Már van egy folyamatban levő részfeladata',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'A projekt mely részeit szeretné másolni?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket commit érkezett',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks súgó',
'Start' => 'Kezdet',
'End' => 'Vég',
'Task age in days' => 'Feladat életkora napokban',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
index b9e8948d..9640abfb 100644
--- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Anda sudah ada satu subtugas dalam proses',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Bagian dalam proyek mana yang ingin anda duplikasi?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Larang formulir masuk',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Menerima komit Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Webhook Bitbucket',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bantuan pada webhook Bitbucket',
'Start' => 'Mulai',
'End' => 'Selesai',
'Task age in days' => 'Usia tugas dalam hari',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Pengguna yang akan menerima email',
'Email subject' => 'Subjek Email',
'Date' => 'Tanggal',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Oleh @%s pada Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Tiket Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Komit dibuat oleh @%s pada Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Komit dibuat oleh @%s pada Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Menambahkan log komentar ketika memindahkan tugas antara kolom',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Pindahkan tugas ke kolom lain ketika kategori berubah',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Kirim tugas melalui email ke seseorang',
'Reopen a task' => 'Membuka kembali tugas',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Tiket Bitbucket dibuka',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Tiket Bitbucket ditutup',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Tiket Bitbucket dibuka kembali',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Perubahan penugasan tiket Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Komentar dibuat tiket Bitbucket',
'Column change' => 'Kolom berubah',
'Position change' => 'Posisi berubah',
'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlane berubah',
diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
index 4d01d70c..81d1853f 100644
--- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Hai già un sotto-compito in progresso',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Quali parti del progetto vuoi duplicare?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Commit ricevuto da Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Webhooks di Bitbucket',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Guida ai Webhooks di Bitbucket',
'Start' => 'Inizio',
'End' => 'Fine',
'Task age in days' => 'Anzianità del compito in giorni',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
index f98d96ee..3b24f224 100644
--- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'すでに進行中のサブタスクがあります。',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'プロジェクトの何を複製しますか?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket コミットを受信しました',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket Webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket Webhooks のヘルプ',
'Start' => '開始',
'End' => '終了',
'Task age in days' => 'タスクの経過日数',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
index 749630d9..75631126 100644
--- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
// 'You already have one subtask in progress' => '',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Hvilke deler av dette prosjektet ønsker du å kopiere?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket commit received' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Slutt',
'Task age in days' => 'Dager siden oppgaven ble opprettet',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
'Date' => 'Dato',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Legg til en kommentar i loggen når en oppgave flyttes mellom kolonnene',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Flytt oppgaven til en annen kolonne når kategorien endres',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Send en oppgave på epost til noen',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
'Column change' => 'Endret kolonne',
'Position change' => 'Posisjonsendring',
'Swimlane change' => 'Endret svømmebane',
diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
index 51148db5..5e1d2960 100644
--- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'U heeft al een subtaak in behandeling',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Welke onderdelen van het project wilt u dupliceren?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket commit ontvangen',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Help bij Bitbucket webhooks',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Eind',
'Task age in days' => 'Leeftijd taak in dagen',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
index 0356ab62..253e19f6 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Masz już zadanie o statusie "w trakcie"',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Które elementy projektu chcesz zduplikować?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket commit received' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
'Start' => 'Początek',
'End' => 'Koniec',
'Task age in days' => 'Wiek zadania w dniach',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Wyślij zadanie mailem do kogokolwiek',
'Reopen a task' => 'Otwórz ponownie zadanie',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
'Column change' => 'Zmiana kolumny',
'Position change' => 'Zmiana pozycji',
'Swimlane change' => 'Zmiana Swimlane',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
index 3873a4f9..ac063b16 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Você já tem um subtarefa em andamento',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Quais partes do projeto você deseja duplicar?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Proibir o formulário de login',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => '"Commit" recebido via Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Webhook Bitbucket',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Ajuda sobre os webhooks do Bitbucket',
'Start' => 'Início',
'End' => 'Fim',
'Task age in days' => 'Idade da tarefa em dias',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'O usuário que vai receber o e-mail',
'Email subject' => 'Assunto do e-mail',
'Date' => 'Data',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Por @%s no Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Bitbucket Issue',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Commit feito por @%s no Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Commit feito por @%s no Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Adicionar um comentário de log quando uma tarefa é movida para uma outra coluna',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Mover uma tarefa para outra coluna quando a categoria mudou',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Enviar uma tarefa por e-mail a alguém',
'Reopen a task' => 'Reabrir uma tarefa',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Bitbucket issue opened',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Bitbucket issue closed',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Bitbucket issue reopened',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Bitbucket issue assignee change',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Bitbucket issue comment created',
'Column change' => 'Mudança de coluna',
'Position change' => 'Mudança de posição',
'Swimlane change' => 'Mudança de swimlane',
diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
index b7b154b8..fec3b724 100644
--- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Já tem uma subtarefa em andamento',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Quais as partes do projecto que deseja duplicar?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Desactivar login',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => '"Commit" recebido via Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Webhook Bitbucket',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Ajuda sobre os webhooks Bitbucket',
'Start' => 'Inicio',
'End' => 'Fim',
'Task age in days' => 'Idade da tarefa em dias',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'O utilizador que vai receber o e-mail',
'Email subject' => 'Assunto do e-mail',
'Date' => 'Data',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Por @%s no Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Problema Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Commit feito por @%s no Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Commit feito por @%s no Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Adicionar um comentário de log quando uma tarefa é movida para uma outra coluna',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Mover uma tarefa para outra coluna quando a categoria mudar',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Enviar uma tarefa por e-mail a alguém',
'Reopen a task' => 'Reabrir uma tarefa',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Problema aberto no Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Problema fechado no Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Problema reaberto no Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Alterar assignação do problema no Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Comentário ao problema adicionado ao Bitbucket',
'Column change' => 'Mudança de coluna',
'Position change' => 'Mudança de posição',
'Swimlane change' => 'Mudança de swimlane',
diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
index 0afd9b96..a8066115 100644
--- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'У вас уже есть одна задача в разработке',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Какие части проекта должны быть дублированы?',
'Disallow login form' => 'Запретить форму входа',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Получен коммит с Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'BitBucket webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Помощь по BitBucket webhooks',
'Start' => 'Начало',
'End' => 'Конец',
'Task age in days' => 'Возраст задачи в днях',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Пользователь, который будет получать e-mail',
'Email subject' => 'Тема e-mail',
'Date' => 'Дата',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Польз. @%s на Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Задача Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Коммит сделан польз. @%s на Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Коммит сделан польз. @%s в Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Добавлять запись при перемещении задачи между колонками',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Переносить задачи в другую колонку при изменении категории',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Отправить задачу по email',
'Reopen a task' => 'Переоткрыть задачу',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Открыта задача Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Закрыта задача Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Переоткрыта задача Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Изменный назначенный для задачи на Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Создан комментарий для задачи на Bitbucket',
'Column change' => 'Изменение колонки',
'Position change' => 'Позиция изменена',
'Swimlane change' => 'Дорожка изменена',
diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
index 5e56d805..b59e2e51 100644
--- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
// 'You already have one subtask in progress' => '',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Koje delove projekta želite da kopirate',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket commit received' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
// 'Start' => '',
// 'End' => '',
// 'Task age in days' => '',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
index 67d0251f..bf6ee199 100644
--- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Du har redan en deluppgift igång',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Vilka delar av projektet vill du duplicera?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket bidrag mottaget',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Hjälp för Bitbucket webhooks',
'Start' => 'Start',
'End' => 'Slut',
'Task age in days' => 'Uppgiftsålder i dagar',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
'User that will receive the email' => 'Användare som kommer att ta emot mailet',
'Email subject' => 'E-post ämne',
'Date' => 'Datum',
- 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Av @%s på Bitbucket',
- 'Bitbucket Issue' => 'Bitbucket fråga',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => 'Bidrag gjort av @%s på Bitbucket',
- 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => 'Bidrag gjort av @%s på Gitlab',
'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => 'Lägg till en kommentarslogg när en uppgift flyttas mellan kolumner',
'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => 'Flyttas uppgiften till en annan kolumn när kategorin ändras',
'Send a task by email to someone' => 'Skicka en uppgift med e-post till någon',
'Reopen a task' => 'Återöppna en uppgift',
- 'Bitbucket issue opened' => 'Bitbucketfråga öppnad',
- 'Bitbucket issue closed' => 'Bitbucketfråga stängd',
- 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => 'Bitbucketfråga återöppnad',
- 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => 'Bitbucketfråga tilldelningsändring',
- 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => 'Bitbucketfråga kommentar skapad',
'Column change' => 'Kolumnändring',
'Position change' => 'Positionsändring',
'Swimlane change' => 'Swimlaneändring',
diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
index 85197bc4..81946540 100644
--- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'คุณมีหนึ่งงานย่อยที่กำลังทำงาน',
// 'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => '',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket commit received' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
- // 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => '',
'Start' => 'เริ่ม',
'End' => 'จบ',
'Task age in days' => 'อายุงาน',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
index 25adf099..10472aad 100644
--- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => 'Zaten işlemde olan bir alt görev var',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => 'Projenin hangi kısımlarının kopyasını oluşturmak istiyorsunuz?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => 'Bitbucket commit alındı',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket webhooks için yardım',
'Start' => 'Başlangıç',
'End' => 'Son',
'Task age in days' => 'Görev yaşı gün olarak',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
// 'Email subject' => '',
// 'Date' => '',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
// 'Reopen a task' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',
diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
index 53caba72..a152748f 100644
--- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
+++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php
@@ -578,9 +578,6 @@ return array(
'You already have one subtask in progress' => '你已经有了一个进行中的子任务',
'Which parts of the project do you want to duplicate?' => '要复制项目的哪些内容?',
// 'Disallow login form' => '',
- 'Bitbucket commit received' => '收到Bitbucket提交',
- 'Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket网络钩子',
- 'Help on Bitbucket webhooks' => 'Bitbucket网络钩子帮助',
'Start' => '开始',
'End' => '结束',
'Task age in days' => '任务存在天数',
@@ -750,19 +747,10 @@ return array(
// 'User that will receive the email' => '',
'Email subject' => '邮件主题',
'Date' => '日期',
- // 'By @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket Issue' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Bitbucket' => '',
- // 'Commit made by @%s on Gitlab' => '',
// 'Add a comment log when moving the task between columns' => '',
// 'Move the task to another column when the category is changed' => '',
// 'Send a task by email to someone' => '',
'Reopen a task' => '重新开始一个任务',
- // 'Bitbucket issue opened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue closed' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue reopened' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue assignee change' => '',
- // 'Bitbucket issue comment created' => '',
// 'Column change' => '',
// 'Position change' => '',
// 'Swimlane change' => '',