path: root/plugins/Group_assign/Helper/NewTaskHelper.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Group_assign/Helper/NewTaskHelper.php')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Group_assign/Helper/NewTaskHelper.php b/plugins/Group_assign/Helper/NewTaskHelper.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b15262a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Group_assign/Helper/NewTaskHelper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+namespace Kanboard\Plugin\Group_assign\Helper;
+use Kanboard\Plugin\Group_assign\Model\MultiselectMemberModel;
+use Kanboard\Model\ProjectGroupRoleModel;
+use Kanboard\Core\Base;
+class NewTaskHelper extends Base
+ /**
+ * Local cache for project columns
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $columns = array();
+ public function getColors()
+ {
+ return $this->colorModel->getList();
+ }
+ public function recurrenceTriggers()
+ {
+ return $this->taskRecurrenceModel->getRecurrenceTriggerList();
+ }
+ public function recurrenceTimeframes()
+ {
+ return $this->taskRecurrenceModel->getRecurrenceTimeframeList();
+ }
+ public function recurrenceBasedates()
+ {
+ return $this->taskRecurrenceModel->getRecurrenceBasedateList();
+ }
+ public function renderTitleField(array $values, array $errors)
+ {
+ return $this->helper->form->text(
+ 'title',
+ $values,
+ $errors,
+ array(
+ 'autofocus',
+ 'required',
+ 'maxlength="200"',
+ 'tabindex="1"',
+ 'placeholder="'.t('Title').'"'
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ public function renderDescriptionField(array $values, array $errors)
+ {
+ return $this->helper->form->textEditor('description', $values, $errors, array('tabindex' => 2));
+ }
+ public function renderDescriptionTemplateDropdown($projectId)
+ {
+ $templates = $this->predefinedTaskDescriptionModel->getAll($projectId);
+ if (! empty($templates)) {
+ $html = '<div class="dropdown dropdown-smaller">';
+ $html .= '<a href="#" class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-link-icon"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>'.t('Template for the task description').' <i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>';
+ $html .= '<ul>';
+ foreach ($templates as $template) {
+ $html .= '<li>';
+ $html .= '<a href="#" data-template-target="textarea[name=description]" data-template="'.$this->helper->text->e($template['description']).'" class="js-template">';
+ $html .= $this->helper->text->e($template['title']);
+ $html .= '</a>';
+ $html .= '</li>';
+ }
+ $html .= '</ul></div>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ public function renderTagField(array $project, array $tags = array())
+ {
+ $options = $this->tagModel->getAssignableList($project['id']);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Tags'), 'tags[]');
+ $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="tags[]" value="">';
+ $html .= '<select name="tags[]" id="form-tags" class="tag-autocomplete" multiple>';
+ foreach ($options as $tag) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
+ $this->helper->text->e($tag),
+ in_array($tag, $tags) ? 'selected="selected"' : '',
+ $this->helper->text->e($tag)
+ );
+ }
+ $html .= '</select>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderColorField(array $values)
+ {
+ $colors = $this->colorModel->getList();
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Color'), 'color_id');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('color_id', $colors, $values, array(), array(), 'color-picker');
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderAssigneeField(array $users, array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ if (isset($values['project_id']) && ! $this->helper->projectRole->canChangeAssignee($values)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="3"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Assignee'), 'owner_id');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('owner_id', $users, $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ $html .= '&nbsp;';
+ $html .= '<small>';
+ $html .= '<a href="#" class="assign-me" data-target-id="form-owner_id" data-current-id="'.$this->userSession->getId().'" title="'.t('Assign to me').'">'.t('Me').'</a>';
+ $html .= '</small>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderMultiAssigneeField(array $users, array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ if (isset($values['project_id']) && ! $this->helper->projectRole->canChangeAssignee($values)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="4"'), $attributes);
+ $name = 'owner_ms';
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Other Assignees'), $name.'[]');
+ $html .= '<select class="group-assign-select" multiple="multiple" size="3" name="'.$name.'[]" id="form-'.$name.'" '.implode(' ', $attributes).'>';
+ foreach ($users as $id => $value) {
+ if($id !== 0){
+ $html .= '<option value="'.$this->helper->text->e($id).'"';
+ if (isset($values->$name)) {
+ $multiusers = $this->multiselectMemberModel->getMembers($values->$name);
+ foreach ($multiusers as $member) {
+ if ($member['user_id'] == $id){ $html .= ' selected="selected"'; break; }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($values[$name])) {
+ $multiusers = $this->multiselectMemberModel->getMembers($values[$name]);
+ foreach ($multiusers as $member) {
+ if ($member['user_id'] == $id){ $html .= ' selected="selected"'; break; }
+ }
+ }
+ $html .= '>'.$this->helper->text->e($value).'</option>';
+ }
+ }
+ $html .= '</select>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderGroupField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ if (isset($values['project_id']) && ! $this->helper->projectRole->canChangeAssignee($values)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $groups = $this->projectGroupRoleModel->getGroups($values['project_id']);
+ $groupnames = array();
+ $groupids = array();
+ $groupids[] = 0;
+ $groupnames[] = t('Unassigned');
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ // array_splice($groupnames, 1, 0, $group['name']);
+ $groupnames[] = $group['name'];
+ $groupids[] = $group['id'];
+ }
+ $groupvalues = array_combine($groupids, $groupnames);
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="4"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Assigned Group'), 'owner_gp');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('owner_gp', $groupvalues, $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ $html .= '&nbsp;';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderCategoryField(array $categories, array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $allow_one_item = false)
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="5"'), $attributes);
+ $html = '';
+ if (! (! $allow_one_item && count($categories) === 1 && key($categories) == 0)) {
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->label(t('Category'), 'category_id');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('category_id', $categories, $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ }
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderSwimlaneField(array $swimlanes, array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="6"'), $attributes);
+ $html = '';
+ if (count($swimlanes) > 1) {
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->label(t('Swimlane'), 'swimlane_id');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('swimlane_id', $swimlanes, $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ }
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderColumnField(array $columns, array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="7"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Column'), 'column_id');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('column_id', $columns, $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderPriorityField(array $project, array $values)
+ {
+ $range = range($project['priority_start'], $project['priority_end']);
+ $options = array_combine($range, $range);
+ $values += array('priority' => $project['priority_default']);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Priority'), 'priority');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->select('priority', $options, $values, array(), array('tabindex="8"'));
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderScoreField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="13"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Complexity'), 'score');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->number('score', $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderReferenceField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="14"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Reference'), 'reference');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->text('reference', $values, $errors, $attributes, 'form-input-small');
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderTimeEstimatedField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="11"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Original estimate'), 'time_estimated');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->numeric('time_estimated', $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ $html .= ' '.t('hours');
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderTimeSpentField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="12"'), $attributes);
+ $html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Time spent'), 'time_spent');
+ $html .= $this->helper->form->numeric('time_spent', $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ $html .= ' '.t('hours');
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderStartDateField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="10"'), $attributes);
+ return $this->helper->form->datetime(t('Start Date'), 'date_started', $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ }
+ public function renderDueDateField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
+ {
+ $attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="9"'), $attributes);
+ return $this->helper->form->datetime(t('Due Date'), 'date_due', $values, $errors, $attributes);
+ }
+ public function renderPriority($priority)
+ {
+ $html = '<span class="task-priority" title="'.t('Task priority').'">';
+ $html .= $this->helper->text->e($priority >= 0 ? 'P'.$priority : '-P'.abs($priority));
+ $html .= '</span>';
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function renderReference(array $task)
+ {
+ if (! empty($task['reference'])) {
+ $reference = $this->helper->text->e($task['reference']);
+ if (filter_var($task['reference'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
+ return sprintf('<a href="%s" target=_blank">%s</a>', $reference, $reference);
+ }
+ return $reference;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ public function getProgress($task)
+ {
+ if (! isset($this->columns[$task['project_id']])) {
+ $this->columns[$task['project_id']] = $this->columnModel->getList($task['project_id']);
+ }
+ return $this->taskModel->getProgress($task, $this->columns[$task['project_id']]);
+ }
+ public function getNewBoardTaskButton(array $swimlane, array $column)
+ {
+ $html = '<div class="board-add-icon">';
+ $providers = $this->externalTaskManager->getProviders();
+ if (empty($providers)) {
+ $html .= $this->helper->modal->largeIcon(
+ 'plus',
+ t('Add a new task'),
+ 'TaskCreationController',
+ 'show', array(
+ 'project_id' => $column['project_id'],
+ 'column_id' => $column['id'],
+ 'swimlane_id' => $swimlane['id'],
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $html .= '<div class="dropdown">';
+ $html .= '<a href="#" class="dropdown-menu"><i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><ul>';
+ $link = $this->helper->modal->large(
+ 'plus',
+ t('Add a new Kanboard task'),
+ 'TaskCreationController',
+ 'show', array(
+ 'project_id' => $column['project_id'],
+ 'column_id' => $column['id'],
+ 'swimlane_id' => $swimlane['id'],
+ )
+ );
+ $html .= '<li>'.$link.'</li>';
+ foreach ($providers as $provider) {
+ $link = $this->helper->url->link(
+ $provider->getMenuAddLabel(),
+ 'ExternalTaskCreationController',
+ 'step1',
+ array('project_id' => $column['project_id'], 'swimlane_id' => $swimlane['id'], 'column_id' => $column['id'], 'provider_name' => $provider->getName()),
+ false,
+ 'js-modal-large'
+ );
+ $html .= '<li>'.$provider->getIcon().' '.$link.'</li>';
+ }
+ $html .= '</ul></div>';
+ }
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ return $html;
+ }