path: root/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests/ErrorHandlerTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/symfony/debug/Tests/ErrorHandlerTest.php')
1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests/ErrorHandlerTest.php b/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests/ErrorHandlerTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cbe47f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests/ErrorHandlerTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ * This file is part of the Symfony package.
+ *
+ * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Tests;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
+use Symfony\Component\Debug\BufferingLogger;
+use Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler;
+use Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\SilencedErrorContext;
+ * ErrorHandlerTest.
+ *
+ * @author Robert Schönthal <>
+ * @author Nicolas Grekas <>
+ */
+class ErrorHandlerTest extends TestCase
+ public function testRegister()
+ {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ try {
+ $this->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler', $handler);
+ $this->assertSame($handler, ErrorHandler::register());
+ $newHandler = new ErrorHandler();
+ $this->assertSame($newHandler, ErrorHandler::register($newHandler, false));
+ $h = set_error_handler('var_dump');
+ restore_error_handler();
+ $this->assertSame(array($handler, 'handleError'), $h);
+ try {
+ $this->assertSame($newHandler, ErrorHandler::register($newHandler, true));
+ $h = set_error_handler('var_dump');
+ restore_error_handler();
+ $this->assertSame(array($newHandler, 'handleError'), $h);
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ }
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ if (isset($e)) {
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ }
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ if (isset($e)) {
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public function testNotice()
+ {
+ ErrorHandler::register();
+ try {
+ self::triggerNotice($this);
+ $this->fail('ErrorException expected');
+ } catch (\ErrorException $exception) {
+ // if an exception is thrown, the test passed
+ $this->assertEquals(E_NOTICE, $exception->getSeverity());
+ $this->assertEquals(__FILE__, $exception->getFile());
+ $this->assertRegExp('/^Notice: Undefined variable: (foo|bar)/', $exception->getMessage());
+ $trace = $exception->getTrace();
+ $this->assertEquals(__FILE__, $trace[0]['file']);
+ $this->assertEquals(__CLASS__, $trace[0]['class']);
+ $this->assertEquals('triggerNotice', $trace[0]['function']);
+ $this->assertEquals('::', $trace[0]['type']);
+ $this->assertEquals(__FILE__, $trace[0]['file']);
+ $this->assertEquals(__CLASS__, $trace[1]['class']);
+ $this->assertEquals(__FUNCTION__, $trace[1]['function']);
+ $this->assertEquals('->', $trace[1]['type']);
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }
+ // dummy function to test trace in error handler.
+ private static function triggerNotice($that)
+ {
+ $that->assertSame('', $foo.$foo.$bar);
+ }
+ public function testConstruct()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(3, true);
+ $this->assertEquals(3 | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR, $handler->throwAt(0));
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }
+ public function testDefaultLogger()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, E_NOTICE);
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, array(E_USER_NOTICE => LogLevel::CRITICAL));
+ $loggers = array(
+ E_DEPRECATED => array(null, LogLevel::INFO),
+ E_USER_DEPRECATED => array(null, LogLevel::INFO),
+ E_NOTICE => array($logger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_USER_NOTICE => array($logger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_STRICT => array(null, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_WARNING => array(null, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_USER_WARNING => array(null, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_COMPILE_WARNING => array(null, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_CORE_WARNING => array(null, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_USER_ERROR => array(null, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => array(null, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_COMPILE_ERROR => array(null, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_PARSE => array(null, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_ERROR => array(null, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_CORE_ERROR => array(null, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ );
+ $this->assertSame($loggers, $handler->setLoggers(array()));
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }
+ public function testHandleError()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(0, true);
+ $this->assertFalse($handler->handleError(0, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(3, true);
+ $this->assertFalse($handler->handleError(4, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(3, true);
+ try {
+ $handler->handleError(4, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array());
+ } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+ $this->assertSame('Parse Error: foo', $e->getMessage());
+ $this->assertSame(4, $e->getSeverity());
+ $this->assertSame('foo.php', $e->getFile());
+ $this->assertSame(12, $e->getLine());
+ }
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(E_USER_DEPRECATED, true);
+ $this->assertFalse($handler->handleError(E_USER_DEPRECATED, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(E_DEPRECATED, true);
+ $this->assertFalse($handler->handleError(E_DEPRECATED, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $warnArgCheck = function ($logLevel, $message, $context) {
+ $this->assertEquals('info', $logLevel);
+ $this->assertEquals('User Deprecated: foo', $message);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('exception', $context);
+ $exception = $context['exception'];
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(\ErrorException::class, $exception);
+ $this->assertSame('User Deprecated: foo', $exception->getMessage());
+ $this->assertSame(E_USER_DEPRECATED, $exception->getSeverity());
+ };
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->will($this->returnCallback($warnArgCheck))
+ ;
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
+ $this->assertTrue($handler->handleError(E_USER_DEPRECATED, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $line = null;
+ $logArgCheck = function ($level, $message, $context) use (&$line) {
+ $this->assertEquals('Notice: Undefined variable: undefVar', $message);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('exception', $context);
+ $exception = $context['exception'];
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(SilencedErrorContext::class, $exception);
+ $this->assertSame(E_NOTICE, $exception->getSeverity());
+ $this->assertSame(__FILE__, $exception->getFile());
+ $this->assertSame($line, $exception->getLine());
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($exception->getTrace());
+ $this->assertSame(1, $exception->count);
+ };
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->will($this->returnCallback($logArgCheck))
+ ;
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, E_NOTICE);
+ $handler->screamAt(E_NOTICE);
+ unset($undefVar);
+ $line = __LINE__ + 1;
+ @$undefVar++;
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public function testHandleUserError()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->throwAt(0, true);
+ $e = null;
+ $x = new \Exception('Foo');
+ try {
+ $f = new Fixtures\ToStringThrower($x);
+ $f .= ''; // Trigger $f->__toString()
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ }
+ $this->assertSame($x, $e);
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }
+ public function testHandleDeprecation()
+ {
+ $logArgCheck = function ($level, $message, $context) {
+ $this->assertEquals(LogLevel::INFO, $level);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('exception', $context);
+ $exception = $context['exception'];
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(\ErrorException::class, $exception);
+ $this->assertSame('User Deprecated: Foo deprecation', $exception->getMessage());
+ };
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->will($this->returnCallback($logArgCheck))
+ ;
+ $handler = new ErrorHandler();
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger);
+ @$handler->handleError(E_USER_DEPRECATED, 'Foo deprecation', __FILE__, __LINE__, array());
+ }
+ public function testHandleException()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $exception = new \Exception('foo');
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $logArgCheck = function ($level, $message, $context) {
+ $this->assertSame('Uncaught Exception: foo', $message);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('exception', $context);
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(\Exception::class, $context['exception']);
+ };
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('log')
+ ->will($this->returnCallback($logArgCheck))
+ ;
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, E_ERROR);
+ try {
+ $handler->handleException($exception);
+ $this->fail('Exception expected');
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $this->assertSame($exception, $e);
+ }
+ $handler->setExceptionHandler(function ($e) use ($exception) {
+ $this->assertSame($exception, $e);
+ });
+ $handler->handleException($exception);
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group legacy
+ */
+ public function testErrorStacking()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $handler->screamAt(E_USER_WARNING);
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('log')
+ ->withConsecutive(
+ array($this->equalTo(LogLevel::WARNING), $this->equalTo('Dummy log')),
+ array($this->equalTo(LogLevel::DEBUG), $this->equalTo('User Warning: Silenced warning'))
+ )
+ ;
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, array(E_USER_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING));
+ ErrorHandler::stackErrors();
+ @trigger_error('Silenced warning', E_USER_WARNING);
+ $logger->log(LogLevel::WARNING, 'Dummy log');
+ ErrorHandler::unstackErrors();
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }
+ public function testBootstrappingLogger()
+ {
+ $bootLogger = new BufferingLogger();
+ $handler = new ErrorHandler($bootLogger);
+ $loggers = array(
+ E_DEPRECATED => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::INFO),
+ E_USER_DEPRECATED => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::INFO),
+ E_NOTICE => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_USER_NOTICE => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_STRICT => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_WARNING => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_USER_WARNING => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_COMPILE_WARNING => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_CORE_WARNING => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::WARNING),
+ E_USER_ERROR => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_COMPILE_ERROR => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_PARSE => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_ERROR => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ E_CORE_ERROR => array($bootLogger, LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ );
+ $this->assertSame($loggers, $handler->setLoggers(array()));
+ $handler->handleError(E_DEPRECATED, 'Foo message', __FILE__, 123, array());
+ $logs = $bootLogger->cleanLogs();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $logs);
+ $log = $logs[0];
+ $this->assertSame('info', $log[0]);
+ $this->assertSame('Deprecated: Foo message', $log[1]);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('exception', $log[2]);
+ $exception = $log[2]['exception'];
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(\ErrorException::class, $exception);
+ $this->assertSame('Deprecated: Foo message', $exception->getMessage());
+ $this->assertSame(__FILE__, $exception->getFile());
+ $this->assertSame(123, $exception->getLine());
+ $this->assertSame(E_DEPRECATED, $exception->getSeverity());
+ $bootLogger->log(LogLevel::WARNING, 'Foo message', array('exception' => $exception));
+ $mockLogger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $mockLogger->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->with(LogLevel::WARNING, 'Foo message', array('exception' => $exception));
+ $handler->setLoggers(array(E_DEPRECATED => array($mockLogger, LogLevel::WARNING)));
+ }
+ public function testSettingLoggerWhenExceptionIsBuffered()
+ {
+ $bootLogger = new BufferingLogger();
+ $handler = new ErrorHandler($bootLogger);
+ $exception = new \Exception('Foo message');
+ $mockLogger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $mockLogger->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->with(LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'Uncaught Exception: Foo message', array('exception' => $exception));
+ $handler->setExceptionHandler(function () use ($handler, $mockLogger) {
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($mockLogger);
+ });
+ $handler->handleException($exception);
+ }
+ public function testHandleFatalError()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $error = array(
+ 'type' => E_PARSE,
+ 'message' => 'foo',
+ 'file' => 'bar',
+ 'line' => 123,
+ );
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $logArgCheck = function ($level, $message, $context) {
+ $this->assertEquals('Fatal Parse Error: foo', $message);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('exception', $context);
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(\Exception::class, $context['exception']);
+ };
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->will($this->returnCallback($logArgCheck))
+ ;
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, E_PARSE);
+ $handler->handleFatalError($error);
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @requires PHP 7
+ */
+ public function testHandleErrorException()
+ {
+ $exception = new \Error("Class 'Foo' not found");
+ $handler = new ErrorHandler();
+ $handler->setExceptionHandler(function () use (&$args) {
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ });
+ $handler->handleException($exception);
+ $this->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException', $args[0]);
+ $this->assertStringStartsWith("Attempted to load class \"Foo\" from the global namespace.\nDid you forget a \"use\" statement", $args[0]->getMessage());
+ }
+ public function testHandleFatalErrorOnHHVM()
+ {
+ try {
+ $handler = ErrorHandler::register();
+ $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->getMock();
+ $logger
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('log')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo(LogLevel::CRITICAL),
+ $this->equalTo('Fatal Error: foo')
+ )
+ ;
+ $handler->setDefaultLogger($logger, E_ERROR);
+ $error = array(
+ 'type' => E_ERROR + 0x1000000, // This error level is used by HHVM for fatal errors
+ 'message' => 'foo',
+ 'file' => 'bar',
+ 'line' => 123,
+ 'context' => array(123),
+ 'backtrace' => array(456),
+ );
+ call_user_func_array(array($handler, 'handleError'), $error);
+ $handler->handleFatalError($error);
+ } finally {
+ restore_error_handler();
+ restore_exception_handler();
+ }
+ }