path: root/app/Template/project/edit.php
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-12-05Rewrite of the authentication and authorization systemFrederic Guillot
2015-08-29Include documentation in the applicationFrederic Guillot
2015-08-18Add start and end date for projectsFrederic Guillot
2015-08-14Add new role Project AdministratorFrederic Guillot
2015-05-24Helpers refactoringFrederic Guillot
2015-05-21Fix bug: editing private project enable user managementFrederic Guillot
2015-04-19Add Postmark integration (inbound emails for task creation)Frederic Guillot
2015-03-21Allow admins to transform a private project to a team projectFrederic Guillot
2015-02-24Add project description field.Francois Ferrand
2015-01-13set maxlength for name input fields in templatesMichael Lüpkes
2014-12-28Template helpers refactoringFrédéric Guillot
2014-12-01Move project templates to a subfolderFrédéric Guillot